[Sammelthread] Battlefield 4

Eben gerade auf nem tschechischen Zavod only Server gespielt und es erlebt, dass jemand als Ami das komplette Spiel über (60 Min.) bei F in den Wäldern stand mit seiner 240B mit Schalli und immer nur gewartet hat, dass jemand versucht die zu cappen.
Leider konnte ich ihn selbst mir INVR nicht erwischen :fresse2:
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Hab auch auf Heimkino stehen aber generell ist die Ortung in dem Spiel fast nicht vorhanden oder es liegt an den schwachsinnigen Perks.
Ich werde so oft gemessert oder von einem relativ nah an mir erschossen und ich höre nicht einen Schritt von dem.
Erst wenn die Killcam kommt und der Typ weiter läuft,höre ich dann ganz deutlich seine Schritte. :fresse:
Da kann ich den Ton auch noch so hoch drehen,das führt höchstens zu nem Herzinfarkt von mir und meinen Nachbarn. :)

Habe das Sennheiser 363D recht neu, damit gehts echt gut.
Spiele aktuell nur noch über das Logitech X-530 an der Xi-Fi Titanium.
Mein Headset spinnt zwischendurch mal,der rechte Treiber scheint sich verabschieden zu wollen.
Bei BF3 lief die Ortung damit (X-530) aber auch super,nur BF4 spackt da total.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hab auch auf Heimkino stehen aber generell ist die Ortung in dem Spiel fast nicht vorhanden oder es liegt an den schwachsinnigen Perks.
Ich werde so oft gemessert oder von einem relativ nah an mir erschossen und ich höre nicht einen Schritt von dem.
Erst wenn die Killcam kommt und der Typ weiter läuft,höre ich dann ganz deutlich seine Schritte. :fresse:
Da kann ich den Ton auch noch so hoch drehen,das führt höchstens zu nem Herzinfarkt von mir und meinen Nachbarn. :)

wenn deine x-fi titanium auch CMSS3D hat, dann kann ich Dir gerne beim Einstellen behilflich sein. Bspweise im BL Chat. Eine Diskussion hier im Thread über Ortung, Räumlichkeit zu führen ist wie über "Headsets" (und nicht Kopfhörer) im Audio Bereich dieses Forums. In BF3 war die Ortung wesentlich besser, das stimmt. Kann Dir aber nur was bzgl der Win- und XFI Treibereinstellung mit KH sagen.
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Buglist anyone?

This list is from Symthic.com, This is not my list, it was created by the Symthic community and I take no credit for it, these issues simply need to be spread around for people to see because a "hidden issue" is still an issue

