[Sammelthread] Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures

So Pre-Order gerade angekommen. Also das Booklet hätten sie sich auch sparen können.
Die Informationen da drin findet man auch auf der Community-Seite. Hauptsache ich hab mein Nashorn :d

meine is auch da, bin aber etwas verwirrt, habe die engl. ce preorder bestellt, bekommen hab ich ne normale deutsche preorder.
hab dem shop grad ne mail geschickt, mal schaun was raus kommt.

puh, jetzt noch 2 monate warten :-[
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
meine is auch da, bin aber etwas verwirrt, habe die engl. ce preorder bestellt, bekommen hab ich ne normale deutsche preorder.
hab dem shop grad ne mail geschickt, mal schaun was raus kommt.

puh, jetzt noch 2 monate warten :-[

nene du bekommst schon die UK version nur pre-order ist halt deutsch steht auch auf der okaysoftseite
Jop, kann ich ebenfalls bestätigen aber steht ja auch auf der Page.

Ist aber wirklich ein sehr sehr mageres Pre-Order Paket. Hätten sich ruhig was besseres einfallen lassen können. Bei dem Umfang hätte es ein Brief mit dem Key auch getan...
Gibt doch sicherlich ein paar Beta-Tester hier. Was sind eure Eindrücke von dem Spiel? Macht es schon einen fertigen Eindruck? Und ist die Umsetzung des geplanten Gameplays gelungen?
Oder dürft ihr euch dazu nicht äußern? :d In dem Fall bitte mit "Ich hab von einem Freund gehört, dass..." anfangen :d
die beta ist ne alte version , sprich keine komprimierten texturen , debugger läuft ständig im hintergrund usw. häufig fps einbrüche unter 20.....

1680x1050 , alles max , 20-60 fps je nach gegend
dx9 , weil dx10 ist noch nicht implemtiert. Die beta ist auserdem fps limitert , max 64,1 fps selbst bei quad und triple sli etc.

gameplay ähnlich wie in wow vom lvl system her , nur halt besseres kampfsystem , besseres pvp + siege modus usw.
angeblich soll die open beta am 1. mai starten , allerdings ist sie auf eine bestimmte anzahl von teilnehmern begrenzt.

hier mal paar bildchen--->

PS: natürlich hab ich das alles nur von nem kumpel der in der general beta ist :d
Schaut doch mal schick aus! Ich freu mich und hoffe es gibt keine Verschiebungen etc.! Open Beta schon in nem Monat? Ha... das wär doch mal was :bigok:
Da gesagt wurde, dass es die open Beta fuer "fast" Alle geben wird, wird die Beta wohl ueber Bezahlaccounts von IGN / Fileplanet vertrieben. War da ja irgendwo mal auf einem Screenshot zu sehen. Wie bei Crysis halt.
Hat einer von euch bei Amazon vorbestellt inkl. Preorder-Paket? Bei mir steht dort, das das Preorder-Paket erst am 23.05. erhältlich sein wird wie auch das Spiel selber :stupid:

Wenn ich die Bilderchen so ansehe D4rkside, möchte ich zu gern wissen, ob man die Sichtweite erhöhen kann, irgendwie verschwindet mir der Rest der Burg im vorletzten Bild doch ein wenig zu früh im Dunst.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
und wie siehts mit dem lvln und skillen aus ? muss man da bücher suchen oder verteilt man da skill punkte pro lvl + ?
ich freu mich aufs spiel, schicke bilder, wenn auch gegen die NDA.
Ich bin bei der Beta angenommen(yay).
Lohnt sich das runterladen? Das dauert ja ewig.... Das sind ja 15gb die man da laden muss, das dauert ja selbst bei meinen dsl 16.000 ewig lange. Aber es lädt volllast*sabber*.
Ich bin bei der Beta angenommen(yay).
Lohnt sich das runterladen? Das dauert ja ewig.... Das sind ja 15gb die man da laden muss,

Musste doch selber wissen. Installiert dann um die 24 GB.

