[Sammelthread] Dota 2 [Free To Play]

Wenn ihr Fragen oder Probleme habt, einfach die Leut in der [LUXX] DotA 2 anschreiben - wir helfen gerne! ;)
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Bin Neueinsteiger in LOL spiele es ein paar Monate, möchte aber auch Dota2 kennenlernen. Wo gibt's den einen Key ?

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Hätte jemand zufälligerweisse noch einen Key für mich? Soweit ich das mitbekommen habe bekommt jeder ja 2 zusatzkeys für Freunde.
Würde mich rießig freuen, da ich von LoL so langsam die schnauze voll hab;)
*ahem* Keys gehen weg wie die warmen Semmeln...sogar schon um 50€ auf der Bucht gesehen :eek:

Und nein, nicht jeder bekommt 2 Keys --> war mWn nur bei ein- oder zwei Chargen so.

---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:40 ----------

Probiert es mal hier --> ShareDota2: Sharing or Swapping Dota 2 Invites
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Achso ok...dann war ich wohl nichtmehr auf dem aktuellstem stand:d
Aber 50€ für einen BETA key ist echt nichtmehr normal.
Vorallem da das Spiel ja wohl noch im Sommer erscheinen soll...wenns erst in 10 Jahren kommen würde könnte man es ja noch verstehen :lol:
Dota 2 Update - April 12, 2012
- Enabled Random Draft mode!
- Enabled Lone Druid in Captain's Mode.
- Ancient Apparition: Fixed Ice Blast impact damage not hurting illusions.
- Ancient Apparition: Fixed Chilling Touch affecting Spirit Bear and Warlock's Golem.
- Axe: Fixed Culling Blade ending after death effects like Diabolic Edict and Epicenter.
- Bane: Fixed Nightmare putting Juggernaut to sleep while Omnislashing.
- Bane: Fixed Fiend's Grip doing one tick less damage than it should have.
- Batrider: Fixed Firefly destroying trees in a bigger aoe than intended.
- Batrider: Fixed Flamebreak hitting magic immune units (6.74b change).
- Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture interaction with spells like Omnislash, Ball Lightning, etc.
- Faceless Void: Fixed Chronosphere not freezing invulnerable towers.
- Juggernaut: Fixed Omnislash considering ancients as valid targets.
- Juggernaut: Fixed Omnislash ending prematurely if a target becomes invulnerable.
- Lifestealer: Fixed being able to hide inside an enemy Spirit Bear/Golem with Infest (wasn't doing damage to it though)
- Lifestealer: Fixed Infest not removing buffs before jumping in.
- Lifestealer: Fixed Feast bonus damage type allowing it to critical strike.
- Lion: Fixed Mana Drain missing its last 1/4 tick.
- Lone Druid: Fixed Entangle not affecting magic immune units.
- Lone Druid: Fixed Entangle not interrupting channeling spells.
- Mirana: Fixed Moonlight Shadow not affecting allied units sometimes (Disrupted, Phase Shifted, etc).
- Morphling: Fixed Replicate being castable on Spirit Bear and Warlock Golem.
- Outworld Destroyer: Fixed Sanity's Eclipse mana drain logic.
- Puck: Fixed Ethereal Jaunt not dodging projectiles properly.
- Pudge: Reduced the delay before being able to issue orders after Meat Hook.
- Razor: Fixed some bugs with Unstable Current killing a target after its ability starts (like Omnislashing while dead).
- Razor: Fixed Plasma Field not giving aoe vision following Razor.
- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush affecting couriers.
- Silencer: Fixed Global Silences affecting couriers abilities.
- Spectre: Fixed permanently losing the ability to block creeps after the first Spectral Dagger use.
- Spirit Breaker: Fixed being unable to target magic immune units with Netherstrike.
- Sven: Fixed Great Cleave working on denies.
- Tinker: Fixed March of the Machines spawn per second from 30 to 24.
- Tinker: Fixed March of the Machines movement speed from 500 to 400.
- Tinker: Fixed Heat Seeking Missle hitting Spirit Bear and Warlock's Golem.
- Tinker: Fixed March of the Machines killing couriers.
- Tiny: Fixed Aghanim tree doing too much damage to buildings.
- Tiny: Fixed Aghanim tree cleaving when attacking buildings.
- Vengeful Spirit: Fixed Vengeful Spirit's Wave of Terror affecting couriers.
- Viper: Fixed Viper Strike being an instant effect instead of a dodgeable projectile.
- Weaver: Fixed Weaver's Swarm getting one shotted by attack spells like Impetus and Arcane Orb.
- Weaver: Fixed bug where Swarm bugs would cause some heroes to spin when attacking them, or not be able to attack them at all.
- Windrunner: Fixed being able to Shackleshot onto Ancients/Roshan.
- Fixed units/wards being unable to attack animation cancel if they are unable to move.
- Fixed abilities going into cooldown if the target dies while paying manacost (ie. from Nether Ward).
- Fixed Alchemist's Unstable Concoction and Bounty Hunter's Track being castable on Spirit Bear/Golem.
- Fixed cleave damage not waking up Nightmared units.
- Fixed Mjollnir and Maelstrom having orb selection priorty when attacking buildings.
- Fixed Armlet lifedraining on Illusions.
- Fixed DisableHelp not working for Chen's Persuasion.
- Fixed Roshan not disabling Blink Dagger.
- Fixed Tranquil Boots going into a short cooldown whenever you took damage.
- Reordered Mekansm recipe list to have Headdress first.
- Fixed Pudge's Meat Hook and Mirana's Arrow not hitting Spirit Bear.
- Fixed Vampiric Aura showing buff on things it does not affect.
- Fixed neutral units being able to cast their spells while disabled/silenced when they aren't player controlled.
- Fixed Double Damage rune not granting a fake buff to nearby illusions.
- Fixed neutral Centaur attack speed aura increasing speed by percentages instead of constant amounts
- Fixed being unable to purge an offensive Decrepify
- Fixed Ethereal Blade interaction with Spirit Bear.
- Fixed a bug where if Nature's Prophet cast Sprout on Lycan in wolf form while he was running, Lycan could run through the trees and escape the sprout.

