[Sammelthread] AMD RDNA 3 Overclocking

Schau nach einer mit DUAL BIOS.

Ansonsten hier mal suchen, welche Modelle beliebt sind.

Ich selbst hab die Nitro und bin äußerst zufrieden damit.
Die Pulse sollte ja das gleiche PCB haben und somit „einfach“ das bios der nitro Flashen und umgebaut wird die eh auf Wasser da brauche ich den Kühler nicht.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Keine Ahnung obs das gleiche PCB ist.

let's see.....sapphire nitro and pulse, xfx Merc and mercury, power color hellhound, ASRock taichi and phantom, Asus dual OC, Asus tuf oc, gigabyte gaming oc, all the liquid cooled xtx.. liquid devil and ASRock extreme .. all have dual bios! I'm sure I missed some....I think even the yeston xtxs are dual but I can't say for sure..no experience with them.

I've owned 2 xfx black editions one XT and one XTX both came with hynix memory and have treated me excellent...excellent stock cooling.. only thing I could say I wasn't thrilled about was how loud the Delta fans are on them but they do cool well.. and are only loud when set aggressively.

Die Pulse sollte ja das gleiche PCB haben und somit „einfach“ das bios der nitro Flashen und umgebaut wird die eh auf Wasser da brauche ich den Kühler nicht.
Meine Red Devil XTX hat 2x Bios, das wurde von Mantiz auf Aqua OC und Nitro+ geswitchted.

Nur mal eine Frage zum MCT von @hellm kann es sein, dass mit dem "custom" Biios werte ausgegraut bleiben und nicht mehr nutzbar sind?
Ich bekomme das trotz frischem System und dem aktuellen Treiber nicht zum laufen, es wird nichts übernommen.
Lediglich nach paar mal hin und her+ in nem Spiel auf nativem AA ohne SR oder AFMF verabschiedet sich der Treiber.
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Meine Red Devil XTX hat 2x Bios, das wurde von Mantiz auf Aqua OC und Nitro+ geswitchted.

Nur mal eine Frage zum MCT von @hellm kann es sein, dass mit dem "custom" Biios werte ausgegraut bleiben und nicht mehr nutzbar sind?
Ich bekomme das trotz frischem System und dem aktuellen Treiber nicht zum laufen, es wird nichts übernommen.
Lediglich nach paar mal hin und her+ in nem Spiel auf nativem AA ohne SR oder AFMF verabschiedet sich der Treiber.
Ich kann dir da nicht helfen. Lief das denn mal ?
Habe keinen Vorher-Nachher Vergleich.
Versuche nur herauszufinden, was da sein kann.

nach allem was ich so gehört habe, soll aber das Nitro+ bios echt gut sein, dazu dann ggf. mal ein low Wattage/ silent/ stock Bios.

Wie schnell ist so eine Karte geflasht, sofern alles vorbereitet wurde?
Jemand mit viel Erfahrung hier aus HH zu finden, der das machen kann/ mag?
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@KaerMorhen hast du mehrere GPUs erkannt? Die 69er ist bei mir auch grau - ich muss an der Radeon Grafik die Einstellungen machen, die dann für die 69er gelten.
@KaerMorhen hast du mehrere GPUs erkannt? Die 69er ist bei mir auch grau - ich muss an der Radeon Grafik die Einstellungen machen, die dann für die 69er gelten.
Bei der iGPU geht es mit den Werten verändern und Einstellungen setzen, die P2000 erkennt er natürlich nicht.
Mach die IGPU mal aus.
Aber die nutze ich ja aktiv, zum Testen ginge das jedoch.
Meine P2000 kann leider kein DSR und somit benötige ich die iGPU mit SR, um den 2650x1440p auf 4k hochzuskalieren.

SO ein 4k 120-165 Hz Offscreen wäre natürlich die alternative, wenn das liebe Geld nicht wäre.
@KaerMorhen du hast einfach einen GPU-Verhau im Rechner, und zwar einen ganz geringen :-)
Team Red is in da House now!

Ich wollte ja schon bei der 6900xt Red Devil Limited zuschlagen aber ohne Glück wurde es dann eine 3080ti ftw3 und nun dann eine 7900xtx Red Devil. Ohne EVGA ist NVIDIA noch unangesagter als vorher.


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Ohne EVGA ist NVIDIA noch unangesagter als vorher.
Erm nein.