@ all, kann man hier eigentlich auch einen engl. Text rein schreiben, ueber das Zoning und die Hardware? Sind von Betatestern ^^
und wie siehts mit dem lvln und skillen aus ? muss man da bücher suchen oder verteilt man da skill punkte pro lvl + ?

ähnlich wie in wow , man lvlt zu 90% per quest und man kann die punkte die man pro lvl up bekommt selber verteilen und neue fähigkeiten erlernen. Gibt da so 5 verschiedene skilltrees :fresse:

Lohnt sich das runterladen? Das dauert ja ewig.... Das sind ja 15gb die man da laden muss, das dauert ja selbst bei meinen dsl 16.000 ewig lange. Aber es lädt volllast*sabber*.

ja lad mal die 15 GB danach kommen noch 10+ GB patchen hinzu und das geht saulangsam :fresse:

Musste doch selber wissen. Installiert dann um die 24 GB

naja eben geguckt , Funcom ordner hat 37 GB :fresse:
wer sagt den das wir in der beta sind bzw. ich? die infos hab ich von meinem freund :d
Dann lies dir die NDA mal durch :)

Es geht nicht darum, ob du drin bist oder nicht.. man verstösst gegen die NDA wenn du inhalte postest ausserhalb des beta forums, falls es sowas gibt :) beinhaltet auch das wort NDA schon.. Non-disclosure agreement.. Man macht sich strafbar so gesehen und die strafen gehen locker in den 4stelligen bereich :)

also aufpassen mit sowas

edit: Es ist übrigens auch schon gegen die NDAs zu sagen, dass ein freund drin ist oder der Hund des entfernten Nachbars seiner Nichte der Mann!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Man kann nur gegen die NDA verstoßen,
wenn man dieser Vereinbarung zugestimmt hat. :wall:
Mhmmm ich muss nurnoch 12,7gb patchen für die beta...
Da muss ich heute den Rechner wohl leider, leider den ganzen Tag laufen lassen :bigok:.
Man kann nur gegen die NDA verstoßen,
wenn man dieser Vereinbarung zugestimmt hat. :wall:

Befass dich mit deutschem Recht, dann würdest du wissen, dass es nicht so ist.. das würde bedeuten, dass jede Homepage infos online stellen könnte, weil sie nen "freund" in ner beta haben.. Rat mal wieso sie das nicht tun?

MErkste was? Richtig, weil sies nicht DÜRFEN... :stupid::stupid:

Oder glaubst du auch, dass nur weil jemand nen Mord nicht begangen hat, davon aber weiss, nicht schuldig in dem moment wird, wo ers vertuscht? oh man
schon klar, dass ihr voll gegen die NDA verstoßt? :)

Ich? Noe, ich nicht.
Hinzugefügter Post:
Befass dich mit deutschem Recht, dann würdest du wissen, dass es nicht so ist.. das würde bedeuten, dass jede Homepage infos online stellen könnte, weil sie nen "freund" in ner beta haben.. Rat mal wieso sie das nicht tun?

MErkste was? Richtig, weil sies nicht DÜRFEN... :stupid::stupid:

Oder glaubst du auch, dass nur weil jemand nen Mord nicht begangen hat, davon aber weiss, nicht schuldig in dem moment wird, wo ers vertuscht? oh man

Laber nicht. Wenn ich einen Text poste, den eine Person darueber verfasst, wie sie eine virtuelle Figur spielt, in eigenen Worten, das Spiel noch nicht mal genannt wird, dann verstosse ich gegen kein einziges Gesetz in Deutschland.
Funcom hat gegen mich keine einzige Moeglichkeit gegen irgendwas vorzugehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es geht glaube ich nicht um dich, sondern um d4rkside.
Wo bleibt der Text?

Davon abgesehen: Man würde vielleicht vermuten, dass es in dem Text um Age of Conan geht wenn du das in diesem Thread postest...

