[Sammelthread] Gigabyte (GA-) EP45 Extreme (P45) [2]

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Ich nochmal, ihr 500MHz-Junkies:shot:

Ich stelle euch mal eine richtig schwere Aufgabe :xmas:

Ich möchte meinen Q9550 gern auf 3,4GHz takten. Leider waren die bisherigen Versuche ABSOLUT erfolglos.

Mit welchen Einstellungen fange ich an???

P.S. Wie geht das mit dem "Spoiler"?
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Einen Spoiler erstellst du so.

[*spoiler]Hier steht dein Text[/*Spoiler] Nur ohne * Zeichen dazwischen,ohne ein Template kann man dir nur schwer helfen,aber 3.4ghz sollten eine Kleinigkeit sein;)
Ja es ist doch jetzt erstmal alles auf default...

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 2830Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Disabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:333Mhz
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Turbo
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: auto
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: auto
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: auto
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: auto
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: auto
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: auto
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: auto
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: auto
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; auto
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: Auto
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: auto
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: auto
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: auto
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: auto
{U]Advanced Settings{U]
Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: enable
No-Execute Memory Protect............: enable
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: enable
C2/C2E State Support....................: enable
x C4/C4E State Support..................: enable
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: Disabled
CPU EIST Function.........................: Disabled
Virtualization Technology................: Disabled
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Wusste ich auch noch nicht.


Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 2830Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: DisEnabled Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:333Mhz 400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: auto 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: auto 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: auto was deine CPU braucht ca. 1,25
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: auto 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: auto 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: auto 0,760
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: auto 0,800
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: auto 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; auto 0,800
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: Auto 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: auto 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: auto 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: auto 1,800 oder was dein Ram braucht
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: auto 0,900
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: auto 0,900
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: auto 0,900
{U]Advanced Settings{U
Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: enable
No-Execute Memory Protect............: enable
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: enable
C2/C2E State Support....................: enable
x C4/C4E State Support..................: enable
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: Disabled
CPU EIST Function.........................: Disabled
Virtualization Technology................: Disabled

erst mal hoffe du kommst weiter

Gruß herm
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kein PC-Start mit diesen Werten: (defaulttakt wird wieder eingestellt bzw. backupbios wird geladen)
Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4300Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,25
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: 0,760
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: 0,800
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; 0,800
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 1,800
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: 0,900
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 0,900
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 0,900
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kein PC-Start mit diesen Werten: (defaulttakt wird wieder eingestellt bzw. backupbios wird geladen)
Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4300Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,25
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: 0,760
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: 0,800
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; 0,800
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 1,800
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: 0,900
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 0,900
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 0,900

Wieso CPU Frequency ...........................: 4300Mhz Zahlendreher???
gib mal etwas mehr Vcore muß doch starten

Gruß herm
Das liegt bestimmt am PL (stativ Tread value) oder irgendwlechen Ram Settings denke ich mal,hast du low voltage Rams?

Achja ein großes Fehler....

Die Referencen bitte auf "Auto" manuell einstellen ist schwer und mit viel Arbeit verbunden zudem würde es dir bei der Config keinen Vorteil bringen,also folgendes auf "Auto",und noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten.

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4300Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto (100)
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto (10)
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto (10)
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,25
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: 0,760 (Auto)
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: 0,800 (Auto)
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; 0,800 (Auto)
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 1,800 (Hersteller Vorgabe?!)
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: 0,900
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 0,900
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 0,900

So,den PCI-Takt auf 100 Fixen weil man das einfach macht^^:shot::lol:

stativ tRead value sprach ich ja schon an könnte es sein deswegen 10,die Referencen auf "Auto" (Referecen=GTL`s),und die V-Dimm (Ram Spannung) weiß ich ja nicht ob es Hersteller Vorgabe ist.

So sollte es dann nun auch funzen normal;) mfg White:bigok:

Bin nu off also werd dann morgen erst wieder da sein:angel:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nope, kein PC-Start mit diesen Werten:
Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 3400Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,325
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: 0,760
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: 0,800
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; 0,800
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,200
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: auto
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: auto
Das liegt bestimmt am PL (stativ Tread value) oder irgendwlechen Ram Settings denke ich mal,hast du low voltage Rams?

Achja ein großes Fehler....

Die Referencen bitte auf "Auto" manuell einstellen ist schwer und mit viel Arbeit verbunden zudem würde es dir bei der Config keinen Vorteil bringen,also folgendes auf "Auto",und noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten.