- Illusions now fake display the same crit overhead values as the real hero.
- A global message is now displayed when you random a hero.
- There is now a 2 second cooldown on unpausing a paused game, to prevent two people trying to pause the game at the same time and accidently unpausing.
- Fixed being unable to Glyph while disabled.
- Fixed printing the wrong kill message when an illusion kills a tower
- Fixed spectator FOW keys broken.
- Fixed the courier failing to pick up an item from the stash resulting in the item teleporting to the hero's feet.
- Items that are dropped on the ground as a result of a full inventory will now always be usable in item combines, even if they cannot be dropped right next to a hero.
- While watching a replay, you can now click on the pips (Hero/Tower Kills) on the XP and Gold panels to jump to 5 seconds before that moment happens.
- Fixed team-only chat in games created via private lobbies.

- Updated Nevermore's animations.
- Updated Shadow Demon's Shadow Poison projectile effect.
- Updated Faceless Void's Backtrack effect.

- Bots will no longer attempt to use a Tango when being attacked or when defending an ally.
- Adjusted some numbers to hopefully make it less likely for bots to try to TP out of a gank attempt when they were obviously going to die before it finished.
- Fixed bug where Zeus would killsteal when his target thought they were safe, even if they weren't.
- Cleaned up sellability of a bunch of bot items, should prevent cases where bots buy recipes for components they've previously sold.
- Added additional items in the builds for Sniper and Juggernaut, they should no longer run out of items to buy in long matches.
- Fixed bug where bots wouldn't realize that Antimage was a hard carry for lane selection purposes.
- Fixed bug where any players in spectate/broadcast slots would prevent bots from picking a hero.
- Bots will now wait to activate until all hero picking is completed.
- Fixed bug where the matchmaker wouldn't try to match bot difficulties when finding a Coop game.
- Fixed bug where bots might still pick up Aegis/Rapier immediately upon them dropping rather than waiting a couple seconds for humans to have a shot at them.
- Added generic attack desire bonus to any enemy hero that is currently stunned.
Dota 2 Update - April 13, 2012
- Fixed Spirit Bear having incorrect damage type
- Fixed Batrider being stuck on a unit if Firefly ends on top of another unit
- Fixed being able to get two heroes during Random Draft if you disconnected at a specific time

Quelle: Dota 2 11th April Patch
Hab Crysis (1) gerade gegen 2 Dota Invites getauscht. :d
Ok rückwirkend gesehen hab ich jetzt quasi 7 Euro irgendwas pro Invite bezahlt aber was solls, Crysis wäre ohnehin im Inventar vergammelt. :fresse:

Zuerst mal Einsteiger Tutorials lesen/ansehen. :haha:
Weiss irgendjemand woher ich Invites kriege? Ich warte seit Ewigkeiten auf ne Antwort von deren blöder Umfrage und irgendwie wird das langsam zu lange.
Ehrlich gesagt, wäre ich froh, wenn keine Keys mehr ausgegeben werden, bis Valve endlich ein paar Filteroptionen fürs MM einbaut --> 3x verloren weil irgend so ein A.loch sich nen Carry erzwingt (obwohl das Team schon 2 hat), sich stur auf eine Lane hockt, diese dann verliert und einfach nicht mit dem eigenen Team kommuniziert...und wenn dann kommen 1. nur Schimpftriaden oder 2. irgendwelche Symbol.