Für alle die eine Deutsche Pre-Order und UK-Version bestellt haben.

Laut Eidos ist die Deutsche Pre-Order nicht kompartibel mit UK-Version.

Zitat von Eidos
Wie sich erst jetzt herausgestellt hat, sind die bislang produzierten Pre-Order-Versionen leider nur mit der deutschen Vollversion kombinierbar, was die Spielmöglichkeit 3 Tage vor Release betrifft. Die Reittiere sind aber weiterhin sowohl mit der deutschen, als auch mit der englischen Version aktivierbar.

Wir werden deshalb für alle Endkunden, die sich vermeintlich eine englische Pre-Order gekauft haben und 3 Tage vor Release spielen möchten, in Kürze auf der Seite www.aoc-pre-order.de eine Möglichkeit zum Tausch einräumen. Der Kunde sollte aber vorher unbedingt nochmals klären, welche Vollversion er am Release bei seinem Händler eintauschen wird. Nicht jeder Händler führt englische Versionen im Sortiment. Nur Kunden, die eine englische Vollversion zum Release von Ihrem Händler erhalten, können und sollten Ihren Code eintauschen! Deutsche Vollversions-Kunden sind hiervon nicht betroffen.

Zudem produzieren wir gerade englische Pre-Order-Versionen, die der Handel in ca. 2 Wochen erhalten wird. Alle Käufer, die sich dann eine englische Version pre-ordern erhalten von Ihrem Händler automatisch die korrigierte Pre-Order-Version.

Wir entschuldigen uns in aller Form für die entstandenen Missverständnisse und Unannehmlichkeiten.
Es geht glaube ich nicht um dich, sondern um d4rkside.
Wo bleibt der Text?

Davon abgesehen: Man würde vielleicht vermuten, dass es in dem Text um Age of Conan geht wenn du das in diesem Thread postest...

Meinst mich, mit dem Text? Ich war unterwegs und mit einem Nokia E90 kann man auch nicht so rihctig toll grosse Texte auf Websites hin und her kopieren.

Zum Zoning.

Ich kenne Zoning von Anarchy Online. Auch in AO konnte man zB aus Kaempfen fluechten, in dem man einfach in eine andere Zone gerannt ist. Das soll ^^ wohl auch in AoC so gehen :) Die Zonen sollen ^^ wohl genau so aufgebaut sein, wie in AO. Also, eine unsichtare Wand, gegen die man rennt, Ladebildschirm und fertig.

Text zum Zining kommt gleich. Dann zum Demo und Hardware. Aber, viel Text, ich sags gleich.
Hinzugefügter Post:
Level 1-80, von einem CHar X. Text nicht von mir.

Sounds like the start of an AA meeting . But that is not what this post is about. It has now been some time since I dinged 80 with X and I wanted to give some feedback on how it was to play a demonologist from level 1 – 80.

I’m not very good at structured writing but will try to make my best, I have a feeling I will go back and edit this post as I come to thing of more stuff I want to say.

First of, X is specced fire, i.e. I have mainly chosen feats that has with fire spells, this also means that I have not done much testing of the electrical spells. Oh, and another thing, X is bugged and can’t cast the rank 1 version of “Waves of flame”

General Impressions of the class
If you don’t know demonologists it’s easy to think that they are something like the warlock in WoW, that is plain wrong. Sure, we have pets, but that is about it. The Demo is a offensive nuker, with decent enough group buffs. The pet we have is more like a buff than anything else.
One on one fight is where the demonologist is shining. We are very strong in this area, and better yet, with the right pet/buffs/food, we have next to none downtime. It’s possible to win against 2 mobs, but any more and you better start running. (btw, I will always be talking about mobs around your level or slightly higher level). There is a exception to this rule, where you can take on lots more, but more about that later.

