Folding@Home - Hardwareluxx Team

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
wir ändern einfach den Team-Namen und die Anno-Jünger kommen komplett zu uns - wäre doch klasse. ComputerBase-HardwareLuxx Anno Folding Team.

Ansonsten zwei Wochen hier, zwei Wochen dort - für einen echten Druiden auf Wanderschaft sicher kein Problem.

@Miraculix 55

ist doch kein Problem wenn euer Ehrgeiz nicht so groß ist.
Ihr schwimmt einfach im großen Teich mit und produziert wie Ihr


Neue Milestone-Grafiken:





Neue Bannergrafiken:




Neue Startpostgrafik:


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
thx :d :banana:

Kannst ja gleich mal den Startpost ändern.


PS: gut mit dem TAXI heimgekommen?
2x Nä!

Bin Selbstfahrer. Hab doch Allrad und Kuhfänger. Da kann nix passieren. :fresse:

P.S. Seit wann schreibt man "Wilkommen" mit nur einem "m" ? Nur 1x mit Profis arbeiten...
P.P.S. Warum ist der Trucker eigentlich zu blöd, die Deadline einer 2686 richtig zu deuten? Ist meine erste, seit dem ich den Tracker hab.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
War noch nicht so ganz nüchtern, als ich die Grafiken heute morgen erstellte, nach gestern Abend aber auch wirklich kein Wunder - vor meinem geistigen Auge stand definitiv 2xM.

Liefere heute noch die Grafik nach.

Freut mich, dass du es nach Hause geschafft hast, zwar riskant, aber trotzdem souverän.

Tante Edith meint:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wie macht ihr eigentlich so viele Punkte? Ich kriege max. 2-3k pro Tag zusammen. Ich lasse zwar nicht 24/7 laufen aber 8-10h am WE und 3h/d in der Woche läuft er auch.
Die Amd habe ich weggelassen und im Moment faltet nur die alte 8800Gt (GTX570 on the way), die max. 5-8k Punkte im 24/7 Betrieb produziert und der i7 hat ne TPF von 35min und faltet gerade ne 6900 über 2 Tage wenn ich ihn an lassen würde. Der Tracker sagt mir das ich dafür knapp 9k Punkte bekommen würde.

Das wären dann vielleicht 10k-15k Punkte am Tag (24/7) und ihr macht hier teilweise ein vielfaches davon. Mache ich was falsch, schließlich lasse ich den Laptop auch ab und zu mitfalten und bekomme trotzdem kaum Punkte zusammen?
Hast du ein Passkey drin? Hast du 10 wu's innerhalb der bevorzugten Deadline mit diesem Passkey abgeliefert? SMP2 ist auf 24/7 folding ausgelegt, wenn du schon eine bigadv drin hast dann rechne diese zu Ende oder stell um auf normale A3 wu's. Sobald du Pause machst geht der Bonus runter, fängst du an wu's abzuliefern die nicht innerhalb der bevorzugten Deadline fertig sind, fliegst du aus dem Bonusprogramm und bekommst nur die Basepoints.
Passkey ist drin. Müssen das 10 big WU's mit der CPU sein, oder insgesamt alle WU's mit der GPU? Dann habe ich mehr als 10 zuende gefaltet. Ich liege bis jetzt noch weit unter der Deathline laut FAH Tracker und lasse die natürlich weiterfalten. Fliege ich dann komplett aus dem Bonusprogramm und komme nicht wieder dort rein, oder gibt es nur für die aktuell abgelieferte WU keine Bonuspunkte?
Und wo kann ich sehen wieviele Bonuspunkte ich kriegen würde?
ne 6900 über 2 Tage wenn ich ihn an lassen würde. Der Tracker sagt mir das ich dafür knapp 9k Punkte bekommen würde.

Lass ihn durchfalten und du bekommst ~75.000 Punkte. Der Bonus macht den Braten fett.
Für GPU wu's gibt es kein Bonus, nur CPU SMP und nur hier musst/kannst du dich für ein Bonusprogramm qualifizieren. Den Passkey würde ich aber dennoch im GPU Client drin lassen, ist auch ein Security Feature.

Du fliegst aus dem CPU Bonusprogramm raus sobald 80% deiner CPU wu's nicht innerhalb der bevorzugten Deadline abgeliefert werden, lieferst du wieder 80% deiner wu's innerhalb der bevorzugten Deadline ab, bist du wieder drin.

Du solltest erstmal 10 standard(keine bigadv) CPU SMP A3 wu's durchfalten und dann ggf. auf bigadv umstellen. Für eine bigadv hat man max. 4 Tage inkl. upload um den Bonus einzufahren, wobei dies der mindest Bonus wäre. Bist du bei 6 Tagen angelangt, also der final deadline, bekommst du nur die basepoints, dies gilt auch für die standard A3 wu's. Je schneller du die Arbeit ablieferst desto mehr Punkte bekommst du.

Bei einer Time per Folding(TPF) von 30 Minuten und mehr bei bigadv, kostet dich jede halbe Stunde Pause beim falten viele Punkte. Ich hab bei allen bigadv wu's außer der p2684 eine TPF von 34 Minuten bei 3,6 GHz was innerhalb von 2 Tagen und glaube 10 Stunden knappe 72000 Punkte bringt. Die p2684 hat eine TPF von 47 Minuten bei meinem System was nach 3 Tagen und 10 Stunden nur 61000 Punkte bringt. Der Rechner läuft dann durch um auf den Bonus zukommen, anders geht es nicht.

Wenn du dazu nicht bereit bist schwenk auf die standard A3 wu's um, in der Regel sind diese innerhalb von 3 bis 6 Stunden fertig, einzige Ausnahme sind die 6701 und 6702 wu's die dauern glaube ich knappe 10 Stunden und bringen am meisten Punkte. Für die standard A3 wu's kann ich dir leider nur Richtwerte von mein X4 liefern, dieser leistet ebenfalls bei 3,6 GHz je nach wu zwischen 1300 und 7400 Punkten, wobei die 7400 Punkte wu's nur beim advmethods flag vorkommen.

Ich würde auch ggf. z.B. HFM oder FAHMon nehmen um das ganze zu überwachen, beide Programme sind zuverlässiger beim berechnen der Punkte als der Tracker, außerdem zeigen sie dir mehr Infos an, wie z.B. PPD/MHz, Core Version, die Deadlines usw.

hfm-net - Project Hosting on Google Code
Home | FahMon
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

was machen wir denn nun mit den Usern, welche weiterhin für das alte CB-Team aktiv sind? Kann die evtl. mal jemand per PM kontaktieren? So wie es jetzt läuft, ist es irgendwie auch nicht optimal, ich finde man sollte schon komplett in das neue Team wechseln.

Man könnte auch überlegen den neuen Punkterekord und den relativ erfolgreichen Team-Zusammenschluss als Aufhänger für eine News zu nehmen. Hypo, bist du noch Redakteur?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
okay, schreiben können wir die ja alle zusammen, geht nur ums einreichen.
Zeit ist bei mir auch Mangelware.

Mach das, musst du nur gut bewerben, beste Bohnen aus kontrolliert biologischen Anbau: "Sie wollen doch sicherlich keinen Kaffee aus Kinderarbeit, mein exklusiver Kaffee kostet Sie nur ein wenig mehr, dafür erhalten die (Kinder) Bauern bald eine richtige Schule - zwar ohne Fenster, aber wer will da schon kleinlich sein" ...

Die Ergebnisse der Preisstudie aus deinem Bus verkaufst du an irgendeinen Soziologen als mesosoziologische Fallstudie über die Beeinflussbarkeit durch subversive Werbebotschaften, damit kannst du dir noch das dritte und vierte SR2 holen.

Mach das, musst du nur gut bewerben, beste Bohnen aus kontrolliert biologischen Anbau: "Sie wollen doch sicherlich keinen Kaffee aus Kinderarbeit, mein exklusiver Kaffee kostet Sie nur ein wenig mehr, dafür erhalten die (Kinder) Bauern bald eine richtige Schule - zwar ohne Fenster, aber wer will da schon kleinlich sein" ...

Die Ergebnisse der Preisstudie aus deinem Bus verkaufst du an irgendeinen Soziologen ....... damit kannst du dir noch das dritte und vierte SR2 holen.


Die Ergebnisse der Preisstudie aus deinem Bus verkaufst du an irgendeinen Soziologen als mesosoziologische Fallstudie über die Beeinflussbarkeit durch subversive Werbebotschaften, damit kannst du dir noch das dritte und vierte SR2 holen.


Du bringst mich da auf gänzlich neue Geschäftsideen die mir bisher völlig fremd waren:hail::asthanos:
Was sehe ich da?

