[Sammelthread] Dota 2 [Free To Play]

Moin Volvi,
Lies mal die letzten 1-2 Seiten.
Häng dich in die Luxx Dota Gruppe, da wirst du aktive Spieler finden
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
bin mal beigetreten, war vorher nur der allgemeinen hardwareluxx gruppe gejoint :)
Irgendein Voicechat o.a.?

Bin mal im Gruppenchat...
sind hier auch paar alte dota-gamer da ? welche die die anfangszeiten miterlebt haben ?

ich finde dota2 is so krank casual, dass ich lieber wc3 wieder installiere und dota zocke -.-
Dota 2 down? Kommt immer nur "Verbinde mit Netzwerk..."
Dota2 Startparameter (unter der Spielebiblothek rechtsklick auf Symbol/Name)

"-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms" --> Unterbindet Maus-Beschleunigung
"-novid" --> Kein Intro
"-nod3d9ex" --> DX9 Support
"-high" --> DotA-Prozess bekommt höchste Priorität

Custom-Config (vorher die entsprechenden Tasten 'ent-binden'); einfach eine autoexec.cfg in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg erstellen

con_enable "1"				
developer "1"				// Developer mode

//Console output
con_filter_enable "1"			// Enable filters
con_filter_text "!!!"			// Write filter settings
con_notifytime "3"			// How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
con_nprint_bgalpha "50"			// Con_NPrint background alpha
con_nprint_bgborder "5"			// Con_NPrint border size
contimes "8"				// Number of console lines to overlay for debugging


//Ingame values
rate "80000"				// Total amount of bandwidth Dota 2 may use			(Default "80000" Min/Max "10000-1000000")
cl_updaterate "30"			// Amount of updates received from server per second 		(Default "30" Min/Max "20-30")
cl_cmdrate "30"				// Amount of updates sent to server per second 			(Default "30" Min/Max "20-30")
cl_interp "0"				// cl_interp 1 / cl_updaterate * (cl_interp_ratio )		(Default "0.1" Min/Max "0-0.5")
cl_interp_ratio "1"			// Multiplies final result of cl_interp				(Default "2" Min/Max "1-5")
cl_smooth "1"				// Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors		(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
cl_smoothtime "0.01"			// When errors occur smooth display over X time, 0 Disables	(Default "0.1" Min/Max "0.01-2")
clientport "27005"			// Clients port to be used for outgoing connections		(Default "27005" Min/Max "1-65535")

//Spectator values
cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor "0.5"	// Multiplier for CMD rate while spectating			(Default "0.5" Min/Max "0-¥")
cl_spectator_interp_ratio "2"		// Multiplier for interp while spectating			(Default "2" Min/Max "0-¥")

//Performance tweaks//

fps_max "61" 				// Max FPS for client to render					(Default "120" Min/Max "0-120")
mat_vsync "0" 				// VSYNC on/off							(Disables "0" Enabled "1")
mat_triplebuffered "0"			// Enable with vsync if fps is less than 60		 	(Disables "1" Enabled "0")
mat_queue_mode "-1"			// Quad core rendering						(Default/Auto "-1" Possible boost "2")
snd_mix_async "0"			// Multicore sound rendering					(Default "0" Enabled "1")

//Dota related settings//

dota_ability_quick_cast "1"			// Self cast spells on double click 					(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_multipler_orders "1"		// Enables CTRL to issue command to all units including hero		(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_units_auto_attack "1"		// Hero autoattack stance						(Default "1" "0" Passive "1" Aggressive)
dota_force_right_click_attack "0"		// Force right clicks to attack anything				(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_shop_recommended_open "1"			// Recommended items for hero when open shop menu			(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_shop_force_hotkeys "0"			// Force using shop hotkeys when buying from shops 			(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_auto_purchase_items "0"		// Autobuys items from shop						(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_gamescom_althack "0"			// Alt modifier + qwe/asd to be inv keys 				(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection "0"	// Selects summons on spawn						(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0"			// Puts camera over hero on any re-spawn				(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_swap_mouse_spellcast "0"			// Swaps mouse buttons when targeting spells				(Default "0" "0" Left click "1" Right Click)
dota_player_smart_multiunit_cast "1"		// Behaviour when casting spells with multiple units of the same type	(Default "0" "0" Tabbing "1" Cast next unit) 

