[Sammelthread] Dota 2 [Free To Play]

die Meinung kann ich teilen! Manchmal bezweifle ich, dass Statistiken oder was auch immer Valve erhebt, irgendeinen Einfluss haben. Da laufen schon einige absolut schlechte Leute rum, von den Russen mal ganz zu schweigen.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
mh, also ich hab kein Problem damit, wenn mein Team mal nicht Englisch spricht - solange sie einigermaßen vernünftig spielen...nur leider, leider ist eben das das größte Ärgernis: 4 Carries, kein Chicken, keine Wards und alle solo unterwegs.

Im nostats wärs mir egal, aber im MM? Echt ärgerlich sowas!
Kann mir jemand bitte sagen ob es sicher ist ein Match zu verlassen wenn jemand es bevor getan hat und nach diesen 5 Minuten nicht "rejoint" hat? Moechte halt nicht 4vs5 oder 3vs5 spielen, aber auch nicht einfach so verlassen wegen dem Bann.

Danke euch.
Kann mir jemand bitte sagen ob es sicher ist ein Match zu verlassen wenn jemand es bevor getan hat und nach diesen 5 Minuten nicht "rejoint" hat? Moechte halt nicht 4vs5 oder 3vs5 spielen, aber auch nicht einfach so verlassen wegen dem Bann.
Also ich habe schon des öfteren ein Match verlassen, wenn einer ausm Team das Spiel verlassen hat (= ich konnte seinen Helden steuern; es kommt die Meldung "the game is now safe to leave.") und ich habe noch NIE einen Leave kassiert.

Ob mein Verhalten intern aufgezeichnet wird, kann ich dir aber auch nicht sagen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also ich habe schon des öfteren ein Match verlassen, wenn einer ausm Team das Spiel verlassen hat (= ich konnte seinen Helden steuern; es kommt die Meldung "the game is now safe to leave.") und ich habe noch NIE einen Leave kassiert.

Ob mein Verhalten intern aufgezeichnet wird, kann ich dir aber auch nicht sagen.

Ok, dann ist es wohl "Safe". Danke dir.
Leider noch keinen Key bekommen (gerade nachgesehen)..aber es gibt demnächst große Updates, vielleicht werden ja auch die Keys aufgestockt.
was ich nicht verstehe, ich hab mich immer sofort angemeldet. Steam stream der championchips, direkt angemeldet. Email bekommen vonwegen: "full das verdammte formular aus und du bekommst irgendwann nen key!" auch sofort gelesen und ausgefüllt. beide sogar ca 1 stunde nach Veröfentlichung, mit 2 accounts! hab kumel gefragt der vor ner woche nen key bekommen hat. er hats 2 wochen vorher ausgefüllt. Logic bitte?:stupid:
die keys werden rein zufällig verteilt,
deswegen gibts auch so viele leute in dota 2 die absolut gar keinen plan von dem spiel haben :fresse:

---------- Post added at 06:04 ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 ----------

mh, also ich hab kein Problem damit, wenn mein Team mal nicht Englisch spricht - solange sie einigermaßen vernünftig spielen...nur leider, leider ist eben das das größte Ärgernis: 4 Carries, kein Chicken, keine Wards und alle solo unterwegs.
und warum kaufst du nicht wards und/oder chicken?

mir geht zb schon auf den sack das da jeder nepp mein pet benutzen kann (in dota allstars ist das standardmäßig nicht so),
kann man das aus stellen?
und warum kaufst du nicht wards und/oder chicken?
Mach ich ständig ;) ...nur manchmal 'teste' ich mal meine Mitspieler, pick nen Carry isntant und schau, ob ein Courier gekauft wird.

