Danke für den Gutschein!
Achja... mich würde außerdem brennend interessieren, ob schon jemand die Kontrolle über die Lüfter übernehmen konnte - also ob jemand geschaft hat ihn runterzuregeln?!
Wie ist die Verarbeitung? Siehts instabil oder flaxig aus? Festes Gehäuse?
Verarbeitung ist okay, mehr nicht. Die früheren Inspiron waren deutlich besser verarbeitet. Im Studio wird viel Plastik verwendet, der Schutz vor dem Display ist aus sehr dünnem Plastik, der Deckel verschmiert sofort. Aber einen Vorteil hat "dat Janze": Es ist deutlich leichter als das Inspiron.
Das mit dem Lüfter scheint mir das drängendste Problem zu sein. SpeedFan entdeckt keine Lüfter :-( Ich habe auch versucht, i8kfangui laufen zu lassen. Ich hänge mal die Anleitung für x64 an. Beim Inspiron mit Win7 x64 hats geklappt, auf dem Studio bekomme ich es nicht hin. Vielleicht von Euch jemand?
"Some of this information has already been posted by cptjack in the thread entitled "Vista x64 Signed Driver Workaround" at
A lot of the steps are similar, so I'll just summarize and make Windows 7 specific corrections where necessary.
To get i8kfangui running under Windows 7 x64 without manually disabling driver signature enforcement at every reboot, you will need to do the following:
1. Install i8kfangui 64-bit. To do this you will need to hold down F8 as Windows boots. Select the option to disable driver signature enforcement. This will allow you to install i8kfangui without receiving the error complaining that fanio.sys is not signed. (Don't worry, this is only temporary. The next time you reboot, driver signature enforcement will be turned back on.)
2. Sign fanio.sys. I was fortunate that a friend had access to a legit signing certificate through his workplace.
For those less fortunate, cptjack linked to fanio_signer.zip and instructions on how to use it in the thread I linked above. Pay particular attention to a post lower in the thread about installing CAPICOM.dll, or else you will receive an error and the signing process will not work.
To run SignI8K.cmd (which is essentially a batch file), right click it and choose "Run as administrator" or you may have issues with some of the commands requiring elevated privileges. Otherwise, follow cptjack's instructions to the letter.
NOTE: fanio_signer.zip may or may not work, it may or may not infect your computer with a thousand trojans -- use at your own risk! Back up the original fanio.sys before performing any modifications just in case.
3. Set Windows to run in Test Mode. This will allow drivers to be loaded without requiring a matching Microsoft driver signature. Open your start menu, go under All Programs -> Accessories, and right click Command Prompt. Select "Run as Administrator".
Once the command window pops open, enter the following command:
Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
You should see something like "The command completed successfully".
NOTE: If you ran SignI8K.cmd in step 2, the batch file did this step for you already. You can do it again if it makes you feel better.
4. If you have managed to sign fanio.sys and turn on Test Mode, the next time you start Windows 7 you should be able to run i8kfangui without issues and without hitting F8 every time you boot.
Good luck!"