[Sammelthread] Tom Clancy's The Division II

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@DomainKing Den Menüpunkt gibt es nur im Spiel, nicht in der Charakterauswahl.
Jemand an Heartland Interesse?
Für die Beta angemeldet ?
4 agents voil ausgeruestet mit allem was es vor der Rekalibierierung der Station verfuegbar war, 1.2K Stunden, seit mai 2020 nicht mehr angefasst bis auf benchmarking. NYC war schneller durch als der erste Akt des Hauptspiels, aber NYC sah gut aus.

aber die Entwickler haben damals nur leere Versprecheungen gemacht (wie schon mit Div1) und irgendwann hats mir persoenlich einfach nur noch gereicht. ubisoft ist tot fuer mich, kostenlose keys werde ich sicherlich ab sofort verschenken

das mobile Spiel werde ich mit Genuss & Popcorn verfolgen. konsole ebenso...
Heartland ist jetzt dann quasi die Far Cry 5 Map mit Agents, so vom Grundprinzip? Weil im Wiederverwerten ist Ubisoft ja Meister...

Ok wenns kostenlos ist, könnte man es mal runterladen und anspielen, aber es ist mir eigentlich super egal, das Mobile noch viel mehr.

Aber die gesamte Ubishow war auch so dermaßen langweilig, die haben einfach keine Ideen mehr, nur noch lauwarme Aufgüsse vom selben Open World Tower Erklimm Spiel.

Div2 hab ich zwar durchgemacht aber es war am Ende so eine gezogene Schei??e, gut vllt nicht so krass, aber ich hab irgendwie nie gefallen an dem Sommer Setting in Washington gefunden.

Zum Glück gabs das Spiel damals zum AMD 2600 gratis dazu.

NY im Winter war einfach schicker und cooler, vermutlich aber auch einfach wegen dem damals "neuen" Setting, Div2 war ein Reskin mit anderen Fähigkeiten.
Divison 1 war auch nach einiger Patches&Updates wirklich ein gutes Spiel, die Incursions, der Survival Mode, die DZ Stimmung, die Ulti, Setting in NYC naja wie überall folgt es halt dem generellen Trend von, weniger Einsatz mehr Gewinn.
Gab ja auch keinen Content der mir gewachsen war :fresse:
Bist ja auch gleich mit den classified Gearsets rein :)
Mit Survival stimme ich dir 100% zu...

Patch Notes for Title Update 16.1


  • As a temporary solution, we decided to significantly reduce Shrapnel Trap efficiency in PvP to dissuade players from using it.


  • Fixed an issue where Premium Credits were spent instead of Textiles when buying from the in-game store.
  • Fixed an issue where “Add” and “Remove” options would appear when attempting to buy items more expensive than the premium credits balance.


  • Reduced the HP of the Tidal Basin Legendary Stronghold Boss weak points.


  • Fixed an issue where the Doctor Home Exotic rifle is not working in PvP.
  • Fixed an issue where All High-End Assault Rifles had Rifle damage as a Core Attribute.
  • Fixed an issue where the Closer and Uzina Getica Gear Brand Set chest pieces were missing an attribute roll.
  • Fixed an issue where Dye slots weren’t functional on gear pieces from the Umbra Initiative Gear Set and Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set.


  • Fixed an issue where the Doctor Home Exotic rifle does not have a proficiency rank.
  • Fixed an issue where Busy Little Bee had two icons in the Expertise Pistols category.


  • Fixed an issue where the "Show the Signature Weapon" Option is reset to default every time the user changes server.
  • Fixed an issue where the primary weapon skins rewards visuals would stretch outside of the Season 10 Reward Tracker.
  • Fixed an issue where the active event text from the Season menu overlaps with Progression when hovering it in the pause menu.
  • Fixed an issue where text is present in the Main Menu Season Option for Manhunt Target Events on locales: Spanish, Latin-American Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Korean.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen/Image displayed on the “Expertise Table” section of the Tutorial was not localized in Brazilian Portuguese but in Italian.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple weapon skin previews would not display properly in the apparel menu or on the weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Season 10 Unique Weapon skins have small icons in the Apparel Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon for the Tendrils unique weapon skin was missing the drum mag.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Fast Travel to Seasons Vendor" button could be used to start the "Initiate Fast Travel" animation while inside submenus that don't have this button present.
  • Fixed an issue where the Season Pass for Season 10: Price of Power was blurry.


