[HWLUXX] =insomnia= [HWLUXX] (25) (Update lesen!) (von 0 bis 6 Uhr)

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In my best spam-thread I have 2263 posts. Not possible here, stupid splitting. :(
Not going to be here for long i assume, need to go to work today. But i guess starting at lunchtime will be ok.

Edit: Argh stupid raid controller won't finish its initialization showing 100% since half an hour.
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You just can post all 30 seconds. So I can post in one thread and then I have 30 seconds to translate and spam in the other one. Enough time, thats not impossible for me. :fresse:
i really learn a lot with this bilingual wrighting/reading //ich lerne wirklich viel mit diesem zweisprachigen schreiben/lesen ;)[/QUOTE]

ohhh we even got a flightpioneer among us.. were really a lucky few..:fresse:
regarding the time only one error isn't that bad or did you really expect to see correct spelling
You just can post all 30 seconds. So I can post in one thread and then I have 30 seconds to translate and spam in the other one. Enough time, thats not impossible for me. :fresse:

nor would it be for me.. its simply that i dont like this thread to be splittered in language-sections! and been forced by this way to collect and reassemble the disiecta membra of something (what a cruel word in this context!) i consider almost as an living beeing
What means disiecta?
Ok. dict.cc doesn't knows this word.
twas nothing against you or your spelling (which is qexelllent by the way!) its just my fatal partial obey of this wicked goblinspirit that makes me act like im out of myself

Didn't take offense of that one i was just refering to your post about the flying brothers.
What means disiecta?

zerstreut oder so (googled that one)

Ok. dict.cc doesn't knows this word.

yeah, i confess, ihad some latin in school.. which influnces me from time to time... be idulgent with me..

ok, diesiecta means as orpehus googgled correctly, zerstreut izts a sentence by horaz that runs this way: invenias disiecta membra poetae! german: du wirst die verstreuten knochen des dichters finden

the contexts now quite obviuosly i think..
I had Latin too and I can say I hate this language. Reasonable that no one speaks Latin today ...

ICQ, Facebook, ... The most of my friends are sleeping. It's just 3.30 am. :shake:
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*SPIROW nen kaffee geb* //*giving SPIROW a coffee*

ich glaub ich geh doch lieber schlafen... durchmachen is auch nicht mehr das, was es mal war:motz:

ein gutes Nächtle an alle ;)
I think I read a book and maybe later I sleep a few minutes.

Good Night :wink: Sleep well.
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