This is a Thread where everybody can posts Bugs he found in the Beta of Battlefield 3 also you can posts things that u dont like.
I will start with Bugs i found in the Battlefield 3 Beta and the Battlelog:
1. There is a probleme with the Sound of the G17C Support Pistol:
When u fire very quick you can hear no sound of the shooting, it only works when u fire it very slow.
2. If u are at the Metro map for example down in the subway and u fire a weapon in a close room there is a diffrent sound as when i fire a weapon outside this room.
Now if im outside this room and HOLD the mouse button and keep on shooting during i enter the room i hear the same sound as outside. I only hear the right sound when i stop shooting and start shooting again.
3. Something with the Spawnpoint Item from the Sniper:
I can choose the item with my keyboard even when i put it already on the battlefield.
I also got sometimes the probleme that i can it only pick up again when i switched from my Weapon to the item (Button 4 is default) only then i can pick it up with the button R. Sometimes it works fine and i can pick it up anytime and it dont care which item i hold in my hand (Weapon, knife...)
Now some improvement suggestions for the Battlefield 3 Final:
1.You should put the mark from spotted enemies higher. If u leave it like it is now guys shoot the enemies even if they cant see them, the shoot all through bushes and things like that.
2. You really should change the Squad Management! Its really not good like it is now, if I join a server where already a friend of mine is and his squad is full we cant play together, that REALLY sucks! In BFBC2 we openend easily a new squad for us...
I hope you read this thread and fix the bugs and think about our improvement suggestions, thanks!