Unser Schlingel faltet wieder. Das ist aber erfreulich! :)
so, nachdem ich jetzt endlich den I7-980 bekommen habe wollte ich wieder beim Falten einsteigen. Funzt allerdings nicht wie gewohnt - keine Ahnung woran das liegt :confused: Hier mal der Log File (leider ziemlich lang):

--- Opening Log file [December 13 23:26:41 UTC] 

# Windows SMP Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.30



Launch directory: D:\Program Files (x86)\smp
Executable: D:\Program Files (x86)\smp\Folding@home-Win32-x86.exe
Arguments: -smp -verbosity 9 -bigadv 

[23:26:41] - Ask before connecting: No
[23:26:41] - User name: IceMan62 (Team 70911)
[23:26:41] - User ID: 4E562CBA4D29348D
[23:26:41] - Machine ID: 1
[23:26:41] Loaded queue successfully.
[23:26:41] - Autosending finished units... [December 13 23:26:41 UTC]
[23:26:41] + Processing work unit
[23:26:41] Trying to send all finished work units
[23:26:41] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[23:26:41] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[23:26:41] Core found.
[23:26:41] - Autosend completed
[23:26:41] Working on queue slot 02 [December 13 23:26:41 UTC]
[23:26:41] + Working ...
[23:26:41] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 3284 -version 630'

[23:26:41] *------------------------------*
[23:26:41] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[23:26:41] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[23:26:41] Preparing to commence simulation
[23:26:41] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[23:26:51] - Looking at optimizations...
[23:26:51] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
[23:26:52] - Previous termination of core was improper.
[23:26:52] - Files status OK
[23:26:56] - Expanded 24663660 -> 30550665 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[23:26:56] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24663660 data_size=30550665, decompressed_data_size=30550665 diff=0
[23:26:56] - Digital signature verified
[23:26:56] Project: 2685 (Run 0, Clone 23, Gen 48)
[23:26:56] Entering M.D.
[23:27:02] Using Gromacs checkpoints
[23:27:08] Resuming from checkpoint
[23:27:08] Verified work/wudata_02.log
[23:27:08] Verified work/wudata_02.trr
[23:27:08] Verified work/wudata_02.xtc
[23:27:08] Verified work/wudata_02.edr
[23:27:09] Completed 1604 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[23:35:36] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
[23:52:21] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[23:52:21] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005
[23:52:21] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[23:52:37] Trying to send all finished work units
[23:52:37] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[23:52:37] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[23:52:37] Cleaning up work directory
[23:52:37] + Attempting to get work packet
[23:52:37] Passkey found
[23:52:37] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[23:52:37] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 2
[23:52:37] - Connecting to assignment server
[23:52:37] Connecting to
[23:52:38] Posted data.
[23:52:38] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[23:52:38] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[23:52:38] Loaded queue successfully.
[23:52:38] Sent data
[23:52:38] Connecting to
[23:52:45] Posted data.
[23:52:45] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[23:53:10] Killing all core threads
[23:53:10] Could not get process id information.  Please kill core process manually

Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request.
[23:53:10] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[23:53:10] Killing all core threads
[23:53:10] Could not get process id information.  Please kill core process manually

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

--- Opening Log file [December 14 00:09:31 UTC] 

# Windows SMP Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.30



Launch directory: D:\Program Files (x86)\smp
Executable: D:\Program Files (x86)\smp\Folding@home-Win32-x86.exe
Arguments: -smp -verbosity 9 -bigadv 

[00:09:31] - Ask before connecting: No
[00:09:31] - User name: IceMan62 (Team 70911)
[00:09:31] - User ID: 4E562CBA4D29348D
[00:09:31] - Machine ID: 1
[00:09:31] Loaded queue successfully.
[00:09:31] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[00:09:31] - Autosending finished units... [December 14 00:09:31 UTC]
[00:09:31] Cleaning up work directory
[00:09:31] Trying to send all finished work units
[00:09:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:09:31] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[00:09:31] Passkey found
[00:09:31] - Autosend completed
[00:09:31] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[00:09:31] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 2
[00:09:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:09:31] Connecting to
[00:09:32] Posted data.
[00:09:32] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[00:09:32] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[00:09:32] Loaded queue successfully.
[00:09:32] Sent data
[00:09:32] Connecting to
[00:09:39] Posted data.
[00:09:39] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[00:09:58] - Downloaded at ~1278 kB/s
[00:09:58] - Averaged speed for that direction ~845 kB/s
[00:09:58] + Received work.
[00:09:58] + Closed connections
[00:09:58] + Processing work unit
[00:09:58] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[00:09:58] Core found.
[00:09:58] Working on queue slot 03 [December 14 00:09:58 UTC]
[00:09:58] + Working ...
[00:09:58] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 03 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5612 -version 630'

[00:09:58] *------------------------------*
[00:09:58] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[00:09:58] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[00:09:58] Preparing to commence simulation
[00:09:58] - Looking at optimizations...
[00:09:58] - Created dyn
[00:09:58] - Files status OK
[00:10:02] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[00:10:02] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[00:10:02] - Digital signature verified
[00:10:02] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[00:10:03] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[00:10:03] Entering M.D.
[00:10:11] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[00:33:43] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
[00:58:28] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps  (2%)
[01:22:35] Completed 7500 out of 250000 steps  (3%)
[01:46:38] Completed 10000 out of 250000 steps  (4%)
[02:09:58] Completed 12500 out of 250000 steps  (5%)
[02:34:05] Completed 15000 out of 250000 steps  (6%)
[02:57:58] Completed 17500 out of 250000 steps  (7%)
[03:21:49] Completed 20000 out of 250000 steps  (8%)
[03:46:27] Completed 22500 out of 250000 steps  (9%)
[04:09:47] Completed 25000 out of 250000 steps  (10%)
[04:33:48] Completed 27500 out of 250000 steps  (11%)
[04:57:39] Completed 30000 out of 250000 steps  (12%)
[05:21:47] Completed 32500 out of 250000 steps  (13%)
[05:45:09] Completed 35000 out of 250000 steps  (14%)
[05:57:32] CoreStatus = C0000029 (-1073741783)
[05:57:32] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000029
[05:57:32] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[05:57:48] Trying to send all finished work units
[05:57:48] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[05:57:48] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[05:57:48] Cleaning up work directory
[05:57:48] + Attempting to get work packet
[05:57:48] Passkey found
[05:57:48] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[05:57:48] - Connecting to assignment server
[05:57:48] Connecting to
[05:57:49] Posted data.
[05:57:49] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[05:57:49] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[05:57:49] Loaded queue successfully.
[05:57:49] Sent data
[05:57:49] Connecting to
[05:57:58] Posted data.
[05:57:58] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24664172)
[05:59:07] - Downloaded at ~349 kB/s
[05:59:07] - Averaged speed for that direction ~746 kB/s
[05:59:07] + Received work.
[05:59:07] + Closed connections
[05:59:12] + Processing work unit
[05:59:12] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[05:59:12] Core found.
[05:59:12] Working on queue slot 04 [December 14 05:59:12 UTC]
[05:59:12] + Working ...
[05:59:12] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 04 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5612 -version 630'

[05:59:12] *------------------------------*
[05:59:12] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[05:59:12] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[05:59:12] Preparing to commence simulation
[05:59:12] - Looking at optimizations...
[05:59:12] - Created dyn
[05:59:12] - Files status OK
[05:59:16] - Expanded 24663660 -> 30550665 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[05:59:16] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24663660 data_size=30550665, decompressed_data_size=30550665 diff=0
[05:59:16] - Digital signature verified
[05:59:16] Project: 2685 (Run 0, Clone 23, Gen 48)
[05:59:16] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[05:59:16] Entering M.D.
[05:59:25] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[06:00:12] Killing all core threads
[06:00:12] Could not get process id information.  Please kill core process manually

Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request.
[06:00:12] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[06:00:12] Killing all core threads
[06:00:12] Could not get process id information.  Please kill core process manually

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

--- Opening Log file [December 14 06:12:32 UTC] 

# Windows SMP Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.30



Launch directory: D:\Program Files (x86)\smp
Executable: D:\Program Files (x86)\smp\Folding@home-Win32-x86.exe
Arguments: -smp -verbosity 9 -bigadv 

