Windows verschönern: Übersicht der Shellpack-Installer



  • Added automate User Account Control deactivation upon checking
  • Added changing desktop wallpaper during transformation
  • Added completed set of Windows 7 wallpapers
  • Added Gavatx's Rainbar in Vista compatibilities exclusion list as there's already Windows Sidebar in Vista
  • Fixed bugs that some options are not saved in registry during installation
  • Fixed currupt system sounds scheme in Windows Vista after uninstallation
  • Fixed logon screen system files modification to not change system font in non-English MUI (Requires uninstall for older version)
  • Fixed setup files detection glitches in Windows XP/2003 x64 Edition
  • Fixed system files modification critical error for integration with Windows XP/2003 x64 Editions
  • Fixed system files modification compatibilities with non-English edition OS
  • Fixed Welcome Center not running on startup after installation on x64 operating system
  • Fixed x64 system files modification incompatibilities for some systems
  • Improved transformation process for faster and better performance (This involves a lot of work in various places and they're all technical stuff)
  • Optimized Deferred Launcher's startup sequence and delay time for better resource utilization
  • Removed minimum hardware requirements for 3rd-party applications but still keep recommended specifications in list
  • Shortened installation sequence UI for smoother process
  • Updated 3rd-party applications hardware requirements specifications
  • Updated screensaver to Windows 7 logo
  • Updated TrueTransparency
    -Core program to version 1.4
    -Optimized blurring interval for better system performance
    -Rebuilt SevenStyle skins based on Seven structure with real reflections
    -x64 application support
  • Updated ViGlance to version SE2 build 1276
    -Added Drag shortcut support
    -Added Hyprid Jumplist support
    -Added Shift+Left click opens new instance
    -Fixed 64-bit application compatibilities
    -Fixed multi-monitor compatibilities
    -Fixed UI and code refinements
    -Optimized timer interval and program configuration
    -Updated default skin
  • Updated ViStart to version 2.0 build 3738
    -Added blur support (experimental)
    -Added run functionality in searchbox
    -Optimized programs discovery routine with better program support
    -Optimized UI rendering for better performance
  • Updated Welcome Center
    -Added back button in ui navigation control
    -Added system files repair list in repair page and Repair alert with red text
    -Fixed icon and text UI placement
    -Removed using system files from backup source in uninstallation
    -Reworked Removal UI with installed components verification to ensure safety of uninstallation
    -Updated backup files status indicator to available/not available (no need for overwritten check)
    -Windows 7's additional user pictures and wallpapers will no longer be removed (few MBs being too insignificant for TB storage)
  • Updated UXTheme patching engine to deepxw's universal theme patcher
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vielen Dank. Auch für die Meldung. :)

Die Links sind nun gefixt.



After endless testing I finally did it!! The Patcher is now able to patch 64-Bit Windows 7. So now all x64 users can enjoy all the art the other 64-Bit Patcher wasn't able to patch (like WMP, Wordpad, IE, ...), too.

IMPORTANT: You should uninstall an exisitng installation of the Patcher first before installing this one! Otherwise your old Backup files may be replaced by the patched ones, which means you won't be able to go back to the Windows original files!

- Support for 64-Bit to the NSIS-Patcher. This Patcher now patches both 32- and 64-Bit.

- System files: wmploc.dll
- Reworked the Folder-Preview Icons for Gnome-Colors & Tango!
- Reorganized the installer options, adding more freedom to choose which files should be patched.

- Proper clearing of the Icon/Thumbnail Cache


Sorry I just saw the posting about a mistake in the "ieframe.dll" script. Heres the fixed re-upload...

- Support for: sdcpl.dll
- Tangerine Icon Theme

- System files: taskbarcpl.dll, imageres.dll, setupapi.dll, helppane.exe, imagesp1.dll, wmploc.dll, shell32.dll, mspaint.exe, wordpad.exe

- Bug in Reloader causing to permanently reload files that have been changed after installation of the Patcher
- Fixed mistake in the "ieframe.dll" script


- Shiki-Colors Wallpapers

- Some icons for Tangerine
- Gnome Icon Theme to 2.91.7
- Cheser Icon Theme to 2.9
- Gnome-Colors folder icons (videos, downloads, music, documents, pictures)
- 256px Gnome "media-disk-optical-video"
- 256px Gnome-Colors "audio-volume-high"
- 256px Gnome-Colors icons with the display in it