-Helicopter freelook is still broken and is bound to Left Trigger on controllers, and may get stuck on.
-Players will take damage when the TV missile they control is shot at. The player inside of the TV missile can die from this.
-"Kit Roulette" bug still exists, on the deployment screen you will cycle through kits without being able to stop it, and then the game will crash. (Returning Beta Bug)
-The game does not respond to rebinding some of the controls. (Kit switching, bipod, gadgets)
-Gadget 1 can be bound to another key but number 3 will still switch to it as well.
-Scout Heli predictive sights are still broken as they were in the beta and do not match up properly to where they should go.
-If you ADS while getting into a helicopter the hud will display similarly to a sniper scope. X
-Air vehicles explode easily when landing.
-Players spread values may increase to (and stay at) max values for no apparent reason (possibly by sprinting, jumping, or being suppressed). Firing a shot from the gun resets it to normal spread.
-Teamkilling notifications do not show up in the killfeed.
-Heat seeker missiles may "jam" when attempting to fire the second missile after the target has flared. The missile only becomes usable once the first missile has reloaded. Cause found here .
-Levolution events greatly impact FPS until the event is past and the map has settled into its new form.
-If someone spawns into your boat while you are in a TV missile, that person will be in the drivers seat, and you get stuck in the POV of the missile launcher, the only way to escape is by respawning.
-The russian side mountains on Operation Locker can be scaled almost all the way to the top, allowing people to spawn camp without being hit.
-Laser Locked weapons seem to detonate behind fast moving aircraft and do no damage.
-The BTR-90 and ZBD-09 both use the Kornet launcher file for their TOW missile, making them have a 5 second faster regen rate, upsetting armor vs armor fights in their favor.
-Players can get to upper layers of the walls surrounding C flag on Operation Locker conquest by using spawn beacons, making the flag very hard to clear.
-Bullpup rifles both lose their ADS strafe speed advantage, and have misaligned sights when an optic is attached to the gun, the laser sight shows the correct point of aim.
-Ghost reloads still occur with all weapons from time to time. (Reload and get no new rounds in the magazine, returns from Battlefield 3).
-The TV missile on the Frogfoot seems to be aimed up in the air, making the missile nearly impossible to aim on target.
- Friendly teammate markers still do not show up in hardcore, increasing the likelihood of being teamkilled or teamkilling another friendly player.
-Draw distances of terrain on surround-sized resolutions is incredibly short and often times leads to not seeing player placed equipment until it is too late. X
-The Mortar crosshair does not show where the mortar will actually land, even at its minimum spread value. X
-The Deathcam will show a player other than the one who killed you if more than one person damaged you.
-Some debris and rubble, along with most cover, are larger than they appear, creating invisible walls. This is especially noticeable on Dawnbreaker.
-At the end of a round you will lose control of your air vehicle and crash into the ground, recording a death on the result screen that you shouldn't get. (Returning Beta Bug)
-When flying the F35 with a joystick, throttling down will disable pitch and roll controls.
-Crosshairs on sniper rifles may blur out, this affects hit detection. (apparently)
-When joining a Squad Deathmatch squad as the 5th player in the squad you are unable to use squad functions such as squad spawning.
-Active Protection Systems will not deactivate once stopping a TOW, but will when stopping RPG's, tank shells, M320's, etc.
-The Extra Ammo perk from the Perimeter Defense perk tree sometimes will not grant the player the extra ammo it should when the player spawns.
-The M34 Incendiary grenade damage bypasses most forms of cover, including walls.
-Some Levolution event buildings are impossible to traverse and will get the player stuck.
-The HMG reticle on the T90a is misaligned towards the bottom crosshair.
-Ribbon xp is never awarded to the player, even though each counts for 200 points, they only count towards medals, this ends up being significant xp loss.
-The BTR-90 weapon sights are misaligned: X
-When using Slug rounds on magazine fed shotguns, the reload animation is no longer a 3 part process (Mag remove, insert, and charge) X
-The SU-50 gives no warning of being shot by enemy MAA (sound, shake, color gradient)
-The RCB attack craft missile pod has a lower launch point than where the camera shows, causing guided missiles to hit the ground instead of targets, you can also TV missile yourself in the back of the cockpit. X
-The G36C suffers similar strafing misalignment that bullpup weapons do.
-In Air Superiority mode players can be ejected from their aircraft, which allows them to engage aircraft as infantry. X
-Some Attack Jets have air radar depending on game mode and map.
-The Handflare grenade does not function as it should in game. The source code for the handflare implies that it should be a lockable item in the game.
-Some players appear in a different location than where they actually are when dead, even with the revive icon above them, this is due to the player model showing up in a different location than where the player actually died. Making it impossible to revive the player.
-AT mines and SLAMS have very short HD render distances and switch to their low-poly texture models in very short distance are easily covered up by thermal vision.
-Explosive canisters can be detonated and will despawn, but the fire from them will not despawn, even if the fire is gone. This explains some of the "netcode" kills behind cover, AND explains random hitmarkers.
-When spawning directly into a vehicle, the squad perk system does not apply its effects.
-When using a mortar a player cannot resupply grenades until the mortar is unequipped. This is because of the resupply priority used by ammo boxes, which puts gadgets ahead of grenades.
-SLAMS and possibly other explosives can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle in some instances. X
-Deploying the last SLAM mine in your inventory while swimming will cause the player to automatically throw a grenade. X
-When deploying countermeasures in helicopters and tanks (Except for the Transport helicopter) for the first time on a server there will be a delay before they deploy. X
-Players can randomly be put into a free fall while on the back of dirtbikes. X
-The most recent patch on Xbox 360 may cause settings for Battlefield 4 to reset every time the game is played.
-A player may experience a visual bug that makes their screen shake vertically until death.
-There are still holes in some collision masks of walls in Operation Metro, possibly allowing players to get onto the Metro roof again.
-Players may be able to shoot through the collapsed tower on Operation Locker, this seems to work with all ammo types except Buckshot and Frags.
-Firing then immediately switching to another weapon will cause the weapon deployed to lose accuracy when firing. X
-The XM-25 will not lock onto certain surfaces that would appear it can lock on to. Many of the walls in Operation Metro will not allow XM-25 locks.
-Player bodies will commonly launch across the map when they die, similarly to what they did in Battlefield 3, making them impossible to revive.
-Hydra rockets show no reticle in jets.
-Binding reload to a mouse button will allow you to reload but not pick up kits or gadgets.
-Vaulting objects can sometimes fling you forward or into the air. (Returning from BF3, aka being "DICE'd")
-The AMR-2 reloads similarly to the XM-25 where you always lose a round in the chamber.
-IFV's hitting water will lose all momentum and then regain speed. (Battlefield 3 bug that applied to all IFV's except the BTR, now the BTR is affected too)
-The Q-5 Fantan has its HUD set behind the model of the aircraft, and all others have it set into the cockpit, making the Fantan HUD much easier to see.
-The SKS and M39 EMR have the ability to let the player hold their breath while aiming down sights, even with iron sights.
-If you jump and begin sprinting you can hold your pistol forward while running, allowing you to blind enemies with it while sprinting.
-The Range Finder from battle pickup sniper rifles will appear on the players normal sniper rifle when the battle pickup is dropped.
-The IRNV/FLIR scopes may show up as normal 2x scopes sometimes, this can be fixed by swiping the knife, switching to a pistol, or most other actions.
-Being killed then revived when looking down the sight of the XM-25 will make your entire screen appear with the IRNV color gradient. (Returning Beta Bug)
-When marked as HVT in obliteration, the game tells you that you are carrying the bomb
-Multiple ladders on Flood Zone is impossible to reach the top of (minor because there are multiple ways to reach those roofs): X
-Commander-Spawned vehicles will float above the map on Operation Locker
-When flying in the tunnel below C/D on Zavod 311, scout helicopters may explode or clip into the map when touching the ceiling. (Only Labby could do this..)
-The Toggle Accessory UI does not show up on the L85.
-Spawning on a crouched teammate and deploying the EOD bot too quickly will leave the player unable to move.
-In rare cases the shutters on Siege of Shanghai may be closed but still appear open, this allows you to shoot through them but not run through them.
-Grenades may pass through the floor or walls when thrown, especially in Operation Locker.
-The RPK-74M, L96A1, M60E4, and Scout Elite shoot higher than their aimpoint when using the kobra sight.
-The ACE23 standard suppressor that is supposed to be unlocked at 160 kills does not unlock for most if not all players.
-Jets can stick to gunships and roadkill players who bail out of them (this is both concerning and hilarious): X & from personal experience: X
-The GOL Sniper Magnum does not initially have any scopes, and all of them must be unlocked through kills. The only high power magnification scope available is the 40x. (Xbox One & Xbox 360(?))
-The Scout Elite and CS-LR4 do not indicate if their scopes are zoomed on console when using the variable zoom attachment.