mir geht zb schon auf den sack das da jeder nepp mein pet benutzen kann (in dota allstars ist das standardmäßig nicht so), kann man das aus stellen?
+1 ...das frag ich mich auch schon die ganze Zeit.
Also, ich habe vllt. 2-3 gute Matches in na Woche, ansonsten ist das ganze einfach nur Scheisse...
Man wird entweder gnadenloss ueberrannt, oder man ueberrannt den Gegner. MMR funktioniert gar nicht mal. Ganz zu schweigen von den Leavern...
Atm spiele ich lieber gegen Bots, die wissen doch viel besser worum es geht...
Change-log von 13.01.2012

Alchemist: Chemical Rage Base Attack Time reduced from 1.45/1.35/1.2 to 1.45/1.3/1.15.
Alchemist: Goblin's Greed bonus gold limit increased from 18 to 26.
Anti-Mage: Reverted the 6.72 Base Attack Time improvement, BAT from 1.35 to 1.45.
Anti-Mage: Armor reduced by 1.
Axe: Aghanim's Culling Blade cooldown from 10 to 6.
Axe: Base Int from 14 to 18.
Axe: Base HP regeneration from 1.25 to 2.
Axe: Battle Hunger gives Axe a 4% bonus movement speed per target it affects.
Axe: Berserker's Call cooldown from 14 to 10.
Axe: Counter Helix damage increased from 100/125/150/175 to 100/130/160/190.
Axe: Counter Helix proc cooldown decreased from 0.7/0.65/0.6/0.55 to 0.65/0.6/0.55/0.5.
Axe: If Culling Blade kills a unit, Axe unleashes a war cry, giving nearby allied units (600 AoE) a temporary movement bonus (25% for 6 seconds).
Blood Seeker: Thirst no longer partially reveals invisible heroes below 40% health.
Blood Seeker: Thirst now fully reveals invisible heroes below 20% health.
Blood Seeker: Rupture duration improved from 5/7/9 to 7/8/9.
Blood Seeker: Rupture cooldown now scales from 70 to 70/60/50.
Bounty Hunter: Track gold bonus for Bounty Hunter increased from 75/150/225 to 150/200/250.
Dark Seer: Ion Shell duration increased from 15 to 20.
Dark Seer: Ion Shell AoE from increased 225 to 250.
Dark Seer: Ion Shell cooldown increased from 7 to 10.
Dark Seer: Ion Shell damage increased from 30/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90.
Dark Seer: Wall of Replica illusions are now semi-transparent to enemy players.
Doom Bringer: Scorched Earth duration increased from 8/10/12/14 to 10/12/14/16.
Dragon Knight: While in Dragon form Dragon Tail's cast range increased from 150 to 400.
Drow Ranger: Base Agility increased by 4.
Enchantress: Movement speed from 305 to 310.
Nature's Prophet: Wrath of Nature cooldown rescaled from 90/60/60 to 90/75/60.
Jakiro: Ice Path cooldown decreased from 16/15/14/13 to 12/11/10/9.
Jakiro: Macropyre duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds.
Juggernaut: Omnislash random damage improved from 150-250 to 175-250.
Juggernaut: Omnislash hit count increased from 3/5/8 (5/7/10 aghanim) to 3/6/9 (6/9/12 aghanim).
Kunkka: Strength growth increased from 2.7 to 3.0.
Kunkka: Ghost Ship's CoCo's Rum duration increased from 5/6/7 to 8.
Kunkka: Tidebringer cleave AoE improved from 380/420/460/500 to 500.
Kunkka: Torrent slow increased from 30 to 35%.
Kunkka: X Marks The Spot cooldown decreased from 30 to 20 seconds.
Death Prophet: Witchcraft movement speed increased from 3/6/9/12% to 4/8/12/16%.
Skeleton King: Reincarnation slow duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
Skeleton King: Reincarnation cooldown decreased from 300/220/140 to 260/160/60.
Leshrac: Movement speed increased from 310 to 315.
Leshrac: Pulse Nova AoE increased from 400 to 450.
Lich: Added a 0.2 second buffer time between Chain Frost bounces.
Lina: Base intelligence increased by 3.
Lina: Dragon Slave travel distance increased by 100.
Lina: Dragon Slave final AoE increased from 125 to 150.
Lion: Mana Drain level 4 increased from 100 to 120 per second.
Lion: Mana Drain now drains at 0.25 second intervals instead of 1 second (596884).
Mirana: Fixed Arrow damaging but not stunning invisible units.
Morphling: Base agility increased by 5.
Morphling: Adaptive strike cooldown decreased from 20 to 10.
Necrolyte: Death Pulse AoE increased from 375/425/450/475 to 475.
Necrolyte: Heartstopper damage increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0% to 0.5/0.7/0.9/1.1%.
Necrolyte: Sadist level 4 now restores 600 mana if you kill a hero.
Pudge: Flesh Heap now has a overhead notification when strength is gained.
Pugna: Life Drain damage increased from 95/140/185 to 100/150/200 (and Scepter from 150/200/250 to 175/225/275).
Pugna: Life Drain duration increased from 9 to 10 seconds.
Queen of Pain: Base damage increased by 4.
