Also ich habe 16 90er (Horde), jeder hat mind 280%-Fliegen, bei ~4000g im Schnitt sind das 64.000 Gold für Epicfliegen..
16x 200g Fluglizenz >3200g
16x 400 Gold Kaltwetterflug > 6400g
16x 200 Gold Erfahrenes Fliegen > 3200g
16x 4000 Gold Gekonntes Reiten > 64000g
2x 4000 Gold Meisterhaftes Reiten > 8000g
16x 2500 Gold Pandariafliegen > 40.000g
Summa Sumarum 124.800 Gold nur um zu Fliegen - Meine Allis mal nicht mit einberechnet. Hätte ich kein Gold für Fliegen ausgegeben wäre ich jetzt bei über 700k, da sieht man mal in welche Kanäle das Gold eig. fließt.
Ganz zu schweigen wieviel damals 3x 3 Netherdrachen und andere Ingame-Mounts gekostet haben die ein Nebeneffekt des Flugskills waren.
Video des Tages:
Garrosh Höllschrei im Alleingang besiegt - Todesritter Solo-Kill
Ich muss meinen DK wohl mal beim Mythic-Run mitnehmen lassen
Dazu dann der Kommentar hier:
I hope you realize that 20 druids or 20 paladins or 20 monks most likely could do the same, but there are no individuals with the skill level and gear to gather a group. Raegwyn has established a network of skilled Blood DKs who are willing to spend a lot of gold, time and effort on clearing this content. For DKs we have both Mione and Raegwyn as outstanding members of the Blood DK family who impress and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. I have not seen anything like it for other classes. On occasion, Raegwyn even brings a healer to dispell or help work around a certain mechanic that would otherwise be impossible to handle. DKs are not that overpowered. They just have a lot of selfhealing for a tank class. nothing that couldn't be done with 20 or the classes i mentioned above. Those even have a clear advantage since they can utilize multiple specs, where DKs only have one viable spec for one-class-only events like the runs Raegwyn puts together. You see, it's all about the willpower, skills, time and effort of certain individuals that paves the way for these events and those individuals just happen to love playing Blood DKs
Blizzard have said the same about class dominance in PvP, but whether you believe this or not is up to you. That is just my theory on the topic. As such, I don't think DKs need a nerf but ofcourse I'm biased since i play one my self. I cannot deny that, but no way i would have the patience to pull something like this off.
Ich find die Arbeit von Raegwyn und Mione einfach nur Skill haben, deren Gear ist unter "guten" Spielern auch nur Durchschnitt. >
Raegwyn finde ich grad nicht, ich mein aber das es der Kollege hier ist: