[Sammelthread] Grand Theft Auto Series / GTA V / Trilogy Definitive Edition

Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Vielleicht kann ich damit gegen eure Karren gegenhalten :P




na wenns um teure karren geht... :banana:

spam ich halt wenn sonst keiner will :d

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
schon wieder ein geleakter verkaufswagen... geil :d der S5 concept soll 15$ kosten soweit ich weiß.... aber wer zahlt für sowas schon ;) aber klasse screens ihr da über mir
hat einer ne lösung ...


für den blauen schimmer links neben dem haus?? hat i.was mit dem dof zu tuen ...

hier die enbeffect

//"""""" """""" """""" """"""
//"::::" "::::" "::::" "::::"
//"::::" "::::"TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hhhhhhh SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS iiii "::::" "::::"
// ":::" ":::" T:::::::::::::::::::::T h:::::h SS:::::::::::::::S i::::i ":::" ":::"
// "::" "::" T:::::::::::::::::::::T h:::::h S:::::SSSSSS::::::S iiii "::" "::"
// """ """ T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T h:::::h S:::::S SSSSSSS """ """
// TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTeeeeeeeeeeee h::::h hhhhh S:::::S eeeeeeeeeeee nnnn nnnnnnnn ssssssssss eeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiii
// T:::::T ee::::::::::::ee h::::hh:::::hhh S:::::S ee::::::::::::ee n:::nn::::::::nn ss::::::::::s ee::::::::::::ee i:::::i
// T:::::T e::::::eeeee:::::eeh::::::::::::::hh S::::SSSS e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn ss:::::::::::::s e::::::eeeee:::::eei::::i
// T:::::T e::::::e e:::::eh:::::::hhh::::::h SS::::::SSSSS e::::::e e:::::enn:::::::::::::::ns::::::ssss:::::se::::::e e:::::ei::::i
// T:::::T e:::::::eeeee::::::eh::::::h h::::::h SSS::::::::SS e:::::::eeeee::::::e n:::::nnnn:::::n s:::::s ssssss e:::::::eeeee::::::ei::::i
// T:::::T e:::::::::::::::::e h:::::h h:::::h SSSSSS::::S e:::::::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n s::::::s e:::::::::::::::::e i::::i
// T:::::T e::::::eeeeeeeeeee h:::::h h:::::h S:::::Se::::::eeeeeeeeeee n::::n n::::n s::::::s e::::::eeeeeeeeeee i::::i
// T:::::T e:::::::e h:::::h h:::::h S:::::Se:::::::e n::::n n::::nssssss s:::::s e:::::::e i::::i
// TT:::::::TT e::::::::e h:::::h h:::::h SSSSSSS S:::::Se::::::::e n::::n n::::ns:::::ssss::::::se::::::::e i::::::i
// T:::::::::T e::::::::eeeeeeee h:::::h h:::::h S::::::SSSSSS:::::S e::::::::eeeeeeee n::::n n::::ns::::::::::::::s e::::::::eeeeeeee i::::::i
// T:::::::::T ee:::::::::::::e h:::::h h:::::h S:::::::::::::::SS ee:::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n s:::::::::::ss ee:::::::::::::e i::::::i
// TTTTTTTTTTT eeeeeeeeeeeeee hhhhhhh hhhhhhh SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS eeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnn nnnnnn sssssssssss eeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiii
//M:::::::M M:::::::M ttt:::t K:::::::K K:::::K ttt:::t l:::::l
//M::::::::M M::::::::M t:::::t K:::::::K K:::::K t:::::t l:::::l
//M:::::::::M M:::::::::M t:::::t K:::::::K K::::::K t:::::t l:::::l
//M::::::::::M M::::::::::M aaaaaaaaaaaaa ssssssssss ttttttt:::::ttttttt eeeeeeeeeeee rrrrr rrrrrrrrr KK::::::K K:::::KKK ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn ttttttt:::::ttttttt rrrrr rrrrrrrrr ooooooooooo l::::l
//M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::M a::::::::::::a ss::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t ee::::::::::::ee r::::rrr:::::::::r K:::::K K:::::K oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t r::::rrr:::::::::r oo:::::::::::oo l::::l
//M:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::M aaaaaaaaa:::::ass:::::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t e::::::eeeee:::::eer:::::::::::::::::r K::::::K:::::K o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t r:::::::::::::::::r o:::::::::::::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M a::::as::::::ssss:::::stttttt:::::::tttttt e::::::e e:::::err::::::rrrrr::::::rK:::::::::::K o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::ntttttt:::::::tttttt rr::::::rrrrr::::::ro:::::ooooo:::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::M aaaaaaa:::::a s:::::s ssssss t:::::t e:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r r:::::rK:::::::::::K o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n t:::::t r:::::r r:::::ro::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::M aa::::::::::::a s::::::s t:::::t e:::::::::::::::::e r:::::r rrrrrrrK::::::K:::::K o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n t:::::t r:::::r rrrrrrro::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M:::::M M::::::M a::::aaaa::::::a s::::::s t:::::t e::::::eeeeeeeeeee r:::::r K:::::K K:::::K o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n t:::::t r:::::r o::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M MMMMM M::::::Ma::::a a:::::assssss s:::::s t:::::t tttttte:::::::e r:::::r KK::::::K K:::::KKKo::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n t:::::t ttttttr:::::r o::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M::::::Ma::::a a:::::as:::::ssss::::::s t::::::tttt:::::te::::::::e r:::::r K:::::::K K::::::Ko:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n t::::::tttt:::::tr:::::r o:::::ooooo:::::ol::::::l
//M::::::M M::::::Ma:::::aaaa::::::as::::::::::::::s tt::::::::::::::t e::::::::eeeeeeee r:::::r K:::::::K K:::::Ko:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n tt::::::::::::::tr:::::r o:::::::::::::::ol::::::l
//M::::::M M::::::M a::::::::::aa:::as:::::::::::ss tt:::::::::::tt ee:::::::::::::e r:::::r K:::::::K K:::::K oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n tt:::::::::::ttr:::::r oo:::::::::::oo l::::::l
//MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM aaaaaaaaaa aaaa sssssssssss ttttttttttt eeeeeeeeeeeeee rrrrrrr KKKKKKKKK KKKKKKK ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn ttttttttttt rrrrrrr ooooooooooo llllllll

