[HWLUXX] =insomnia= [HWLUXX] (25) (Update lesen!) (von 0 bis 6 Uhr)

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Why it's to late? We have so much time before we must sleep (or I must sleep). :)

stop delivering me soo good chances!

ahhj too late here it comes:
To splitter, to sleep—
No more—and by a sleep to say we end..

To splitter, to sleep—
To sleep—perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub!
For in that sleep of bottles what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause
Soft me now!

Be all my sins remembered.
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If you continue to speak english I will put you into the gulli an do the deckel druff
and you will be never able to see the tageslicht, gelle?
Does someone know good songs if you want to say a girl that you (will allways) love her? Rock would be good, she likes this kind of music. Sometimes I think she knows every good song to tell her feelings but I don't know so much lovesongs.

And please not the old trash who had someone invented 100 years ago.
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your F-button noobed you down :heuldoch:
Curious words. That can't be English ...
ich glaub ich hab den geilsten Nebenjob der Welt :d

Bin momentan aber Ausbildungssuchend und habe informationstechnischer Assistent gemacht...

Unsere Familie besitzt in unserer Stadt 2 der größte China Restaurants mit Catering-Service und Liefer-Service...

So.. Wir becatern mal paar Firmen und so.. meistens bin ich da auch, um nach dem Rechten zu schauen. Unterhalte mich immer super mit den Leuten, Esse und Trinke umsonst und bekomme dafür Geld. 50€ Trinkgeld so für 2-3 Stunden ist schon ganz geil, fürs nichts tun :d

Und am Wochenende bin ich manchmal im Restaurant und pass da schön auf und komme auch mit Gästen super klar, da viele der Gäste aus dem Ostblock kommen und der Wodka in Strömen fließt... MUSS ich mit denen immer paar Gläser mitkippen.
Danach geh ich strunzevoll duschen und dann mit Freunden in die Stadt zum feiern :d

Wobei hier gesagt werden muss, dass ich in der Branche nicht bleiben will, klar macht Spaß, aber ich seh für mich in dem Beruf keinerlei Zukunft.
In English please. I don't understand anything. :(
translate.google.de is stupid ;)
@ nameless : fully agreed

using that onto this forum is like cyber-overgenerated art: mechanical, maybe technical exellent but (alike da vincis knight) without a drop of blood...
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I hit the hay, good night :wink:
Good Night Nemesys. Sleep well. :)
Does someone know good songs if you want to say a girl that you (will allways) love her? Rock would be good, she likes this kind of music. Sometimes I think she knows every good song to tell her feelings but I don't know so much lovesongs.

And please not the old trash who had someone invented 100 years ago.

Other possibilities (besides the one I posted above) are:
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel - Gotta love this one :love:
Yellowcard - Only One - kind of fits your situation ;)
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Great. Thank you. :)
I think I read a book. Maybe I am back later. :)
SD = Standard Definition :fresse:


oh ...
omg please dont use so lot of difficult words...

I used Leo.org today more often than in the last two months :fresse:

I think i will make it in the bed (ich mach nei s bett) so I survive tomorrow ;)

good night @ all and may you all have pretty dreams ;)
SD = Standard Definition :fresse:

[mad goblin on]
so you think mj is the definition of a standard hugh-laurie fan? i chance to doubt that slightly..:fresse:
or did you mean shes the standard definition of a hugh-laurie fan?
i currently somehow mistake one for the other frequently
[mad goblin off]

---------- Beitrag hinzugefügt um 02:28 ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag war um 02:24 ----------

@ (sa!) amd-ati-fan: may i recommend you dict.cc?
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