-Sometimes when pressing the ADS button the players view will zoom in but they will not actually ADS. X
-There is a large pause between getting out a weapon and then switching to an underslung grenade launcher. X
-V-sync does not work in borderless windowed mode while using AMD Mantle.
-The AK-12 family of rifles all have slightly misaligned sights, all of them shoot slightly above the aim point.
-The option to hide Battlelog In-Game no longer works and will always show up or will not show up at all.
-The movement of the players character may hang up and not move until you stop pressing all keys.
-Sometimes when picking up a kit the player may automatically throw a grenade.
-Some of the glass in Operation Metro on the sliding doors is bullet proof.
-Stealth Jets cannot take off properly from Second Assault maps. They bounce off the ground at the end of the runway and vault into the air, this does not cause damage however.
-Enemies may occasionally appear with revive icons over them, while allies do not have revive icons in your peripheral vision.
-The M320 3GL when equipped to the underbarrel of a gun raises the rifle above your head and obscures your sight, when aiming the display is normal. X
-Players may seem to be parachuting while on the ground, possibly caused by parachuting into a vehicle
-The color and opacity of the jet HUD is very hard to see against brighter backgrounds.
-The Magnifier attachment will sometimes mix up the zoom levels on your sight, giving the un-magnified sight the 2x zoom level. (Returning Beta Bug)
-Firing TV missiles may make the screen shake and jitter, this usually smooths out during the flight of the missile
-The guided shell on MBT's shares the same crosshair as the main shell
-Javelins do not make a sound once the second missile is fired if the first has not yet hit the target (audio bug but no other category for it)
-If you spawn on someone riding a quad bike, you exit, then they switch seats, they become invisible to you X
-Parts of guns may randomly disappear when in the water: X
-Some guns may continue to appear as if they are firing if you die and are then revived while holding the trigger. Confirmed so far: P90, M249, G18. X
-Random movement bugs still occur rarely in game: X
-The AEK-971 magazine has changed color to a dark purple for no apparent reason, and does not reflect the gun realistically.
-Commanders may have audio bugs and hear end of round music in the next game they play.
-Voice cues may not be audible to the player receiving the request.
-The 870 MCS shotgun will show an 8th shell being reloaded into the gun even though it only holds 7 rounds.
-Custom emblems may not display properly or at all on Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
-On Lancang Dam, looking through the overturned truck near the dam will cause the game to de-render the terrain. X
-Some shotguns show their under barrel attachment clipped into the gun model, not below it.
-Reloading will continue during any other action. (Vaulting, entering vehicles, climbing ladders, etc) (Returning BF3 bug.)
-The MTAR-21 does not show weapon paints properly, instead they are shown faded through the regular weapon color.
-In the test range weapons do not properly render and will not show up when in the customization window.
-Spotting when crouched or prone will alter the pointing animation used, making the player arm bend backwards and towards the ground. X
-When below 34% health, if you jump into a vehicle and regenerate health, your color gradient does not return to normal until you exit the vehicle, are damaged again, and then heal back up on foot. X
-Certain weapon paints may become distorted on guns, making them look like a flat color.
-Iron Sights on the GOL Magnum zoom in to an unusable level.
-Adaptive camos on Second Assault maps do not seem to be matched to the correct colors.
-The charging handle on the CZ-805 slides into the locked position even when doing a tactical reload.
-Xbox 360 is experiencing severe texture rendering issues.
-The refresh button on the server browser does nothing on Firefox.
-Some Campaign dogtags may still be unavailable for use after unlocking them.
-Battlelog leaderboards do not display a players stats properly, and will show them as 0 or the two numbers will not agree.
-The QBS-09 and DBV-12 will not retain the weapon paint set to it through battlelog
-Battlescreen does not work in Hardcore servers
-Server queues will often fail to load and result in an error message reading "Unable to join server" (Relogging into Battlelog solves this 100% of the time)
-The battlelog Com Center will not display the proper server friends are playing on
-Tracked unlocks will reset at random and put in place an item you have already unlocked.
-China Rising assignments will appear as not being completed in game even after the weapon has been awarded to the player.
-Various weapon mastery dogtags are missing.
-Some kills may not be shown in battlelog for certain vehicles or gadgets, but these are usually still recorded in game. (UCAV, Mortar, Gunship, Bomber)
-C4 Kills are only counted from the Recon kit.
-Jet cannons do not count towards accuracy, leaving you with 0% accuracy every round if you do not hit with missiles or any other weapon.