// ENBSeries effect file
// visit Graphic modification ENBSeries for Black Mesa, Fallout New Vegas, TES Skyrim, GTA 4, Deus Ex, GTA San Andreas, other games for updates
// Copyright 2010 (c) Boris Vorontsov
// Master Kontrol - END.OF.LINE.......... NFS-HR Project 2011
// ENB FX By IceLaGlace V1.35 2011 (c)
// Rockstar Games - 2008 (c)
//NOTE: enable or disable these
//to disable, write // symbols before #define
//#define POSTPROCESS_V2 //overwise v1 of color processing // LEAVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//#define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION //use contrast, brightness, saturation from game

// ICE 135 (-150, 1.5, 10.0, 1) PACKET (-150, 0, 0, 0); MK (-5.0, 2.0, 25.0, 1.0) MK (4.0, 1.4, 65.0, 1.0) MK (-1.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0)
// TILT (50.0 1 100.0 1)? MADE (0.05, 0.25, 40.0, 0.025) MK DDOF (0.5 2.0 16.0 -1.0) LAST (1.0, 2.0, 28.0, 1.0) Tilt-ish

float NearBlur = -25.0;
float FocalPlane = 1.95;
float FarBlur = 1.0;
float BlurCutoffConstant = 1.05;

float Dist1 = 0.25;
float Dist2 = 0.25;
float2 MaxCoC = float2 (5.0, 18.0);

int PixelSizeMultiplier = 1.25;
float BlurIntensity = 0.125;
float2 FocusPoint= float2 (0.475, 0.475);
//float4 FocusPoint= float4 (-0.45, 0.65, -0.15, 0.85);


#define STATIC_DOF

// LQ = 24 TAPS, HQ = 60 TAPS.... CHOOSE ONE ONLY!!

//#define DOF_LQ
#define DOF_HQ


int MBSteps = 11;
int MBAmount = 0.55;

// Bloom
float Contrast = 0.75;
float BloomR = 1.50;
float BloomG = 0.88;
float BloomB = 0.30;

float EColorSaturation=1.65;
float EBloomAmount=0.03;
float AdaptationDepth = 0.35;

// HDR Settings
float4 FogColor={0.75, 0.25, 1.25, 0.75};
float Defog=0.0;
float Exposure=0.041;
float Gamma=0.5;
float BlueShift=0;

// Ice filmic
float A = 0.113; // SCREEN LUMA
float B = 0.302; // OVERALL BLEACH DARKNESS / Lower=Darker
float C = 0.480; // FOREGROUND SCREEN BRIGHTNESS / Higher=Brighter
float D = 0.011; // OVERALL CONTRAST
float E = 0.002; // MIDDLE SCREEN CONTRAST
float F = 2.500;

// Bleach Bypass
float BP_factor = 0.25;

// Vignette

float VignetteAmount = 0.0;

// sampler2D AdapLumSampler;
// sampler2D BloomSampler;
// float4 ColorCorrect;
// float4 ColorShift;
// float4 FogColor
// float Exposure;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler2;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler3;
// sampler2D HDRSampler;
// sampler2D JitterSampler;
// float PLAYER_MASK;
// sampler2D StencilCopySampler;
// float4 TexelSize;
// float4 ToneMapParams;
// float4 deSatContrastGamma;
// float4 dofBlur;
// float4 dofDist;
// float4 dofProj;
// float gDirectionalMotionBlurLength;
// float4 globalScreenSize;
// row_major float4x4 motionBlurMatrix;
// Registers:
// Name Reg Size
// ------------------------------------------ ------- -------
// globalScreenSize c44 1
// Exposure c66 1
// motionBlurMatrix c72 4
// TexelSize c76 1
// dofProj c77 1
// dofDist c78 1
// dofBlur c79 1
// gDirectionalMotionBlurLength c80 1
// ToneMapParams c81 1
// deSatContrastGamma c82 1
// ColorCorrect c83 1
// ColorShift c84 1
// PLAYER_MASK c85 1
// GBufferTextureSampler2 s0 1
// GBufferTextureSampler3 s1 1
// HDRSampler s2 1
// BloomSampler s3 1
// AdapLumSampler s4 1
// JitterSampler s5 1
// StencilCopySampler s6 1

float4 vpos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
float3 pos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

