[Sammelthread] The War Z - Das Zombie MMO

hmm reicht mir eigentlich noch nicht, bezüglich Serverhopping, aber mal ein Anfang. Mach ja Pause, bis man (meines erachtens) vernünftig spielen kann.
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Ganz Frisch:

[h=2]Hot Fix 1-23-13[/h]
Fixed player spawns that allowed players to spawn in the middle of Zombies.
Fixed some objects floating in the air.
A delay has been added to nameplates. The further you are from your target the longer it takes to display the nameplate.
Backpack weights have been lowered.
Doors have been fixed in new buildings, you can now walk through them.​
Backpack new weights (Info)

Small back (what you begin with) max 10kg
Medium pack 15 kg
Large pack 20 kg
Christmas backpack 20 kg
Alice pack 28 kg
Military pack 25 kg

All items count for the weight, even what you have in hand or on you (don't worry, they did not count your shoes and pants )

M16 : 4 kilos
M4 : 3 kg (same M4 semi)
Uzi : 3.5kg
AA12 : 5kg
Mossberg : 2.5 (like kruger.22 rifle)
Anaconda : 1.8
Mini 14 : 3.1
kruger pistol : 0.6 kg

Hammer : 0.7 kilos
Knife : 0.6 kg

Helmet : 0 kg
MTV armor : 3kg
Custom : 4kg

Water 375ml, can of ham, pasta, tuna, juice ... : 0.4 kg
Granola : 0.2 kg

Painkiller, antibio : 0.1 kg
Bandages : 0.2kg

Binoculars : 1.2 kg

Mags : 0.3kg (pistol)-0.5kg (rifle) each
except Cmag : 0.8kg

EDIT : M107 : 14kg
Jericho / B92 : 0.750 kg (seems having the 2 in inventory makes 1.5kg, but each tells me 0.8kg)

Barb wire : 2kg
Wood shield : 1.6kg

NVG (the ones in blue dollars) : 1 kg

Backpack themselves : 0kg (can carry 24 backpacks in your large backpack if you want...)

Chemlight : 1 is 0.0kg, 2 : 0.1kg

Candy kane : 0.8kg
Flashlight : 0.7kg
Metal bat : 0.8kg
Bat : 0.8kg
Pickaxe : 1kg
Spiked bat : 0.9 kg
Wakizashi : 0.6kg
Jokoto katana : 1.2kg

Blazer - 6 Kg
SAIGA - 3.5 Kg
AKM - 3 Kg
Mp7 - 2 kg
Mp5/10 - 2.8 Kg
AK-74M - 3.4 Kg
Double Barrel - 3.0 Kg

Sig P226 / FN FiveSeven / B93R - 0.8 Kg

hatchet - 0.6 Kg

Silencer 0.3 KG
Reflex 0.5 KG
Grip - 0.6 KG
Acog - 0.5 KG
Compact - 0.6 KG
Rifle flashlight - 0.6 KG
Pistol flashlight - 0.3 KG
Pistol laser - 0.3 KG
Attachments in my opinion are pretty fair. You can still deck yourself out pretty much and can still carry a few m16's m4's and the such.

A few other things I'd like to list.

C0-4 Vaccince's 0.3 KG
C0-1 Vaccince's 0.3 KG
Medkit's - 1.2 KG <---- IMHO Fair, but may need to reduce to 1 KG
Bandages DX .2 KG <---- At least they are still a direct upgrade.
Light gear forest - 2 KG <---- This will be good once it starts to come out, perfect for a big lootrun.
Flare cluos - 0 KG <--- So if you got an extra slot and like flare guns, take em.
Mp5 Mag 0.4 KG <----- SMG ammo seems to be a .1 KG less than AR Ammo.
Sig Sauer 556 - 4.0 KG <----- Same as m16
Desert Eagle - 1.8 KG <---- Heaviest pistol in game as far as I know.

Quelle: http://forums.playwarz.com/showthread.php?103037-Backpack-new-weights-(Info)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wann trifft man sich Abends mal wieder?
Dev Diary (25/1/13)

Happy Friday everyone! This week we wanted to discuss two major
things - grouping and item spawns. We'd like to get your feedback.


We are introducing a fourth chat window, called Group Chat. In this
window players will see what group invites they've received, and one
they've joined a group, group chat will display here.