Queen of Pain: Scream of Pain AoE increased from 400/425/450/475 to 475.
Razor: Static Link duration, after it finishes draining, increased from 13 to 18.
Razor: Static Link cooldown rescaled from 35/30/25/20 to 25.
Sand King: Epicenter's slow is no longer blocked by magic immunity.
Sand King: Caustic Finale buff duration increased from 2 to 8 seconds.
Shadow Fiend: Movement speed increased from 300 to 305.
Shadow Fiend: Agility growth increased from 2.4 to 2.9.
Shadow Fiend: Necromancy soul cap increased from 8/15/23/30 to 8/16/24/32.
Sniper: Shrapnel AoE increased from 325 to 350.
Spectre: Dispersion damage no longer disables items like Blink Dagger.
Riki: Backstab damage bonus increased from 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0 to 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 of agility.
Storm Spirit: Overload bonus damage increased from 30/45/60/75 to 30/50/70/90.
Sven: Great Cleave increased from 20/30/40/50% to 30/40/50/60%.
Sven: God's Strength is no longer purgeable.
Sven: God's Strength damage buff increased from 100/125/150% to 100/140/180%.
Sven: Warcry duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
Sven: Warcry cast time removed.
Tinker: Laser's miss duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Ursa: Armor increased by 1.
Ursa: Enrage damage increased from 4/5/6% to 5/6/7% of current HP.
Ursa: Earthshock AoE increased from 365 to 385.
Ursa: Earthshock cooldown decreased from 7 to 6.
Ursa: Fury Swipes damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30.
Warlock: Infernal's Flaming Fists trigger chance increased from 40% to 60%.
Warlock: Infernal's Flaming Fists damage increased from 75/115/150 to 100/150/200.
Zeus: Arc Lightning level 4 damage increased from 130 to 145 damage.
Zeus: Lightning Bolt cooldown decreased from 6.5 to 6.
Zeus: Static Field now affects creeps.
Zeus: Static Field no longer requires unit visibility to take effect.
New Item: Rod of Atos.
New Item: Heaven's Halberd.
New Item: Ring of Aquila.
New Item: Abyssal Blade.
New Item: Tranquil Boots.
Boots of Travel: Recipe cost decreased from 2200 to 2000.
Boots of Travel: Movement speed increased from 95 to 100.
Bloodstone: Initial charges increased from 5 to 6.
Bloodstone: Respawn time reduction increased from 3 to 4 seconds per charge.
Butterfly: Evasion increased from 30 to 35%.
Divine Rapier: Damage increased from 250 to 300.
Ethereal Blade: Ether blast cast range increased from 700 to 800.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Movement speed bonus increased from 25 to 30.
Linken's Sphere: Added +10 damage to account for component bonuses.
Linken's Sphere: No longer triggered by Medallion of Courage.
Linken's Sphere: No longer triggered by Urn of Shadows.
Magic Wand: No longer loses charges when upgrading from Magic Stick.
Mask of Madness: Berserk's movement speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
Mjollnir: Chain lightning bounce count increased from 4 to 8.
Necronomicon: Archer's Mana burn cast range increased from 250 to 600.
Necronomicon: Archer's attack damage increased from 31/61/91 to 40/80/120.
Necronomicon: Warrior's attack damage increased from 21/41/61 to 25/50/75.
Orb of Venom: Cost decreased from 450 to 350.
Orchid Malevolence: Recipe Reworked: now requires 2 Oblivion Staffs and a 775 gold recipe.
Smoke of Deceit: Dispel AoE for nearby heroes increased from 950 to 1025.
Refresher Orb: Added +6 Intelligence to account for component bonuses.
Stygian Desolator: Desolator recipe cost decreased from 1200 to 900.
Vanguard: HP Bonus decreased from 275 to 250.
Veil of Discord: Recipe now requires only one Robe of the Magi, completed bonuses are the same.
Couriers: Now give 150 to each enemy player, instead of 300 to the killer.
Couriers: No longer drop items when they die.
Couriers: Respawn 3 minutes after death, the items they have are inaccesible during that time.
Couriers: Flying courier no longer has invulnerability shield.
Couriers: Basic courier is magic immune (like flying courier, most spells did not work on couriers already).
Buyback cooldown increased from 4 minutes to 5.
Heroes now respawn with full mana.
Gold over time from 0.875 intervals to 0.8.
Runes will no longer spawn the same rune type 2 times in a row.
Forest Healing Troll now has a Mana Aura (+2 MP/sec).
Forest Healing Troll's heal cooldown from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds.


