[Sammelthread] Sockel 939 / 940 / 754 - Thread

@bschicht86 @Ben Psyko Der 0628CPMW sieht stark aus. Ist auf jeden Fall ne geile CPU für einen Retro-Build. 3GHz gehen da sicher auch stabil für Spiele.
@stunned_guy weisst du, wie LCBIE sich unter Kälte verhält? Davon hatte ich tatsächlich zumindest gemäß meiner Liste noch keinen da.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
One of my FX-60 was LCBIE. When locked I see a max fsb issue coming very soon. Max fsb on air was 325MHz, with -40C it had only 220MHz left and 245MHz at -30C. So with a 12x multi that is not helping.
Best you can do is give it just slightly some cold. Max -10C and that might be too much already.

I advise testing max fsb and go for the chip that does best here.
Meine Anlage schaffte maximal -61°C, ich nehme an, es waren um die -20°C am Evaporator.
Kann ich aber nicht mehr genau nachvollziehen, ist einige Jahre her.
I am guessing this cpu was already good on air? (As 3.2-3.3GHz bootable)

Edit: I am thinking of making a list of cpu’s which can go. The “lesser“ cpu’s.
Unter Luft habe ich die nie getestet. Aber ich müsste noch den ein oder anderen X2 4600+ in meinem Bestand habe (nur keinen von damals).
New in: SuperMicro H8QC8+

Let's have some fun (at a later moment) with quad s940 😁😁😁.

SuperMicro H8QC8+.jpg

SuperMicro H8QC8+ - 2.jpg
Wow, was für ein Klopper :eek:
Welche Abmaße hat das Board ? OC wird sicherlich nicht ganz einfach werden.
It is 33.5CMx41 cm.
I do not know if OC is possible. But I want to try to raise FSB in Windows (not expecting any options in BIOS). If that works I might try and mod it (with help). If that works I will try and do a quad LN2 session.
Why: Because I can and nobody probably was stupid enough.

For sure this board helps with any teamcup/countrycup where s940 is alowed. 😁 😁 😁

Edit: I see it has HT multi and memory options. Including a 250MHz mem setting. No voltage settings or fsb.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
It is 33.5CMx41 cm.
I do not know if OC is possible. But I want to try to raise FSB in Windows (not expecting any options in BIOS). If that works I might try and mod it (with help). If that works I will try and do a quad LN2 session.
Why: Because I can and nobody probably was stupid enough.

For sure this board helps with any teamcup/countrycup where s940 is alowed. 😁 😁 😁

Edit: I see it has HT multi and memory options. Including a 250MHz mem setting. No voltage settings or fsb.
Must be similar to my H8DCE Mainboard (dual socket 940). All mem dividers above 200 have no effect and leave the clock at 200MHz, although 216, 233 and 250 are present. Somewhere (maybe in the manual of the A8N32-SLI) I read that higher memory dividers were expected by board manufacturers, but AMD chose to abandon 939/940 in favour of AM2 and DDR2.
Because the mainboards are rare and expensive, I decided not to voltmod mine. I also tried to unlock BIOS options, but it didn't work at all, bricked the board once and recovered the EEPROM via a hotlfash with an A8N32-SLI (both use the same chip, size and voltage).

Overclocking in Windows 7 x64 (last OS to support K8 CPUs) was not stable with nVidia nTune (I guess it was "") even with a mere 205MHz HT clock. Dunno if it was the chipset, the memory or the CPU (dual Opty 290) limiting the OC. setFSB and Clockgen nForce4 don't work with Windows Vista/7.
Currently I'm glad my system runs stock almost stable, only a few BSODs or freezes every few hours.
It is possible to raise the core voltage to 1.4V with RMclock.
AFAIR reliable voltage and fan speed readings are only possible with SuperMicro SuperDoctor 3, which is not publicly downloadable anymore.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
That is good info, thanks.

Raising fsb so it ran 2705MHz seemed stable. There are 2 things I noticed. Raising fsb from 2600 to 2700 in one step or even doing 50-60MHz more in one stemp crashed the board.
The other thing is that when reset it keeps the speed I set in the last session.
I am running Windows 2003 x64 Ent. now (I am finally doing something with my certification again 😄). This makes it possible to run all sockets.
I just have the 250MHz option but not tested it yet.

I was planning to test ntune so I will start with this version. I should test RMclock as well then. Just have to look where I can download it.
Do you have a copy of SuperMicro SuperDoctor 3?