  • Fixed an issue where Apparel Items from Dark Path would drop as gear items.
  • Fixed an issue where the Maintenance Shirt would clip with various pants from the store.
  • Fixed an issue where the LED Pants icon from the Apparel Menu does not match the in-game pants.


  • Fixed an issue where Legacy or Season 9 Hidden Alliance caches are rewarded instead of Season 10 Price of Power caches for Leagues.
TU 16.2 und SHD Paragon Apparel Event starten heute. Patch notes folgen.

Patch Notes for Title Update 16.2


  • Fixed the issue with the Umbra Initiative Mask clipping with some vanity masks
  • Fixed the issue with the Umbra Initiative Mask missing its visual and mod slots
  • Fixed the issues with the Umbra Initiative Mask showing on even if the the “Always Show Mask” option from the Inventory is set to OFF
  • Fixed the issue with the dye slots having no functionality on all gear pieces from the Umbra Initiative Gear Set
  • Fixed the UI issue with the Umbra Initiative Kneepads visual slots wrong placement
  • Fixed: Both the regular and the named chest pieces from the Uzina Getica Brand Set have only one Attribute
  • Chest piece second Attribute was rerolled randomly
    • The randomly rerolled Attribute (second attribute) is now changed back to the original roll
    • The first Attribute remains unchanged
    • If you re-rolled the first attribute to that of the second attribute (original), you will get a random first Attribute, but both will be unlocked and available for recalibration
  • Fixed the issue with the Striker's Battlegear Gear Set 4 pieces bonus not applying when swapping between identical Striker's pieces from the inventory
  • Fixed the issue that nullified the set bonus effect when changing between two Gear Set loadouts that have at least 2 distinct item pieces for Ongoing Directive, Negotiator's Dilemma, Striker's Battlegear, Foundry Bulwark, and Rigger.


  • Fixed: Busy Little Bee Exotic Pistol Talent damage buff applies to skills
  • Fixed the issue with the Busy Little Bee Exotic Pistol blueprint not unlocking after reaching level 85 of the seasonal reward track
  • Fixed the issue with The Picaro's Holster, Hermano Backpack, Bloody Knuckles and Busy Little Bee not dropping from their respective targeted loot pools
  • Fixed the issue with the Ongoing Directive Gear Set Talent - The Rules of Engagement generating Specialization weapon ammo in the Dark Zone
  • Updated the Striker's Battlegear localization: both Press the Advantage and Striker’s Gamble should have the correct Talent descriptions: (https://trello.com/c/hkxe5b9p/16-gear-strikers-battlegear)
  • Fixed the issue with the Dread Edict Talent - Full Stop stacking with damage dealt by skill, talent or status effect
  • Fixed the issue with the Sledgehammer Talent not showing in the Recalibration Station talent library
  • Updated the Bluescreen Exotic LMG drop conditions for legendary enemies


  • Won’t fix: Targeted Loot in Dark Zone drops as normal loot instead of contaminated loot
    • We decided to keep the Targeted look uncontaminated for the time being.
  • In order to obtain the DZ West backpack trophy players will have to complete 5 extractions from the DZ West


  • Fixed several server stability issues
  • Fixed an issue with the game crashing after entering an Iron Horse Raid group through matchmaking and then going to the pilot and selecting Countdown


  • Fixed: Exotic components are not dropping from control points cashes
  • Fixed the wrong icon for the Countdown on the Mega Map
  • Fixed the Pilot menu so selecting Countdown doesn't overwrite the exciting Raid group
  • Fixed the issue with the inspect menu overlapping with the social menu after creating a raid group and inspecting other players
  • Fixed the issue with the "Mark All as Junk" button from Options menu not being functional
  • Fixed the issue with the loading button appearing when trying to create a Countdown session while in a Raid group when the Raid difficulty is the same as Countdown one