//int4 _i0 : register(i0);

float4 _c0 : register(c0);
float4 _c1 : register(c1);
float4 _c2 : register(c2);
float4 _c3 : register(c3);
float4 _c4 : register(c4);
float4 _c5 : register(c5);
float4 _c6 : register(c6);
float4 _c44 : register(c44);
float4 _c66 : register(c66);
float4 _c72 : register(c72);
float4 _c73 : register(c73);
float4 _c74 : register(c74);
float4 _c75 : register(c75);
float4 _c76 : register(c76);
float4 _c77 : register(c77);
float4 _c78 : register(c78);
float4 _c79 : register(c79);
float4 _c80 : register(c80);
float4 _c81 : register(c81);
float4 _c82 : register(c82);
float4 _c83 : register(c83);
float4 _c84 : register(c84);
float4 _c85 : register(c85);
float maxi : register(c86);
float temp : register(c87);

texture2D texs0 : register(s0);
texture2D texs1 : register(s1);
texture2D texs2 : register(s2);
texture2D texs3 : register(s3);
texture2D texs4 : register(s4);
texture2D texs5 : register(s5); //Motion Blur
texture2D texs6 : register(s6);
texture2D texs7 : register(s7);
texture2D texs13 : register(s13); //Palette (0.82)
texture2D texs15 : register(s15);
//sampler2D s0=sampler_state { Texture=<texs0>; };
//sampler2D s1=sampler_state { Texture=<texs1>; };
sampler2D s2=sampler_state { Texture=<texs2>; };
//sampler2D s3=sampler_state { Texture=<texs3>; };
sampler2D s4=sampler_state { Texture=<texs4>; };
//sampler2D s5=sampler_state { Texture=<texs5>; };
sampler2D s6=sampler_state { Texture=<texs6>; };
sampler2D s7=sampler_state { Texture=<texs7>; };
//sampler2D s13=sampler_state { Texture=<texs13>; };
sampler2D s15=sampler_state { Texture=<texs15>; };

//Next samplers states fixing problems on ATI cards

sampler2D s0 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs0>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D s1 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs1>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D s3 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs3>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D s5 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs5>;
MinFilter = GaussianQuad;
MagFilter = GaussianQuad;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = wrap;

sampler2D s13 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs13>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;


float4 _oC0=0.0; //output

float4 _c0=float4(0, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986);
float4 _c1=float4(0.25, 1, 256, 0);
float4 _c2=float4(0, 2, 4, 8);
float4 _c3=float4(58.1640015, 47.1300011, 0, 0);
float4 _c4=float4(-0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5);
float4 _c5=float4(2, -1, 0.125, 0);
float4 _c6=float4(256, 2, 4, 8);


float4 _c7=float4(1.0, 0.1, 0.8, 1.0);
float4 _c8=float4(0.0, 0.1, 0.8, 0.333);
float4 _c9=float4(0.06, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1);
float4 _c10=float4(0.01, 1.4, 0.0, 0.32);
float4 _c11=float4(0.333333, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//float4 _c12=float4(0.27, 0.67, 0.06, 0.0);
float4 _c12=float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0);
float4 _c13=float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00001);
float4 _c150=float4(0.55, 0.9, 0.85, 0.9);
float4 _c195=float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.07);//0.7

float4 r0;
float4 r1;
float4 r2;
float4 r3;
float4 r4;
float4 r5;
float4 r6;
float4 r7;
float4 r8;
float4 r9;
float4 r10;
float4 r11;

float4 _v0=0.0;

r1=tex2D(s2, _v0.xy); //HDRSampler
r2=tex2D(s3, _v0.xy); //BloomSampler

//DOF - IceLaGlace - MK Edit-ion 2012 :)

float2 center;
float depth;
float focus;

r0=tex2D(s1, _v0.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler3
r0.y=-_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
r0.z=r0.y * _c77.y; //DofProj.y
r0.z=r0.z * -_c77.x; //DofProj.x
r0.x=_c77.y * -r0.y + r0.x;
r0.y=r0.z * r0.x;

r3=_c4; //-0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5

depth=r0.z * r0.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
depth+=_c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
depth+=148; //Offset