[06:12:32] - Ask before connecting: No
[06:12:32] - User name: IceMan62 (Team 70911)
[06:12:32] - User ID: 4E562CBA4D29348D
[06:12:32] - Machine ID: 1
[06:12:33] Loaded queue successfully.
[06:12:33] - Autosending finished units... [December 14 06:12:33 UTC]
[06:12:33] + Processing work unit
[06:12:33] Trying to send all finished work units
[06:12:33] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[06:12:33] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[06:12:33] - Autosend completed
[06:12:33] Core found.
[06:12:33] Working on queue slot 04 [December 14 06:12:33 UTC]
[06:12:33] + Working ...
[06:12:33] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 04 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[06:12:33] *------------------------------*
[06:12:33] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[06:12:33] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[06:12:33] Preparing to commence simulation
[06:12:33] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[06:12:43] - Looking at optimizations...
[06:12:43] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
[06:12:43] - Previous termination of core was improper.
[06:12:43] - Files status OK
[06:12:47] - Expanded 24663660 -> 30550665 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[06:12:47] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24663660 data_size=30550665, decompressed_data_size=30550665 diff=0
[06:12:47] - Digital signature verified
[06:12:47] Project: 2685 (Run 0, Clone 23, Gen 48)
[06:12:47] Entering M.D.
[06:12:55] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[06:36:20] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
[06:59:58] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps  (2%)
[07:23:08] Completed 7500 out of 250000 steps  (3%)
[07:46:44] Completed 10000 out of 250000 steps  (4%)
[08:10:37] Completed 12500 out of 250000 steps  (5%)
[08:16:37] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[08:16:37] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005
[08:16:37] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[08:16:53] Trying to send all finished work units
[08:16:53] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[08:16:53] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[08:16:53] Cleaning up work directory
[08:16:53] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:16:53] Passkey found
[08:16:53] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:16:53] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 2
[08:16:53] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:16:53] Connecting to
[08:16:54] Posted data.
[08:16:54] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:16:54] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:16:54] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:16:54] Sent data
[08:16:54] Connecting to
[08:16:55] Posted data.
[08:16:55] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:16:55] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:17:09] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:17:09] Passkey found
[08:17:09] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:17:09] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:17:09] Connecting to
[08:17:10] Posted data.
[08:17:10] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:17:10] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:17:10] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:17:10] Sent data
[08:17:10] Connecting to
[08:17:10] Posted data.
[08:17:10] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:17:11] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:17:33] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:17:33] Passkey found
[08:17:33] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:17:33] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:17:33] Connecting to
[08:17:34] Posted data.
[08:17:34] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:17:34] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:17:34] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:17:34] Sent data
[08:17:34] Connecting to
[08:17:34] Posted data.
[08:17:34] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:17:35] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:18:02] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:18:02] Passkey found
[08:18:02] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:18:02] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:18:02] Connecting to
[08:18:03] Posted data.
[08:18:03] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:18:03] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:18:03] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:18:03] Sent data
[08:18:03] Connecting to
[08:18:03] Posted data.
[08:18:03] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:18:04] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:18:49] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:18:49] Passkey found
[08:18:49] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:18:49] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:18:49] Connecting to
[08:18:50] Posted data.
[08:18:50] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:18:50] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:18:50] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:18:50] Sent data
[08:18:50] Connecting to
[08:18:50] Posted data.
[08:18:50] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:18:51] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:20:22] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:20:22] Passkey found
[08:20:22] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:20:22] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:20:22] Connecting to
[08:20:23] Posted data.
[08:20:23] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:20:23] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:20:23] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:20:23] Sent data
[08:20:23] Connecting to
[08:20:23] Posted data.
[08:20:23] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:20:24] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:23:11] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:23:11] Passkey found
[08:23:11] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:23:11] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:23:11] Connecting to
[08:23:12] Posted data.
[08:23:12] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:23:12] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:23:12] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:23:12] Sent data
[08:23:12] Connecting to
[08:23:12] Posted data.
[08:23:12] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:23:13] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:28:36] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:28:36] Passkey found
[08:28:36] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:28:36] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:28:36] Connecting to
[08:28:37] Posted data.
[08:28:37] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:28:37] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:28:37] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:28:37] Sent data
[08:28:37] Connecting to
[08:28:37] Posted data.
[08:28:37] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[08:28:38] - Attempt #8  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[08:39:22] + Attempting to get work packet
[08:39:22] Passkey found
[08:39:22] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[08:39:22] - Connecting to assignment server
[08:39:22] Connecting to
[08:39:23] Posted data.
[08:39:23] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[08:39:23] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[08:39:23] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:39:23] Sent data
[08:39:23] Connecting to
[08:39:29] Posted data.
[08:39:29] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[08:40:04] - Downloaded at ~693 kB/s
[08:40:04] - Averaged speed for that direction ~735 kB/s
[08:40:04] + Received work.
[08:40:04] + Closed connections
[08:40:09] + Processing work unit
[08:40:09] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[08:40:09] Core found.
[08:40:09] Working on queue slot 05 [December 14 08:40:09 UTC]
[08:40:09] + Working ...
[08:40:09] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 05 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[08:40:09] *------------------------------*
[08:40:09] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[08:40:09] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[08:40:09] Preparing to commence simulation
[08:40:09] - Looking at optimizations...
[08:40:09] - Created dyn
[08:40:09] - Files status OK
[08:40:13] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[08:40:13] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[08:40:14] - Digital signature verified
[08:40:14] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[08:40:14] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[08:40:14] Entering M.D.
[08:40:22] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[09:03:03] Gromacs cannot continue further.
[09:03:03] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=250000
[09:03:03] Work fraction=-1.#IND steps=250000.
[09:03:10] logfile size=13323 infoLength=13323 edr=0 trr=23
[09:03:10] logfile size: 13323 info=13323 bed=0 hdr=23
[09:03:10] - Writing 13859 bytes of core data to disk...
[09:03:13] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[09:03:13] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005
[09:03:13] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[09:03:29] Trying to send all finished work units
[09:03:29] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[09:03:29] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[09:03:29] Cleaning up work directory
[09:03:29] + Attempting to get work packet
[09:03:29] Passkey found
[09:03:29] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[09:03:29] - Connecting to assignment server
[09:03:29] Connecting to
[09:03:31] Posted data.
[09:03:31] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[09:03:31] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[09:03:31] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:03:31] Sent data
[09:03:31] Connecting to
[09:03:40] Posted data.
[09:03:40] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24664172)
[09:04:59] - Downloaded at ~304 kB/s
[09:04:59] - Averaged speed for that direction ~649 kB/s
[09:04:59] + Received work.
[09:04:59] + Closed connections
[09:05:04] + Processing work unit
[09:05:04] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[09:05:04] Core found.
[09:05:04] Working on queue slot 06 [December 14 09:05:04 UTC]
[09:05:04] + Working ...
[09:05:04] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 06 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[09:05:04] *------------------------------*
[09:05:04] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[09:05:04] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[09:05:04] Preparing to commence simulation
[09:05:04] - Looking at optimizations...
[09:05:04] - Created dyn
[09:05:04] - Files status OK
[09:05:08] - Expanded 24663660 -> 30550665 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[09:05:08] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24663660 data_size=30550665, decompressed_data_size=30550665 diff=0
[09:05:08] - Digital signature verified
[09:05:08] Project: 2685 (Run 0, Clone 23, Gen 48)
[09:05:09] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[09:05:09] Entering M.D.
[09:05:17] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[09:29:02] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
[09:52:21] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps  (2%)
[09:59:54] Gromacs cannot continue further.
[09:59:54] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=250000
[09:59:54] Work fraction=-1.#IND steps=250000.
[09:59:59] logfile size=15499 infoLength=15499 edr=0 trr=23
[09:59:59] logfile size: 15499 info=15499 bed=0 hdr=23
[09:59:59] - Writing 16035 bytes of core data to disk...
[10:00:01] CoreStatus = C0000029 (-1073741783)
[10:00:01] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000029
[10:00:01] - Attempting to download new core...
[10:00:01] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a3.exe
[10:00:01] Downloading core (/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a3.fah from
[10:00:01] Initial: AFDE; + 10240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: D8B1; + 20480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: 7D98; + 30720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: FB47; + 40960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: C727; + 51200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: 3959; + 61440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: E18D; + 71680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: FBC5; + 81920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: 7A39; + 92160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:02] Initial: 058D; + 102400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: A3E7; + 112640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 6096; + 122880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 2128; + 133120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 1374; + 143360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: B12D; + 153600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 539B; + 163840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 85C3; + 174080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: A8E1; + 184320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 0E78; + 194560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 6477; + 204800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 841E; + 215040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 23C5; + 225280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: CA03; + 235520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 1B65; + 245760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:03] Initial: 503A; + 256000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 03CC; + 266240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 9431; + 276480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 0AF7; + 286720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 73A8; + 296960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: DEDA; + 307200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: DB5F; + 317440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: B179; + 327680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 9D7C; + 337920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 70B0; + 348160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: CB0F; + 358400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 7E46; + 368640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: A3B5; + 378880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 6585; + 389120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 396A; + 399360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: BFDA; + 409600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:04] Initial: 3CED; + 419840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 7494; + 430080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 752B; + 440320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 19AC; + 450560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 4E9D; + 460800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: C22D; + 471040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 1287; + 481280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 3203; + 491520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: B49B; + 501760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 4104; + 512000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 8DF1; + 522240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: DCC1; + 532480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 7141; + 542720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 5CF5; + 552960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 4F40; + 