Uber bios is the most basic bios one can use on Asus. If you prefer "old" mods from back in the day and you want to keep the fsb at or below 235MHz, then i'd go with Trats. It's quite fast per clock, has the L12 mod included (so you won't run into fsb issues with low stock fsb cpus (133/166)) and he even updated the SATA rom to 4.2.50. Usually this is enough for a bit of retro gaming. Link to Trats mods:
https://biosbude.de/! BIOS VAULT/Asus/A7N8X-E Deluxe/Trats/
If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, then the mods made by
@digitalbath are the right choice. You get completely new bios options (yes, we modded them into the bios), even newer sata rom (4.4.01) and romsips which are good for 250Mhz+ FSB, when the board is modded and the chipset has a decent silicon quality. I'd try either the ED55_A6 - it's a bit older. Or his newest 619XT_B3X. Link where many of his mods are uploaded:
https://biosbude.de/! BIOS VAULT/Asus/A7N8X-E Deluxe/digitalbath/
Almost forgot. Even if some modded bios got the "chipset voltage" option, be aware that this option doesn't work at all. Asus simply didn't include this option in hardware, so it's useless.
If you're looking for "open" cpus, then buy some older ones:
Before week 30 almost all Tbred B and Barton cpus should be unlocked.
From week 30 to 40 some are locked and some aren't.
After week 40 almost all cpus are locked, except mobiles (XP-m) and Geode.
The bad news is, around week 45-47 AMD introduced some silicon optimizaton, that's why these cpus clock significantly better. So if you want a multi-unlocked and high clocking cpu, then you're stuck with mobile Bartons. And especially these that got the IQYHA and IDYHA stepping are hard to get and expensive.