There will be two primary ways players can group up - either by using
the 'TAB' menu and right clicking on characters names, or
inviting/accepting/kicking/quitting via chat.

TAB menu

Right clicking on a player's name will give you a number of options. If you have not created a group you will see 'invite'.

When invited, you'll see a message '<playername> has invited you
to a group'. You can then accept by right clicking their name in the tab
menu, or using chat

Once you've created a group by inviting at least 1 player, the group
leader will have the power to invite additional players, kick current
members, or quit the group, which will disband it.

Group via chat

There are a variety of chat commands players will be able to use to
create and manage groups. If at any time you forget what the commands
are, typing /help in game will list them for you.

/ginvite <playername>

/gaccept <playername that invited you>

To leave a group, /gquit

/gkick <playername>

Groups will be limited to 10 members - when you are in a group, you'll
be able to see your other group members by a green icon (similar to the
clan icon) over their heads, and their position on the map will also be

Item Spawns

We're currently revamping our spawn system.

Our previous spawns needed some refining, so with this new system our
designers have more control over spawn variety and location. The goal
here is to set it up so that when scavenging or making the decision to
enter a city, you'll find gear and supplies in areas you'd expect.

Police stations will have gear appropriate to the relative size of the
town (i.e. smaller towns wouldn?t have a police force rolling around
with military grade gear), pharmacies will be more likely to a variety
of medical supplies, and military outposts, depending on the size, will
have differing degrees of supplies available.

We're specializing spawns to different levels and rarities of food,
water, medicine, guns, ammo, survival supplies and melee weapons.

It's important to consider, as well, that this 5 YEARS after the event.
Countless survivors have come and gone, collecting and redistributing
all manner of supplies. There are encampments and refugee settlements,
small safe locations where others have tried to survive.

Something else to consider - in these higher concentration areas, say a
military blockade where one could hope for a nice military rucksack and
an M16, the threat of zombies will be greatly increased, where many
before have tried (and failed) to loot.

Our goal is to add more interesting and varied item spawns, as we expand
on the idea that you're going to find different items on a farm versus a
house in the suburbs, or an apartment in the city.

Coming with this will be more variety in our items as well, something that RussianKaliber and his team will be working on.

Backpacks and Item Weight

Firstly, we'd like to say we are aware of all arguments both for and
against the new backpack weight limitations. Its also been brought to
our attention that certain supplies are acting strangely (weight values
changing, etc) so we're also looking into that. If you have any
reproducible cases, please let us know. We'll be including item weights
in their descriptions as well, so that one can easily see how much
everything weighs.

We've been analyzing gameplay style over the last few months, and as new
features come out (such as the skill tree) we aim to bring back the
focus back to surviving. Our goal with the item weight system is to make
deciding what to keep in your backpack a serious decision. Players
should have various things to consider when making these decisions. Do
you want to farm loot? Carry less on you and be at more risk for a
greater reward. Do you want to PvP? Carry more weapons and ammo on you
at the expensive of not being able to pick up tons of loot.

Quelle: Development Diary, 1.25.13
Vorgestern habe ich im TS mal gewartet leider niemand gekommen, ich wäre auch mal wieder dabei einfach bei Steam oder hier bei mir melden...
Ab morgen Abend wär ich auch wieder da.
Hört sich doch gut an. Vielleicht können morgen ja noch ein paar mehr. So'n 8er Squad wär doch mal wieder ganz lustig. ;)
Hätte auch mal wieder richtig bock, aber irgendwie kommt immer was anderes dazwischen >.<
Abends? Zwischen 2000 & 2100?
Also so wie meine freundin drauf ist, hab ich morgen abend auch mal wieder zeit......