563200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:05] Initial: 81E1; + 573440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 1376; + 583680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 70DF; + 593920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 284C; + 604160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 1D76; + 614400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 775F; + 624640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 422A; + 634880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: E836; + 645120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 6E43; + 655360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: B979; + 665600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 8530; + 675840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 1FF8; + 686080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 0C0C; + 696320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 83B0; + 706560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 6FB5; + 716800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 949A; + 727040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:06] Initial: 9F7A; + 737280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 13C6; + 747520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 2FD0; + 757760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 6BFE; + 768000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 8C0F; + 778240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 916D; + 788480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: A005; + 798720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 028E; + 808960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 27F6; + 819200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: B25A; + 829440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: D7FD; + 839680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 96A1; + 849920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: B7AA; + 860160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 7EE0; + 870400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 23D9; + 880640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:07] Initial: 2772; + 890880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 923D; + 901120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 65B5; + 911360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: CCC0; + 921600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 4E70; + 931840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 4ECA; + 942080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: D737; + 952320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 80C5; + 962560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 15A4; + 972800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: ADB7; + 983040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: A2B0; + 993280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: 3EAC; + 1003520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: E831; + 1013760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: FF75; + 1024000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: BCC4; + 1034240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: CA0C; + 1044480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:08] Initial: D751; + 1054720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: EC51; + 1064960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 9CC1; + 1075200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 755D; + 1085440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 59F8; + 1095680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: BF6C; + 1105920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 4774; + 1116160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: FE4B; + 1126400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: CEB0; + 1136640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: BF2F; + 1146880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: BEAC; + 1157120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 1251; + 1167360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 4BC0; + 1177600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 9648; + 1187840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 1CDC; + 1198080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:09] Initial: 2821; + 1208320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: F0E5; + 1218560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 03E1; + 1228800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 1E3E; + 1239040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: AA8F; + 1249280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: C847; + 1259520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: A745; + 1269760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 70CD; + 1280000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 0339; + 1290240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 239F; + 1300480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 3633; + 1310720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 715C; + 1320960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: B308; + 1331200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 1199; + 1341440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 7DCF; + 1351680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: 719D; + 1361920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:10] Initial: F8C6; + 1372160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 503B; + 1382400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 5F95; + 1392640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 93DF; + 1402880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 1E07; + 1413120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 1C4B; + 1423360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 6DE6; + 1433600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: B321; + 1443840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: C64F; + 1454080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 69D1; + 1464320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 51CA; + 1474560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 8994; + 1484800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 96C7; + 1495040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 0EFD; + 1505280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: FF02; + 1515520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:11] Initial: 376F; + 1525760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: A151; + 1536000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 813A; + 1546240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: B595; + 1556480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 1BDB; + 1566720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 2A28; + 1576960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 1997; + 1587200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: AA47; + 1597440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 1A68; + 1607680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: B6A4; + 1617920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 555E; + 1628160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: C1ED; + 1638400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 7CBC; + 1648640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: BD98; + 1658880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 28F3; + 1669120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:12] Initial: 4587; + 1679360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 2645; + 1689600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: A441; + 1699840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 53E2; + 1710080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 430C; + 1720320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: FA09; + 1730560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: C140; + 1740800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 67D7; + 1751040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 5028; + 1761280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 1B33; + 1771520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 75F2; + 1781760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: D64F; + 1792000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 483D; + 1802240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 2C13; + 1812480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 43E1; + 1822720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: 2D30; + 1832960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:13] Initial: AA8A; + 1843200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 4456; + 1853440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 0523; + 1863680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: E639; + 1873920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: A985; + 1884160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 2AD1; + 1894400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 3ED9; + 1904640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: AC85; + 1914880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 97AE; + 1925120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 2936; + 1935360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: E147; + 1945600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: D38E; + 1955840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: DCFC; + 1966080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: CBE5; + 1976320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 9377; + 1986560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:14] Initial: 8E96; + 1996800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 5B37; + 2007040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: B496; + 2017280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 329D; + 2027520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: A6DF; + 2037760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 48CD; + 2048000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 9976; + 2058240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: C763; + 2068480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 391D; + 2078720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 5D6E; + 2088960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 06D0; + 2099200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 5559; + 2109440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 2135; + 2119680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 4571; + 2129920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 655C; + 2140160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: 33D3; + 2150400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:15] Initial: A251; + 2160640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 0A61; + 2170880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: ADC5; + 2181120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: F636; + 2191360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 1299; + 2201600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: C6AF; + 2211840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: AC63; + 2222080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 815E; + 2232320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: FD1C; + 2242560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 3509; + 2252800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 4624; + 2263040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 0A23; + 2273280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 52D0; + 2283520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 0721; + 2293760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 9160; + 2304000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:16] Initial: 2342; + 2314240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 6AB8; + 2324480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: D2CB; + 2334720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: FF0F; + 2344960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 1301; + 2355200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 2C98; + 2365440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 251C; + 2375680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: D3EA; + 2385920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 6A9A; + 2396160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 5CD3; + 2406400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 7E55; + 2416640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 03A5; + 2426880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 7CA9; + 2437120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 3EA3; + 2447360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 44AC; + 2457600 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 4E9A; + 2467840 bytes downloaded
[10:00:17] Initial: 9E43; + 2478080 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 5A57; + 2488320 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 2425; + 2498560 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: D602; + 2508800 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 5AAD; + 2519040 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 4142; + 2529280 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 2C77; + 2539520 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 9279; + 2549760 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 11E3; + 2560000 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 2C8E; + 2570240 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 598D; + 2580480 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 8E47; + 2590720 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: B10D; + 2600960 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 09D0; + 2611200 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: F417; + 2621440 bytes downloaded
[10:00:18] Initial: 92E6; + 2631680 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: 795D; + 2641920 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: 2EEE; + 2652160 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: BA3B; + 2662400 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: 0404; + 2672640 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: 4809; + 2682880 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: 4BE5; + 2693120 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: A3BF; + 2703360 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Initial: 3ABE; + 2711113 bytes downloaded
[10:00:19] Verifying core Core_a3.fah...
[10:00:19] Signature is VALID
[10:00:19] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a3.exe
[10:00:20] Decompressed FahCore_a3.exe (9325056 bytes) successfully
[10:00:25] + Core successfully engaged
[10:00:25] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[10:00:41] Trying to send all finished work units
[10:00:41] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[10:00:41] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[10:00:41] Cleaning up work directory
[10:00:42] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:00:42] Passkey found
[10:00:42] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:00:42] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:00:42] Connecting to
[10:00:43] Posted data.
[10:00:43] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:00:43] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:00:43] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:00:43] Sent data
[10:00:43] Connecting to
[10:00:49] Posted data.
[10:00:49] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[10:01:05] - Downloaded at ~1517 kB/s
[10:01:05] - Averaged speed for that direction ~823 kB/s
[10:01:05] + Received work.
[10:01:05] + Closed connections
[10:01:10] + Processing work unit
[10:01:10] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[10:01:10] Core found.
[10:01:10] Working on queue slot 07 [December 14 10:01:10 UTC]
[10:01:10] + Working ...
