Ehm, aber "zu der Zeit" ist doch auch heute. Ich dachte die Story würde auch in der heutigen Zeit spielen...

Hä wo ist da die Logik ?
Kalte Krieg ist das Szenario und somit grob von mitte 40er Jahren bis in die Anfänge der 80er.
Für alle zum nachlesen die immer noch nich wissen wann und wo das Game spielt :
Kalter Krieg
Somit gibts auch nur Waffen dieser Zeit und keine G36CEGHÜb40wn4r Polyethylen waffen Super plastik Carbonschrott.
Und auch wenn Punkteeinblendung und Challengeseinblendung vielleicht ähnlich aussehen, NEIN, es wird auch kein MW3 oder sowas.
Allein die offiziellen Twitterzusammenfassung lassen darauf schließen das ALLES getan wird um die MW Fehler nicht mal ansatzweise aufkommen zu lassen.
@Elkoorps » Can you confirm the number of Black Ops multiplayer maps and if you can watch theater with multiple people? #askJD
@JD_2020 » Yes, you can watch #CODBlackOps Theater in parties.
@DeadManDRB » #askJD How many levels are there per Prestige?
@JD_2020 » That one's still top secret.
@ZeroHeroVids » #askJD Can you save videos in theatre mode in hd to your pc or upload them to youtube or so?
@JD_2020 » You will be able to get your videos to the web - more details on that still to follow.
@mattDBF » #askJD Is (and if so when) there going to be a multiplayer beta online? Local gamestop says yes, but have yet to hear anything else
@JD_2020 » No public BETA for #CODBlackOps - Strictly an internal Friends & Family BETA that is giving us all the feedback needed.
@Angry_Panda » did you get rid of join session for all game types or just FFA types #askJD ?
@JD_2020 » You can Join Session In Progress in #CODBlackOps, but not in Wager Match.
@VCUswiss » #askJD will there be user controlled vehicles in multiplayer?
@JD_2020 » Yes, but they come by way of Killstreak Rewards (i.e. RC-XD, Gunship).
@Cavcic » Are we going to have pre-made classes, or do we start off with a certain currency to buy one new weapon? #askJD
@JD_2020 » There will be default classes as you'd expect, but yes - you have to buy any new weapons with COD Points. You start with zero CP.
@rjrocks75 » #askJD is 18 for ranked set in stone??
@JD_2020 » In theory we can change that... But we've thought long and hard about that number. Too many players changes the gameplay.
@Camukazi » Is it true you can create montages using the theatre. I heard it but don't believe it. #askJD
@JD_2020 » Yes, there is an in-game Sequence Editor so you can string together montages of your greatest moments in a match =).
@Russell_Morton » Is there a clan system for making matches easier? #askJD
@JD_2020 » If you're playing with friends in a party, you'll stay together. There are also Local search preferences.
@heartbraden » Are all of the guns automatically unlocked in the beginning for Combat Training like they are in local MP?
@JD_2020 » Combat Training simulates the online ranked MP environment, to the T.
@lowsalaryjosh » #askJD Extended Mags, and Duel mags, whats the difference?
@JD_2020 » Extended Mags extend your magazine capacity. Dual Mags are two mags taped together, for faster reload every other reload.
@pilzkopf_ » Possible to get a sneak peek at the new Prestige emblems? #askJD
@JD_2020 » There may have been one hidden in one of our trailers somewhere.
@Bashlol » #askJD can the XBOX expect to receive content ealier than PC and PS3 like MW2 did or will they all come out at the same time?
@JD_2020 » If there is to be DLC, the Xbox 360 will receive it first as per the Activision-Microsoft partnership through 2012 announced at E3.
@Adrianiswhoiam » can you create more than 1 emblem and toggle between the two in Black ops? #askJD
@JD_2020 » No, one emblem at a time in #CODBlackOps.
@6endyer » have Stping pwr and jugg really gone all together? will all weapons be balanced because of this?
@JD_2020 » There is no concept of Juggernaut or Stopping Power in #CODBlackOps. They are both GONE! =)
@djreidak » Will the zombie mode be in all versions of Black Ops, or just one of the special editions?
@JD_2020 » There will be a Zombies in all version of #CODBlackOps, not just Special Editions. Special Editions get the 4 extra #CoDWaW maps.
@TDog4141 » #askJD do only personal kills count towards your leaderboard killstreak? or can killstreaks help improve that?
@JD_2020 » That's a GREAT question, one I haven't though of. My gut says that Killstreaks still do not count towards that, but I may be wrong
@JMGrissom » #askJD how many multiplayer ranks are there?
@JD_2020 » 50 levels per prestige in #CODBlackOps.
@Adrianiswhoiam » does Black ops reward more points for capping flags in domination than in Mw1/2? #askJD
@JD_2020 » We've structured our leaderboards in such a way to incentivize capping objectives as well as killing.
@TeammatesFAIL » How long will the Treyarch security team be working on keeping global leaderboards clean? #askJD
@JD_2020 » We have tools that should help us keep the leaderboards clear and free of hackers.
@nick8807 » #askJD Do kills with a killstreak add on to your killstreak and do kills carry over to the next round in Search and Destroy?
@JD_2020 » Killstreaks will carry over to the next round, but Killstreak kills do NOT count towards your next Killstreak.
@Blake_RFC_101 » #askJD has black ops been bulid Around a New Engine?
@JD_2020 » #CODBlackOps runs on a heavily modified / enhanced #CoDWaW engine.
@vinacent » #askJD Are there benefits to prestiging, like camos, guns etc??
@JD_2020 » There are even more benefits to Prestiging in #CODBlackOps than ever before =).
@jd8395 » <tweet unavailable>
@JD_2020 » Well Gary Oldman and Ed Harris are pretty VIP if you ask me =D. They've been confirmed for a while now as voices in #CODBlackOps.
@c3rebral_7 » Grenade launcher is an attachment that is spammed alot. In #CODBlackops, what is the plan to counter that? #askJD
@JD_2020 » Well, Scavenger no longer replenishes noob tubes, for one. Also, One Man Army is not a Perk in #CODBlackOps =).
@KevinSmetana » Is it true that you can move your claymore placement? #askJD
@JD_2020 » Yes, that is true. All Equipment can be picked back up, and re-positioned. Including Claymores.
@GabeMcGabe » #askJD can you revive people on 2nd chance
@JD_2020 » Actually, yes. If you have Second Chance, any teammate can revive you - Not just others who also have Second Chance.
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