We have 4 pets at level 80. Each pet brings an effect to the party while being present;
More hp,
Grp damage shield,
In and out of combat mana/ health regen,
Increased physical and magical damage of the team.

In addition to this, the pet nukes, but, that is really only a side effect as it is now, the nuke is so weak compared to what you bring to the table that its nothing. But, I regarded the pet as a very good buff, and in fights like a small DoT. Out of the 4 pets, I only really used the mana/ health regen one, even after I got access to higher level pet. It was the only one that had an effect that was big enough to make any difference. That effect is the main reason why you will have very little downtime as a Demonologist. If I had been grouping more I might have used another pet as well, depending on if there was someone else to provide regen.

It would have been nice to have had pets with more specialized tasks, so that you would have to think about, and choose pets with care depending on what you were doing.

Pet control is…. Horrid. It works so that the pet will start nuking anything you have targeted when you enter combat mode. You can call the pet off by exiting combat mode, but the pet will finish any nuke it has started … This means that if you are fighting for your life, and just barely makes it, but ends the fight with a monster target in another camp… Or if you are running in a dangerous area, and want to keep an eye on the bad guys, doing so by targeting them to check level etc, and suddenly you get aggro by something else and enter combat …

Friendly spells (Aka Buffs)
Not much to say, a lot of these are groupwide buffs and I love that, it will make a demonologist a welcome addition to a group. I always tried to keep all buffs up on me. There are a few which is essential. As a fire specced Demo, I would run from a fight if “Infernal Knowledge faded. It is that important, also the damage absorber, “dark bargain” is a given, you will probably die without it.

Hostile spells
First of, remember that I had to solo most of my career, so my selection of spells reflect that. That said, we have a lot of cool spells, or at least, they have very cool names, I mean who can resist a spell called “draw forth the heart” ? Or “Gate of Hell” ? The problem is, that I found after some testing, that most of the spells wasn’t useful bothering with….

I spent 95% of my levelling casting the same spell, “flamestrike”. A few times I also threw in a “storm chains” for good measure.

I won’t give feedback on all spell, just some of the ones I have used.

Flamestike – the bread and butter spell, used every fight

Stormchains – At first I thought this spell was bugged and was hugly overpowered, then I realised it was rather some mobs that seemed bugged and never could resist it. That meant for example that I could solo a boss in a grp instance dungeoun, once the storm chains landed, the boss never got free, and I could spend forever to whittle it down with nukes.

Fiery Torment – A stun and a DoT, the stun is very short, at first I thought this was bad, it can’t be used for any kind of crowd control, then I realised, that if the stun had been any longer this spell would have been to powerful in PvP. The DoT part of the spell is very weak. Aside from testing this, I never used this spell. Casting range is to short as well.

Draw Forth the heart – The mana given back is really not worth it, I used this spell only as a means to get rid of a pesky minion that was hitting me.

Flame body & Unholy hate – the duration of these 2 spells is way to short, especially unholy hate,, Im not even sure it stays for the time it actually takes to cast another spell ….

Sacrifice & Blood Sacrifice – Can’t cast either of these spells, getting a message saying you can’t cast hostile spells on yourself.

Firestorm – Fire AE spell, this one I liked, a lot, it has a cool concept, it decrease melee damage on the mobs as well as doing damage on them. There seem to be a problem with the spell though, at times, and no, I don’t know how to recreate it, this spell simply removes to much of the melee damage. I have used it to AE whole camps to death, killing 5-6 mobs at once. The problem is of course that it sometime doesn’t remove that much damage …
Oh, and another thing, this spell is VERY vulnerable to interruptions, and for some reason, when I raised my casting concentration from 300 to 500 I started to get a lot more interrupts than I had before…. Anyway, I sometimes used this spell to pull with, just targeting a single mob, just to make him a bit easier to fight.

Impish Trickery – Another cool concept, root & runspeed. The root works, runspeed doesn’t as far as I can tell.