fällt einem nix mehr ein :lol:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
wenn deine x-fi titanium auch CMSS3D hat, dann kann ich Dir gerne beim Einstellen behilflich sein. Bspweise im BL Chat. Eine Diskussion hier im Thread über Ortung, Räumlichkeit zu führen ist wie über "Headsets" (und nicht Kopfhörer) im Audio Bereich dieses Forums. In BF3 war die Ortung wesentlich besser, das stimmt. Kann Dir aber nur was bzgl der Win- und XFI Treibereinstellung mit KH sagen.

Was soll man denn da noch groß einstellen,außer Upmix-Modus und die Stärke?
Hab ich auch schon ordentlich durchprobiert und wie gesagt,lief bei BF3 ja recht gut.
Das lustige ist ja wirklich,das ich vor dem Kill häufig gar nix höre,trotz in stillen Situationen
aber sobald ich dann hinüber bin,höre ich jeden Schritt von demjenigen während der Killcam.
Kann dann ja eigentlich schlecht an den Einstellungen der Soundkarte liegen. :)
"You got kicked of FairFight. Reason: restricted area?"

What? Ich war gerade am Locker zocken und mein Squad war dabei Punkt A einzunehmen, wo war das jetzt "restricted area"? Ich hielt mich ganz normal auf der Map auf und stand auf einem Eisberg. :-[
Doch, Fiarfight bannt u.U. sogar für glitchen.

@ majortom

Hatte ich schon geschrieben, aber weil Du es bist ;)

Heißt i.d.r glitch-zone. ich wusste bis dato nicht mal das FairFight überhaupt aktiv ist Oo.

Achso, ich wusste noch nicht einmal was das heißt. Ah vielleicht war der Grund dass ich beim Squad Spawn zunächst im Felsen war, hatte mich schon gewundert, bin dann aber aus dem Felsen gehüpft. Der Kick kam allerdings Minuten später...komische Geschichte.
Hab jetzt mal SweetFX runtergeladen. und kann keinen Unterschied sehen? :d

Die Sound-Ortung ist echt shice! Geht mir auch so.
Nachdem ich jetzt mal ein paar Runden Titanfall gespielt habe muss ich sagen, dagegen ist der BF4 netcode ja ein Traum... (im positiven Sinne)
Ich zocke lieber wieder BF BC2, und wieder ne KD von 2,5:1 statt 1,2:1
Hab das Powerplay Sweet Fx von hier, aber seit dem letzten Patch wirkt es so schwammig damit.

Gibts eine neue Version oder ein kompatibles Sweet fx fürs aktuelle bf?
Ja meins :bigok:. Meine Settings.txt ist irgendwo hier im Thread verlinkt.
Da würde ich auch mal mein Interesse daran anmelden, wobei ich jetzt glaub keine Chance habe in dem Thread etwas zu finden.
Kannst du das nicht in den Startpost hängen?
Das hab ich auch...^^

ROLLEN probiere ich Morgen mal aus, aber das Game startet gerade nicht mehr. Connection Probs...
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Die R9 290X Lightning ist jetzt im PC aber ich hatte ziemliche Probleme damit. AMD halt...

Wenn die Karte beim OC abgeschmiert ist,(1150) ist gleich der ganze PC mit abgeschmiert und ich bekam ein schwarzes Bild. Da konnte man bloß noch reset drücken. Leider kam man dann nicht mehr ins Windows. Kurz nach dem Windows Logo blieb es dann schwarz. Habe schon gedacht das ich die Karte gekillt hätte was eigentlich gar nicht möglich gewesen wäre da ich nichts an der Spannung gedreht habe. War schon kurz davor die wieder zurück zu schicken.

Hab dann mal wieder die 780 Ti eingebaut und den AMD Treiber runter gehauen sowie die registry bereiningt. Hat aber auch nicht geholfen. Habe die Karte nur rein gesteckt und nicht fest geschraubt. Der Rechner lag auf der Seite. Erst als ich die Schrauben rein gedreht habe ging es dann wieder.
Also schon sehr komisch das nach einem OC crash es vollkommen unmöglich ist wieder die Karte von alleine zum laufen zu kriegen. Es muss erst eine andere Karte rein und alles neu gemacht werden und dann die AMD wieder rein. Das ganze hab ich übrigens 2 mal durch. Ich wollte nämlich wissen ob der Chip das nicht schafft oder der Speicher. Es war der chip! Vielleicht ist auch das Netzteil überfordert gewesen. 580W 80+Gold

Zu Mantle kann ich folgendes sagen, unter Win7 habe ich mit der 290X 20 fps mehr als mit der 780 ti. Also vorher 80 fps und mit Mantle 100 fps. Dabei ist es egal ob die CPU mit 4 Ghz oder 4,7 Ghz läuft.
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