Ampere Smalltalk-Thread (Startpost lesen, Handel nur im Marktplatz!, keine Botanfragen!)

Wenn Mining nur 1% der Nachfrage ausmacht, würde sich Nvidia nicht die Mühe machen neue Mining Karten rauszubringen.
Was für eine Mühe? Für nVidia ist das ein PR-Gag. Und anscheinend fallen die Kunden sogar drauf rein und denken,dass es die wirkich juckt...Die Mining Bremse ist keine Mining Bremse. Sie verhindert lediglich das Mining mit ETH, welches eh nicht mehr allzu lange gemined werden kann.

Die zitierte Network Hash Rate ist seit Ampere von 250TH auf aktuell 500TH gestiegen. Das ist ein Anstieg von 250TH. Wo sollen die sonst herkommen als von Ampere (und den neuen AMDs)?

Und wie kommst Du auf die 1%? Nvidia selber sagte Q4/2020 das waren 2%-6% vom Umsatz, und was das stückmäßig aussagt, wissen wir nicht. Eine einzige A100 kostet fast 15x so viel wie eine 3080er.
Die ganzen neuen asics gehen Grade in china alle ans Netz bzw. die ersten Chargen gehen aus der Produktion.
Man kann anhand der Zusammensetzung der einzelnen Worker in den Pools Rückschlüsse darauf ziehen, ob da am anderen Ende Grafikkarten oder asics berechnen.
Dazu gibt es diverse Berechnungen. Bin grade am Handy und kanns nicht raussuchen,aber alles deutet daraufhin,dass der Anteil der Grafikarten deutlich überschätzt wurde.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Nobody. LDLC cancels orders to the usual forwarders. You need a real address ... and a VPN to be on the safe side.
Did you know that they are not allowed to do so?
Europe has a single market, its against your rights.
You have equal rights as citizens of France, it doesnt matter if you live there, if you use forwarding service, as long as you live in the EU.
If you buy the card, they cant cancel just because they dont like your address, you can complain and report them, even sue them and get a card, lawsuit costs covered + compensation for discrimination. + Shop would need to pay a fine for ignoring EU laws.

I quote:

"There is no difference between customers anywhere in the EU​

While you are free to define your general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations on delivery, all your customers based in the EU must have the same access to goods as your local customers.

If you offer a special price, promotion or sales conditions, these should be accessible to all your customers irrespective of which EU country they are located in , their nationality, place of residence or business location. "

[URL unfurl = "true"] [/ URL]

I will add also this, so the scalpers chill out.
"The rules apply to online and offline transactions as long as the sales are to the end user (an individual or business did does not have the intention to re-sell, transform, process, or rent subcontract Their purchases)."
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Did you know that they are not allowed to do so?
Europe has a single market, its against your rights.
You have equal rights as citizens of France, it doesnt matter if you live there, if you use forwarding service, as long as you live in the EU.
If you buy the card, they cant cancel just because they dont like your address, you can complain and report them, even sue them and get a card, lawsuit costs covered + compensation for discrimination. + Shop would need to pay a fine for ignoring EU laws.

I quote:

"There is no difference between customers anywhere in the EU​

While you are free to define your general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations on delivery, all your customers based in the EU must have the same access to goods as your local customers.

If you offer a special price, promotion or sales conditions, these should be accessible to all your customers irrespective of which EU country they are located in , their nationality, place of residence or business location. "

[URL unfurl = "true"] [/ URL]

I will add also this, so the scalpers chill out.
"The rules apply to online and offline transactions as long as the sales are to the end user (an individual or business did does not have the intention to re-sell, transform, process, or rent subcontract Their purchases)."

It depends on how you read this passage, as it also states that you are free to define your general terms and limitations on delivery.

To me it sounds more like you cannot sell stuff more expensive to customers in the EU than your local customers.
It depends on how you read this passage, as it also states that you are free to define your general terms and limitations on delivery.

To me it sounds more like you cannot sell stuff more expensive to customers in the EU than your local customers.
Its limitation as 1 card per costumer not as for certain group of people.
If french person can buy it, I should be also buy it under the same conditions. Also using adress in France for forwarding service.
If you buy more than 1 card, it could be fair reason for cancellation.

Edit : As you already maybe noticed, Im kind of a warrior of rights and jutice. I just had a chat with french LDLC support
Support answer - As a seller, we have the right to follow up on an order or not. They are partly right. But reason they told me "we favor french orders" is not legitimate, because we have the same rights and they are breaking the law. I think I really pissed off the support worker there :d I made screenshots with their answer so if someone have ordered there and want to sue them, i can provide with screenshot that they favor french orders (so kind of racism and discrimination against other EU citizens)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Its limitation as 1 card per costumer not as for certain group of people.
If french person can buy it, I should be also buy it under the same conditions. Also using adress in France for forwarding service.
Unless this is trialed by court, I wouldnt risk being the first one suing.

I mean they blocked all forwarding service addresses. Basically means even a french person cannot order a card to one, so in theory it's fair again.
But in the end, we need the exact passage in the EU law to interpret this correctly.

Edit: I am just saying, don't make it sound too easy about suing. Or people get the wrong idea. Unless you have too much disposable income, sue at your own risk.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Scheinbar dropen morgen bei Alternate einige EVGA Modelle, u.a. die 3080er HYBRID. Gibt es dazu gute Testberichte? Konnte auch die schnelle nicht viel finden?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Unless this is trialed by court, I wouldnt risk being the first one suing.

I mean they blocked all forwarding service addresses. Basically means even a french person cannot order a card to one, so in theory it's fair again.
But in the end, we need the exact passage in the EU law to interpret this correctly.