- Compatibility with Internet Explorer 9 (this may mean that it won't work on IE8 anymore!!)
und wieder nur zur info vistamizer ist seit 27.02.11 online :d

Danke für die Info, Vista. :)


  • Fixed infamous welcome center being in used while reinstalling
  • Fixed missing files bugs in setup integration
  • Fixed missing taskkill.exe error in some machines
  • Fixed potential dwwin.exe errors during shutdown
  • Fixed shutdown dialog resource patching glitches when new updates are available
  • Fixed unsubscribing to Windows X's Live failure in Welcome Center
  • Improved deferred launcher to give startup applications lower priorities for better system performance
  • Updated ViGlance build to official release in website


  • Fehlerbehebung im Uninstaller, der nicht alles zurück setzte


Windows 8 Transformation Pack 2.0
-Added ability to offer uninstalling existing UX Pack product if can be uninstalled from Control Panel
-Added Windows 8 new wallpapers and default user picture
-Changed default system font to Segoe UI as Segoe UI Light caused UI glitches in some places
-Fixed backing up and restoring system resources to be more secure and reliable
-Fixed missing left pane and failing to load Control Panel UI pages after performing system files transformation in Windows Vista/7
-Fixed system icons that sometimes won't be updated after system files transformation
-Fixed uninstallation code that doesn't remove something (Zetro theme, old wallpapers)
-Removed ViStart and ViGlance from Windows 8 Transformation Pack (Obsolete for Metro design)
-Updated Newgen to version 6.0 with Windows 8's tiles and UI configuration
-Updated Resource Hacker to version 3.6
-Updated some fixes and improvements for installation process
-Updated system files modification to use backup files instead of current files
-Updated system files resources found in Windows 8 Developer Preview build 8102
|-Folder icons
|-Loading circle
|-Navigation buttons
|-Start button/orb
|-Tray icons
-Updated User Tile's default configuration to be unchecked as Windows 8 Developer Preview no longer has it
-Updated Windows 8 themes and visual styles
|-Rebuilt TrueTransparency's skin to Windows 8 Developer Preview version
|-Replaced Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 with dj-corny's Aero 8 Metro Mod 1.66
|-Updated Metro Inspirat to version 2.0 with resources found in Windows 8 Developer Preview

Windows 8 UX Pack 3.5
-Added ability to offer uninstalling existing UX Pack product if can be uninstalled from Control Panel
-Corrected logon screen wallpaper items as Developer Preview ones is actually lock screen
-Replaced ViOrb with Kishan Bagaria's Windows 7 Start Orb Changer including authentic orb from Windows 8 resources
-Updated Default Windows Aero theme to dj-corny's Windows 8 Metro Mod 1.66
-Updated Newgen background to be properly matched with Windows 8 Metro Start
-Updated User Tile's default configuration to be unchecked as Windows 8 Developer Preview no longer has it

Danke nochmal an Vista für den Hinweis. :)

kann mir jemand sagen, obs ein Risiko fürs System is den Startorb zu wechseln?
ich würd ja gern, aber trau mich nich ...
Ich selber bin zwar noch mit XP unterwegs und habe es daher noch nicht getestet. Aber soweit ich es bisher mitbekommen habe sollten da keine Probleme auftreten.

Wie immer gilt: Vor jeglichen System-Änderungen, die mit Zweifeln verbunden sind, sollte vorher ein Backup (System-Abbild) gemacht werden. Mal davon abgesehen, dass regelmäßige Backups doch eh selbstverständlich sein sollten. :)

regelmäßige backups is klar.
aber obs echt ohne Risiko is, die explorer exe bezüglich des Startorbs zu ändern ...
ne, sorry, ich wart lieber auf jemanden der es erfolgreich inklusive updates gemacht hat.
Habe ich - kein Problem ;)
Noch nie was zerschossen gehabt dadurch bei mir.
Hier gibts auch noch weiteres Designfutter.