  • Fixed: The time for achieving stage 10 in the Seasonal timed challenges for Manning National Zoo, Roosevelt Island and Wall Street is set to one hour
  • Fixed the issue with the Legacy or Season 9 Hidden Alliance caches being rewarded instead of Season 10 Price of Power caches for Global Events and Leagues
  • Fixed the issue with the Chirpy League image being used as the thumbnail image for Lucky League trophy when viewing it in the Apparel Menu


  • SHD Paragon Apparel Event has started: collect 6 unique outfits inspired by the Specialization Skills


  • One-time offer will be available starting from October 20th, 2022


  • Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set color is incorrect in the appearance collection
  • Uzina Getica Brand Set is not available in the appearance collection
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moin. Habe nach über 2 Jahren Pause mal wieder reingeschaut. Hatte einen ganz passablen fire-build gespielt. Kam mir aber jetzt etwas schwach vor. Bin auch der Meinung, selbst mehr Schaden abzubekommen. Gibt es im Moment ein Set, welches sich für die AR anbietet und noch ganz brauchbare Rüstungsregenerarion erlaubt?
ansonsten mal hier reinschauen ob was dabei ist
Ich versuche seit mehr als einem Monat jetzt die Wellenform als Holster zu bekommen, targeted loot auf Holster eingestellt, alle wöchentlichen Aufträge auf Legendär, Summit durchgelaufen , alles ohne Glück, hat wer noch einen Tipp, ich hätte den gern für meinen Techniker Build.

Blöd auch das man nicht zwischen Xbox ud PC synchronisieren kann, da hätte ich Sie nämlich :fresse2:

Patch Notes for Title Update 16.3​


  • Fixed the issue that allowed players to turn invisible by interacting several times with the Dark Zone entrance and Safe Room door


  • Players no longer receive the decryption key while being in another player's game
  • Season 9 objectives are no longer active

Gear & Weapons

  • Fixed the issues that allowed to stack the Foundry Bulwark Gear Set talent infinitely by changing the server instance
  • Fixed the textures for the Carbine 7 Assault Rifle
  • Fixed Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set items quality in the Appearance collection


  • Fixed the issue where players were unable to matchmake for Raid or Expedition while in a group of two or three members from the Megamap Matchmake menu or Matchmaking Station


  • Fixed multiple minor clipping issues


  • Fixed the issue with extra "Boss Loot Drop" lines present for the Legendary difficulty Manning National Zoo Stronghold on the Megamap
  • Players will no longer respawn with reset skills after going in unplayable area of the Tidal Basin Stronghold
  • Fixed the issue with the Boss Loot Drops not being detailed for the Legendary difficulty Manning National Zoo in the Megamap
  • Fixed the inconsistency in display between the name of the boss that has been damaged or killed and the boss's name shown in the objective UI for the Legendary difficulty Manning National Zoo


  • Compare Tab no longer overlaps with Reconfigure tab in the Crafting Station menu
  • Fixed the issue that allowed players to receive unlimited SHD points to spend on resources when running the game in certain languages

Store Exclusives

  • Pink Tracksuit Outfit now available for 640 Premium Credits

  • Stinger Hunter Outfit now available for 2075 Premium Credits
    • Stinger Hunter Mask: 800 Premium Credits or 1700 Textiles
    • Stinger Hunter Neck Brace: 260 Premium Credits or 1000 Textiles
    • Stinger Hunter Pants: 245 Premium Credits or 1000 Textiles
    • Stinger Hunter Shirt: 550 Premium Credits or 1300 Textiles
    • Stinger Hunter Boots: 220 Premium Credits or 1000 Textiles

Won’t Fix

  • Picaros Holster Core Attribute can't be rolled to Red
    • Our intention for the item was to allow for the Core Attribute to be re-rolled to a Red one instead of the Blue it comes with
    • As the item technically already has a Red Core (but placed under attributes) the game will not allow the re-roll to Red
    • Changing this behavior would mean we have to re-code the entire behavior of all items in the game and risk introducing issues in that process. As it would require a complete rebuild of attributes on all items in the game, we had to take the decision to leave Picaro’s Holster as it is now
Heute ist mir etwas sehr merkwürdiges aufgefallen:

Laufe durch DC, mache die Straßen etwas sicherer und merke plötzlich: Iiihh...Tearing. Checke die Frames...und tatsächlich: Um die 40 rum! (FreeSync 40-60Hz-Monitor; Benchmark vom 01.11. mit OCUV: 67 Frames im Durchschnitt)

Benchmark gestartet, Spiel und System haben sich im Verlauf dann erst einmal verabschiedet und der Rechner startet neu.