Die wird auf Wasser umgebaut?
@KaerMorhen hast du mehrere GPUs erkannt? Die 69er ist bei mir auch grau - ich muss an der Radeon Grafik die Einstellungen machen, die dann für die 69er gelten.
Hatte das falsch gelesen.
Ja, iGPU 78x3d, 79xtx und Nvidia P2000.

Nvidia fehlt, was normal ist, iGPU ist normal, dGPU ausgegraut, zumindest das meiste.

Wenn ich das nicht wieder vergessen, probiere ich das mal ohne iGPU aus.
Werde aber vorher such nochmal alle Treiber und Softwarereste entfernen.
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Ich bin jetzt auch mal wieder am benchen, nachdem ich gesehen habe, dass aus dem damaligen Platz 4 oder 5, Platz 70 geworden ist. Platz 61 habe ich jetzt schon mal.
Hat sich da was verändert im TimeSpy, da sind ohne Ende Einträge mit relativ wenig VRAM Takt, welche extreme Punkte erzielen. Früher war VRAM ziemlich wichtig um Punkte zu machen, jetzt nicht mehr? Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die alle gemoddet sind um die 32000 Punkte soweit zu schlagen. Gibt's da einen anderen Trick?
Achja ist ne 7900XT.
Opsi, die lief nur auf 352w, mit 400w sind bis jetzt 32304 drin Platz 10 bis jetzt. 2800mhz VRAM, 950mV und im GT1 nicht unter 2900mhz laut Afterburner.
Im TSE beim ersten Mal Platz 4, aber warum auch immer wurde die Hardware nicht erkannt. Erstmal bis jetzt 15626 Punkte, Platz 3. So 15655 Punkte sind damit jetzt online.
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Ganz ok die Red Devil.
Aber muss unter Wasser ist mir zu laut und das war jetzt nur das Red Devil Bios damit ist das ding absolut noch unter der 3080ti ftw3 die hatte 450 Watt und das sind jetzt 430 Watt.

In jedem Fall ein guter Upgrade von der 30er NViDIA Serie.

Screenshot 2024-12-27 134514.png
Ich habe gerade gesehen es soll ein offizielles 7900XTX VBIOS der Nitro+ für eine 7900XT Nitro+ geben. Stimmt das? Und kann man das flashen? Wenn ja wie?

@Homex Was your 7900XT powerd trough 2x8pin at 600w? So it could be safe to run the 467w from the XTX on a 7900XT Black Edition.
Das ist eines der beiden 7900XTX VBios der Nitro+ erkennbar an den 24GB und NAVI31.bin.
Auf keinem fall auf eine 7900XT flashen.
Das ist eines der beiden 7900XTX VBios der Nitro+ erkennbar an den 24GB und NAVI31.bin.
Auf keinem fall auf eine 7900XT flashen.
Habe mich auch schon gefragt warum da 24gb steht. Aber warum ist das dann als 7900XT VBIOS gelistet? Ergibt ja alles kein Sinn oder bin ich jetzt völlig verwirrt?
Ich habe mich so gefreut, dass endlich doch noch mehr geht. Da steht ja auch noch extra bei selbe Bios wie bei der 7900XTX... Und was ist. nichts ist, Pustekuchen. Dann gibt's wenn der Preis passt bald eine 7900XTX Magnetic Air und gut ist.
Hoffentlich verkauft sich die 7900XT vernünftig, macht immerhin bei 400w sogar 2-3% mehr Leistung als eine 7900XTX.
Ich habe gerade gesehen es soll ein offizielles 7900XTX VBIOS der Nitro+ für eine 7900XT Nitro+ geben. Stimmt das? Und kann man das flashen? Wenn ja wie?

@Homex Was your 7900XT powerd trough 2x8pin at 600w? So it could be safe to run the 467w from the XTX on a 7900XT Black Edition.
oh don't worry about the whole bios thing I flashed my XTX BIOS to my XT and I flashed the I flashed XTX BIOS to the to my XT both scored lower stock and with the EVC on them but both actually said they were the card that they actually weren't on 3D Mark though lol...warning though I ended up having to emergency flash the XTX BIOS off of the XT because it ended up not being able to start up.. but the The old Chinese alligator clips brought it right back to life... but the XTX other than a little bit lower score seemed fine on the XT bios lol these were both XFX Black edition biosis and answer your question yes it was a 2x8 pin set up when I did the 35K on * 5 and I saw 850 Watts at the wall so I would assume that's a pretty clean 650 700 watts at the card and the wires didn't even get hot and they were in no form particularly robust wires or anything like that... 8lins do 350w without even breaking a sweat...