Edit: I am just saying, don't make it sound too easy about suing. Or people get the wrong idea. Unless you have too much disposable income, sue at your own risk.
I did not find any info on their website about restricted addresses or did its forbiden to use forward services. And there are also law about this! Quote >>

"Sales of products without delivery​

If you offer a collection service you must Ensure did customers based in EU countries where you do not offer a delivery service have the right to order products from your website, and arrange their own delivery or pick up. "
Even if they don't deliver on their own, they must ensure that EU costumers can deliver with their own delivery. !!!!
Scheinbar dropen morgen bei Alternate einige EVGA Modelle, u.a. die 3080er HYBRID. Gibt es dazu gute Testberichte? Konnte auch die schnelle nicht viel finden?

Tatsächlich! Da stand noch vor kurzem 17 Tage oder so. Cool.

Ich hab beim letzten Drop eine XC3 bekommen. Gefällt mir optisch von allen Karten am besten. Ich mag keinen Schnickschnack, und 2.2 Slots sind genial.

Ist aber super heiß und laut. blockt doch genauso Auslandslieferungen und Lieferungen an Forwarding Dienste. nVidia steuert das Kontigent zentral und legt die Bedingungen für die einzelnen Länder fest. Das steht auch bei jeder verfügbaren Karte bei LDLC ganz drick und fett drunter, dass für diese Artikel andere Regularien gelten, welche nicht von Ihnen, sondern von dem Distributor festgelegt werden.

Und mal ganz ehrlich: Wenn diese Regularien bei FE Karten wegfallen würden, wäre der Nachteil durch Botuser, welche auf einmal Zugriff auf alle FEs der EU haben, viel gravierender, als der Vorteil im Ausland eventuell mal eine FE Karte bestellen zu können.
I did not find any info on their website about restricted addresses or did its forbiden to use forward services. And there are also law about this! Quote >>

"Sales of products without delivery​

If you offer a collection service you must Ensure did customers based in EU countries where you do not offer a delivery service have the right to order products from your website, and arrange their own delivery or pick up. "
Even if they don't deliver on their own, they must ensure that EU costumers can deliver with their own delivery. !!!!
That a bit more precise but again, very specifically worded to collection services.
In the end this doesn't have anything to do with Ampere cards in general, so we stop here.

Anyway sue if you want to, but be prepared of the real possibility of losing too.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
That a bit more precise but again, very specifically worded to collection services.
In the end this doesn't have anything to do with Ampere cards in general, so we stop here.

Anyway sue if you want to, but be prepared of the real possibility of losing too.
I cant sue them, because I didnt order :) also blocks foreign deliveries and deliveries to forwarding services. nVidia controls the quota centrally and defines the conditions for the individual countries. Every available card at LDLC says that other regulations apply to these items, which are not determined by you, but by the distributor.

And let's be honest: If these regulations were eliminated for FE cards, the disadvantage of bot users who have access to all FEs in the EU at once would be much more serious than the advantage of being able to order an FE card abroad.
I asked if nvidia restrict to sell them abroad, they answered no. :)
Gibt es irgendwo eine Liste mit vermutlichen Drop Terminen ?
Gibt es irgendwo eine Liste mit vermutlichen Drop Terminen ?

Es gibt mehrere Ansätze:
- die Drops zwischen Frankreich und UK waren 3 Tage auseinander, demnach würde der Drop für Deutschland morgen kommen
- man geht davon aus, dass wieder 6 Wochen Abstand zwischen den DE Drops liegen -> in 2 Wochen
Gibts irgendeinen Trick bei Alternate. Gerade eben stehen auch noch welche auf Lager, aber man sieht keinen Warenkorbbutton?
hab die ganze zeit f5 gespammt, es war nie ein warenkorb button da und jetzt sind alle weg. weiß jemand wie dieser warenkorb trick bei alternate geht und möchte sein wissen teilen?
Ach verdammt hatte gehofft die droppen erst Morgen. Find die XC3 nicht schlecht - Für die gibts immerhin nen Watercool Block

hab die ganze zeit f5 gespammt, es war nie ein warenkorb button da und jetzt sind alle weg. weiß jemand wie dieser warenkorb trick bei alternate geht und möchte sein wissen teilen?
Habe 6 mal den Warenkorb Button gesehen und geklickt (F5 Spam), aber keine Chance.
Habe mal ein bißchen in den Developer Tools rumgeschaut und der Warenkorb Trick, den ich vor zwei Wochen oder so gefunden habe, ging nicht mehr, da die was an der API geändert haben.

Meine Vermutung ist einfach, dass da zig Auto-Buy-Bots mit minimaler Refresh time am Werke sind. Wie mittlerweile überall. Vor 1 bis 2 Monaten hatte man mit den Alert Bots eventuell noch eine Chance, jetzt hat man wahrscheinlich nicht mal mehr mit nem auto-buy-bot richtig Chancen :fresse:
Alternate hat offensichtlich ja auch keine Botprotection. Da kannst du alle 0,5s requests schicken stundenlang - Da hast du bei MMS und Amazon schon längst nen IP Bann
hab die ganze zeit f5 gespammt, es war nie ein warenkorb button da und jetzt sind alle weg. weiß jemand wie dieser warenkorb trick bei alternate geht und möchte sein wissen teilen?
Hab bei einem Drop letzten Monat eine Evga Karte bei Alternate am Handy als ich draußen unterwegs war bekommen. Da braucht man keinen Bot oder irgendeinen Trick. Ging aber wieder zurück, weil der 3. Lüfter ein Problem hatte. Wenn man sich die Evga-Foren mal anschaut, scheint das ein bekanntes Problem zu sein. Ich würde mich daher bei EVGA lieber eh zurückhalten.
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