//Hud settings
dota_always_show_player_names "0"		// Player names displayed overhead					(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_screen_shake "0"				// Screen shake on certain spell effects				(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_disable_range_finder "0"			// Shows spells are within casting range of targeted area/target	(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_range_display "0"				// Range indicator around hero showing that specific range		(Default "0" "0" Disables)
dota_hero_tooltip "1"				// Style of the hero tooltip 						(Default "1" "0" Corner "1" Overhead "2" Inline overhead)
dota_unit_use_player_color "1" 			// Player colors							(Default "1" "1" Individual colors "0" Team colors)
dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "0"			// Additional height on to be shown on flying units			(Default "150" "0" Disables)
dota_hud_healthbars "3" 			// HP bars								(Default "3" "0" Disables "1" No dividing blocks "3" Normal)
dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250"		// Health segmenting in the lifebar 					(Default "250")
dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255"		// Opacity major healthbar divider 					(Default "255" "0" invisible "255" opaque)
dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128"		// Opacity minor healthbar divider 					(Default "128" "0" invisible "255" opaque)
dota_health_hurt_threshold "99999"		// Damage threshold to be achieved for fade to acutally apply		(Default "0.01" "99999" Disables Fade)
dota_hud_healthbar_number "1"			// Displays HP number above hero					(Default "1" "0" Disables)
dota_hud_healthbar_number_critical "20"		// Percentage of health left before hitpoint number turns red		(Default "20 "0-100" Enables)
dota_hud_healthbar_number_danger "40"		// Percentage of health left before hitpoint number turns orange	(Default "40 "0-100" Enables)
dota_sf_hud_channelbar "1" 			// Displays the channeling bar on certain spells			(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_sf_hud_voicechat "1"  			// Displays who is talking on hud when they talk			(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_sf_hud_error_msg "0" 			// Displays error msgs on hud EX.spell is on cool down			(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_sf_hud_dmgarmor_tooltip "1"		// Displays armor tooltip when mouse hovers over stats			(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
hud_sticky_item_name "item_tpscroll"		// Default item to be in the stick buy slot				(Default "item_tpscroll" Any item string works here)

//Display options for net graph
net_graph "0"				// Displays network information + FPS 			(Default "0" "1-4" Higher level of detail)
net_graphheight "64"			// Adjust net graph position				(Default "64" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsetbottom "130"		// Adjust net graph position				(Default "130" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsetleft "0"			// Adjust net graph position				(Default "0" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsetright "0"			// Adjust net graph position				(Default "0" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsettop "0"			// Adjust net graph position				(Default "0" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphmsecs "400"			// Value for the latency graph to represent		(Default "400" Any positive value over 50 works)
net_graphpos "1"			// Adjust net graph position				(Default "1" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphproportionalfont "1"		// Font of the text					(Default "1" "1" Larger text "0" Smaller text)
net_graphshowinterp "1"			// Displays interp line graph at bottom			(Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
net_graphshowlatency "1"		// Displays latency line graph at bottom		(Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
net_graphsolid "1"			// Solid blue portion of interp graph at bottom		(Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
net_graphtext "1"			// Controls the text being displayed			(Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
//Camera settings
dota_camera_speed "8000"		// Camera speed when scrolling 				(Default "3000")
dota_camera_accelerate "49"		// Decelerating map scroll 				(Default "49" "49" Instant stop "1" Smooth slowdown)
dota_camera_disable_zoom "1"		// Control mouse scroll for zooming in and out		(Default "0" "1" Disables "0" Enabled)
dota_camera_reverse "0"			// Inverted movements when gripping camera		(Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_camera_edgemove "1"		// Moves camera when cursor hits edge of screen		(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)

dota_minimap_hero_size "600" 			// Hero icons on minimap 						(Default 600)
dota_minimap_misclick_time "0"			// Removes delay before allowing input on minimap 			(Default "0.02")
dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance "250"	// Distance from tower to iniate ping tower instead of ping map 	(Default "500")
dota_minimap_ping_duration "3"			// Duration of pings							(Default "3")
dota_minimap_ping_tag_duration "5"		// Duration of shield pings on towers					(Default "10")
dota_minimap_hide_background "0"		// Backround of minimap							(Default "0" "1" Black background)
dota_minimap_simple_colors "0"			// Player colors							(Default "0" "1" Individual colors "0" Team colors)
dota_minimap_show_hero_icon	"1" 		// Show hero icons when you hold alt down				(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_show_hero_finder "1"			// Show hero indicator when alt is held down				(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)

//Minmap colors (also affects glowing when hovering mouse over unit)
dota_enemy_color_r "1.0"	//Enemy color red		(Default "1" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_enemy_color_g "0.0"	//Enemy color green		(Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_enemy_color_b "0.0"	//Enemy color blue		(Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_r "0.0"	//Neutral color red		(Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_g "1.0"	//Neutral color green		(Default "1" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_b "0.0"	//Neutral color blue		(Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_r "0.0"	//Allied color red		(Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_g "1.0"  	//Allied color green		(Default "1" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_b "0.0"	//Allied color blue		(Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")

dota_keybindings_cloud_disable "1"		//Disables the steam cloud for keybinds						(Default "0" "1" Disables "0" Enabled)
dota_mouse_window_lock "1"			//Controls mouse being inside game window					(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_quit_after_game "1"			//Controls automatically leaving the game at end after a short peroid		(Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)