Added Spirit Breaker and Silencer.
Added Tournament version switch.
Fixed a bug where if you issued commands in rapid succession, some commands could be ignored.
Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction stunning Alchemist when he is magic immune.
Axe: Fixed Counter Helix doing the damage when the attack impacted rather than started.
Bloodseeker: Fixed being able to cast Bloodrage on Magic Immune allies/self.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed it being possible to use Jinada cooldown without triggering a critical strike.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed Jinada working on denies.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed Jinada and Shadowblade affecting buildings.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track giving bonus gold for dead illusions.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track not being dispelled by Time Lapse, Repel, Purge, etc.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track debuff icon not showing.
Broodmother: Fixed Spawn Spiderite working on wards.
Clockwerk: Fixed Hookshot hitting couriers.
Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Tail ignoring Linken's Sphere.
Nature's Prophet: Fixed not being able to see the teleportation end point if it is in FoW.
Huskar: Fixed Lifebreak being dodgeable.
Leshrac: Fixed Pulse Nova turning back on when out of mana sometimes.
Lifestealer: Fixed Rage not properly dispelling negative debuffs
Lifestealer: Fixed Open Wounds healing towers.
Lifestealer: Fixed Infest not working on Mud Golems.
Nevermore: Fixed Presence of the Dark Lord not working on siege units.
Night Stalker: Fixed Hunter in the Night working on Illusions.
Omniknight: Fixed Repel taking Shadowblade invis buff off
Omniknight: Fixed Repel causing Burrowstrike to fail if used during the movement period
Omniknight: Fixed Holy Persuation working on magic immune allies.
Omniknight: Fixed Repel revealing Broodmother while under Spin Web.
Sand King: Fixed Refresher Burrow Strike not hurting affected units
Shadow Shaman: Fixed Ethershock hitting units in the FoW.
Storm Spirit: Fixed Overload charge being used up if the target dies before impact.
Tidehunter: Fixed Refresher Ravage not hurting affected units.
Tidehunter: Fixed Kraken Shell not reducing tower damage.
Tiny: Fixed the timing of when the stun happened with Craggy Exterior.
Ursa: Fury swipes should only work on organic units and Roshan now.
Ursa: Fixed Illusions not dealing bonus damage on a unit that has Fury Swipe stacks already.
Venomancer: Fixed Plague Ward collision size
Fixed Satanic being dispellable.
Fixed Janggo Aura not affecting lane creeps.
Fixed Vladmir Aura's mana regen stacking with Basilius.
Fixed Necro Warrior's Mana Burn ignoring Linken's Sphere.
Fixed Refresher Orb not geving bonus int.
Fixed Power Treads movement bonus being off by 5.
Fixed Force Staff not giving an error (and wasting cooldown) when used on allied magic immune.
Fixed Unobstructed vision working on Illusions.
Fixed Bash against wards.
Fixed a hero not leveling up multiple times if they received enough XP in one go.
Fixed some Legacy Keys.
Enabled Ursa and Bounty Hunter in Captain's Mode.
Fixed Bottle usage cooldown.
Fixed couriers losing behaviors and being removed from unit selections and control groups when they are upgraded to flying.