Nach dem Neustart kommt die Meldung, dass Wattman alle Einstellungen wieder auf Standard gestellt hat. OCUV wiederhergestellt, Framecap gelöst, Spiel gestartet, Benchmark laufen lassen: Alles wie gehabt, 68 Frames im Durchschnitt. So soll's sein, fein, fein!

Ab auf den Desktop, Framecap bei 58 wieder eingeschaltet, wieder Benchmark gestartet, und ick kiecke und ick staune: Nur noch 47 Frames im Durchschnitt.

Wieder auf den Desktop, Framecap wieder gelöst, wieder Benchmark laufen lassen: Dieses Mal nur noch 26 Frames im Durchschnitt.

Also ist das Spiel jedes Mal langsamer geworden, wenn ich auf den Desktop und wieder zurück ins Spiel gewechselt hab.
Interessant auch, dass die gezogenen Watt der GraKa mit jedem Benchrun runter gingen: von 250W im ersten Run, über rd. 200W im zweiten Run und rd. 150W dann im letzten Run. GPU-Auslastung war dabei immer bei 98-99%, der Takt lag immer bei ca. 2460MHz (eingestellt im Wattman sind 2500).

Ich spiele Vollbild nativ @4k, alle Regler rechts, Frames wie oben schon geschrieben bei 58 gecapped.

- 22H2 wurde bereits am 01.10. installiert, letzte Updates wurden am 08.11. installiert. Daran kann es also nicht liegen, das wäre mir vorher schon aufgefallen.
- Treiberversion ist 22.10.3, auch bei Erscheinen installiert. Das schließe ich also auch aus.
- Heute hab ich Title Update 16.3 gezogen...das wäre die einzige Veränderung.

Hat jemand schon ähnliches beobachten können?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Scheint bei mir normal zu funktionieren, Benchmark Ergebnisse und verhalten der GPU bleiben gleich.
GTX1070, FHD, Regler so eingestellt das 75fps gehalten werden. Win 10 aktuell.
Eben einfach mal mehrere Benchruns ohne raustabben hintereinander weg gemacht, ohne Einstellungen zu ändern:

Screenshot 2022-11-17 192932.png
Screenshot 2022-11-17 193635.png
Screenshot 2022-11-17 193700.png
Screenshot 2022-11-17 193718.png
Screenshot 2022-11-17 193735.png

Screenshot 2022-11-17 193754.png

Einhorn, wir müssen reden! 🤨
Sooo, Update, falls jemand die gleichen Symptome bemerkt:

Nach einigen Tests mit Standardeinstellungen, bin ich der "Anomalie" auf die Spur gekommen. Ich glaube, es lag am übertakteten VRAM: Geb ich ihm Zunder, gehen die Frames runter, wenn ich tabbe. Die niedrigeren Wattzahlen waren dann wohl eine Folge davon, nicht umgekehrt, wie ich erst befürchtet habe.

Lasse ich den VRAM bei Standardtakt laufen, bleiben die Frames stabil hoch und auch OCUV der GPU funktioniert wie es soll.

The Division 2 - Title Update 16.4 - Overview​

Happy Holidays! Activities / Rewards

As announced a couple of weeks ago - Season 11 was pushed back to fix some issues. These issues have now been addressed and TU16.4 is announced for December 6th.

Here is what you need to know:

Season 10
December's coming in hot! Launching in just a few days, TU16.4 will bring a lot of fun activities:

Can't wait till December 6th? Find out more in the Patch Notes => here

Activities / Rewards
Getting into the festive mood, The Division 2 style: equip the Santa suit, track down the Hoarder, get yourself the new Named Sniper "Oh Carol", and enjoy some hot chocolate at Kerman’s.

