Stell mal testweise wie unten geschildert ein.

Läuft damit Prime?
Geht evtl. noch weniger VCore?
Robust Graphic Booster----------Auto
CPU Clock Ratio------------------8
CPU Host Clock Control-----------enabled
CPU Host Frequency--------------
PCIe Frequency------------------
CIA 2----------------------------disabled
System Memory Multiplier---------standard
High Speed Dram DLL Settings-----2,0
Performance Enhance-------------Standard
Dram Timing Selectable-----------
Cas Latency Time----------------5
Dram Ras to Cas------------------5
Ras Precharge--------------------5
Precharge Delay------------------15
Act to Act Delay------------------auto
Rank Write to Read Delay----------"
Write to Precharge Delay----------"
Refresh to Act Delay---------------
Read to Precharge-----------------AUTO
trd Phase Adjustment-------------"
System Voltage Control------------manu
DDR2 Overvoltage Control----------+0,3v
PCIe Overvoltage Control-----------
FSB Overvoltage Control------------+0,1v
GMCH Overvoltage Control----------+0,1v
V Core-----------------------------
1,4 <-testweise
Was für ein Netzteil ist es denn ?