Updated the minimap texture.
Dominated and summoned creeps now draw larger on minimap.
Fixed shop keys getting unbound.
Fixed a case where dragging a non-controllable unit's inventory item would result in a drag of the player's hero's item instead.
Fixed control clicking on an active item showing a confusing error.
Added a Animate Portrait setting to the video config.
Fixed Cheap Water setting being backwards.
Fixed the quickbuy purchase shortcut not buying items if they existed in both the secret and side shop, when at the side shop.
The shop button now highlights when you are in range of the shop.
When using Alt, minimap hero names are now icons.
When using Alt, there are now TP icons to show which teammate is teleporting in.
When using Alt, illusions draw smaller and semitransparent.
Disallowed item moves from the stash to the main inventory while reincarnating.
Minimap lines for muted players are no longer drawn.
Added an overhead indicator for flesh heap.
Added a tooltip to the courier button.
The courier button shows as inactive when there are either no couriers, or only dead couriers.
Fixed the reliable/unreliable gold tooltip showing up for non-hero units.
Fixed hero images not showing up in the top bar and scoreboard until their entities came out of dormancy.
Fixed being able to select units previously part of a multi-unit selection by clicking on the space where they were displayed, after returning to single-unit selection.
Added health number on the player's hero's floating health bar.
Fixed a case where the stash would show the wrong item icon.
Added "Auto Speed" feature to Directed mode in the spectator HUD when watching a replay.
Will automatically speed up the replay when nothing is happening, and slow down when action occurs.
Will do super slow-mo at moments when heroes are killed.
Only works on replays recorded after this release.
Fixed bug where the stickly slot would sometimes, mysteriously, change items.
Fixed not being able to buy stackable items from side shop with a full inventory (ie. teleport scroll).
Fixed channel bar not going away when querying a channeling hero that enter fog of war.
Shift-clicking a unit in multi-unit selection hud element now deselects the unit.
Fixed Top bar clicks not going to the correct heroes when playing back demos.
Taskbar icon will now flash when a game is paused/unpaused, if the game doesn't already have focus.
Added attack icon and ping for enemy structures.
Mana and health regen values are no longer drawn in the hud when querying enemies.
Practice lobby settings are now shown to all lobby members.
Improved scrollbars and scrolling views.
Winner and duration are hidden on the match details screen by default.
Fixed default date range when searching for replays.


There is now an impact effect on enemies who are damaged by Dazzle's Shadow Wave.
There is now a splash effect when Morphling takes an illusion's position.
Removed track casting effect from enemy vision.
Changed how Dark Seer's illusions look — smaller and illusion color for both teams.
Fixed Ursa turning bright yellow on lower-end cards.
Made Lifestealer's Rage effect slightly more subtle.
Made Pudge's Rot way less subtle.


Death Prophet will comment on her ghosts returning when they begin turning back instead of when they're done returning.
Slightly lessened the volume of the Match Ready sound.
Made warning about Ancient being under attack always play, even if there are heroes nearby defending it.