Cheers, tree:angel:


  • Fixed uninstaller bug executing removed file on Windows 7
  • Removed Windows 7′s Apple Boot Screen system files modification as some machines can’t boot after installation


  • Added Windows 8 RTM wallpapers
  • Configured Aero frame UI, Metro Desktop UI and Aero’s auto-colorization to be used by default if applicable
  • Improved Segoe fonts family installation code for better compatibilities
  • Updated Metro Inspirat theme with improved start orb and few adjustments
  • Updated Newgen’s start screen background to Windows 8 RTM’s default
  • Updated Segoe fonts family from Windows 8 RTM
  • Updated TrueTransparency Aero skin rebuilt from Windows 8 RTM resources
  • Updated Windows 8′s Explorer toolbar layout configuration
  • Updated Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 by wango911 with customized theme files
  • Updated system files resources found in Windows 8 RTM
    -Boot Screen (Windows XP)
    -Logon screen background
    -Navigation buttons
    -Network tray icons
    -Shell icons
    -Shell pane background
    -Shutdown/Logoff/Theme dialogs (Windows XP)
    -Start button/orb


  • Added Charms Bar as Immersive UI’s alternative
  • Added Windows 8 RTM wallpapers
  • Configured launcher’s application startup delay to 5 seconds
  • Configured Metro Desktop UI and Aero’s auto-colorization to be used by default if applicable
  • Fixed launcher asking for adminstrative rights everytime on startup
  • Fixed changing logon screen requires restart on OEM bunbled machine
  • Updated Newgen’s start screen background to Windows 8 RTM’s default
  • Updated Starb orb rebuilt for better look and usability
  • Updated Theme selection list to Glass UI/Metro UI/Modern UI
  • Updated Windows 8 theme for Windows 7 by wango911 with customized theme files

  • Snow Transformation Pack aus der Übersicht entfernt (veraltet).

  • Vista Transformation Pack aus der Übersicht entfernt (veraltet).



  • Added ‘Transformation Pack Notes’ in readme about temporary disabling antivirus software
  • Changed default Immersive UI back to Charms Bar
  • Fixed default user account configuration not checking requirements causing improper configuration
  • Fixed font installation using method from version 5.0 with improved API code
  • Fixed launcher incompatibilities with limited user account
  • Fixed permission problems with 3rd-party applications
  • Fixed Windows version checking error that allows installation on Windows 8
  • Removed Aero Frame UI from default configuration as some machines find it not stable enough
  • Updated Metro Inspirat theme for Windows XP having Modern UI updated on taskbar and start menu


  • Added changing default system drive icon to Windows 8 ones
  • Changed default Immersive UI back to Charms Bar
  • Fixed default user account configuration not checking requirements causing improper configuration
  • Fixed logon screen not changing properly on OEM bundled machine
  • Fixed logon screen requires restart on OEM bundled machine after uninstall
  • Fixed permission problems with 3rd-party applications
  • Fixed start orb not showing up correctly after restart

Danke Dir für den Hinweis, Vista. :) Aus irgend einem Grund war das "Windows 8 Transformation Pack" nicht mehr in meiner Liste von überwachten Webseiten. :hmm:



  • Verbesserungen am Theme


  • Aktualisierung der 3. Hersteller Anwendungen (TrueTransparency and Border Skin)


  • Verbesserungen am Theme



  • Added WinMetro as alternative Metro Start Screen
  • Changed default Immersive UI to Metro Start Screen (WinMetro)
  • Improved sounds scheme files handling method
  • Updated Font installation code based on recent patch
  • Updated Glass UI theme configuration based on hacked Aero Glass in Windows 8
  • Updated Windows 8 Media sound scheme files and resources
  • Updated Windows 8 visual style for Windows 7 by Rammist


  • Added Windows 8 sounds scheme media files
  • Added WinMetro as alternative Metro Start Screen
  • Changed default Immersive UI to Metro Start Screen (WinMetro)
  • Updated Glass UI theme configuration based on hacked Aero Glass in Windows 8
  • Updated Windows 8 visual style for Windows 7 by Rammist

Welches Paket sieht den am ehesten nach osx aus für XP? Hatte früher immer dieses flykite 3.5 oder so.

Du könntest mal das Lion Transformation Pack testen. Dieses Pack scheint das Aktuellste im OSX-Look zu sein. Zudem unterstützt es neben XP auch Vista und Windows 7 (jeweils x86 und x64).

Hab das pack installiert auf XP SP3 doch die startleiste ist im Windows classic design... Hab auch schon de und re installiert. Hat nicht geholfen.
Schon probiert das Design Manuell zu ändern?

Wie es bei XP allerdings geht, weiß ich nicht mehr, da ich seit ~2 1/2 Jahren W7 nutze.
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