Let Them Burn – I haven’t used this very much, when playing solo, it just doesn’t do enough damage to be usable, you need to kill mobs faster than this spell lets you. I can imagine its good in a group.

Impish Horde – Summons a horde of Imps that nuke, nuke and nuke. This spell is so cool, I love those little guys. Not a bread & butter spell, but good in the right circumstances.

That’s all on spells for now.
In short, I used one nuke 95% of the time, DoT’s are to weak to be bothered with. A lot of cool spell concepts, but I think some need tweaking.

Yeah, I know, there is none yet I just wanted to vent my bitterness that X was running around looking like a roman gladiator his whole career. Now I’m just using the robe from Mithrelle, yeah, the lvl 5 one. But atleast it looks cool.

So, in conclusion, a nuking class, strong 1vs1, good group buffs and very little downtime. Downside is of course fragility

That’s all for now folks
Hinzugefügter Post:

Friend sent this to me. I'm not in beta. I'm not hardware expert. I did not write this.

Are you wondering how to run this game as smooth as possible ? Would you like people to test, change and retest stuff until they eventually come up with pre-chewed checklist so you can see in the blink of an eye what to improve about your computer to run this game smooth at release time ? Well, look no further because I have done the work for you. Hope you enjoy.

List of impact per hardware pc component:

1. Central processing unit (CPU)

High impact, depending on which video card you use you will need a stronger processor. Nvidia cards draw their power greatly on the processor and thus generate extra load. ATI cards operate at maximum speed pretty much independent of the processor. In both cases the game itself requires a great deal of continuous processing. I've been able to test dual core and 4-core and even in the case of 4core, all 4 cores were effectively being used. Therefore it's recommended to have a Q6600 (quadcore) or higher processor. If not possible, go for at least a latest gen dualcore processor. The game performs very poorly on a single processor. Don't go for that option under any circumstance.

Note: on a Q6600 used with 2 8800GT cards in SLI (most stress on cpu from graph cards) during grouped gameplay in conarch valley (large scene with far sight) at least 2 cores were loaded up to 70% most of the time, they never reached above 90%. That was max stress. Most of the time however I noticed 2 cores at 50-70% and the other 2 at 10-20%

Note: keep in mind that in the future we will be having largescale battles with 40+ people on your screen while we now only test with 1-10 on our screen, npc's calculated in. This means that the load could be much higher at that time.

2. Random access Memory (RAM)

The amount of memory in your computer is critical to running this game smooth. The game itself has been developped as a 32-bit executable with LA (large address awareness) enabled. What does this mean? 32-bit executables are by design restricted to 2GB per running process on a 32bit OS. (ageofconan32.exe = 1 process = the whole game) As you zone to the inn or other zones, the executable size in memory will try to cache all this information (= keep it loaded in memory under the form of ageofconan32.exe growing in memory usage size) to give you a smoother gaming experience. I have noticed that the "working set" of the executable grows to as large as 1980MB, this is how much of your physically present RAM is being used by the game. If you don't have that amount of free ram BEFORE starting up the game, your game will slow down after zoning a few times and slow down even further over time until you restart it to make the game use less memory again. For this reason you need under XP at least 2.5GB in your computer to run this game smooth and under Vista at least 3GB. Aside from the physcial usage there's also the virtual size (the actual size of the process) which I have seen to grow as large as about 2.9GB after long gameplay.

note: on a default 32-bit windows XP or Vista for that matter, no processes are allowed to grow over 2GB. The game will simply crash when it reaches that size. (you may be experiencing this right now). If and let me stress that only IF you have 3GB or more (4GB preferably) you can configure your Vista or windows XP installation to allow processes to grow over 2GB so they don't crash and run as smooth as possible. Under XP this is done by adding "/3GB" in the boot.ini file and under Vista 32-bit by use of the BCEDIT command with extra parameters. Do this at your own risk and NEVER if you don't have 3GB of memory in your computer. Windows XP 64-bit and Vista 64-bit are by default enabled to do this so they do not require changes and your executable will not crash when it reaches 2GB on such an OS. Just make sure you have 3GB or more in your computer