:d :lol:

Edit: In Boulder lässt sich ja jetzt richtig was finden: M16, Stanag 30, Medium & AK47-M in 10 min.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Halten wir morgen abend 20 fest, vielleicht auch schon einen Treffpunkt... dann können wir chars schon mal in die richtung bewegen..
Wie wärs mit ÖSZ?
Vielleicht komm ich ja dieses mal zum schießen. Mit der G36 hats nicht geklappt, vllt. mit der Sig dafür. :d
Hab ich noch nicht ausprobiert. Hof dass es morgen klappt, in voller Ausrüstung.
Hier wurden ein paar Fragen beantwortet:

Hello everyone!JonnyTruant (Tyler) here stopping by to chat and answer some questions, and also give you a little snap shot into our development process, and what we're currently working on. So, without further ado!From ArtKatanas! Coming this week. All active users will receive a unique Katana in the their global inventory.Interiors. In the coming weeks you'll see fleshed out interiors, complete with furniture sets. This month we'll also be opening up a bunch of other buildings for you to explore!WEAPONS*. One of my personal favorites - some of you will remember when we asked what weapons you'd like to see/use in the zombie apocalypse. Well, we listened, and RussianKaliber and his art team are SUPER excited to get cranking on new melee weapons, as well as some more common firearms.Characters. There are currently more characters of many different backgrounds, male and female, in the pipeline, and you'll see them over the coming months. We plan to release them as they're ready, and i'll post more further down the line.From Design and CodeStrongholds. One map is nearly done, and 2 others are in the pipeline.Reputation system and name plates. This should come very soon, and I'll post more details - there'll now 5 levels of lawman/bandit each to achieve, each of which comes with a title and icon. Name plates will be seen when aiming at playersServer rental - we're working on this still and testing, ensuring its ready for public release. Making sure we have a healthy balance of options. Processing feedback from a number of threads and polls, balancing, etc. They'll be out as soon as they're ready.SkillsCall for helpBuilding blocks. We have a number we're working on (blocks of bricks, wood planks, etc)LockboxesSafe settlements - in game store and inventory access, sentriesThat's our schedule for the new few months. We still have a number of options on our schedule, so if you aren't seeing that one feature you have to have more than anything else rest assured its on our plates. Vehicles, VOIP, all those will be coming, but this is the high level on what we're working on for the first part of this year.Now, ask me whatever burning question you like and I'll do my best to answer. I only ask you keep it civil and have some patience - I'm only one man, but I promise I will answer all constructive questions in a timely fashion!UPDATE: First 3 pages#6Augeson, the server’s will come when they’re ready. I’m not comfortable committing to a more specific date as the testing process is volatile, and as a result difficult to predict time wise.#7We’ve been experiencing some issues, with login/launcher/servers, that our IT guy is currently investigating. Hopefully won’t be much of an issue much longer.#10Video game development on a smaller team is an intense process. With Steam, the antihack, and unforeseen issues in the investigation of some of the larger features we realized the work was considerably more than previously estimated. It’s the problem, the double edged sword of communication. We want to commit, promise, whatever – but then issues like these arise and push back deadlines. We’re working on it, I assure you.*#11To piggy back off the previous question, PilatePear, these features are in the coming months. Likely the next two but I’m not going to give any specific dates…once they’re closer to being completed, I’ll be sure to let everyone know!#12Not at this point Raghu, but soon#17Fairfight reporting doesn't kick, it adds you to a list for review by a dev#18We have a schedule, yes, but no we will not be publishing this. We’ll update the community on active items in development and rough timelines.#21Sounds like a question for someone else to answer. I personally love our community, and our team is far from lazy  we work long hours, and put a lot of work into this game.#23The fact you’re here Zipus means you’ll receive one  Folks who purchase the game after we release them will not, unless they loot them or purchase through the store.#24Hackings been massively reduced, and our anti-hack is continuing to kick ass.#28Clan banks are still comin. Zombie intelligence will be tweaked, and you can expect to see some feedback polls in Game Discussion surrounding this. Sentries are coming, to protect safe settlements. They’ll be part of the ‘Safe Settlements’ feature, once we’ve completed planned features there.#30Bounty boards are coming with completed safe settlements!#34That’s the risk*#38We’re sorting out the exact specifics on this one. I’ll post more in another dev diary later.#39Something something woodchuck#41We’re giving you as much info as we can. Once we get closer to completion we’ll announce actual dates. Please be civil, Sergey is not in Russia, here’s here with us working on the game.#441. Yes, cars are coming. I haven’t listed them as they are not as a high a priority as some of these other features. 2. Absolutely, we have another code team working on engine optimizations.#45There’s a few other threads detailing how Strongholds will function, but the basics are that they’re smaller maps you can rent, customize, and set up as your own personal or clan stronghold.#46Sergey has told me no wipe, and I see no reason there will be one.#47Unfortunately you don’t have all the info here. The report feature doesn’t ‘instaban’, it puts players on a list for review. Its merely a factor in a hackers review. Most of the ‘innocent’ bans are in fact hackers. Our antihack is working, and quite well. Did you have another question?#49Its one of the top desires, as we understand it, and last we’d discussed yes PvE was coming.#50We’ve discussed expanding Colorado and may do so. The feature to have notes indicating player location in the front end has also been discussed, and I personally fancy it. We’ll see about the trade system, no plans at the moment. And yes, there will likely be a universal stat page for your account.#53Flashlight on/off is on the list! That’s the idea w/building blocks, and you can also build up on private servers, strongholds, wherever you like. What I mean there is finishing planned features for Safe Settlements, I’ll expand.#54I’m more than happy to answer a real question, if you have one.#56I only wish that worked in more aspects of my life*#57I’m offering as much insight as I can at the moment#58We’ve discussed another safe settlement further west, in the newer areas. I’ll bring it up again!Pages 3-6#68The new reputation will still be character based – however, given that the top levels require 100 kills, I expect to see fewer character deletions, and more focus on building that rep