[10:01:10] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 07 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[10:01:10] *------------------------------*
[10:01:10] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[10:01:10] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[10:01:10] Preparing to commence simulation
[10:01:10] - Looking at optimizations...
[10:01:10] - Created dyn
[10:01:10] - Files status OK
[10:01:14] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[10:01:14] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[10:01:15] - Digital signature verified
[10:01:15] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[10:01:15] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[10:01:15] Entering M.D.
[10:01:23] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[10:03:25] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[10:03:25] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005
[10:03:25] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[10:03:41] Trying to send all finished work units
[10:03:41] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[10:03:41] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[10:03:41] Cleaning up work directory
[10:03:41] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:03:41] Passkey found
[10:03:41] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:03:41] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:03:41] Connecting to
[10:03:42] Posted data.
[10:03:42] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:03:42] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:03:42] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:03:42] Sent data
[10:03:42] Connecting to
[10:03:43] Posted data.
[10:03:43] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:03:43] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:03:52] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:03:52] Passkey found
[10:03:52] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:03:52] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:03:52] Connecting to
[10:03:53] Posted data.
[10:03:53] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:03:53] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:03:53] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:03:53] Sent data
[10:03:53] Connecting to
[10:03:54] Posted data.
[10:03:54] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:03:55] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:04:17] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:04:17] Passkey found
[10:04:17] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:04:17] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:04:17] Connecting to
[10:04:18] Posted data.
[10:04:18] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:04:18] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:04:19] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:04:19] Sent data
[10:04:19] Connecting to
[10:04:19] Posted data.
[10:04:19] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:04:20] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:04:40] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:04:40] Passkey found
[10:04:40] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:04:40] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:04:40] Connecting to
[10:04:41] Posted data.
[10:04:41] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:04:41] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:04:41] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:04:41] Sent data
[10:04:41] Connecting to
[10:04:42] Posted data.
[10:04:42] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:04:42] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:05:24] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:05:24] Passkey found
[10:05:24] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:05:24] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:05:24] Connecting to
[10:05:25] Posted data.
[10:05:25] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:05:25] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:05:26] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:05:26] Sent data
[10:05:26] Connecting to
[10:05:26] Posted data.
[10:05:26] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:05:27] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:06:53] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:06:53] Passkey found
[10:06:53] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:06:53] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:06:53] Connecting to
[10:06:54] Posted data.
[10:06:54] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:06:54] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:06:54] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:06:54] Sent data
[10:06:54] Connecting to
[10:06:55] Posted data.
[10:06:55] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:06:55] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:09:42] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:09:42] Passkey found
[10:09:42] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:09:42] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:09:42] Connecting to
[10:09:43] Posted data.
[10:09:43] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:09:43] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:09:43] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:09:43] Sent data
[10:09:43] Connecting to
[10:09:44] Posted data.
[10:09:44] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:09:44] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:15:15] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:15:15] Passkey found
[10:15:15] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:15:15] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:15:15] Connecting to
[10:15:16] Posted data.
[10:15:16] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:15:16] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:15:16] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:15:16] Sent data
[10:15:16] Connecting to
[10:15:17] Posted data.
[10:15:17] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:15:17] - Attempt #8  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:26:12] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:26:12] Passkey found
[10:26:12] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:26:12] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:26:12] Connecting to
[10:26:13] Posted data.
[10:26:13] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:26:13] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:26:13] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:26:13] Sent data
[10:26:13] Connecting to
[10:26:13] Posted data.
[10:26:13] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:26:14] - Attempt #9  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[10:47:41] + Attempting to get work packet
[10:47:41] Passkey found
[10:47:41] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[10:47:41] - Connecting to assignment server
[10:47:41] Connecting to
[10:47:42] Posted data.
[10:47:42] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[10:47:42] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[10:47:43] Loaded queue successfully.
[10:47:43] Sent data
[10:47:43] Connecting to
[10:47:43] Posted data.
[10:47:43] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[10:47:44] - Attempt #10  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[11:30:36] + Attempting to get work packet
[11:30:36] Passkey found
[11:30:36] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[11:30:36] - Connecting to assignment server
[11:30:36] Connecting to
[11:30:38] Posted data.
[11:30:38] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[11:30:38] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[11:30:38] Loaded queue successfully.
[11:30:38] Sent data
[11:30:38] Connecting to
[11:30:38] Posted data.
[11:30:38] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[11:30:39] - Attempt #11  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[12:12:33] - Autosending finished units... [December 14 12:12:33 UTC]
[12:12:33] Trying to send all finished work units
[12:12:33] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[12:12:33] - Autosend completed
[12:18:51] + Attempting to get work packet
[12:18:51] Passkey found
[12:18:51] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[12:18:51] - Connecting to assignment server
[12:18:51] Connecting to
[12:18:53] Posted data.
[12:18:53] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[12:18:53] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[12:18:53] Loaded queue successfully.
[12:18:53] Sent data
[12:18:53] Connecting to
[12:18:53] Posted data.
[12:18:53] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[12:18:54] - Attempt #12  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:07:07] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:07:07] Passkey found
[13:07:07] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:07:07] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:07:07] Connecting to
[13:07:08] Posted data.
[13:07:08] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:07:08] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:07:08] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:07:08] Sent data
[13:07:08] Connecting to
[13:07:14] Posted data.
[13:07:14] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[13:07:26] - Downloaded at ~2023 kB/s
[13:07:26] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1063 kB/s
[13:07:26] + Received work.
[13:07:26] + Closed connections
[13:07:31] + Processing work unit
[13:07:31] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[13:07:31] Core found.
[13:07:31] Working on queue slot 08 [December 14 13:07:31 UTC]
[13:07:31] + Working ...
[13:07:31] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 08 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[13:07:31] *------------------------------*
[13:07:31] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[13:07:31] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[13:07:31] Preparing to commence simulation
[13:07:31] - Looking at optimizations...
[13:07:31] - Created dyn
[13:07:31] - Files status OK
[13:07:35] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[13:07:35] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[13:07:35] - Digital signature verified
[13:07:35] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[13:07:35] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[13:07:35] Entering M.D.
[13:07:44] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[13:18:45] CoreStatus = C0000029 (-1073741783)
[13:18:45] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000029
[13:18:45] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[13:19:01] Trying to send all finished work units
[13:19:01] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[13:19:01] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[13:19:01] Cleaning up work directory
[13:19:01] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:19:01] Passkey found
[13:19:01] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:19:01] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:19:01] Connecting to
[13:19:02] Posted data.
[13:19:02] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:19:02] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:19:02] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:19:02] Sent data
[13:19:02] Connecting to
[13:19:03] Posted data.
[13:19:03] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:19:03] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:19:20] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:19:20] Passkey found
[13:19:20] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:19:20] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:19:20] Connecting to
[13:19:21] Posted data.
[13:19:21] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:19:21] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:19:21] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:19:21] Sent data
[13:19:21] Connecting to
[13:19:22] Posted data.
[13:19:22] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:19:22] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:19:37] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:19:37] Passkey found
[13:19:37] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:19:37] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:19:37] Connecting to
[13:19:38] Posted data.
[13:19:38] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:19:38] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:19:38] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:19:38] Sent data
[13:19:38] Connecting to
[13:19:39] Posted data.
[13:19:39] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:19:39] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:20:01] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:20:01] Passkey found
[13:20:01] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:20:01] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:20:01] Connecting to
[13:20:02] Posted data.
[13:20:02] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:20:02] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:20:02] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:20:02] Sent data
[13:20:02] Connecting to
[13:20:03] Posted data.
[13:20:03] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:20:03] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:20:54] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:20:54] Passkey found
[13:20:54] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:20:54] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:20:54] Connecting to
[13:20:55] Posted data.
[13:20:55] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:20:55] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:20:55] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:20:55] Sent data
[13:20:55] Connecting to
[13:21:01] Posted data.
[13:21:01] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[13:21:12] - Downloaded at ~2207 kB/s
[13:21:12] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1292 kB/s
[13:21:12] + Received work.
[13:21:12] + Closed connections
[13:21:17] + Processing work unit
[13:21:17] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[13:21:17] Core found.
[13:21:17] Working on queue slot 09 [December 14 13:21:17 UTC]
[13:21:17] + Working ...
[13:21:17] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 09 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[13:21:17] *------------------------------*
[13:21:17] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[13:21:17] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[13:21:17] Preparing to commence simulation
[13:21:17] - Looking at optimizations...
[13:21:17] - Created dyn
[13:21:17] - Files status OK
[13:21:21] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[13:21:21] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[13:21:22] - Digital signature verified
[13:21:22] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[13:21:22] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[13:21:22] Entering M.D.
[13:21:30] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[13:33:41] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[13:33:41] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005
[13:33:41] - Attempting to download new core...
[13:33:41] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a3.exe
[13:33:41] Downloading core (/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a3.fah from
