Called action: summary
Prints summary incl. states of attached datastores and vms for host
Datastore shows status / VM shows heartbeat state
Datastore health color coding:
red = Critial event
orange = Major event
yellow = Minor event
blue = Unknown
green = Normal/oaky
VM heartbeat color coding:
grey = VMware Tools are not installed or not running
red = No heartbeat. Guest operating system may have stopped responding
yellow = Intermittent heartbeat. A Yellow status may be caused by heavy guest OS usage
green = Guest operating system is responding normally
Expected arguments:
host, user, password
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
Called action: ssh_on
Enables SSH access on host (Service name 'TSM-SSH')
Expected arguments:
host, user, password
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
Called action: ssh_off
Disables SSH access on host (Service name 'TSM-SSH')
Expected arguments:
host, user, password
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
Called action: poweron
scope vm: Powers on 'vm_id' virtual machine
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, scope, vm_id
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--scope: Scope this action has to be applied to (host / vm / guest)
--vm_id: ID of the required VirtualMachine. Can be obtained by using summary/list_attached_vms
Called action: shutdown
scope host: Shuts down a host. If the command is successful, then the host has been shut down
Parameter 'vm_id' not needed in this scope
scope vm: Powers off (hard) 'vm_id' virtual machine
scope guest: Issues shutdown command to the guest operating system (gracefully)
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, scope, vm_id
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--scope: Scope this action has to be applied to (host / vm / guest)
--vm_id: ID of the required VirtualMachine. Can be obtained by using summary/list_attached_vms
Called action: reboot
scope host: Reboots a host
Parameter 'vm_id' not needed in this scope
scope vm: Resets power (hard) on 'vm_id' virtual machine
scope guest: Issues reboot command to the guest operating system (gracefully)
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, scope, vm_id
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--scope: Scope this action has to be applied to (host / vm / guest)
--vm_id: ID of the required VirtualMachine. Can be obtained by using summary/list_attached_vms
Called action: kill
scope vm: Do an immediate power off of 'vm_id' virtual machine
This issues a SIGKILL to the vmx process of 'vm_id' virtual machine
Pending synchronous I/Os may not be written out!
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, scope, vm_id
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--scope: Scope this action has to be applied to (host / vm / guest)
--vm_id: ID of the required VirtualMachine. Can be obtained by using summary/list_attached_vms
Called action: mount
Creates a new network-attached storage datastore
Possible types: CIFS / NFS / NFS41
mountuser/mountpassword optional for CIFS / NFS41
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, mounthost, mountpoint, mounttype, mountaccess, localpath, mountuser, mountpassword
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--mounthost: IP address of system to be mounted
--mountpoint: Network mount point (e.g.: NFS /mnt/HDD/mount)
--mounttype: The type of mount to be established (CIFS / NFS / NFS41)
--mountaccess: readOnly or readWrite <default readWrite>
--localpath: The VMWare path of the created mountpoint (i.e. Datastore-Name)
--mountuser: OPTIONAL input for CIFS or NFS41 - User to be used for mount
--mountpassword: OPTIONAL input for CIFS or NFS41 - Users password to be used for mount
Called action: unmount
Removes a network-attached datastore from a host
Only if no access pending on this datastore (e.g. registered VMs)
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, mounthost, mountpoint
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--mounthost: IP address of system to be mounted
--mountpoint: Network mount point (e.g.: NFS /mnt/HDD/mount)
Called action: create_snapshot
Creates a new snapshot of 'vm_id' virtual machine
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, vm_id, snapname, snapdesc, mem, quiesce
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--vm_id: ID of the required VirtualMachine. Can be obtained by using summary/list_attached_vms
--snapname: Name of the Snapshot. Either one word or use "Whatever name you want to use"
OPTIONAL - <default prefix datetime>
--snapdesc: Description of the Snapshot. Either one word or use "Whatever description you want to use"
--(no-)mem: Boolean value for whether RAM of guest should be included in Snapshot
OPTIONAL - <default --mem, i.e. true>
--(no-)quiesce: Boolean value for whether guest filesystem is stopped or not - Only if VMWare-Tools installed in guest
OPTIONAL - <default --no-quiesce, i.e. false>
Called action: remove_snapshot
Removes 'snapid' snapshot and deletes any associated storage
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, snapid, childs
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--snapid: Identifier of the Snapshot. Can be obtained with summary/last_snapshot
--(no-)childs: Boolean value for whether child Snapshots should be removed as well
OPTIONAL - <default --no-childs, i.e. false>
Called action: last_snapshot
List current (i.e. latest) snapshot for 'vm_id' virtual machine
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, vm_id
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--vm_id: ID of the required VirtualMachine. Can be obtained by using summary/list_attached_vms
Called action: revert_snapshot
Change the execution state of a virtual machine to the state of 'snapid' snapshot
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, snapid, suppress
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--snapid: Identifier of the Snapshot. Can be obtained with summary/last_snapshot
--(no-)suppress: Boolean value for suppressing VM Power-On after revert to Snapshot
OPTIONAL - <default --no-suppress, i.e. false>
Called action: list_attached_vms
Lists all attached VMs of 'moid' datastore
Expected arguments:
host, user, password, moid
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password
--moid: Unique identifier of the internal datastore. Can be obtained with summary
Called action: list_all_datastores
Lists all datastores available on a given host system
Expected arguments:
host, user, password
--host: VMWare ESXi IP address
--user: ESXi username - usually root
--password: ESXi users password