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4300Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:auto (100)
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: auto (10)
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: auto (10)
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,25
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: 0,760 (Auto)
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: 0,800 (Auto)
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; 0,800 (Auto)
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 1,800 (Hersteller Vorgabe?!)
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: 0,900
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 0,900
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 0,900

So,den PCI-Takt auf 100 Fixen weil man das einfach macht^^:shot::lol:

stativ tRead value sprach ich ja schon an könnte es sein deswegen 10,die Referencen auf "Auto" (Referecen=GTL`s),und die V-Dimm (Ram Spannung) weiß ich ja nicht ob es Hersteller Vorgabe ist.

So sollte es dann nun auch funzen normal;) mfg White:bigok:

Hi White,
PCI-Takt auf 100 Fixen is OK hab ich übersehen.
Kann wenn dann nur an stativ tRead value liegen die refs. auf Auto bringen bei mir nichts stehen immer noch auf 0,800 und 0,900 und teste gerade 510x8,5.
Vielleicht haste mit dem Ram schon recht 2.00B und PL 10 ist schon richtig müßte Auto aber normaler weise auch einstellen.

Gruß herm
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kein PC-Start mit diesen Werten: (defaulttakt wid wieder eingestellt)

Ram ist dieser: http://geizhals.at/deutschland/a322348.html

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 3400Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:100
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: 10
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: 10
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,300
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: auto
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: auto
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; auto
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2,100 lt Hersteller
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: auto
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kein PC-Start mit diesen Werten: (defaulttakt wid wieder eingestellt)

Ram ist dieser: http://preisvergleich.hardwareluxx.de/deutschland/a322348.html

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0,5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 3400Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............:400
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:100
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mv
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mv
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0
nicht zu verändern
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2.00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Disabled
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 18
Advanced Timing Control [Press Enter]
tRRD...........................................:Au to
tWTR..........................................:Aut o
tWR............................................:Au to
tRFC...........................................:Au to
tRTP............................................:A uto
Command Rate (CMD) ....................:Auto
Channel A
Static tRead Value.........................: 10
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
Channel B
Static tRead Value.........................: 10
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen...................:Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
{U]Motherboard Voltage Control{/U]
Voltage Type.………... Normal
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,300
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,200
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,500
CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: auto
CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: auto
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,200
MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; auto
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,900
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,500
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,100
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2,100 lt Hersteller
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: auto
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: auto
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: auto

ist ja merkwürdig die Auto Refs. bringen es auch nicht was ich mir gedacht habe. Gehe mal etwas runter FSB 360 oder 370 muß doch erstmal starten.

Gruß herm
bei fsb400 untypisch aber gib mal mehr vtt bzw. cpu termination.
mch/dram ref auto und lass den ram sich erstmal automatisch einstellen.

Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Auto
DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Auto

Die Refeerencen (GTL`s) sind aber nie identisch bei den Board`s daher ist in diesem Falle "Auto" besser,und bis 450 FSB sollte das eigentlich auch ohne Probleme klappen.

Hatte jetzt 3 Board`s schon und bei allen klappte das Wunderba,egal ob QC,oder DC.

Möchte jetzt aber auch nicht den Oberlehrer spielen sorry^^:hmm::lol:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Die Refeerencen (GTL`s) sind aber nie identisch bei den Board`s daher ist in diesem Falle "Auto" besser,und bis 450 FSB sollte das eigentlich auch ohne Probleme klappen.

Hatte jetzt 3 Board`s schon und bei allen klappte das Wunderba,egal ob QC,oder DC.

Möchte jetzt aber auch nicht den Oberlehrer spielen sorry^^:hmm::lol:

Nene macht ja nix jeder hat so seine Erfahrung und Meinung und ist auch OK.
Bei mir läuft ebend manches anders und ich kann AUTO-Einstellungen nicht leiden schon gar nicht bei OC.

Gruß herm
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja,nur GTL`s "Auto" ist nicht schlimm,wobei Spannungen "Auto" gefärhlich sein können,und ich denk mal wir beide wissen wie Zeitaufwändig GTL`s ausloten sein kann,zwa nichz muss aber halt kann.
@ maxmueller62,

stell mal die Ram spannung auf min 2,0V wenn nicht sogar auf 2,1Volt.

habe den selben ram (8GB) davon drin und habe ihn auf 2,14V laufen. 1,8Volt ist Standard bei DDR2 und für den Ram zuwenig.