#76Our systems also based on proximity so it’ll be quite difficult to exploit. Its more for recognition/trading/KoS. If you can look at someone and see they’re a lawman, you’ll be more inclined to trust them, etc#83Players are never banned randomly. Sometimes it takes a bit for the system to catch up with them, but I assure you the antihack is not flawed. Check out the hacking forums if you doubt me.#87YESSS the Crossbow is coming back. I’ll follow up with code and see whats missing today.#88Yup this is part of our rep system. When you can see a player and aim at them you’ll see their name, title (bandit, villain, lawman, etc) and an icon indicating the same.#89Yes, we have a solution for server hopping/ghosting we’ll be rolling out soon. Once its deployed I’ll also be asking for feedback.#90Theres a few things here – for one I’m pushing for some ‘perm’ items, or stuff new characters always spawn with. For another, we’re discussing PvE servers for those who prefer that play style.#93I totally understand. Its tricky, man – sometimes it can be easy to be carried away by passion when something seems close to done. Cheers!#94We’re discussing Friends at the moment. There’s some complications on the back end we need to iron out. I can see Sergey and code hashing it out from my office actually #99The odd thing here Belgskuh is that this is set for ALL zombies. For some reason it does seem to be sorting out by location, but I assure you that is not the case. I’ll review our drop rates again today to confirm.#101I answered the friends question earlier. To your second question BurningHotels (interesting username, btw, I want to know the backstory) I’m sorry to hear you’re freezing so often, but code is already aware and investigating. Our QA team is also working on solid repro steps, but if you have some more specific info I’d love to have it.#105I KNOW! Its very frustrating not being able to zoom on the map. Let me follow up today and get back to you. Its been on my list for a while.#107Interesting feedback Vangoh, I’ll bring it up with animation (where I suspect the issue lies)#108Again, willing to answer a question if you have anything to offer besides pointless hate.#115Do you have some specific feedback on the animations I can process? I’d appreciate it!#116Whew, that’s a lot of questions. Here we go. 1. Items spawning oddly will be fixed, but its really not a priority. Bigger fish to fry, so to speak. 2. This will be fixed with the next PhysX update 3. No plans at the moment to implement a lean feature 4. The marketplace will remain as is, with some additions/changes. You’ll also be able to access it via safe settlements 5. Characters are currently unlockable via xp 6. California is currently in the works 7. My favorite weapon, personally, is the pickaxe. Something about sticking a zombie in the dome with that thing is SUPER satisfying. I also love the Mini-14, just the way it looks#117I’ll take another look at item spawns today, see what I can add. Zombie bosses, encounters, fun things like this are incoming…its just important we pay close attention to proper implementation.#120Our art team is always working on optimizations. RussianKaliber and his team are VERY good at what they do, it’s a joy to see them work.Pages 7-9#122We know our footsteps need a complete overhaul, zombies and otherwise. We’ve also just updated tree textures (they look awesome) – I’ll show some screens in tomorrows Dev Diary.#123Sadly we haven’t discussed this that I’m aware. We’ve also rewarded beta players quite amply, with characters, items, and GC.#124Understandably skeptic Ruzzhh, I can’t blame you. We’ve been pretty iffy with deadlines in the past, but we’re doing our best to improve. There’s been some shifting structurally, so we will see an improvement in updates soon.#126Not sure I understand the question kres#128Yes, there’ll be events for both PvE and PvP servers. Can’t say much here as its still in flux in design, but we’ve talked about some fun things involving hordes and NPCs.#129I don’t have a specific date on friends but it is coming.#130GC respawn is being considered. While you have a point, it wasn’t just the 4 hour respawn, but the fact that it was immediate. I think if we DO re-add it, we’ll just have it reduce the respawn timer to like 5 minutes or something, to avoid the ‘pay 2 win’ complaints.#131Disabling the HUDs been discussed but it is not at the top of our list#132We’re putting in name plates for ease of identification. It’ll be balanced tho so it cant be exploited (ie only visible in close proximity)#133Server pricing hasn’t been ironed out yet, but there will be a good selection of options. Many of the ones discussed in RussianKaliber’s server rental thread. Kick/local ban/password/etc.#136We’ve finished anims for punching, just need to confirm code#137Hmm we haven’t discussed resetting XP, and frankly that seems a bit unfair to those who have been stockpiling XP, but we’ll see. We’ve been working on skills this week so I’ll mention it at the next sit down.#149I’ll look into getting more active Russian forum mods  And I’ll ask RussianKaliber to stop by more often#151Yup! Soon. (Grenades/mines).#158Chainsaws on the list!! Art’s got like 20 more melee weapons they’re looking to create. Vehicles will come, likely with California.#1591. Batteries would come with consumables and crafting (oil for lamps, gas for cars/chainsaws, etc) but I don’t have a date on that. 2. Yup, you’ll be able to password protect. 3. Right now item spawns will be Melee, civilian, then rarer military items.#164The server hopping fix has been tabled at the moment, we ran into some issues involving possible exploitation, but a version of it will go live likely on the next patch.#166We have not decided yet whether or not you’ll have separate chars/inventories. I’ll be doing a separate poll on this, to further get the communities opinion. Pretty polarized at the moment.#170We’ll be bringing in more diversity character wise soon#172I’ll show some stuff on skills tomorrow!#173It’ll take quite some time to max out all trees, but an average player could complete one tree in a reasonable amount of time. Zombie xp may change, once we add xp for other things#1791. What kind of features would you like? I’m totally open to discussion, I love RP’ing. 2. I’ll stop by, definitely. 3. Yup we’ll grow as much as we can 4. I am not privy to budget discussions, so I can’t answer that. I have no idea whats up monetarily 5. LOL rabbits? We’lll see