// (-150, 1.5, 10.0, 1); PACKET (-150, 0, 0, 0); MK (-5.0, 2.0, 25.0, 1.0) MK (4.0, 1.4, 65.0, 1.0) MK (-1.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0)
//float4 vDofParams = float4(-15.0, 2.0, 45.0, 1.0);
float4 vDofParams = float4(NearBlur, FocalPlane, FarBlur, BlurCutoffConstant);
// Near Blur, Focal Plane, Far Blur, Blur Cutoff Constant

r4=tex2D(s1, FocusPoint); //GBufferTextureSampler3
r4.y=-_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
r4.z=r4.y * _c77.y; //DofProj.y
r4.z=r4.z * -_c77.x; //DofProj.x
r4.x=_c77.y * -r4.y + r4.x;
r4.y=r4.z * r4.x;

float cdepth;

cdepth=r4.z * r4.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
cdepth+=_c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
cdepth+=148; //Offset

r4.w = tex2D(s0, FocusPoint).w;
if(r4.w > 0)
vDofParams.z = cdepth*6.0; // Default was 6.0 (ICE)
vDofParams.y = cdepth;

depth = max(depth, 0); //Zoom Bug Fixed

float dist;

if(depth < vDofParams.y)
dist = (depth - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.y - vDofParams.x);
dist = (depth - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.z - vDofParams.y);
dist = clamp(dist, 0, vDofParams.w);

dist = dist * Dist1 + Dist2; // MK - Top switches

#ifdef DOF_LQ

int DoF_TAPS=24;

static float3 poisson[24]=
float3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.0, -1.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.7071, -0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.9659, 0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.2588, -0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.9659, -0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.2588, 0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.5000, -0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.5000, 0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.5000, 0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.5000, -0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.2588, 0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.9659, -0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.2588, -0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.9659, 0.2588, 1.0000 )

#ifdef DOF_HQ

int DoF_TAPS=60;

static float3 poisson[60] =
float3( 0.2165, 0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.2165, 0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.2165, -0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.2165, -0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.4330, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.4330, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.4330, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.4330, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.6495, 0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.7500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.6495, 0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.6495, -0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.7500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.6495, -0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.2163, 0.3754, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.3750, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4333, -0.0004, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.2163, -0.3754, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.3750, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4333, 0.0004, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4328, 0.5004, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.6250, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.6498, 0.1246, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.4328, -0.5004, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.6250, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.6498, -0.1246, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.6493, 0.6254, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.8750, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.8663, 0.2496, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.6493, -0.6254, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.8750, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.8663, -0.2496, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.2160, 0.6259, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.4340, 0.5000, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.6500, -0.1259, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.2160, -0.6259, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.4340, -0.5000, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.6500, 0.1259, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.4325, 0.7509, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4340, 0.7500, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.8665, -0.0009, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4325, -0.7509, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4340, -0.7500, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.8665, 0.0009, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.2158, 0.8763, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.6510, 0.6250, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.8668, -0.2513, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.2158, -0.8763, 0.9070 ),
float3( 0.6510, -0.6250, 0.9070 ),
float3( 0.8668, 0.2513, 0.9070 )

float2 pixelSizeHigh;
float2 pixelSizeLow;

pixelSizeHigh.x = 1.0 / _c44.x;
pixelSizeHigh.y = 1.0 / _c44.y;

pixelSizeHigh.xy *= PixelSizeMultiplier;

pixelSizeLow.xy = pixelSizeHigh.xy;

float2 vMaxCoC = MaxCoC; // float2 (5.0, 10.0); MK TESTING

float radiusScale = BlurIntensity;

float discRadius;
float discRadiusLow;
float centerDepth;
float4 tdepth;

float4 tapHigh;
float4 tapLow;

centerDepth = dist;

discRadius = abs(centerDepth * vMaxCoC.y - vMaxCoC.x);
discRadiusLow = discRadius * radiusScale;

r1 = 0.0;

for(int t = 0; t < DoF_TAPS; t++)
float2 coordLow = _v0.xy + (pixelSizeLow.xy * poisson[t].xy * discRadiusLow);
float2 coordHigh = _v0.xy + (pixelSizeHigh.xy * poisson[t].xy * discRadius);

tapLow = tex2D(s2, coordLow.xy) * poisson[t].z;
tapHigh = tex2D(s2, coordHigh.xy) * poisson[t].z;

tdepth = tex2D(s1, coordHigh.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler3
tdepth.y = -_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
tdepth.y = 2.0 / tdepth.y;
tdepth.z = tdepth.y * _c77.y; //dofProj.y
tdepth.z = tdepth.z * -_c77.x; //dofProj.x
tdepth.x = _c77.y * -tdepth.y + tdepth.x;
tdepth.x = 2.0 / tdepth.x;

tdepth.w = tdepth.z * tdepth.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
tdepth.w += _c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
tdepth.w += 148; //Offset

tdepth.w = max(tdepth.w, 0); //Fixed Zoom Bug

if(tdepth.w < vDofParams.y)
tapHigh.w = (tdepth.w - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.y - vDofParams.x);
tapHigh.w = (tdepth.w - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.z - vDofParams.y);
tapHigh.w = clamp(tapHigh.w, 0, vDofParams.w);

tapHigh.w = tapHigh.w * 0.5 + 0.5;

tapLow.w = tapHigh.w;

float tapBlur = abs(tapHigh.w * 2.0 - 1.0);
float4 tap = lerp(tapHigh, tapLow, tapBlur);

if(tap.w >= centerDepth)tap.w = 1.0;
else tap.w = abs(tap.w * 2.0 - 1.0);

r1.xyz += tap.xyz * tap.w;
r1.w += tap.w;

r1.xyz /= r1.w;

float4 dofcolor = r11;
dofcolor.w = r1.w / DoF_TAPS;

