con_enable "1"
developer "1" // Developer mode
//Console output
con_filter_enable "1" // Enable filters
con_filter_text "!!!" // Write filter settings
con_notifytime "3" // How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
con_nprint_bgalpha "50" // Con_NPrint background alpha
con_nprint_bgborder "5" // Con_NPrint border size
contimes "8" // Number of console lines to overlay for debugging
//Ingame values
rate "80000" // Total amount of bandwidth Dota 2 may use (Default "80000" Min/Max "10000-1000000")
cl_updaterate "30" // Amount of updates received from server per second (Default "30" Min/Max "20-30")
cl_cmdrate "30" // Amount of updates sent to server per second (Default "30" Min/Max "20-30")
cl_interp "0" // cl_interp 1 / cl_updaterate * (cl_interp_ratio ) (Default "0.1" Min/Max "0-0.5")
cl_interp_ratio "1" // Multiplies final result of cl_interp (Default "2" Min/Max "1-5")
cl_smooth "1" // Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
cl_smoothtime "0.01" // When errors occur smooth display over X time, 0 Disables (Default "0.1" Min/Max "0.01-2")
clientport "27005" // Clients port to be used for outgoing connections (Default "27005" Min/Max "1-65535")
//Spectator values
cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor "0.5" // Multiplier for CMD rate while spectating (Default "0.5" Min/Max "0-¥")
cl_spectator_interp_ratio "2" // Multiplier for interp while spectating (Default "2" Min/Max "0-¥")
//Performance tweaks//
fps_max "61" // Max FPS for client to render (Default "120" Min/Max "0-120")
mat_vsync "0" // VSYNC on/off (Disables "0" Enabled "1")
mat_triplebuffered "0" // Enable with vsync if fps is less than 60 (Disables "1" Enabled "0")
mat_queue_mode "-1" // Quad core rendering (Default/Auto "-1" Possible boost "2")
snd_mix_async "0" // Multicore sound rendering (Default "0" Enabled "1")
//Dota related settings//
dota_ability_quick_cast "1" // Self cast spells on double click (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_multipler_orders "1" // Enables CTRL to issue command to all units including hero (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_units_auto_attack "1" // Hero autoattack stance (Default "1" "0" Passive "1" Aggressive)
dota_force_right_click_attack "0" // Force right clicks to attack anything (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_shop_recommended_open "1" // Recommended items for hero when open shop menu (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_shop_force_hotkeys "0" // Force using shop hotkeys when buying from shops (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_auto_purchase_items "0" // Autobuys items from shop (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_gamescom_althack "0" // Alt modifier + qwe/asd to be inv keys (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection "0" // Selects summons on spawn (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0" // Puts camera over hero on any re-spawn (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_swap_mouse_spellcast "0" // Swaps mouse buttons when targeting spells (Default "0" "0" Left click "1" Right Click)
dota_player_smart_multiunit_cast "1" // Behaviour when casting spells with multiple units of the same type (Default "0" "0" Tabbing "1" Cast next unit)
//Hud settings
dota_always_show_player_names "0" // Player names displayed overhead (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_screen_shake "0" // Screen shake on certain spell effects (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_disable_range_finder "0" // Shows spells are within casting range of targeted area/target (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_range_display "0" // Range indicator around hero showing that specific range (Default "0" "0" Disables)
dota_hero_tooltip "1" // Style of the hero tooltip (Default "1" "0" Corner "1" Overhead "2" Inline overhead)
dota_unit_use_player_color "1" // Player colors (Default "1" "1" Individual colors "0" Team colors)
dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "0" // Additional height on to be shown on flying units (Default "150" "0" Disables)
dota_hud_healthbars "3" // HP bars (Default "3" "0" Disables "1" No dividing blocks "3" Normal)
dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250" // Health segmenting in the lifebar (Default "250")
dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255" // Opacity major healthbar divider (Default "255" "0" invisible "255" opaque)
dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128" // Opacity minor healthbar divider (Default "128" "0" invisible "255" opaque)
dota_health_hurt_threshold "99999" // Damage threshold to be achieved for fade to acutally apply (Default "0.01" "99999" Disables Fade)
dota_hud_healthbar_number "1" // Displays HP number above hero (Default "1" "0" Disables)
dota_hud_healthbar_number_critical "20" // Percentage of health left before hitpoint number turns red (Default "20 "0-100" Enables)
dota_hud_healthbar_number_danger "40" // Percentage of health left before hitpoint number turns orange (Default "40 "0-100" Enables)
dota_sf_hud_channelbar "1" // Displays the channeling bar on certain spells (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_sf_hud_voicechat "1" // Displays who is talking on hud when they talk (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_sf_hud_error_msg "0" // Displays error msgs on hud EX.spell is on cool down (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_sf_hud_dmgarmor_tooltip "1" // Displays armor tooltip when mouse hovers over stats (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
hud_sticky_item_name "item_tpscroll" // Default item to be in the stick buy slot (Default "item_tpscroll" Any item string works here)
//Display options for net graph
net_graph "0" // Displays network information + FPS (Default "0" "1-4" Higher level of detail)