note: 4GB is the ideal amount needed to run this smooth along with whatever other stuff you run on your OS (services, background apps, the OS memory itself) Vista will even use the extra memory to help cache other stuff. I have 8 and beyond 4GB you do not notice any more improvement in speed and smoothness so it is NOT necessary for running ONLY this game while having all other apps closed. However having 8GB will help cache other stuff under Vista as well as allow you to simultaneously run a bunch of other windows programs. This is luxury however, not a must have. 3GB is must have minimum for smooth AOC gaming and 2GB means running the game at decreased performance. This is inevitable

note: the speed of the memory is completely trivial when compared to the actual amount of memory.Having e.g 1066 Mhz mem instead of 667Mhz will only yield a 1-3% memory read speed increase which is not worth it imho to invest in.

note: although increasing your RAM from 2GB to 3GB is in essence not a direct increase in fps but instead makes the game play and loading/zoning feel alot smoother, it should be noted however that if you lack alot of RAM your FPS will be affected through stuttering etc. Running the game with 1GB will give such problematic play (enough to feel 'unplayable') Having 2GB is therefore a bare minimum for running at all while 3GB is the minimum for running smooth. 4GB is a good standard.

note: although the client currently is 32-bit it will run on a 64-bit OS through WoW (windows in windows) technology. Important to know is that to reach true 64 performance we need a native compiled executable (that would be e.g ageofconan64.exe) There is no such executable available right now. It is not certain or confirmed at this point that there will ever be such a native 64-bit version of the game. It is also my personal guess that the game devs have deliberately programmed the executable to not never use over 19XX MB of memory to avoid problems. In an ideal situation they would compile a native 64-bit client with no immediate restriction so that the executable could easily grow up to let's say 5-7GB in running size for power users with let's say 6-8GB memory onboard. All recently/most accessed zones would then be pretty much always loaded in memory which would require less disk acces and pretty much instant zoning. This is not possible today since the 32-bit executable is limited to a max of 2GB physical memory usage.

3. Graphics processing unit (GPU)

This game uses pretty advanced graphics that are at or a bit ahead of it's time. This allows for a visually stunning game under ideal circumstances with future hardware.I have been able to run at 1900*1200 at high graphic settings in a quite smooth way using 2*8800GT in SLI. A test without SLI showed a noticeable drop in fps which means SLI is well being used and does make a difference in this game. Recommended is the latest gen of graph cards and up for smoothest possible play (nvidia 8800series or ati 3XXX series and up) The graphics card therefore is well worth your money for this game, more than buying the latest processor in any case.

note: as of today the game still has some techical issues that cause extreme drops in fps, some of the worst known in the history of pc gaming tbh. All players are subject to this regardless their vid card (I talked to many ingame) Even with 2*8800 in sli running at low settings in the lowest resolution you still have this so it's not solvable by hardware. patience and debugging by the game devs will hopefully solve this annoying problem. Let's leave it up to them and hope they fix alot at RTM time. How bad is it ? Well it's like this: you stand still in a high graphs environment and notice 25-65 fps in most spots while running 2*8800GT in SLI at 1900*1200 with no AA (AntiAliasing= a GPU hungry technique to improve the visual quality of a game even further), 16*Anisotropic filtering, high graphics settings and no bloom. This is when standing stil. As soon as you start sprinting or doing a 360* mouselook you may experience insane drops to below 5fps even up to stuttering for a moment due to new heavy textures being forced into the GPU. This can only be avoided by more efficient tuning of the graphics engine or better Video card drivers imho. Update 30-03-08: I now have great & smooth results with Vista 64 bit SP1 and Nvidia 174.74 drivers on 8800GT SLI so far !