#endif //DEPTH OF FIELD.

r1.w=dot(r1.xyz, r1.xyz); //dp2

//if (-r1.w<0.0) //r3 = r1;
//else r3 = _c0.x;

r3 = lerp(_c0.x, r1, saturate(r1.w * 10000));

r4 = r3;
r5 = r3;
r6 = r3;
r7 = r3;


r0.x=r0.z * r0.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
r0.x=_c78.y * -r3.w + r0.x; //DofDist.y
r1.w=max(r0.x, _c0.x); //0.0
r0.x=1.0/_c78.z; //DofDist.z
r0.x=r1.w * r0.x;
r1.w=lerp(_c79.y, _c79.z, r0.x);//DofBlur
r0.x=min(_c79.z, r1.w); //DofBlur.z

r0.z=dot(r7.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.x=dot(r3.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.y=dot(r4.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.z=dot(r5.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.w=dot(r6.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r1.w=dot(r8, _c1.xxxx);

r8=r8 - r1.w;
r2.w=dot(r8, r8);
r0.z=r0.z - r1.w;
r0.z=r0.z * r0.z - r2.w;
if (r0.z<0.0)
} else r0.x=_c1.y;

r8=tex2D(s0, _v0.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler2

r8.yz=_c1.yz; // 1.0, 256.0
r9=r8.w * -r8.z + _c2; //0, 2, 4, 8
if (r9.w<0.0) //r9<0.0
r9=_c1.w; //0.0
} else r9=_c1.y; //1.0
//r9 = Filtered Sky Mask

//r10=r8.w + tempc6;//c6.yzwx; //256, 2, 4, 8
r10=r8.w * -_c6.x + _c6.yzwx; //256, 2, 4, 8

if (r10.x<0.0)
} else r10.x=-_c1.y;

if (r10.y<0.0)
r10.y=-_c1.w; //0.0
} else r10.y=-_c1.y; //1.0

if (r10.z<0.0)
} else r10.z=-_c1.y;

if (r10.z<0.0)
} else r10.z=-_c1.y;

if (r10.w<0.0)
} else r10.w=-_c1.y;

r9=r9 + r10;
r9=r9 * _c4.x;

r0.z=dot(r9, _c1.yyyy);
r0.z=r0.z + _c4.w;
r8.xzw=r3.xyz * r9.x;

r7.xyz=r7 * _c4.w + r8.xzw;
r7.xyz=r4 * r9.y + r7;
r7.xyz=r5 * r9.z + r7;
r7.xyz=r6 * r9.w + r7;
r7.xyz=r0.z * r7;
r0.z=-r0.x + _c1.y;
r1.w=r0.x * _c1.x;

r3.xyz=r3 * r1.w;
r3.xyz=r7 * r0.z + r3;
r3.xyz=r4 * r1.w + r3;
r3.xyz=r5 * r1.w + r3;
r3.xyz=r6 * r1.w + r3;

//r4.xyz=_v0.yxy * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.x=_v0.y * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.y=_v0.x * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.z=_v0.y * _c5.x + _c5.y;

r0.z=r4.y * _c77.z; //DofProj.z
r0.z=r0.y * r0.z;
r1.w=-r4.x * _c77.w; //DofProj.w
r1.w=r0.y * r1.w;
r5.xyz=r1.w * _c73; //MotionBlurMatrix.2
r5.xyz=r0.z * _c72 + r5; //MotionBlurMatrix.1
r5.xyz=-r0.y * _c74 + r5; //MotionBlurMatrix.3
r5.xyz=r5 + _c75; //MotionBlurMatrix.4

r0.y=-r5.z * _c77.z; //DofProj.z
r6.x=r5.x * r0.y;
r0.y=r5.z * _c77.w; //DofProj.w
r6.y=r5.y * r0.y;
//r0.yz=-r4 + r6.xxyw;
r0.yz=-r4.yz + r6.xy;

//MOTION BLUR STYLES - MasterKontrol.

r0.y=r0.y * _c80.x;
r0.z=r0.z * _c80.x;
r4.xy=r0.yz * _c5.z;
r5=tex2D(s6, _v0.xy);
r1.w=r5.x - _c85.x;
r4.zw=r3.xy * _c2.w;
r4.zw=_v0.xy * _c3.xy + r4.zw;
r5=tex2D(s5, r4.zw);
r4.zw=r4.xy * (r5.x - 4) + _v0.xy;

for (int iii=0; iii<MBSteps; iii++)
r6.x=r4.x * r3.w + r4.z;
r6.y=r4.y * r3.w + r4.w;
r7=tex2D(s6, r6.xy);
r5.w=r7.x - _c85.x;
if (r5.w<MBAmount)
r5.w=_c1.y; //1.0
} else r5.w=_c1.w; //0.0
r6=tex2D(s2, r6.xy);
r5.xyz=r6.xyz * r5.w + r5.xyz;
r2.w=r2.w + r5.w;
r3.w=r3.w + _c1.y; //1.0


r0.y=r0.y * _c44.x; //GlobalScreenSize
r0.z=r0.z * _c44.y; //GlobalScreenSize

r0.y=dot(r0.yz, r0.yz)+_c0.x; //dp2

r0.y=pow(r0.y, _c4.w); //0.5

r0.y=r0.y * _c4.w; //0.5
r0.x=r0.x + _c1.y; //1.0

r0.x=saturate(r0.y * r0.x);
r4.xyz=r5 * r2.w - r3;
r0.xyz=r0.x * r4 + r3;

if (-r1.w<0.0) r0.xyz=r3.xyz;
if (-r0.w<0.0) r0.xyz=r1.xyz;