Ja genau das wissen wir beide aber es macht auch Spaß und ich hab auch nicht gleich mit FSB 400 angefangen.

Gruß herm

@ maxmueller62,

stell mal die Ram spannung auf min 2,0V wenn nicht sogar auf 2,1Volt.

habe den selben ram (8GB) davon drin und habe ihn auf 2,14V laufen. 1,8Volt ist Standard bei DDR2 und für den Ram zuwenig.


Ramspannung hatte er schon 2,10V hab gelesen 2,20 V wäre noch OK dann wär da noch Luft aber bei FSB400 muß das noch nicht sein oder?

Gruß herm
ach hatte er schon?
hab nur oben gesehen das 1,8V eingestellt waren.

naja also 2,0V würde ich auch bei 400 geben, der Ram möchte das so, zumal bei mir wird er lauwarm weil er im Luftstrom liegt.

aber wenn er ein 9550 mit 8,5*400 nicht zum laufen bringt harkt es irgendwo anders.


habe nur das UD3P aber vll hilft ja mein Template:

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Fast
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio....................+0,0
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4,00 Ghz (500x8)
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 500
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........: 101
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mV
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mV
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 50ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 100ps
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Auto
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333Mhz
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2,00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 1000

DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Manual
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 15

Motherboard Voltage Control:
Loadline Calibration.………................ Disabled
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,35V Alltag / 1,38125V Prime custom
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,24V
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,5V
CPU Referen.…………....0.760V*.......: 0,810V
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,26V
MCH Reference….…….0.760V...........: 0,865V
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,98V
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,5V
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,1V
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2,14V
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: 1,00V
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 1,00V
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 1,00V
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi Leute, mein Board ist mir ja kaputt gegangen. Jetzt kriege ich 100€*von Conrad gutgeschrieben. Weiss wer von euch wo man das Board noch zu nem vernünftigen Preis bekommt?

ach hatte er schon?
hab nur oben gesehen das 1,8V eingestellt waren.

naja also 2,0V würde ich auch bei 400 geben, der Ram möchte das so, zumal bei mir wird er lauwarm weil er im Luftstrom liegt.

aber wenn er ein 9550 mit 8,5*400 nicht zum laufen bringt harkt es irgendwo anders.


habe nur das UD-P aber vll hilft ja mein Template:

Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Fast
CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8
Fine CPU Clock Ratio....................+0,0
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4,00 Ghz (500x8)
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control..................: Enabled
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 500
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........: 101
C.I.A. 2.......................................: Disabled
Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800mV
PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900mV
CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 50ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 100ps
DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance...................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Auto
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: 333Mhz
System Memory Multiplier ..............: 2,00B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 1000

DRAM Timing Selectable ................: Manual
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time........................: 5
tRCD .........................................: 5
tRP'...........................................: 5
tRAS..........................................: 15

Motherboard Voltage Control:
Loadline Calibration.………................ Disabled
CPU Vcore….……….........................: 1,35V Alltag / 1,38125V Prime custom
CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: 1,24V
CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: 1,5V
CPU Referen.…………....0.760V*.......: 0,810V
MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1,26V
MCH Reference….…….0.760V...........: 0,865V
MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: 0,98V
ICH I/O……………….....1.550V............: 1,5V
ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: 1,1V
DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 2,14V
DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: 1,00V
Channel A Reference 0.900V............: 1,00V
Channel B Reference 0.900V............: 1,00V

Ja hattest Recht mit 1,80V ich dachte das würde bei FSB400 laufen.
Übrigens gute Werte schön ausgetestet ohne AUTO.

Gruß herm
So hier meine 24/7 Settings, nun doch "nur" 4Ghz, für 4.25GHz braucht es 0.1V mehr Vcore :-\

RAM Performance:

@wazap: Hier meine Profile:

MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Robust Graphics Booster .................: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio .........................: 8x
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.+0.0
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4000Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control...................: [Enabled]
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ................: 500Mhz
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .............: 100
C.I.A. 2.................................: Disabled

Advanced Clock Control:
CPU Clock Drive..........................: 800
PCI Express Clock Drive..................: 900
CPU Clock Skew (ps)......................: 0ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)......................: 0ps

DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance......................: Turbo
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.)..........: Auto
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...................: Auto
System Memory Multiplier ................: 2.40 B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..................: 1200Mhz