Edit: I think I found superdoctor iii
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Somewhere (maybe in the manual of the A8N32-SLI) I read that higher memory dividers were expected by board manufacturers, but AMD chose to abandon 939/940 in favour of AM2 and DDR2.
Yes, on newer Cpu Revisions you got the 250 Divider. Iirc for example DFI Ultra-D should be able to support this on E6 Cpus. Never tried it though.
Ist der HT-Link beim 2. und den restlichen Prozessoren nur mit 1x angebunden, anstatt wie bei Prozessor 1 mit 5x ? Sieht irgendwie komisch aus.
Aber interessant zu sehen, dass es solche Mehrfach-CPU-Systeme auch hierher schaffen ;)
Laut Handbuch gibt es eine Option, mit der der Multi für den HT-Link sowohl zwischen den Sockeln als auch zwischen CPU0 und dem Chipsatz eingestellt werden kann. Beim H8DCE habe ich alles manuell konfiguriert und nichts auf "Auto" gelassen. Grund: weiß ich nicht mehr. Vermutlich, weil genau dieser Verhalten eingetreten ist.
Gibt ja auch irgend so ein Windows-Tool, wo man die Links nachträglich schalten kann. Hab ich so auf meinem 8-Sockel-F-Sys gemacht gehabt, weil das Board nur mit 1GHz ausgeliefert wurde, die Opterons aber 2,2GHz konnten.
Cinebench test (2853MHz)

Supermicro H8QC8+ - 4x Opteron 885 - 2853MHz 219MHz FSB - 1.40v - CB 11.5.png

Max FSB and mem test (mem runs at 2.5v and never tested before). Max was 275MHz or so. But probably memory issue.
Most important: PCI lock should be inplace :)
270MHz FSB.png

Edit: I just tested 290MHz FSB to be working.

Edit 2: FSB testing --> 290MHz is reached

290MHz FSB-253MHz mem.png
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Try increasing HT clock as much as possible, because HT between CPUs is mostly used for cache coherancy, not for pushing data from RAM to CPU. The more HT bandwidth you got, the better the multi core scaling.
Read more about it here:

Nice results, btw. This makes me confident that I could push my system a little harder and that my RAM might be the limiting factor.
I wanted to test my Ram as well, so this was a nice bonus. And 294MHz (when it crashed) was good enough for now.
It not even go much higher. Some cpu’s won’t go over 300.

But I might indeed check max fsb without memory limitation (set it to 100MHz or so). It is sad that I can not set mem timings by hand. When I try and set something I won’t get a post. No matter what. That would make it more easy. I might reprogram spd from my memory.
Ich bräuchte einmal den Rat der Experten. Ich habe hier zwei 3800+ Venice vor mir liegen und einer soll mich verlassen. Welchen von den beiden sollte ich am ehesten behalten, weil z.B. gut taktbar:
  • ADA3800DAA4BW / LBBWE / 0526BPDW
  • ADA3800DAA4BW / NBBWE / 0622EAA
Passenderweise habe ich folgenden Satz von stunned_guy gefunden
Hätte ich jetzt nicht gedacht, denn sämtliche China-Stepping sind normalerweise Müll gewesen. Diese Erkenntnis habe ich zumindest bei Sockel 939. Alles was nach der Datumsangabe nur 3 Buchstaben hatte, war Müll.
Da würde ich jetzt auch wieder so tippen. China Stepping ist Müll, das andere würde ich behalten. Kannst ja mal kurz mit Luft antesten, ob meine Vermutung stimmt. Einfach mit Standardspannung von 1,35 Volt den Referenztakt hochziehen (LDT runter und RAM-Teiler rein). Dann hast du eine grobe Orientierung.
Ich bräuchte einmal den Rat der Experten. Ich habe hier zwei 3800+ Venice vor mir liegen und einer soll mich verlassen. Welchen von den beiden sollte ich am ehesten behalten, weil z.B. gut taktbar:
  • ADA3800DAA4BW / LBBWE / 0526BPDW
  • ADA3800DAA4BW / NBBWE / 0622EAA
Passenderweise habe ich folgenden Satz von stunned_guy gefunden

Without any doubt I would keep NBBWE / 0622EAA.
  1. Most BW from 2005 are less good for OC.
  2. Most 2006 Venice with 3 letters are bad OC… Except BW’s from what I have seen, Will validate 3GHz often and good subzero.
Since. there is no real thread for this here and this is the closest thing…

I have an AM2 Windsor F3 6000+. On WC it can boot 3,600MHz at 1,38750v. It should validate over 4GHz.
I was wondering what the best batches are for cold. And when is an air score real good for F3 and F2?
No one for my above question?

I recapped one DFI NF3 250Gb. It is an almost full recap. I might do the rest as well later.

Recapped part:


It needed some upgrades because I want to run it on cold this year.
I will probably do my 2nd board as well.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I am thinking of writing an OC guide for s939 (someday, between now and x months/year). I quickly wrote down it's main topics.
Can you guys comment on the topics I missed or don't need.

Chipsets and motherboards

NForce 4, etc
Replace capacitors

Best versions

Best Ic’s
Memory settings
Expected OC ranges

BW, BL, BY, B1 etc.
Year/week – Good, not good. How to read.

Air Overclocking
Expected results

Subzero Overclocking
Expected results
FSB on cold/on air
Max FSB testing
Best OC temp/voltage

Straithening pins
I would like to read that guide :)

Maybe if mods are useful or optional nice to have. Maybe if there are tweaks for tuning/replacing mosfets or stuff like that.

Where to get which voltages with a multimeter
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