[13:33:42] Initial: AFDE; + 10240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:42] Initial: D8B1; + 20480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 7D98; + 30720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: FB47; + 40960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: C727; + 51200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 3959; + 61440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: E18D; + 71680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: FBC5; + 81920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 7A39; + 92160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 058D; + 102400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: A3E7; + 112640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 6096; + 122880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 2128; + 133120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 1374; + 143360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: B12D; + 153600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 539B; + 163840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:43] Initial: 85C3; + 174080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: A8E1; + 184320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 0E78; + 194560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 6477; + 204800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 841E; + 215040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 23C5; + 225280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: CA03; + 235520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 1B65; + 245760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 503A; + 256000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 03CC; + 266240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 9431; + 276480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 0AF7; + 286720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: 73A8; + 296960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: DEDA; + 307200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: DB5F; + 317440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:44] Initial: B179; + 327680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 9D7C; + 337920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 70B0; + 348160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: CB0F; + 358400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 7E46; + 368640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: A3B5; + 378880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 6585; + 389120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 396A; + 399360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: BFDA; + 409600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 3CED; + 419840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 7494; + 430080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 752B; + 440320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 19AC; + 450560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 4E9D; + 460800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: C22D; + 471040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:45] Initial: 1287; + 481280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 3203; + 491520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: B49B; + 501760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 4104; + 512000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 8DF1; + 522240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: DCC1; + 532480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 7141; + 542720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 5CF5; + 552960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 4F40; + 563200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 81E1; + 573440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 1376; + 583680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 70DF; + 593920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 284C; + 604160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 1D76; + 614400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 775F; + 624640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:46] Initial: 422A; + 634880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: E836; + 645120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 6E43; + 655360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: B979; + 665600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 8530; + 675840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 1FF8; + 686080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 0C0C; + 696320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 83B0; + 706560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 6FB5; + 716800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 949A; + 727040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 9F7A; + 737280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 13C6; + 747520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 2FD0; + 757760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 6BFE; + 768000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 8C0F; + 778240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: 916D; + 788480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:47] Initial: A005; + 798720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 028E; + 808960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 27F6; + 819200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: B25A; + 829440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: D7FD; + 839680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 96A1; + 849920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: B7AA; + 860160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 7EE0; + 870400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 23D9; + 880640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 2772; + 890880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 923D; + 901120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 65B5; + 911360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: CCC0; + 921600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 4E70; + 931840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 4ECA; + 942080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: D737; + 952320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:48] Initial: 80C5; + 962560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: 15A4; + 972800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: ADB7; + 983040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: A2B0; + 993280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: 3EAC; + 1003520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: E831; + 1013760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: FF75; + 1024000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: BCC4; + 1034240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: CA0C; + 1044480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: D751; + 1054720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: EC51; + 1064960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: 9CC1; + 1075200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: 755D; + 1085440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: 59F8; + 1095680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:49] Initial: BF6C; + 1105920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 4774; + 1116160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: FE4B; + 1126400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: CEB0; + 1136640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: BF2F; + 1146880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: BEAC; + 1157120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 1251; + 1167360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 4BC0; + 1177600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 9648; + 1187840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 1CDC; + 1198080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 2821; + 1208320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: F0E5; + 1218560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 03E1; + 1228800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: 1E3E; + 1239040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: AA8F; + 1249280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:50] Initial: C847; + 1259520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: A745; + 1269760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 70CD; + 1280000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 0339; + 1290240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 239F; + 1300480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 3633; + 1310720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 715C; + 1320960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: B308; + 1331200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 1199; + 1341440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 7DCF; + 1351680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 719D; + 1361920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: F8C6; + 1372160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 503B; + 1382400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 5F95; + 1392640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 93DF; + 1402880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 1E07; + 1413120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:51] Initial: 1C4B; + 1423360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 6DE6; + 1433600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: B321; + 1443840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: C64F; + 1454080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 69D1; + 1464320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 51CA; + 1474560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 8994; + 1484800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 96C7; + 1495040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 0EFD; + 1505280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: FF02; + 1515520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 376F; + 1525760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: A151; + 1536000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 813A; + 1546240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: B595; + 1556480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 1BDB; + 1566720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:52] Initial: 2A28; + 1576960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 1997; + 1587200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: AA47; + 1597440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 1A68; + 1607680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: B6A4; + 1617920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 555E; + 1628160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: C1ED; + 1638400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 7CBC; + 1648640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: BD98; + 1658880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 28F3; + 1669120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 4587; + 1679360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 2645; + 1689600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: A441; + 1699840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 53E2; + 1710080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: 430C; + 1720320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: FA09; + 1730560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:53] Initial: C140; + 1740800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 67D7; + 1751040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 5028; + 1761280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 1B33; + 1771520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 75F2; + 1781760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: D64F; + 1792000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 483D; + 1802240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 2C13; + 1812480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 43E1; + 1822720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 2D30; + 1832960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: AA8A; + 1843200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 4456; + 1853440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 0523; + 1863680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: E639; + 1873920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: A985; + 1884160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 2AD1; + 1894400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:54] Initial: 3ED9; + 1904640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: AC85; + 1914880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 97AE; + 1925120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 2936; + 1935360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: E147; + 1945600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: D38E; + 1955840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: DCFC; + 1966080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: CBE5; + 1976320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 9377; + 1986560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 8E96; + 1996800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 5B37; + 2007040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: B496; + 2017280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 329D; + 2027520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: A6DF; + 2037760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 48CD; + 2048000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:55] Initial: 9976; + 2058240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: C763; + 2068480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 391D; + 2078720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 5D6E; + 2088960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 06D0; + 2099200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 5559; + 2109440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 2135; + 2119680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 4571; + 2129920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 655C; + 2140160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 33D3; + 2150400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: A251; + 2160640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 0A61; + 2170880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: ADC5; + 2181120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: F636; + 2191360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: 1299; + 2201600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: C6AF; + 2211840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:56] Initial: AC63; + 2222080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 815E; + 2232320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: FD1C; + 2242560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 3509; + 2252800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 4624; + 2263040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 0A23; + 2273280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 52D0; + 2283520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 0721; + 2293760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 9160; + 2304000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 2342; + 2314240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 6AB8; + 2324480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: D2CB; + 2334720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: FF0F; + 2344960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 1301; + 2355200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 2C98; + 2365440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:57] Initial: 251C; + 2375680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: D3EA; + 2385920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 6A9A; + 2396160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 5CD3; + 2406400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 7E55; + 2416640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 03A5; + 2426880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 7CA9; + 2437120 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 3EA3; + 2447360 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 44AC; + 2457600 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 4E9A; + 2467840 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 9E43; + 2478080 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 5A57; + 2488320 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 2425; + 2498560 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: D602; + 2508800 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 5AAD; + 2519040 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 4142; + 2529280 bytes downloaded