Both Chill Out and The Sleigher will be dropping from the Hoarder (Tweet)

The Santa suit is a mass grant available from December 13th and until January 3rd, you need to log in at least once during that time to get it. (Tweet)

Daily log-in bonuses
But hold on, there’s more! Don’t miss out on the daily log-in bonuses:

=> Roadmap & Daily Rewards

Here's an overview over the different events and dates:
=> Link

Patch Notes for Title Update 16.4

The TU16.4 drops on December 6th - and all the listed changes apply from then on.

Apparel Event
  • Dark Path Apparel Event is now available

Store Exclusives
  • Gamology outfit is now available for 2405 Premium Credits
    • Gamology pants: 200 Premium Credits
    • Gamology backpack: 475 Premium Credits
    • Gamology vest: 450 Premium Credits
    • Gamology shoes: 180 Premium Credits
    • Gamology hoodie: 450 Premium Credits
    • Gamology mask: 650 Premium Credits
=> Outfit

Season 10 Manhunt
  • Lucky League is now available
  • Lucky Target is now available
  • Prime Target General Anderson is now available

Happy Holidays
  • Added Named Sniper Oh Carol — High-End M44 Marksman Rifle
  • Holiday exclusive Hoarder NPC activated
    • Holiday exclusive loot drops:
      • Chill Out Mask
      • Oh Carol Named Sniper
      • The Sleigher Named SMG
  • Added Santa Outfit
    • Available in-game starting from December 13th

  • Fixed multiple crashing issues that affected Season 10 Manhunt progression, Operation Dark Hours Raid and Operation Iron Horse Raid
  • Tidal Basin: Fixed the issue with the agent getting stuck at a specific location
  • Countdown: Fixed the issue with the agent getting stuck in a container
  • Countdown: Fixed a few misaligned UI elements
  • Lefty Named Shotgun no longer behaves like a SIX-12
  • Fixed the issue with Sledgehammer and Perfect Sledgehammer Talents stacking when an incendiary grenade is used
  • Heartbreaker: Fixed the issue with the missing mod slots on the Unflinching Vest on the female agent model
  • Fixed the issue with The Ravenous defensive primes not granting the +4% bonus armor when disrupted
  • Fixed the issue that prevented the players from change the body type due to missing button in the Barber menu

Known Issues

  • Dark Path Apparel items are clipping with multiple vanity items and agent models
  • The Gamology pants are clipping with all the sidearm holsters
  • The Gamology pants are clipping with multiple jackets on the female agent model
  • Replacing one pair of vanity gloves with another pair of vanity gloves keeps the visuals from the replaced ones

Season 10 Manhunt
  • The General Anderson Climax mission can’t be replayed after the manhunt campaign reset. Fast travel is possible, but the mission itself does not have any functionality.
    • Workaround: Eliminate all the targets to replay the climax mission
  • Players are unable to open the Map and Inventory after opening the Map and simultaneously pressing the "Return to Washington D.C." and the "Close Map" buttons
  • Co-op party disbands right after the final cinematic cutscene upon returning to BOO

Global Events
  • Guardians: Guardian True Sons NPC kills count towards the "Eliminate Black Tusk Guardians" challenge
  • Polarity Switch: Positive polarity True Sons NPC kills with grenades count towards the "Eliminate positive polarity Black Tusk with grenades" challenge
  • Golden Bullet: Elite True Sons NPC kills do not count towards the "Eliminate Elite True Sons" challenge
  • Golden Bullet: Elite True Sons NPC kills count towards the "Eliminate Elite Black Tusk" challenge
  • Hollywood: Elite True Sons NPC kills count towards the "Eliminate Elite Black Tusk" challenge
  • SHD Exposed: Elite True Sons NPC kills count towards the "Eliminate elite Black Tusk" objective
  • Reanimated: Reanimated True Sons count towards the "Eliminate re-animated Black Tusk" objective

  • Manhunt objective and map location are overlapping
  • The ending cinematic of the Climax mission is playing twice for the group members playing on PS4 and Xbox One
2. freeze nach ca. 30 min

spiel geht in window mode und bleibt stehen...

ist das bekannt?


Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

hmm.. mal gucken.


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