Kabelmodding - Sleeving - Pin-Remover-HowTo's [9]

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Damit hier mal wieder ein Bildchen kommt :p

Heute Abend fertig gemacht - entschuldigt die Quali, ist leider vorerst nur Handy :(


lol ... themcman is very british :d He doesn't speak German.
Welcome Tom :d

The moderator says that your picture size is against the forum rules. I recommend to post pictures (width, height):

900x900 would be the maximum

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
alter was liegt da im hintergrung für viel sleeve, ist das die big family packung :d
Ich habe es verkleinert. (Ich hoffe, dass Google übersetzt Recht.)

Ahhhh never use Google translator... First sentence is correct so far, the second already has a mistake...

Just write it in english, i guess everyone here is able to understand at least a little bit of what you say :) .
Ahhhh never use Google translator... First sentence is correct so far, the second already has a mistake...

Just write it in english, i guess everyone here is able to understand at least a little bit of what you say :) .

I don't know, if I come to a German forum I should try to speak German.

Another picture, I suppose.

I don't know, if I come to a German forum I should try to speak German.

Another picture, I suppose.

That's right, but NOT with google translator :d . Google Translator is terrible, i think it's harder to understand those translated sentences than your english sentences .

And most German people are able to speak a little bit of english - so i would say it's ok to write english, if you're not able to speak German.

Wir sollte echt mal über n internationales Luxx nachdenken :d . (for you in english :d : We should think about an international Hardwareluxx)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
go on in english, if anybody really doesn`t understand what you`re saying he still has the possibility to translate it on google... but for the ones who are able to speak english, google translated sentences are like brain cancer... :d

nice pics btw. :fresse: and a lot of sleeve, i really wonder what you`re planning to do with it... :d
a little bit from me. Not done, still need some more sleeve from nils. AGAIN.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Not bad, but i would try to put the 8 pin cable behind the Mobotray ... Looks a bit strange that way i think.

But though, nice sleeve work. I also need new Sleeve ... and a new power supply... and a TJ07 :fresse: ... That's gonna be expensive.

Nils du darfst dich jedenfalls schonmal freuen denke ich :d .
So slowly Hardwareluxx turns into an English board or how should I understand this sudden usage of english language? :shot:

Now all the silent english followers of this thread can come out and communicate in their mother tongue:d
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Je ne sais pas pourquois vous avez le besoin de parler anglais...

Ja ich kanns noch :haha:

As a swabian i also can't speak "real" German ... but does anybody do???


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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