//Color Processing


r1=tex2D(s4, _c0.x); //AdapLumSampler , 0.0
r0.w=r0.w * _c81.y; //ToneMapParams.y
r1.x=r1.x * _c81.x; //ToneMapParams.x
r1.xyz=r2 * _c66.x - r1.x; //Exposure.x
r2.xyz=max(r1, _c0.x); //0.0
r1.xyz=r2 * _c81.z; //ToneMapParams.z
r1.xyz=r1 * _c1.x; //0.25
r0.xyz=r0 * _c66.x + r1; //Exposure.x
r1.xyz=r0.w * r0;
r1.x=dot(r1.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721
r0.xyz=r0 * r0.w - r1.x;
r0.xyz=_c82.x * r0 + r1.x; //DeSatContrastGamma.x
r0.w=r1.x * _c84.w; //ColorShift.w
r1.yzw=r0.w * _c84.xxyz; //ColorShift

//Darken as DarkeningAmount, Keeps Colors
r0.xyz=r0.xyz - _c84.xyz * r0.w; //ColorShift
r0.xyz=r2.x * r0.xyz + r1.yzww;

//Coloring (Green, Brown, ...)
r0.xyz=2.0 * r0.xyz * _c83.xyz; //ColorCorrect

//Keeps Colors, Changes Luma
r0.w=_c82.z - _c1.y; //deSatContrastGamma.z - 1.0
r2.x=pow(r1.x, r0.w);

_oC0.xyz=r0.xyz * r2.x; //orig
_oC0.w=_c1.y; //1.0


//float4 color = r0 * r11;
r0=tex2D(s2, _v0.xyz); //HDR Color - MK
float4 color = r0;
float4 origcolor = tex2D(s2, _v0.xyz);

//Adaptation Luminance
r5=tex2D(s4, _c0.x);
r0.xyz=r11 * r5.w;
r3.xy=r3.xy * r5.w;
color.xyz=color.xyz * r5.w;

//Temp 2.0 Test
r7=tex2D(s3, _v0.xy);
color=r7 * 0 + r0; // * 0 + r11 does not work

float4 colorbloom = tex2D(s3, _v0.xy);//0.5
colorbloom *= r5.w;
colorbloom.r*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
colorbloom.g*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
colorbloom.b*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));

//Increase Color

float cgray=dot(color.xyz, 0.333);//luma
float3 poweredcolor=pow(color.xyz, EColorSaturation);
float newgray=dot(poweredcolor.xyz, 0.333);

float bloomgray=dot(colorbloom.xyz, 0.333) * EBloomAmount;

colorbloom.r *= BloomR;
colorbloom.g *= BloomG;
colorbloom.b *= BloomB;

color.xyz=lerp(color.xyz, color.xyz*0.8+colorbloom.xyz*0.3, saturate(bloomgray));
color.xyz=max(color.xyz, 0.0001);
color *= Exposure;

float4 curr = ((color*(A*color+C*B)+D*E)/(color*(A*color+B)+D*F))-E/F;
float4 whiteScale = ((W*(A*W+C*B)+D*E)/(W*(A*W+B)+D*F))-E/F;
color = curr*whiteScale;
color = pow(color,1/2.2);
//color.xyz = saturate(color.xyz);
color.xyz=color.xyz*0.98 + sin(color.xyz*1.570796)*0.08;

//Bleach Bypass Code

float luma = dot(color.xyz, _c12.xyz);
float3 blend = luma.xxx;
float L = min(1, max(0, 10*(luma - 0.5)));
float3 result1 = 1.5 * color.xyz * blend;
float3 result2 = 1.0 - 1.5*(1.0 - blend)*(1.0 - color.xyz);
float3 newColor = lerp(result1.xyz, result2.xyz, L);
float3 mixRGB = BP_factor * newColor.xyz;
mixRGB += ((1.0f - BP_factor) * color.xyz);

color.xyz = mixRGB;

//Increase Constrast
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, 0.5 * (1 + sin((color.xyz - 0.5)*3.1415926)), Contrast);

//Apply Original Corrections (((

r0.w=1.0;//_c81.y/r5.x; //r5 is Adaptation Luminance Sampler

luma=0.27*color.r + 0.67*color.g + 0.06*color.b;
color.xyz=color.xyz * r0.w - luma;
color.xyz=_c82.x * color.xyz + luma; //DeSatContrastGamma.x
r0.w=luma * _c84.w; //ColorShift.w
r1.xyz=r0.w * _c84.xyz; //ColorShift

