Ports freischalten für Router
DSl Tipp
18390 TCP Outgoing
18395 TCP Outgoing
18395 UDP Outgoing
13505 TCP Outgoing
80 TCP Outgoing
DSL Tunning
Check the TCP/IP state
SpeedGuide.net :: Windows 7, Vista, 2008 Tweaks
SG Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 2008 Server Downloads
SpeedGuide.net :: TCP Optimizer / Downloads
SG Vista TCP/IP Patch
In Eigenschaften Lan verbindung QOS Packetplaner den Hacken weg klicken und über nehmen.
So Internet jetzt Optimiert und alle Schüsse kommen an und Gegner fallen um wie es sein sollte.
Ich treffe wirklich gut in Shouter Spiele egal welches Spiel das ist anscheinend wirkt das wirklich gut in Spiele die DSL Tunnings.
Gaming Tweak - Disable Nagle's algorithm
The tweak below allows for tweaking or disabling Nagle's alogrithm. Disabling "nagling" allows for very small packets to be transferred immediately without delay. Note that disabling Nagle's algorithm is only recommended for some games, and it may have negative impact on file transfers/throughput. The dafault state (Nagling enabled) improves performance by allowing several small packets to be combined together into a single, larger packet for more efficient transmission. While this improves overall performance and reduces TCP/IP overhead, it may briefly delay transmission of smaller packets. Keep in mind that disabling Nagle's algorithm may have some negative effect on file transfers, and can only help reduce delay in some games. To implement this tweak, in the registry editor (Start>Run>regedit) find:
This setting configures the maximum number of outstanding ACKs in Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008:
There will be multiple NIC interfaces listed there, for example: {1660430C-B14A-4AC2-8F83-B653E83E8297}. Find the correct one with your IP address listed. Under this {NIC-id} key, create a new DWORD value:
TcpAckFrequency=1 (DWORD value, 1=disable, 2=default, 2-n=send ACKs if outstanding ACKs before timed interval. Setting not present by default).
For gaming performance, recommended is 1 (disable). For pure throughput and data streaming, you can experiment with values over 2. If you try larger values, just make sure TcpAckFrequency*MTU is less than RWIN, since the sender may stop sending data if RWIN fills witout acknowledgement.
Also, find the following key (if present):
Add a new DWORD value:
TCPNoDelay=1 (DWORD value, 0 to enable Nagle's algorithm, 1 to disable, not present by default)
To configure the ACK interval timeout (only has effect if nagling is enabled), find the following key:
TcpDelAckTicks=0 (DWORD value, default=2, 0=disable nagling, 1-6=100-600 ms). Note you can also set this to 1 to reduce the nagle effect from the default of 200ms without disabling it.
Ich bilde mir das nicht ein das ist so und wer denkt das ist alles Quatsch und es bringt nichts bitte ich sehr darum das es in anständigen Ton schreibt vielen Dank vor ab.
Meine Rwin werte und MTU