net_graphheight "64" // Adjust net graph position (Default "64" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsetbottom "130" // Adjust net graph position (Default "130" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsetleft "0" // Adjust net graph position (Default "0" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsetright "0" // Adjust net graph position (Default "0" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphinsettop "0" // Adjust net graph position (Default "0" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphmsecs "400" // Value for the latency graph to represent (Default "400" Any positive value over 50 works)
net_graphpos "1" // Adjust net graph position (Default "1" Accepts +- Values to move the graph)
net_graphproportionalfont "1" // Font of the text (Default "1" "1" Larger text "0" Smaller text)
net_graphshowinterp "1" // Displays interp line graph at bottom (Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
net_graphshowlatency "1" // Displays latency line graph at bottom (Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
net_graphsolid "1" // Solid blue portion of interp graph at bottom (Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
net_graphtext "1" // Controls the text being displayed (Default "1" "1" Enabled "0" Disabled)
//Camera settings
dota_camera_speed "8000" // Camera speed when scrolling (Default "3000")
dota_camera_accelerate "49" // Decelerating map scroll (Default "49" "49" Instant stop "1" Smooth slowdown)
dota_camera_disable_zoom "1" // Control mouse scroll for zooming in and out (Default "0" "1" Disables "0" Enabled)
dota_camera_reverse "0" // Inverted movements when gripping camera (Default "0" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_camera_edgemove "1" // Moves camera when cursor hits edge of screen (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_minimap_hero_size "600" // Hero icons on minimap (Default 600)
dota_minimap_misclick_time "0" // Removes delay before allowing input on minimap (Default "0.02")
dota_minimap_tower_defend_distance "250" // Distance from tower to iniate ping tower instead of ping map (Default "500")
dota_minimap_ping_duration "3" // Duration of pings (Default "3")
dota_minimap_ping_tag_duration "5" // Duration of shield pings on towers (Default "10")
dota_minimap_hide_background "0" // Backround of minimap (Default "0" "1" Black background)
dota_minimap_simple_colors "0" // Player colors (Default "0" "1" Individual colors "0" Team colors)
dota_minimap_show_hero_icon "1" // Show hero icons when you hold alt down (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_show_hero_finder "1" // Show hero indicator when alt is held down (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
//Minmap colors (also affects glowing when hovering mouse over unit)
dota_enemy_color_r "1.0" //Enemy color red (Default "1" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_enemy_color_g "0.0" //Enemy color green (Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_enemy_color_b "0.0" //Enemy color blue (Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_r "0.0" //Neutral color red (Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_g "1.0" //Neutral color green (Default "1" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_neutral_color_b "0.0" //Neutral color blue (Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_r "0.0" //Allied color red (Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_g "1.0" //Allied color green (Default "1" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_friendly_color_b "0.0" //Allied color blue (Default "0" Min/Max "0-255")
dota_keybindings_cloud_disable "1" //Disables the steam cloud for keybinds (Default "0" "1" Disables "0" Enabled)
dota_mouse_window_lock "1" //Controls mouse being inside game window (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
dota_quit_after_game "1" //Controls automatically leaving the game at end after a short peroid (Default "1" "0" Disables "1" Enabled)
//Custom binds//
unbindall //Removes all previous binds stored in memory
bind "F10" "exec autoexec.cfg" //Exec autoexec.cfg manually (Use if the GUI binds are overriding any settings you defined after connecting to a game)
bind "F11" "toggleconsole" //Toggle console
bind "x" "quick_courier" //Grab all items from stash/speedburst/deliver to hero and return
bind "KP_0" "showbudget" //Toggle of +-Showbudget
bind "KP_1" "netgraph" //Cycles through netgraphs
bind "KP_2" "dota_ping" //One time ping of current user
bind "KP_3" "status" //Queries server in console (Hit "F8" if you do not see the information and try again)
//Enables cycling through various netgraphs
alias "netgraph" "netgraph1"
alias "netgraph1" "net_graph 1; alias netgraph netgraph2"
alias "netgraph2" "net_graph 2; alias netgraph netgraph3"
alias "netgraph3" "net_graph 3; alias netgraph netgraph5"
alias "netgraph5" "net_graph 5; alias netgraph netgraph0"
alias "netgraph0" "net_graph 0; alias netgraph netgraph1"
//Courier picks up whole stash and brings it to you with speedup before returning to base
alias "quick_courier" "dota_select_courier; dota_ability_execute 3; dota_ability_execute 4;dota_ability_execute 5; +dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow"
//Shows scoreboard and APM in the console
alias "+showgraph" "+showscores;dota_apm"
alias "-showgraph" "-showscores"
//Toggle showbudget
alias "showbudget" "showbudget1"
alias "showbudget1" "+showbudget;alias showbudget showbudget2"
alias "showbudget2" "-showbudget;alias showbudget showbudget1"
echo "Custom Config Loaded."
//-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms //Disables mouse acceleration (must have useforcedmparms to use spd/accel)
//-novid //Skips intro
//-nod3d9ex //Old DX9 Support, Required if using apps not supporting DX9ex hook
//-high //High cpu priority if other stuff is running in the background