since I'm in the Moore appropriate forum and I will leave out the rant this time that I left in the time spy thread lol I'm going to leave some of these screenshots of far far super superior and video cards in retracing benchmarks against my XTX and DevComs... because you know Nvidia's so much better at retracing and patch racing that they had to not allow users of AMD cards to enable past tracing on the game of the year I think it's been labeled now Indiana Jones and I disagree lol I think that the XTX on a 550 w bios is the superior card and ray tracing and current path tracing then the 4080 and the higher you go and resolution the stronger the XTX is as the 4080s and 4070s quickly run out of VRAM in the game.....

so I've been working on a reverse engineer decompilation of the games executable and I've had pretty good success it just pops in and out of ray tracing and Path tracing back and forth and creates a stutter but as I said in the other thread I didn't see one 4080 video or post.. regular or superd...modified or not that ran is good as my XTX with a terrible jerry-rigged exe file ...as I am not a programmer.. lol so I should have that for you guys soon and people can say whatever they want now but take a look at these screenshots and catch me in a few days and I'll further at evidence that Nvidia uses Ray tracing and path tracing not to further technology along because obviously we're using old console tricks like frame generation and upscaling which we're always frowned upon.. to barely give better visuals than rosterization achieved 8 to 10 years ago.. and it's my contention they do it to unnaturally degrade performance on the competition and that is all. so they don't have to change their architecture very much just add power and keep coming out with standards that no one can support as quickly as them because well they own most of the market share...

I will say that at 4K with path tracing on in Indiana Jones did look pretty crispy.. but remember they launched Ray tracing and path tracing a decade ago and it's still subpar...
and they only comparison I can make is Doom eternals which runs on pretty much the same graphics engine you know thank God for Idtech a holdover from when people actually gave a shit about their games and didn't use AI to port dog shit games into worst dog shit... then use dog shit upscalers to upscale it in the worst dog shit.. but I will say this doom eternals a game with much less ray tracing and no path tracing looked better at 8K native than the game of the year Indiana Jones did at 4K with path tracing..

and I was definitely going to buy a 5090 but after Nvidia basically turned their back on their country and blamed the government for the tariffs that are surely incoming because I mean China's just been swinging their weight around everything since the bat virus... on why they had to raise the price five or $600 more than they had initially planned so that's right $2,600 for a basic ass 5090 3k for something with some shine... and 1800 for a 4080...

yet asking all that money after you all made them very rich with the 4XXx series then blaming their own government for standing up for itself against an obvious unbalanced market scheme in the world right now... is not only cowardly but they're straight up ripping everyone off.. I will never pay those con artists who would rather spend time on developing standards to make the competition look worse rather than innovating improvements for their own stuff.. no they'd rather develop AI for corporations do you even think they'll be selling discreet GPUs in 5 years? I don't.....you know do I even have to bring up hair FX which was proprietary and ran like shit on everything but Nvidia stuff while and has teased which was open source and faster.... or tessellation where somehow they convinced 3D Mark to put 20 layers of tessellated mesh on a rock instantly cucking 10-15% out of the competition GPUs? I mean they're one of the biggest companies in the world now and they're still doing this trash.. despicable I don't care how good their cards are.. I won't be one of these idiots that gets bent over the barrel and then ask for more and smiles.. no thanks not worth it to me.... especially seeing as how as far as I see it now right in front of my own eyes a 4080 super which used to be $1,400 when I paid $700 for my car cannot outperform my card with a stock bios on it.. in an Nvidia sponsored event game...where they obviously obviously obviously made sure that there would be no FSR for AMD and there would be zero options to turn on Path tracing and make a comparison.. there's a reason for this.. but yeah anyways sorry I'm ranting on here now I got to get off this damn internet.. and I intend to but yeah 350 watts per 8pin on mediocre quality gauge wire...eight pins I had from thermaltake I think I had for a PSU at the time didn't even make the wires warm so I wouldn't worry personally


here's Nvidia dominating in rt benchmarks... stupid crap amd and their cheap cards weak rt/pt cards 😠 ... Don't go spewing any of these facts anywhere near Reddit or basically anywhere else you'll be met and berated with nonsense and disillusioned minds.. what that old famous white guy say? it's always easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled?? and boy Nvidia is fantastic at fooling everyone. you guys have a good New Year's.



