Nope, bissl Attack Speed weniger, bisschen CD hoch, generell paar Sachen umgestellt.
Attack Speed per level reduced to 1.6 (from 3.28)
Now when activated, Sivir's next 3 basic attacks will Ricochet
No longer has a maximum number of bounces (each Ricochet can still only strike a target once)
Now bounces to the closest target (instead of a random target within the bounce radius)
Deals 50/55/60/65/70% damage to all secondary targets
No longer has a base damage
Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds (from 7/6/5/4/3)
Spell Shield
Reduced Mana cost to 0 (from 75)
Mana return reduced to 60/75/90/105/120 (from 150)
On The Hunt
No longer has a cast time
Active no longer grants Attack Speed
Now grants Sivir a new Passive: Sivir gains 40/60/80% bonus Attack Speed while Ricochet is active
Movement Speed bonus now begins at 60%, then reduces to 20% after 4 seconds
Cooldown changed to 120/90/60 seconds (from 100/90/80)