[13:33:58] Initial: 2C77; + 2539520 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 9279; + 2549760 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 11E3; + 2560000 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 2C8E; + 2570240 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 598D; + 2580480 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 8E47; + 2590720 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: B10D; + 2600960 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 09D0; + 2611200 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: F417; + 2621440 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 92E6; + 2631680 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 795D; + 2641920 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 2EEE; + 2652160 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: BA3B; + 2662400 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 0404; + 2672640 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 4809; + 2682880 bytes downloaded
[13:33:59] Initial: 4BE5; + 2693120 bytes downloaded
[13:34:00] Initial: A3BF; + 2703360 bytes downloaded
[13:34:00] Initial: 3ABE; + 2711113 bytes downloaded
[13:34:00] Verifying core Core_a3.fah...
[13:34:00] Signature is VALID
[13:34:00] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a3.exe
[13:34:00] Decompressed FahCore_a3.exe (9325056 bytes) successfully
[13:34:05] + Core successfully engaged
[13:34:05] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[13:34:22] Trying to send all finished work units
[13:34:22] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[13:34:22] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[13:34:22] Cleaning up work directory
[13:34:22] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:34:22] Passkey found
[13:34:22] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:34:22] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:34:22] Connecting to
[13:34:23] Posted data.
[13:34:23] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:34:23] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:34:23] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:34:23] Sent data
[13:34:23] Connecting to
[13:34:30] Posted data.
[13:34:30] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[13:34:47] - Downloaded at ~1428 kB/s
[13:34:47] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1319 kB/s
[13:34:47] + Received work.
[13:34:47] + Closed connections
[13:34:52] + Processing work unit
[13:34:52] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[13:34:52] Core found.
[13:34:52] Working on queue slot 00 [December 14 13:34:52 UTC]
[13:34:52] + Working ...
[13:34:52] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 00 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[13:34:52] *------------------------------*
[13:34:52] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[13:34:52] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[13:34:52] Preparing to commence simulation
[13:34:52] - Looking at optimizations...
[13:34:52] - Created dyn
[13:34:52] - Files status OK
[13:34:56] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[13:34:56] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[13:34:57] - Digital signature verified
[13:34:57] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[13:34:57] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[13:34:57] Entering M.D.
[13:35:05] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[13:43:59] CoreStatus = C0000029 (-1073741783)
[13:43:59] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000029
[13:43:59] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[13:44:15] Trying to send all finished work units
[13:44:15] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[13:44:15] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[13:44:15] Cleaning up work directory
[13:44:15] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:44:15] Passkey found
[13:44:15] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:44:15] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:44:15] Connecting to
[13:44:16] Posted data.
[13:44:16] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:44:16] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:44:16] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:44:16] Sent data
[13:44:16] Connecting to
[13:44:16] Posted data.
[13:44:16] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:44:17] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:44:23] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:44:23] Passkey found
[13:44:23] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:44:23] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:44:23] Connecting to
[13:44:24] Posted data.
[13:44:24] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:44:24] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:44:24] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:44:24] Sent data
[13:44:24] Connecting to
[13:44:25] Posted data.
[13:44:25] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:44:25] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:44:37] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:44:37] Passkey found
[13:44:37] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:44:37] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:44:37] Connecting to
[13:44:38] Posted data.
[13:44:38] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:44:38] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:44:38] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:44:38] Sent data
[13:44:38] Connecting to
[13:44:38] Posted data.
[13:44:38] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:44:39] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:45:13] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:45:13] Passkey found
[13:45:13] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:45:13] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:45:13] Connecting to
[13:45:14] Posted data.
[13:45:14] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:45:14] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:45:14] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:45:14] Sent data
[13:45:14] Connecting to
[13:45:20] Posted data.
[13:45:20] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24868920)
[13:45:35] - Downloaded at ~1619 kB/s
[13:45:35] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1379 kB/s
[13:45:35] + Received work.
[13:45:35] + Closed connections
[13:45:40] + Processing work unit
[13:45:40] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[13:45:40] Core found.
[13:45:40] Working on queue slot 01 [December 14 13:45:40 UTC]
[13:45:40] + Working ...
[13:45:40] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 01 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[13:45:40] *------------------------------*
[13:45:40] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[13:45:40] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[13:45:40] Preparing to commence simulation
[13:45:40] - Looking at optimizations...
[13:45:40] - Created dyn
[13:45:40] - Files status OK
[13:45:44] - Expanded 24868408 -> 30796293 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[13:45:44] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24868408 data_size=30796293, decompressed_data_size=30796293 diff=0
[13:45:44] - Digital signature verified
[13:45:44] Project: 6900 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 7)
[13:45:44] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[13:45:44] Entering M.D.
[13:45:53] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[13:48:12] CoreStatus = C0000029 (-1073741783)
[13:48:12] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000029
[13:48:12] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[13:48:28] Trying to send all finished work units
[13:48:28] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[13:48:28] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[13:48:28] Cleaning up work directory
[13:48:29] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:48:29] Passkey found
[13:48:29] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:48:29] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:48:29] Connecting to
[13:48:30] Posted data.
[13:48:30] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:48:30] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:48:30] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:48:30] Sent data
[13:48:30] Connecting to
[13:48:30] Posted data.
[13:48:30] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:48:31] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:48:41] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:48:41] Passkey found
[13:48:41] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:48:41] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:48:41] Connecting to
[13:48:42] Posted data.
[13:48:42] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:48:42] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:48:42] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:48:42] Sent data
[13:48:42] Connecting to
[13:48:43] Posted data.
[13:48:43] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:48:43] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:49:01] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:49:01] Passkey found
[13:49:01] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:49:01] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:49:01] Connecting to
[13:49:02] Posted data.
[13:49:02] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:49:02] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:49:02] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:49:02] Sent data
[13:49:02] Connecting to
[13:49:02] Posted data.
[13:49:02] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:49:03] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:49:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:49:31] Passkey found
[13:49:31] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:49:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:49:31] Connecting to
[13:49:32] Posted data.
[13:49:32] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:49:32] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:49:33] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:49:33] Sent data
[13:49:33] Connecting to
[13:49:33] Posted data.
[13:49:33] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:49:33] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:50:28] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:50:28] Passkey found
[13:50:28] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:50:28] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:50:28] Connecting to
[13:50:29] Posted data.
[13:50:29] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:50:29] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:50:29] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:50:29] Sent data
[13:50:29] Connecting to
[13:50:30] Posted data.
[13:50:30] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:50:30] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:51:58] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:51:58] Passkey found
[13:51:58] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:51:58] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:51:58] Connecting to
[13:51:59] Posted data.
[13:51:59] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:51:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:51:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:51:59] Sent data
[13:51:59] Connecting to
[13:52:00] Posted data.
[13:52:00] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:52:00] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[13:54:41] + Attempting to get work packet
[13:54:41] Passkey found
[13:54:41] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[13:54:41] - Connecting to assignment server
[13:54:41] Connecting to
[13:54:42] Posted data.
[13:54:42] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[13:54:42] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[13:54:42] Loaded queue successfully.
[13:54:42] Sent data
[13:54:42] Connecting to
[13:54:42] Posted data.
[13:54:42] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[13:54:43] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[14:00:17] + Attempting to get work packet
[14:00:17] Passkey found
[14:00:17] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[14:00:17] - Connecting to assignment server
[14:00:17] Connecting to
[14:00:18] Posted data.
[14:00:18] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[14:00:18] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[14:00:19] Loaded queue successfully.
[14:00:19] Sent data
[14:00:19] Connecting to
[14:00:19] Posted data.
[14:00:19] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[14:00:19] - Attempt #8  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[14:11:02] + Attempting to get work packet
[14:11:02] Passkey found
[14:11:02] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[14:11:02] - Connecting to assignment server
[14:11:02] Connecting to
[14:11:03] Posted data.
[14:11:03] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[14:11:03] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[14:11:03] Loaded queue successfully.
[14:11:03] Sent data
[14:11:03] Connecting to
[14:11:03] Posted data.
[14:11:03] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[14:11:04] - Attempt #9  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[14:32:38] + Attempting to get work packet
[14:32:38] Passkey found
[14:32:38] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[14:32:38] - Connecting to assignment server
[14:32:38] Connecting to
[14:32:39] Posted data.
[14:32:39] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[14:32:39] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[14:32:39] Loaded queue successfully.
[14:32:39] Sent data
[14:32:39] Connecting to
[14:32:39] Posted data.
[14:32:39] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[14:32:40] - Attempt #10  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[15:15:28] + Attempting to get work packet
[15:15:28] Passkey found
[15:15:28] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[15:15:28] - Connecting to assignment server
[15:15:28] Connecting to
[15:15:29] Posted data.
[15:15:29] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[15:15:29] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[15:15:29] Loaded queue successfully.
[15:15:29] Sent data
[15:15:29] Connecting to
[15:15:29] Posted data.
[15:15:29] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[15:15:30] - Attempt #11  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[16:03:30] + Attempting to get work packet
[16:03:30] Passkey found
[16:03:30] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[16:03:30] - Connecting to assignment server
[16:03:30] Connecting to
[16:03:31] Posted data.
[16:03:31] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[16:03:31] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[16:03:31] Loaded queue successfully.
[16:03:31] Sent data
[16:03:31] Connecting to
[16:03:41] Posted data.
[16:03:41] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 24664172)
[16:04:54] - Downloaded at ~329 kB/s
[16:04:54] - Averaged speed for that direction ~1169 kB/s
[16:04:54] + Received work.
[16:04:54] + Closed connections
[16:04:59] + Processing work unit
[16:04:59] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe
[16:04:59] Core found.
[16:04:59] Working on queue slot 02 [December 14 16:04:59 UTC]
[16:04:59] + Working ...
[16:04:59] - Calling '.\FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 02 -np 12 -priority 1 -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 5432 -version 630'