€: http://de.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/sgdb3/is_matchmaking_not_matching_players_of_equal/

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mal schauen. Erstmal noch mein kleines WoT-Ziel erledigen und dann mal Reddit durchgehen. Die können doch endlich mal die Scheißumfrage auswerten^^ Weiss bis heute nicht, ob ich da ne Zulassung bekam.
Hey, ich hab seit heute einen Invite, hab früher viel Dota gespielt, bin eingerostet, kenne aber zumindest alle Heroes/Items und kann denien und bin derweil auf der Suche nach Mitspielern
steam: princessofdark
skype: spoilt
Dota 2 will be free-to-play - with a twist

Speaking in a yet to be released podcast by Polygon, Gabe Newell, co-founder of Valve, has confirmed that the game will be free-to-play. He did however mention that there will be a "twist" to the business model.

This announcement may not come as a surprise to many seeing as a famous "data miner" known as CyborgMatt has already discovered indications that there will be a in-game shop system selling cosmetic changes to heroes.

In regards to the "twist", Newell spoke about "trying to figure out ways so that people who are more valuable to everybody else [are] recognized and accommodated", which reflects his previously stated desire to see that those who contribute to the community are rewarded for their efforts.

However, Newell did not disclose just what kind of model Valve are planning for Dota 2.

joinDOTA.com » News: Dota 2 will be free-to-play - with a twist

Na da bin ich ja gespannt.
Was IMO gegen ein Free2Play spricht, sind die Fluten von Bob's die die Public's wahrscheinlich unspielbar werden lassen.
Ich hoffe, es wird ein vernünftiges Skill-Level System geben.


Der vollständigkeit halber:

Patchnotes 20.04.12

- Fixed bug where you would sometimes constantly reselect yourself when dead.
- Fixed bug that would always cause Brewmaster to appear to be available in SD.
- Fixed bug with Pudge and Aghanim's.
- Fixed Brewmaster not distributing death rewards when dying while split.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das es F2P sein wird, war absehbar.

BTW, ich werde bald (heute noch oder morgen) einen Vorschlag für ein reputationsbasierendes(*) Matchmaking ins Dev Forum zu posten ;)

Kurz gesagt, wenn A gern mit B spielt und B gern mit C, dann werden sehr wahrscheinlich auch A und C miteinander 'können'

€: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=31742&p=184347#post184347
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Grade 2Keys gegen ein 5€ spiel eingetauscht. Hab nur einen gebracht also hab ichs nem freund gegeben. :fresse:
Bin jetzt auch dabei. Der Unterschied zu LoL ist fühlbar. Mit eingwöhnung könnte es besser sein - nur wird es nie an die Spielerzahlen von LoL rankommen , dafür ist es einfach zu skill-basiert :fresse:
*ahem* DotA ist erfolgreicher als LoL ;)

Q: How popular is DotA these days? (from china_white)

A: I can only give estimates based on getdota.com usage, because I can't track ingame downloads or fansites or downloads from China. It is roughly estimated (based on the statistics from popular Chinese sites) that the Chinese DotA audience is about 40-50% of the worldwide audience. Not counting China, the playerbase is estimated to be somewhere between 7-11 million. I expect the audience to grow even more in the not too distant future
Quelle: Q&A Session #4 - DotA Forums

Wenn jemand Anfänger ist, ich bin gerne bereit 1 oder 2 Bot-Games im Coop zu absolvieren....ist übrigens immer zu empfehlen, wenn man nen neuen Hero probieren möchte.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dann sind sie ja eh gleich auf. Obwohl LoL wohl mehr Geld einspielt..
An einem Botmatch hätt ich großes Interesse! Wenn man von LoL kommt ist es doch eine Umgewöhnung ,da ist jeder Tipp goldwert aaaber ich bin wirklich nicht gut. Die Normalbots machen mich kalt :( Hab bisher nur eine eigene Lobby erstellt.
Ich bin gerade dabei noch ein paar invites fürs luxx rauszukitzeln. Also wenn mir jeder mal so ne PM mit eurer e-mail schickt währ das gut, so muss ich keine tradebaren keys ersteigern. Falls ich wirklich noch ein paar keys bekomme dann Random ich die einfach aso nicht böse sein wenn dann einer doch keinen bekommt.

edit: hat sich noch keiner gemeldet.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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