//Custom binds//

unbindall						//Removes all previous binds stored in memory

bind "F10" "exec autoexec.cfg"				//Exec autoexec.cfg manually (Use if the GUI binds are overriding any settings you defined after connecting to a game)
bind "F11" "toggleconsole"				//Toggle console
bind "x" "quick_courier"				//Grab all items from stash/speedburst/deliver to hero and return
bind "KP_0" "showbudget"				//Toggle of +-Showbudget
bind "KP_1" "netgraph"					//Cycles through netgraphs
bind "KP_2" "dota_ping"					//One time ping of current user
bind "KP_3" "status"					//Queries server in console (Hit "F8" if you do not see the information and try again)


//Enables cycling through various netgraphs
alias "netgraph" "netgraph1"
alias "netgraph1" "net_graph 1; alias netgraph netgraph2"
alias "netgraph2" "net_graph 2; alias netgraph netgraph3"
alias "netgraph3" "net_graph 3; alias netgraph netgraph5"
alias "netgraph5" "net_graph 5; alias netgraph netgraph0"
alias "netgraph0" "net_graph 0; alias netgraph netgraph1"

//Courier picks up whole stash and brings it to you with speedup before returning to base
alias "quick_courier" "dota_select_courier; dota_ability_execute 3; dota_ability_execute 4;dota_ability_execute 5; +dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow" 

//Shows scoreboard and APM in the console
alias "+showgraph" "+showscores;dota_apm" 
alias "-showgraph" "-showscores"

//Toggle showbudget
alias "showbudget" "showbudget1"
alias "showbudget1" "+showbudget;alias showbudget showbudget2"
alias "showbudget2" "-showbudget;alias showbudget showbudget1"

echo "Custom Config Loaded."

//-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms		//Disables mouse acceleration  (must have useforcedmparms to use spd/accel)													
//-novid						//Skips intro
//-nod3d9ex						//Old DX9 Support, Required if using apps not supporting DX9ex hook
//-high							//High cpu priority if other stuff is running in the background

€: So, erster Erfahrung mit der Custom-Config gesammelt --> Spiel läuft 'knackiger', die Einheiten reagieren direkter...allerdings scheint das Quick Courier buggy zu sein, also Vorsicht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Heute spielt ja mTw vs Na'Vi, wo schaut man das sich nun am besten an?

[06:24:08am] [@mTw|Sockshka] nono navi game is postponed
[06:24:10am] [@mTw|Sockshka] to 11th


Die Frage bleibt dennoch bestehn.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich gucke eigentlich immer die Matches bei joindota (Tobi). Oh, gerade läuft Orange gegen Zenith.
Jupp, habs mir dann auch angeschaut, leider nur 1h, war aber Klasse das Match! (Danke, Google hat mir auch joinDota ausgespuckt, wollt nur wissen obs da noch paar seiten gibt - Gosugamers scheint ja nur die eigenen Matches zu streamen)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Auf joinDota gibts halt rechts die Liste mit aktiven Streams (wahrscheinlich gibts sowas in der Art auch auf GosuGamers, hab die Seite noch nie beuscht :d ). Das mTw vs. Na'Vi Game wird auf dem Premier-League-Stream laufen. Insgesamt bist du meistens ganz gut bedient mit Premier-League, Purge (castet z.B. die Starladder-Games sowie nen Haufen andere Turniere) und eben Tobi von joinDota.
....was man noch anmerken sollte: Tobi castet meistens im Team mit nem Pro-Spieler, der die Spielanalyse zwischen den Teamfights vorantreibt. Tobi anderseits verhilft den Zusehern zum dringend benötigten Überblick (vor allem in Clashes).
Ist die beta immer noch cloaed?
Wird es noch eine open bwta geben?
Ist das große Favoriten-Sterben ausgebrochen? :hmm:
Hab gestern Abend noch n bisschen Tobiwan geguckt und war echt erstaunt. Moscow5 hab ich nicht zu Ende geguckt.
Darer haben NaVi ja mal fürchterlich an die Wand gespielt.
Einfach der [LUXX] DotA 2 Gruppe joinen, und die, die online sind, anschreiben ;)
nee, funzt bei mir net, deswegen solltest mich ja adden in steam

---------- Post added at 18:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

jetzt gehts, bin drin! ... endlich! :d

bin ab jetzt verfügbar!
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