[16:04:59] *------------------------------*
[16:04:59] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[16:04:59] Version 2.22 (Mar 12, 2010)
[16:04:59] Preparing to commence simulation
[16:04:59] - Looking at optimizations...
[16:04:59] - Created dyn
[16:04:59] - Files status OK
[16:05:03] - Expanded 24663660 -> 30550665 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
[16:05:03] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24663660 data_size=30550665, decompressed_data_size=30550665 diff=0
[16:05:03] - Digital signature verified
[16:05:03] Project: 2685 (Run 0, Clone 23, Gen 48)
[16:05:03] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[16:05:03] Entering M.D.
[16:05:22] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
[16:29:25] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps  (1%)
[16:52:42] Completed 5000 out of 250000 steps  (2%)
[17:16:27] Completed 7500 out of 250000 steps  (3%)
[17:23:23] CoreStatus = C0000005 (-1073741819)
[17:23:23] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0xc0000005
[17:23:23] - Attempting to download new core...
[17:23:23] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a3.exe
[17:23:23] Downloading core (/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a3.fah from
[17:23:24] Initial: AFDE; + 10240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:24] Initial: D8B1; + 20480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:24] Initial: 7D98; + 30720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:24] Initial: FB47; + 40960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: C727; + 51200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 3959; + 61440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: E18D; + 71680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: FBC5; + 81920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 7A39; + 92160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 058D; + 102400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: A3E7; + 112640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 6096; + 122880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 2128; + 133120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 1374; + 143360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: B12D; + 153600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 539B; + 163840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 85C3; + 174080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: A8E1; + 184320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 0E78; + 194560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:25] Initial: 6477; + 204800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 841E; + 215040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 23C5; + 225280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: CA03; + 235520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 1B65; + 245760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 503A; + 256000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 03CC; + 266240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 9431; + 276480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 0AF7; + 286720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 73A8; + 296960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: DEDA; + 307200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: DB5F; + 317440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: B179; + 327680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 9D7C; + 337920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: 70B0; + 348160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:26] Initial: CB0F; + 358400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 7E46; + 368640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: A3B5; + 378880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 6585; + 389120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 396A; + 399360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: BFDA; + 409600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 3CED; + 419840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 7494; + 430080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 752B; + 440320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 19AC; + 450560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 4E9D; + 460800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: C22D; + 471040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 1287; + 481280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 3203; + 491520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: B49B; + 501760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 4104; + 512000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:27] Initial: 8DF1; + 522240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: DCC1; + 532480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 7141; + 542720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 5CF5; + 552960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 4F40; + 563200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 81E1; + 573440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 1376; + 583680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 70DF; + 593920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 284C; + 604160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 1D76; + 614400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 775F; + 624640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 422A; + 634880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: E836; + 645120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 6E43; + 655360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: B979; + 665600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:28] Initial: 8530; + 675840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 1FF8; + 686080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 0C0C; + 696320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 83B0; + 706560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 6FB5; + 716800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 949A; + 727040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 9F7A; + 737280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 13C6; + 747520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 2FD0; + 757760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 6BFE; + 768000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 8C0F; + 778240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 916D; + 788480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: A005; + 798720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 028E; + 808960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: 27F6; + 819200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: B25A; + 829440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:29] Initial: D7FD; + 839680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 96A1; + 849920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: B7AA; + 860160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 7EE0; + 870400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 23D9; + 880640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 2772; + 890880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 923D; + 901120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 65B5; + 911360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: CCC0; + 921600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 4E70; + 931840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 4ECA; + 942080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: D737; + 952320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 80C5; + 962560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: 15A4; + 972800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: ADB7; + 983040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:30] Initial: A2B0; + 993280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: 3EAC; + 1003520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: E831; + 1013760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: FF75; + 1024000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: BCC4; + 1034240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: CA0C; + 1044480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: D751; + 1054720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: EC51; + 1064960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: 9CC1; + 1075200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: 755D; + 1085440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: 59F8; + 1095680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: BF6C; + 1105920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: 4774; + 1116160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: FE4B; + 1126400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: CEB0; + 1136640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: BF2F; + 1146880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:31] Initial: BEAC; + 1157120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 1251; + 1167360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 4BC0; + 1177600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 9648; + 1187840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 1CDC; + 1198080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 2821; + 1208320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: F0E5; + 1218560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 03E1; + 1228800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 1E3E; + 1239040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: AA8F; + 1249280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: C847; + 1259520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: A745; + 1269760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 70CD; + 1280000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 0339; + 1290240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 239F; + 1300480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 3633; + 1310720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:32] Initial: 715C; + 1320960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: B308; + 1331200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 1199; + 1341440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 7DCF; + 1351680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 719D; + 1361920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: F8C6; + 1372160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 503B; + 1382400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 5F95; + 1392640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 93DF; + 1402880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 1E07; + 1413120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 1C4B; + 1423360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 6DE6; + 1433600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: B321; + 1443840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: C64F; + 1454080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 69D1; + 1464320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:33] Initial: 51CA; + 1474560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 8994; + 1484800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 96C7; + 1495040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 0EFD; + 1505280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: FF02; + 1515520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 376F; + 1525760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: A151; + 1536000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 813A; + 1546240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: B595; + 1556480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 1BDB; + 1566720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 2A28; + 1576960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 1997; + 1587200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: AA47; + 1597440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 1A68; + 1607680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: B6A4; + 1617920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: 555E; + 1628160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:34] Initial: C1ED; + 1638400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 7CBC; + 1648640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: BD98; + 1658880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 28F3; + 1669120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 4587; + 1679360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 2645; + 1689600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: A441; + 1699840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 53E2; + 1710080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 430C; + 1720320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: FA09; + 1730560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: C140; + 1740800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 67D7; + 1751040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 5028; + 1761280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 1B33; + 1771520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: 75F2; + 1781760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:35] Initial: D64F; + 1792000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 483D; + 1802240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 2C13; + 1812480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 43E1; + 1822720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 2D30; + 1832960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: AA8A; + 1843200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 4456; + 1853440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 0523; + 1863680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: E639; + 1873920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: A985; + 1884160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 2AD1; + 1894400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 3ED9; + 1904640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: AC85; + 1914880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 97AE; + 1925120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: 2936; + 1935360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: E147; + 1945600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:36] Initial: D38E; + 1955840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: DCFC; + 1966080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: CBE5; + 1976320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 9377; + 1986560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 8E96; + 1996800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 5B37; + 2007040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: B496; + 2017280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 329D; + 2027520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: A6DF; + 2037760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 48CD; + 2048000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 9976; + 2058240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: C763; + 2068480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 391D; + 2078720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 5D6E; + 2088960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 06D0; + 2099200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 5559; + 2109440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:37] Initial: 2135; + 2119680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 4571; + 2129920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 655C; + 2140160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 33D3; + 2150400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: A251; + 2160640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 0A61; + 2170880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: ADC5; + 2181120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: F636; + 2191360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 1299; + 2201600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: C6AF; + 2211840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: AC63; + 2222080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 815E; + 2232320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: FD1C; + 2242560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 3509; + 2252800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 4624; + 2263040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:38] Initial: 0A23; + 2273280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 52D0; + 2283520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 0721; + 2293760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 9160; + 2304000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 2342; + 2314240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 6AB8; + 2324480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: D2CB; + 2334720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: FF0F; + 2344960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 1301; + 2355200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 2C98; + 2365440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 251C; + 2375680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: D3EA; + 2385920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 6A9A; + 2396160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 5CD3; + 2406400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 7E55; + 2416640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 03A5; + 2426880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:39] Initial: 7CA9; + 2437120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 3EA3; + 2447360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 44AC; + 2457600 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 4E9A; + 2467840 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 9E43; + 2478080 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 5A57; + 2488320 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 2425; + 2498560 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: D602; + 2508800 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 5AAD; + 2519040 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 4142; + 2529280 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 2C77; + 2539520 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 9279; + 2549760 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 11E3; + 2560000 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 2C8E; + 2570240 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 598D; + 2580480 bytes downloaded
[17:23:40] Initial: 8E47; + 2590720 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: B10D; + 2600960 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 09D0; + 2611200 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: F417; + 2621440 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 92E6; + 2631680 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 795D; + 2641920 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 2EEE; + 2652160 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: BA3B; + 2662400 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 0404; + 2672640 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 4809; + 2682880 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 4BE5; + 2693120 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: A3BF; + 2703360 bytes downloaded
[17:23:41] Initial: 3ABE; + 2711113 bytes downloaded
[17:23:42] Verifying core Core_a3.fah...
[17:23:42] Signature is VALID
[17:23:42] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a3.exe
[17:23:42] Decompressed FahCore_a3.exe (9325056 bytes) successfully
[17:23:47] + Core successfully engaged
[17:23:47] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[17:24:03] Trying to send all finished work units
[17:24:03] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[17:24:03] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[17:24:03] Cleaning up work directory
[17:24:04] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:24:04] Passkey found
[17:24:04] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:24:04] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:24:04] Connecting to
[17:24:05] Posted data.
[17:24:05] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:24:05] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:24:06] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:24:06] Sent data
[17:24:06] Connecting to
[17:24:06] Posted data.
[17:24:06] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:24:07] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:24:17] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:24:17] Passkey found
[17:24:17] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:24:17] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:24:17] Connecting to
[17:24:18] Posted data.
[17:24:18] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:24:18] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:24:18] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:24:18] Sent data
[17:24:18] Connecting to
[17:24:19] Posted data.
[17:24:19] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:24:19] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:24:43] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:24:43] Passkey found
[17:24:43] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:24:43] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:24:43] Connecting to
[17:24:44] Posted data.
[17:24:44] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:24:44] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:24:45] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:24:45] Sent data
[17:24:45] Connecting to
[17:24:45] Posted data.
[17:24:45] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:24:46] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:25:16] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:25:16] Passkey found
[17:25:16] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:25:16] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:25:16] Connecting to
[17:25:17] Posted data.
[17:25:17] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:25:17] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:25:17] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:25:17] Sent data
[17:25:17] Connecting to
[17:25:18] Posted data.
[17:25:18] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:25:18] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:26:03] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:26:03] Passkey found
[17:26:03] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:26:03] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:26:03] Connecting to
[17:26:04] Posted data.
[17:26:04] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:26:04] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:26:04] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:26:04] Sent data
[17:26:04] Connecting to
[17:26:05] Posted data.
[17:26:05] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:26:05] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:27:34] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:27:34] Passkey found
[17:27:34] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:27:34] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:27:34] Connecting to
[17:27:35] Posted data.
[17:27:35] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:27:35] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:27:35] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:27:35] Sent data
[17:27:35] Connecting to
[17:27:39] Posted data.
[17:27:39] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:27:39] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:30:23] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:30:23] Passkey found
[17:30:23] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:30:23] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:30:23] Connecting to
[17:30:24] Posted data.
[17:30:24] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:30:24] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:30:24] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:30:24] Sent data
[17:30:24] Connecting to
[17:30:25] Posted data.
[17:30:25] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:30:25] - Attempt #7  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:35:58] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:35:58] Passkey found
[17:35:58] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:35:58] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:35:58] Connecting to
[17:35:59] Posted data.
[17:35:59] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:35:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:35:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:35:59] Sent data
[17:35:59] Connecting to
[17:35:59] Posted data.
[17:35:59] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:36:00] - Attempt #8  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[17:46:51] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:46:51] Passkey found
[17:46:51] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[17:46:51] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:46:51] Connecting to
[17:46:52] Posted data.
[17:46:52] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[17:46:52] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:46:52] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:46:52] Sent data
[17:46:52] Connecting to
[17:46:53] Posted data.
[17:46:53] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[17:46:53] - Attempt #9  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[18:08:24] + Attempting to get work packet
[18:08:24] Passkey found
[18:08:24] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[18:08:24] - Connecting to assignment server
[18:08:24] Connecting to
[18:08:25] Posted data.
[18:08:25] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[18:08:25] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[18:08:25] Loaded queue successfully.
[18:08:25] Sent data
[18:08:25] Connecting to
[18:08:26] Posted data.
[18:08:26] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[18:08:26] - Attempt #10  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[18:12:33] - Autosending finished units... [December 14 18:12:33 UTC]
[18:12:33] Trying to send all finished work units
[18:12:33] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[18:12:33] - Autosend completed
[18:51:21] + Attempting to get work packet
[18:51:21] Passkey found
[18:51:21] - Will indicate memory of 6142 MB
[18:51:21] - Connecting to assignment server
[18:51:21] Connecting to
[18:51:22] Posted data.
[18:51:22] Initial: ED82; - Successful: assigned to (
[18:51:22] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[18:51:22] Loaded queue successfully.
[18:51:22] Sent data
[18:51:22] Connecting to
[18:51:23] Posted data.
[18:51:23] Initial: 0000; - Error: Bad packet type from server, expected work assignment
[18:51:23] - Attempt #11  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
Schon die wu gelöscht und versucht ne neue zu ziehen? Falls das der Log von heute ist, eventuell zu viel oc? Probier mal smp 8 bzw in deinem Fall 12.

Btw ich hoffe die gromacs Devs setzen AVX zügig um, dürfte nen schönen boost für FAH geben.
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