//Darken as DarkeningAmount, Keeps Colors
color.xyz=color.xyz - _c84.xyz * r0.w; //ColorShift
color.xyz=saturate(r0.w) * color.xyz + r1.xyz;

//Coloring (green, brown, ...)
color.xyz=2.0 * color.xyz * _c83.xyz; //ColorCorrect

r0.w=_c82.z - _c1.y; //deSatContrastGamma.z - 1.0
color.xyz=color.xyz * pow(luma, r0.w);

//Colour Palette Texture (0.082)

float3 brightness=0.001;//tex2D(s4, _c0.x);//adaptation luminance
float3 palette;
float4 uvsrc=1.0;
palette.r=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).r;
palette.g=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).g;
palette.b=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).b;
#endif //E_CC_PALETTE

//Cross Processing Code - IceLaGlace 2011 (c)

float Weight;
r2.x = dot(color.xyz, 0.333);
r2.x = 1 - pow(1.71, -r2.x*5.0);
r2.x = r2.x * 0.094; // 8-19-2012 Changing Gamma / Brightness Levels
r0.xyz = saturate(r0.xyz - r2.x);
r0.xyz = lerp(r0.xyz, sin(r0.xyz*1.570796), 1.25);
Weight=0.6 - r2.x*0.5;
color.xyz=lerp(color.xyz, r0.xyz, Weight);
r10.x = dot(color.xyz, _c12.xyz);
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, r10.x, 0.1);
float fRatio = 0.5;
float moodR = 1.02;
float moodG = 1.02;
float moodB = 1.01;
float4 colInput = r0;
float4 colMood = 0.56;
colMood.r = moodR;
colMood.g = moodG;
colMood.b = moodB;
float fLum = ( colInput.r + colInput.g + colInput.b ) / 3;
colMood = lerp(0, colMood, saturate(fLum * 2.0));
colMood = lerp(colMood, 1, saturate(fLum - 0.5) * 2.0);
float4 colOutput = lerp(colInput, colMood, saturate(fLum * fRatio));
color.rgb=max(0, colOutput);

//Vignette Code
focus = length(center.xy)*1.41421;
focus = pow(focus, 4);
color.xyz -= focus * VignetteAmount;



return _oC0;

//Temporary Post Process
technique Shader_C215BE6E
pass p0
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_C215BE6E();

//Original Post Process
pass p0

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.23.949.2378
// Parameters:
// sampler2D AdapLumSampler;
// sampler2D BloomSampler;
// float4 ColorCorrect;
// float4 ColorShift;
// float4 FogColor
// float Exposure;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler2;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler3;
// sampler2D HDRSampler;
// sampler2D JitterSampler;
// float PLAYER_MASK;
// sampler2D StencilCopySampler;
// float4 TexelSize;
// float4 ToneMapParams;
// float4 deSatContrastGamma;
// float4 dofBlur;
// float4 dofDist;
// float4 dofProj;
// float gDirectionalMotionBlurLength;
// float4 globalScreenSize;
// row_major float4x4 motionBlurMatrix;
// Registers:
// Name Reg Size
// ------------------------------------------ ------- -------
// globalScreenSize c44 1
// Exposure c66 1
// motionBlurMatrix c72 4
// TexelSize c76 1
// dofProj c77 1
// dofDist c78 1
// dofBlur c79 1
// gDirectionalMotionBlurLength c80 1
// ToneMapParams c81 1
// deSatContrastGamma c82 1
// ColorCorrect c83 1
// ColorShift c84 1
// PLAYER_MASK c85 1
// GBufferTextureSampler2 s0 1
// GBufferTextureSampler3 s1 1
// HDRSampler s2 1
// BloomSampler s3 1
// AdapLumSampler s4 1
// JitterSampler s5 1
// StencilCopySampler s6 1