Quelle: http://forums.playwarz.com/showthread.php?92326-Q-and-A-plus-some-insight-into-our-schedule
Total überzogen der Test

Finde ich nicht.
Ich habe mir das Game damals auf Empfehlung der Fanboys gekauft und muss eingestehen, dass ich selten so sinnlos 11€ investiert habe.
Damit möchte ich niemanden angreifen der das Spiel mag, ich will auch keine Diskussionen über die Qualität des Spiels führen, sondern einfach nur meine Meinung äußern.
Fast alle Kritikpunkte die mich geärgert haben sind von der Gamestar wiedergegeben worden. Jedoch werde ich das Gefühl nicht los, dass das "komische" Verhalten der Entwickler mit in die Bewertung eingeflossen ist.

Ich persönlich sehe es so, dass es als Kostenloser Mod ok ist, als Verkaufsversion + Ingameshop jedoch untragbar ist.
Wenn ich mich nicht täusche, ist The War Z immer noch im Betastatus. Von daher kann und muss noch einiges passieren.
Potential hat es und es hat auch noch viele Fehler. Die Diskussion wiederholt sich aller 5-10 Seiten hier ;) Ich spiele es gerne aber man muss auch sagen es macht eigentlich nur in einer Gruppe, mit Leuten die man "kennt" Spaß.. wenn ich alleine spiele schiebe ich auch nur Frust und gute Bewertungspunkte würde ich dem Spiel auch nicht geben..noch nicht. Die 20€ haben sich für mich gelohnt, alleine wegen der Leute mit denen man spielt :fresse:

Zurück zum Spiel. Ich versuch heute auch um 8 da zu sein, einen Toten in der Ost Safe Zone habe ich schon :fresse:
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