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This is one of the threads to debate. The other one was meant for high scores only...

Thanks for sharing a bit from your perspective. Agreed, it's frightening, how many people think that the most expensive NV card is a given necessity - and act like that.
Somehow I beat your 7900XT in TimeSpy Extreme, don't know how that was possible, but it looks like it is. First time ever in the actual top 3. Was top 1 or 2 unmodified in TimeSpy and Extreme nearly a year ago, but beating a modified card is insane. Would repasting get it even better?
And 350w with 8pin is insane, officially rated for 150w. 2x8pin is then definitely better than the 12pin Nvidia came up with.
Some extremely nice score with the 7900XTX. I think I'm gonna run some other Benchmarks too.

So now to the other topic.
NVIDIA is joking. I beat in FireStrike Ultra every 4080S and top 5 4080. TimeSpy and TimeSpy Extreme is not less then 37th place, 2 in top 10th one in top 20th. And 4080s go upto 470w, I would beat every 4080 at that power consumption. Gaming is 20% Uplift in Avg. Farcry 6 is odd with only 14% more, but some other games are at 25% more (compared to 308w Stock reference VBIOS). I'm beating 7900XTX at 348w in RT 4070ti and sometimes 4070tiS. Gaming is different than Benchmarks, it's only 20AVG vs 27% in TimeSpy and 29% in TimeSpy Extreme. But I think under Benchmark settings it would get that extra 3% I got in TimeSpy. So that would be 24% Avg more in Gaming in RT too. So that would be between 3090ti (+2%) and 4070tiS (-4,5%) and 7900XTX (+5%) and 4090 (-17%). Lowest price for the 7900XT BE was her in Germany 689€. There's no card in reach at that performance class in terms of price to performance if you set the 7900XT BE up correctly. I definitely do not buy a 16gb 5080 for 1800€ that I can't rely push forward. 4090 tops out at +9% unmodified, that's a joke.
I'm gaming in UWQHD and triple that. I'm not going to buy a 16gb card so I have to buy a 5090 or 4090 and at that price point they have way to less power. In triple screen it's nearly only Simracing so I definitely don't need Raytracing, just raw power. So 7900XTX with Aqua VBIOS is the next upgrade. Though about a Magnetic Air, because of the good thermal Pads and optic (black build). So I'm selling or try too sell my 7900XT for 660€, with the information of beating a 7900XTX and 4070ti. The only one writing to my would give me 500€, I'm definitely not selling a 7900XTX performance below 600€ and that's extremely cheap.
Enough of that let's move on.
I feel the same about that Upscaling, Framegeneration and Raytracing shit. Native is the best, there are a handful of titles besides that for RT (Metro Exodus EE, Control, CP2077 (and at wet parts Avatar FoP) ect.). Raytracing is at the absolute beginning and not even close to play a role like it is at the moment. Upscaling is fine sometimes, but mostly only if there is nativ Upscaling like in Ready Or Not (there is rely not a difference against nativ resolution).
Nvidia is putting there products it to the customers mouth and want them to swallow it, and the people are, if they pay 2000€ or more Nvidia doesn't care at all and the people doesn't too. I can't understand that. I rely hope AMD comes back at the next Gen (9000. I don't believe that the upcoming Gen would be 9000) like they did with the 6000 Gen. I hope the people wake up if they payed twice the amount for the 5000 Nvidia Performance that they then would pay for the 9000 AMD Gen.
Nvidia is dead to me, to high price, not enough VRAM and no OC headroom. Never gonna buy that whoever is selling a product like that.

Ps I hope you could read that, I'm German an languages aren't my subjet area.
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xtx port royal.PNG

nun mit Wasserkühlung und standard Red Devil Bios :)
Beitrag automatisch zusammengeführt:

xtx time spy.PNG

Spannend finde ich wie geil die Karte bei 430 Watt bei Max 42grad steht und Max 68 hotspot. Der timespy Score skaliert inverse zur Spannung. Also die Karte boostet höher bei geringerer Spannung natürlich nur bis ich die tiefste gefunden habe ohne Absturz.
430 Watt
Bringen um die 2850-3000mhz im timespy run. Macht dann ca 36000 Punkte und ist da schneller als eine 4090 :) lol
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to barely give better visuals than rosterization achieved 8 to 10 years ago.. and it's my contention they do it to unnaturally degrade performance on the competition and that is all.

I totaly agree with you here. Im so happy on my red Devil xtx now :) a Beast of a powerhouse.
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