Enabled bot difficulty selection. Currently all bots in the match will use the same difficulty setting.
Fixed cases where bots would want to gank a nearby invisible unit.
Bots will now wait a couple seconds before using a TP scroll to ensure that their desire to go to a location wasn't just momentary.
Fixed case where bots would say "Defending none" when they were defending their base.
Fixed bug where you would lose your assigned lane if you moved too close to the base.
Fixed bug that was causing bots to use TP scrolls less often than they should when doing long pathfinds.
Fixed bug that was making bots think Windrunner was way more powerful than she actually was when she had the Focus Fire buff active.
Increased desire to not move with Rupture.
When bots are pushing a tower, and allies have signed up to help out, they will do a better job of waiting for them to show up before actually doing the push.
Made bots more likely to stick with Roshan when his health is low, even if they think it's dangerous.
Added slight buyback delay so bots aren't superhuman about buying back into the game.
Improved Tidehunter's Ravage usage, he will now consider using it even when retreating.
Made bots more likely to commit post-allied-Ravage.
Fixed bug where bots would gather up for a tower push when no more reinforcements were coming.
Fixed bug that caused bots to be jerks and prematurely retreat with extremely high priority when a teamfight happened and one of their teammates was being attacked.
Made bots more likely to break off Roshan (and not decide to do Rosh) if any hero fights are happening nearby.
Increased tower avoidance at mid-range health values, should help avoid some ill-advised tower-dives.
Made bots focus a bit more on a tower/rax push rather than swapping off to attack a hero.
Made bots less likely to ignore very high-health enemies.
Made bots less likely to tank creeps when attacking an enemy's minons.
Bots now have the ability to figure out which enemy heroes are illusions and which aren't, and they will adjust their ability usage accordingly.
Fixed a few cases where bots would try to cast an interrupting stun on a magic-immune enemy that was channeling.
Made bots a bit less aggressive about buying dust.
Made bots a bit more scared of Juggernaut's Blade Fury when at low health.
Fixed bug where bots would sometimes buy a duplicate courier.
Improved how bots infer ganks, tower pushes, and tower defenses from human players.
Bots are now more likely to automatically help out humans with tower pushes, tower defenses, and doing Rosh.

DotA2 --> Noob-Rate ~85%

Entweder verlieren wir, weil mein Noobteam 4 Carries pickt (und sich gegenseitig den Farm klaut) ODER weil das Team über die komplette Map verteilt ist, während das gesamte Gegnerteam eine Lane pusht ...und manchmal ist es beides.

Ich kann dein Leid nachvollziehen, aber wenn du mit Randoms spielst musst du nunmal damit leben, dass jeder den Helden pickt auf den er Lust hat und dass da nix Vernünftiges bei rauskommt ist offensichtlich. Dieses Geflame von wegen Noobteam usw. kann ich gar nicht ab, du kannst nunmal nicht davon ausgehen, dass jeder alle Helden und Items kennt und sich dazu noch mit Strategien, Lane-Setups und Ähnlichem auskennt. Das Problem wird sich hoffentlich mit zunehmendem Spielerpool durch das Matchmaking ein wenig von selbst lösen. Ansonsten kannst du nur Abhilfe schaffen, indem du mit Mates spielst.

Nun ja, ich hab jetzt auch mal meinen Beta-Key, bin allerdings bislang noch nicht wirklich dazu gekommen viel zu spielen, weil meine Freunde größtenteils noch keinen Zugang haben und ich daher noch im WC3-Dota festhänge :d

Für alle die, denen es wie mir geht und die ab und zu mal ein paar Mates zum zocken suchen, hab ich mal ne HWLUXX DotA2 - Gruppe in Steam erstellt, der könnt ihr ja mal beitreten, vielleicht finden sich da ja ein paar Leute. Wär cool wen man die im Startpost verlinken könnte :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich würde so gerne auch mitmachen... Nur warte ich immer noch auf meinen Key :/
bin ach drin :)

---------- Post added at 05:33 ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 ----------

Changelog 19, Januar
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:


Enabled Invoker!
Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture not hurting heroes when they blink.
Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track ignoring Linken's Sphere.
Morphling: Fixed Morph removing Curse of the Silent.
Puck: Fixed Ethereal Jaunt from triggering Last Word/Magic Stick.
Puck: Fixed Phase Shift autocasting if you were already stunned before.
Puck: Fixed being able to move in certain situations while auto-casting Phase Shift.
Silencer: Fixed being unable to steal Int from dying magic immune heroes.
Silencer: Fixed Last Word silencing invulnerable units.
Silencer: Fixed stealing intelligence from Reincarnating heroes.
Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness picking units that are invisible or in the fow when it tries to find a new target.
Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness ignoring Hex.
Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greater Bash working with illusions
Spiritbreaker: Fixed Greater Bash bonus damage working on Towers, Wards and Denies
Spiritbreaker: Fixed Charge of Darkness and Greater Bash going through Magic Immunity
Storm Spirit: Fixed Ball Lightning costing draining more mana if you cast it again while still in it.
Tiny: Ultimate Scepter upgrade is now enabled.
Tiny: Fixed Toss damaging allied units.
Fixed Dagon int bonus being off by 1.
Fixed Arcane Boots giving 300 mana instead of 250.
Fixed night vision radius being a little smaller than intended.
Standing right next to a tree no longer removes its vision obstruction.
Silencer: Fixed Global Silence silencing only heroes.
Enabled Silencer and Spirit Breaker in Captain's Mode.
Fixed Healing Ward and Windrunner auras' sticky durations to 2.5 seconds.
Fixed Dagon's incorrect intelligence bonus values.
Fixed Heaven's Halbred's disarm allowing attack-spells to be cast through it.
Fixed Orchid using the old values at the new price.
Fixed Pipe not costing any mana.
Fixed Flying Courier HP not being upgraded after the last update


Added Steam avatars to the dashboard.
Added Dota Profile page to the main menu, showing your personal match history, commendations and most successful heroes.
Fixed a bug where your control could be lost if you were selecting a enchanted/converted unit. It now goes back to your hero.
Party area of miniprofile now uses Steam avatars.
Party area of miniprofile now shows rich presence for friends
Party area of miniprofile now shows "View Steam Profile" link for non-friends
Party chat channel automatically gets focus when you join a party
Added a '*' to channel tabs with pending messages
Fixed being able to sell back an item for full price if it was combined using an item that had an active ability.
Added spacebar to pause games during replays.
Fixed clicking on the minimap border and then dragging into the minimap resulting in the camera getting stuck to the cursor.
Chat channels now get deleted if the last member in the channel goes offline.
Fixed clicking on blank space in the UI sending move orders to invalid locations.
Default private lobby version is now Tournament Mode.
When player names draw they now draw with player color instead of white.
Added leave party button in mini profile.
Now when attempting to cast-attack a target while hard disarmed, the error message "Can't Attack" will appear when you reach attack range of the target.
Holding now spotlights your hero.
Illusions now copy the number of charges in source unit's inventory items.
Fixed Courier purchase having no cooldown (now 7 seconds, primarily for accidental purchases early on).


Fixed bots repurchasing a courier when their courier died.
Fixed a case where bots would buy duplicate flying courier recipes.
Improved Earthshaker bot's Echoslam logic -
he'll now search for optimal places to Blink + Echoslam.
Made bots better about detecting attacking units without cheating and detecting other units' right-clicks.
Fixed Windrunner's buildout which broke due to the new Orchid recipe build. Also added force staff to her build.