DRAM Timing Selectable ..................: [Manual]
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time.........................: 5
tRCD ....................................: 5
tRP'.....................................: 5
tRAS.....................................: 15

Advanced Timing Control:
tRRD.....................................: Auto
tWTR.....................................: Auto
tWR......................................: Auto
tRFC.....................................: Auto
tRTP.....................................: Auto
Command Rate (CMD) ......................: Auto

Channel A Timings Settings:
Static tRead Value.......................: 8
tRD Phase0 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ...................: Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment....................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)...................: Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
DDR2 Write Training......................: Auto

Channel A Driving Settings:
Driving Strength Profile.................: Auto
Data Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto

Data Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto

Channel B Timings Settings:
Static tRead Value.......................: 8
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen.....................: Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ...................: Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment....................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)...................: Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
DDR2 Write Training......................: Auto

Channel B Driving Settings:
Driving Strength Profile.................: Auto
Data Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto

Data Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto

Motherboard Voltage Control
CPU Vcore................1.250V*.........: 1.32500
CPU Termination......... 1.200V*.........: 1.360
CPU PLL..................1.500V*.........: 1.400
CPU Referen..............0.760V*.........: Normal
CPU Referen2..............0.800V*.........: Normal
MCH Core.................1.100V..........: 1.360
MCH Reference............0.760V..........: Normal
MCH/DRAM Ref.............0.900V..........: Normal
ICH I/O..................1.500V..........: Normal
ICH Core.................1.100V..........: Normal
DRAM Voltage.............1.800V..........: 2.160
DRAM Termination.........0.900V..........: Normal
Channel A Reference......0.900V..........: Normal
Channel B Reference......0.900V..........: Normal

Advanced Settings:
Limit CPUID Max. to 3....................: Disabled
No-Execute Memory Protect................: Enabled
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)..................: Disabled
C2/C2E State Support.....................: Disabled
x C4/C4E State Support...................: Disabled
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ..............: Enabled
CPU EIST Function........................: Disabled
Virtualization Technology................: Enabled

MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Robust Graphics Booster .................: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio .........................: 8x
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.+0.5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4250Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control...................: [Enabled]
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ................: 500Mhz
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .............: 100
C.I.A. 2.................................: Disabled

Advanced Clock Control:
CPU Clock Drive..........................: 800
PCI Express Clock Drive..................: 900
CPU Clock Skew (ps)......................: 0ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)......................: 0ps

DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance......................: Turbo
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.)..........: Auto
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...................: Auto
System Memory Multiplier ................: 2.40 B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..................: 1200Mhz

DRAM Timing Selectable ..................: [Manual]
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time.........................: 5
tRCD ....................................: 5
tRP'.....................................: 5
tRAS.....................................: 15

Advanced Timing Control:
tRRD.....................................: Auto
tWTR.....................................: Auto
tWR......................................: Auto
tRFC.....................................: Auto
tRTP.....................................: Auto
Command Rate (CMD) ......................: Auto

Channel A Timings Settings:
Static tRead Value.......................: 8
tRD Phase0 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ...................: Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment....................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)...................: Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
DDR2 Write Training......................: Auto

Channel A Driving Settings:
Driving Strength Profile.................: Auto
Data Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto

Data Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto

Channel B Timings Settings:
Static tRead Value.......................: 8
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen.....................: Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ...................: Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment....................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)...................: Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
DDR2 Write Training......................: Auto

Channel B Driving Settings:
Driving Strength Profile.................: Auto
Data Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto

Data Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto

Motherboard Voltage Control
CPU Vcore................1.250V*.........: 1.43750
CPU Termination......... 1.200V*.........: 1.360
CPU PLL..................1.500V*.........: 1.400
CPU Referen..............0.760V*.........: Normal
CPU Referen2..............0.800V*.........: Normal
MCH Core.................1.100V..........: 1.3800
MCH Reference............0.760V..........: Normal
MCH/DRAM Ref.............0.900V..........: Normal
ICH I/O..................1.500V..........: Normal
ICH Core.................1.100V..........: Normal
DRAM Voltage.............1.800V..........: 2.2160
DRAM Termination.........0.900V..........: Normal
Channel A Reference......0.900V..........: Normal
Channel B Reference......0.900V..........: Normal

Advanced Settings:
Limit CPUID Max. to 3....................: Disabled
No-Execute Memory Protect................: Enabled
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)..................: Disabled
C2/C2E State Support.....................: Disabled
x C4/C4E State Support...................: Disabled
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ..............: Enabled
CPU EIST Function........................: Disabled
Virtualization Technology................: Enabled

MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Robust Graphics Booster .................: Auto
CPU Clock Ratio .........................: 8x
Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.+0.5
CPU Frequency ...........................: 4400Mhz
Clock Chip Control
Standard Clock Control
CPU Host Clock Control...................: [Enabled]
CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ................: 518Mhz
PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .............: Auto
C.I.A. 2.................................: Disabled

Advanced Clock Control:
CPU Clock Drive..........................: 800
PCI Express Clock Drive..................: 900
CPU Clock Skew (ps)......................: 0ps
MCH Clock Skew (ps)......................: 0ps

DRAM Performance Control
Performance Enhance......................: Standard
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.)..........: Auto
(G)MCH Frequency Latch...................: Auto
System Memory Multiplier ................: 2.0 B
Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..................: 1036Mhz

DRAM Timing Selectable ..................: [Manual]
Standard Timing Control
CAS Latency Time.........................: 5
tRCD ....................................: 5
tRP'.....................................: 5
tRAS.....................................: 15

Advanced Timing Control:
tRRD.....................................: 4
tWTR.....................................: 4
tWR......................................: 8
tRFC.....................................: 64
tRTP.....................................: 4
Command Rate (CMD) ......................: 0

Channel A Timings Settings:
Static tRead Value.......................: Auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ...................: Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment....................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)...................: Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
DDR2 Write Training......................: Auto

Channel A Driving Settings:
Driving Strength Profile.................: Auto
Data Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto

Data Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto

Channel B Timings Settings:
Static tRead Value.......................: Auto
tRD Phase0 Adjustmen.....................: Auto
tRD Phase1 Adjustment....................: Auto
tRD Phase2 Adjustment ...................: Auto
tRD Phase3 Adjustment....................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2rd(Different Rank)...................: Auto
Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)...................: Auto
Dimm1 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
Dimm2 Clock Skew Control.................: Auto
DDR2 Write Training......................: Auto

Channel B Driving Settings:
Driving Strength Profile.................: Auto
Data Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Up Level...............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Up Level................: Auto

Data Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Cmd Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto
Ctrl Driving Pull-Down Level.............: Auto
Clk Driving Pull-Down Level..............: Auto

Motherboard Voltage Control
CPU Vcore................1.250V*.........: 1.52500
CPU Termination......... 1.200V*.........: 1.36
CPU PLL..................1.500V*.........: 1.500
CPU Referen..............0.760V*.........: Normal
CPU Referen2..............0.800V*.........: Normal
MCH Core.................1.100V..........: 1.400
MCH Reference............0.760V..........: Normal
MCH/DRAM Ref.............0.900V..........: Normal
ICH I/O..................1.500V..........: Normal
ICH Core.................1.100V..........: Normal
DRAM Voltage.............1.800V..........: 2,1
DRAM Termination.........0.900V..........: Normal
Channel A Reference......0.900V..........: Normal
Channel B Reference......0.900V..........: Normal

Advanced Settings:
Limit CPUID Max. to 3....................: Disabled
No-Execute Memory Protect................: Enabled
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)..................: Disabled
C2/C2E State Support.....................: Disabled
x C4/C4E State Support...................: Disabled
CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ..............: Enabled
CPU EIST Function........................: Disabled
Virtualization Technology................: Enabled

Klasse Werte speziell die 518 und das ohne Refs. und Skews Fummelei da hast du ne geile Board/CPU Kombination .

Gruß herm
Danke! Für das GTL/Skews Geraffel hab ich kein Nerv bzw. Zeit :fresse:
Danke für die Templates, werde die mal versuchen mit wenigen änderungen zu übernehmen!

EDIT: Seh grade 1,36 VTT? o_O...Das is echt viel...
Also ich finde deine Werte auch gut, wie herm schon sagte vor allem die FSB 518 ohne Skews das ist echt hardcore.

Aber braucht deine CPU wirklich 1,36 Vtt @ 500, oder hattest du auch hier keine Lust weniger zu testen?

Womöglich macht dein Board die FSB's ja auch noch mit weniger vMCH, wenn du mit den Skews experimentieren würdest und viell. optimalere als 0/0 findest?
Japp braucht sie, sonst kackt mir linpack und prime bei 512k weg ^^

Werde wohl im Alltag mit 1.34V fahren...

Klar ist da noch Potenzial nach unten, aber die NB friert eh schon :fresse:
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