4. The disc subsystem (HD or a RAID of HD's)

Extremely important and severly underestimated. This component does not increase your fps in any way (at least not to a noticeable degree) but DOES effect exclusively ALL ZONING experiences which is pretty much from launching the game to going in and out of zones nonstop (in tortage e.g) The sky is the limit here since the game dir is over 24GB as it is today and parts of that are being loaded into memory as you zone. I have tested the game while running it off a latest generation 7200RPM harddrive (samsung 400GB) and later on a RAID 0 of two WD Raptor 10000RPM disks. My god the difference is day and night. With the single 7200RPM disk the loading screens take double the time and I can listen to up to an entire song while zoning into the game. On the raid system I could only hear the part of the women with the high voice and I never hear the rest of that song because I'm already ingame. This feels so good. If I had the money I would be buying a 32GB HyperOS hyperdrive to run the game on because it would be blazing fast then no doubt. I can only imagine how good that must feel but I'm already very happy with the raid0 system. Adding more than 2 drives to the raid0 made a further improvement in loading times but only marginal like 10% (not worth it imho) For smooth experience ofc you have no data or anything else running off your game disk or raid system except the game and maybe the OS (peferably even only the game itself and nothingelse)

List of noteworthy software tweaks and tips to make the game run smoother

1. Turn off "bloom" in advanced graphics options. This may almost double your fps if it was enabled before
2. (optionally) turn of AA (4-10 fps gain on average). See and decide for yourself if you find the extra visual quality gain from AA worth the loss in fps or not. (AntiAliasing= a GPU hungry technique to improve the visual quality of a game even further).
3. Run the game off a seperate disk or raid system (where you only install the game and put no other data or programs) This noticeably helps the loading times during zoning and launching the game
4. close all other running programs before playing AOC including background programs such as antivirus, defragmenters, etc. This counters in-game
stuttering partially
5. keep your system disk (where windows is installed) and your game disk defragmented on a regular basis
6. Run the game fullscreen. Especially under Vista this is important because Vista then disables the rendering of the Aero windows interface (which sucks up GPU power even when doing nothing)
7. try moving your windows swap file from your system disk to your AOC gamedisk or raid system or even to another seperate disk that is dedicated for this. Since this game is a memoryhog windows swapping can be extensive and taking the load off a certain disk is well worth it I have noticed. this improves loading/zoning times by reducing them further.
8. Possible corruption of the game due to patching errors is very possible. Best practise is backup your entire funcom directory (under the program files dir) on a regularely basis. If a corruption happens, reinstall the game first with your original installer and then replace the newly funcom directory by the one from your backup and you're rdy to play without repatching 2-3GB
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich wurde für diesen sonntag für 3 stunden zur tech beta eingeladen. momentan spiele ich lotro, aber für aoc laß ich selbst dieses spiel links liegen. ENDLICH mal ein mmorpg mit düsteren, erwachsenen setting. kaum zu glauben, das ich so ein glück habe und eingeladen wurde. bin gespannt, wie es mit der performance aussieht (obwohl man das anhand einer beta überhaupt nicht messen kann). Habe nen intel e8200 @ 4000 mhz, geforce 8800 gts und 4gb ram. ich schätze, das müßte für die finale version für 1280x1024 und alles auf max, dx10 reichen, oder was meint ihr dazu?
@ Cogno
ich spiele mit X2 3800+, 1GB RAM, 8800GTX in 1.680x1.050 mit alles auf max, die Framerate schwankt immer so zwischen 10 und 60. Davor hatte ich eine 8800GT und es lief nicht schlechter, da ist halt der Betaclient noch ziemlich mies von der Performance her.
@ winni

alles auf max? hast du auch die sichweite und so auf max gestellt? wie siehts mit antialaising aus? wenn wirklich alles auf max ist und du erreichst mit deinem system bis zu 60 frames (und das bei einem betaclient), müßtest du auch kaum probleme bei der finalen version haben und ich erst recht nicht....aber: abwarten:-)
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