Changelog 27, Januar
Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:


Added Clinkz!
Added Legacy Key support for Invoker.
Fixed Invoker's Quas, Wex, and Exort not giving Invoker bonus stats properly when upgraded.
Fixed Invoker's Invoke to properly swap the invoked abilities in the 1st and 2nd slots if the spell already existing in the 2nd slot is invoked again.
Fixed Cold Snap not being castable on Roshan
Fixed EMP cast range
Lane creeps will now stand still if they become unable to attack, such as when hit by Invoker's Deafening Blast, instead of charging past enemy creeps and towers.
Enabled Invoker in CM
Fixed gold-transfer hack, the sellback cooldown is now reset when combining stacks where the items have different owners.
Fixed Sticky Napalm triggering off of Orb of Venom
Fixed Glaives of Wisdom being usable while silenced


Made chat messages HTML safe.
Fixed some buttons in the hero selector being broken after playing in a CM game.
Added a chat -ping command

---------- Post added at 05:39 ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 ----------

Gibts ingame eine freundesliste oder geht alles über steam? Wollt ihr eure usernames auf seite 1 eintragen?
Gibts ingame eine freundesliste oder geht alles über steam? Wollt ihr eure usernames auf seite 1 eintragen?

Läuft alles über deine Steam-Freundesliste. Ne Liste mit Kontaktdaten wäre ne Idee, ansonsten kannste ja einfach die Leute adden, die sich in der Dota 2-Gruppe sind, is wahrscheinlich bequemer.

Ich wär heut Abend auch bei ner Runde dabei, falls ein paar Leute hier Interesse haben, jetzt muss ich allerdings erstmal lernen :d
Sagt mal, wie kommt man da jetzt an nen Key? Einfach bei Steam nach DotA2 suchen?
Hier unter "Spielen sie mit" auf "Dota 2 Umfrage" klicken und ausfüllen, dann kannst du theoretisch einen bekommen, allerdings ist das wohl recht unwahrscheinlich. Ansonsten gibts halt zahlreiche Verlosungen und ähnliches. Hab meinen bei dieser Steam Weihnachtslotterie bekommen.
Ein guter Tipp an alle Anfänger, orientiert euch bitte nicht an den "Pro Spielern", ich spiele seit Jahren DotA und kann es langsam nicht mehr sehen, wie viele Neulingen nach 50 Spielen meinen, Sie müssen immer Item-Builds & Movement von den Weltklasse-Spielern annehmen und scheitern kläglich daran, natürlich wird dann dem Team die Schuld gegeben. ;-)

Und es liegt einfach nicht daran, dass jeder pickt was er will, sondern daran, dass viele einfach nicht verstehen wollen, dass das ein Team Spiel ist, du kannst genau so mit 3 Carries & 2 Supportern oder sogar 4 Carries gewinnen, wenn das Team zusammenarbeitet.
Aber der Carrie pick sagt meist schon aus, welch ein Spieler das ist, keine Ahnung von einem Team, keine Ahnung vom Build, keine wirkliche Ahnung vom Spiel und am Ende sich auch nichts sagen lassen.
Genauso ist es!

Die Builds müssen sich viel mehr an der eigenen Spielweise&Vorlieben orientieren, anstatt an irgendwelchen 'pro-pub-stream' Sachen.

Was mir auch noch auffällt: Carry-Noobs können entweder überhaupt nicht farmen, oder schaffen es nicht, die Balance aus Teamfight+Farm zu halten...und außerdem haben die wenigsten ein TP im Inventory :heul:
Genauso ist es!

Die Builds müssen sich viel mehr an der eigenen Spielweise&Vorlieben orientieren, anstatt an irgendwelchen 'pro-pub-stream' Sachen.

Was mir auch noch auffällt: Carry-Noobs können entweder überhaupt nicht farmen, oder schaffen es nicht, die Balance aus Teamfight+Farm zu halten...und außerdem haben die wenigsten ein TP im Inventory :heul:

Auch richtig, das Optimum ist immer guter farm + teamfights - weder 30 min durchgehend farmen noch gar nicht farmen ist dafür die Lösung.
Aber es ist immer wieder schön, wenn die Ursa-Freunde stupide 25 Minuten farmen gehen und die Lanes meiden - was wieso sind die Gegner schon beim T3 Tower? :>
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