def c0, 0, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
def c1, 0.25, 1, 256, 0
def c2, 0, 2, 4, 8
def c3, 58.1640015, 47.1300011, 0, 0
def c4, -0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5
def c5, 2, -1, 0.125, 0
def c6, 256, 2, 4, 8
def c180, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.5
def c181, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.01
def c183, 800.0, 600.0, 0.0, 100.5
defi i0, 7, 0, 0, 0
dcl_texcoord v0.xy
dcl_2d s0
dcl_2d s1
dcl_2d s2
dcl_2d s3
dcl_2d s4
dcl_2d s5
dcl_2d s6
texld r0, v0, s1
add r0.y, -c77.x, c77.y
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r0.z, r0.y, c77.y
mul r0.z, r0.z, -c77.x
mad r0.x, c77.y, -r0.y, r0.x
rcp r0.x, r0.x
mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.x
texld r1, v0, s2
texld r2, v0, s3
abs r0.w, c79.w
mov r3, c4
mad r4.xy, c76, r3, v0
texld r4, r4, s2
mad r5.xy, c76, r3.zxzw, v0
texld r5, r5, s2
mad r3.xz, c76.xyyw, r3.wyzw, v0.xyyw
texld r6, r3.xzzw, s2
mad r3.xy, c76, r3.ywzw, v0
texld r7, r3, s2
dp3 r1.w, r4, r4
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r3.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r4
dp3 r1.w, r5, r5
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r4.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r5
dp3 r1.w, r6, r6
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r5.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r6
dp3 r1.w, r7, r7
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r6.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r7
dp3 r1.w, r1, r1
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r7.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r1
mad r0.x, r0.z, r0.x, -c78.w
mad r0.x, c78.y, -r3.w, r0.x
max r1.w, r0.x, c0.x
rcp r0.x, c78.z
mul r0.x, r1.w, r0.x
lrp r1.w, r0.x, c79.z, c79.y
min r0.x, c79.z, r1.w
dp3 r0.z, r7, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.x, r3, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.y, r4, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.z, r5, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.w, r6, c0.yzww
dp4 r1.w, r8, c1.x
add r8, r8, -r1.w
dp4 r2.w, r8, r8
add r0.z, r0.z, -r1.w
mad r0.z, r0.z, r0.z, -r2.w
mul r0.x, r0.x, r0.x
cmp r0.x, r0.z, c1.y, r0.x
texld r8, v0, s0
mov r8.yz, c1
mad r9, r8.w, -r8.z, c2
cmp r9, r9, c1.y, c1.w
mad r10, r8.w, -c6.x, c6.yzwx
cmp r10, r10, -c1.y, -c1.w
add r9, r9, r10
mul r9, r9, c4.x
dp4 r0.z, r9, c1.y
add r0.z, r0.z, c4.w
rcp r0.z, r0.z
mul r8.xzw, r3.xyyz, r9.x
mad r7.xyz, r7, c4.w, r8.xzww
mad r7.xyz, r4, r9.y, r7
mad r7.xyz, r5, r9.z, r7
mad r7.xyz, r6, r9.w, r7
mul r7.xyz, r0.z, r7
add r0.z, -r0.x, c1.y
mul r1.w, r0.x, c1.x
mul r3.xyz, r3, r1.w
mad r3.xyz, r7, r0.z, r3
mad r3.xyz, r4, r1.w, r3
mad r3.xyz, r5, r1.w, r3
mad r3.xyz, r6, r1.w, r3
mad r4.xyz, v0.yxyw, c5.x, c5.y
mul r0.z, r4.y, c77.z
mul r0.z, r0.y, r0.z
mul r1.w, -r4.x, c77.w
mul r1.w, r0.y, r1.w
mul r5.xyz, r1.w, c73
mad r5.xyz, r0.z, c72, r5
mad r5.xyz, -r0.y, c74, r5
add r5.xyz, r5, c75
mul r0.y, -r5.z, c77.z
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r6.x, r5.x, r0.y
mul r0.y, r5.z, c77.w
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r6.y, r5.y, r0.y
add r0.yz, -r4, r6.xxyw
mul r0.yz, r0, c80.x
mul r4.xy, r0.yzzw, c5.z
texld r5, v0, s6
add r1.w, r5.x, -c85.x
mul r4.zw, r3.xyxy, c2.w
mad r4.zw, v0.xyxy, c3.xyxy, r4
texld r5, r4.zwzw, s5
add r2.w, r5.x, c4.x
mad r4.zw, r4.xyxy, r2.w, v0.xyxy
mov r5.xyz, r3
mov r2.w, c1.y
mov r3.w, c1.y

rep i0
mad r6.xy, r4, r3.w, r4.zwzw
texld r7, r6, s6
add r5.w, r7.x, -c85.x
cmp r5.w, r5.w, c1.w, c1.y
texld r6, r6, s2
mad r5.xyz, r6, r5.w, r5
add r2.w, r2.w, r5.w
add r3.w, r3.w, c1.y

rcp r2.w, r2.w
mul r0.yz, r0, c183.xxyw//c44.xxyw
dp2add r0.y, r0.yzzw, r0.yzzw, c0.x
rsq r0.y, r0.y
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r0.y, r0.y, c4.w
add r0.x, r0.x, c1.y
rcp r0.x, r0.x
mul_sat r0.x, r0.y, r0.x
mad r4.xyz, r5, r2.w, -r3
mad r0.xyz, r0.x, r4, r3
cmp r0.xyz, r1.w, r3, r0
cmp r0.xyz, -r0.w, r0, r1

texld r1, c0.x, s4
rcp r0.w, r1.x
mul r0.w, r0.w, c81.y
rcp r1.x, r0.w
mul r1.x, r1.x, c81.x
mad r1.xyz, r2, c66.x, -r1.x
max r2.xyz, r1, c0.x
mul r1.xyz, r2, c81.z
mul r1.xyz, r1, c1.x
mad r0.xyz, r0, c66.x, r1
mul r1.xyz, r0.w, r0
dp3 r1.x, r1, c0.yzww
mad r0.xyz, r0, r0.w, -r1.x
mad r0.xyz, c82.x, r0, r1.x
mul r0.w, r1.x, c84.w
mul r1.yzw, r0.w, c84.xxyz
mov_sat r2.x, r0.w
mad r0.xyz, c84, -r0.w, r0
mad r0.xyz, r2.x, r0, r1.yzww
mul r0.xyz, r0, c83
add r0.xyz, r0, r0
mov_sat r1.x, r1.x
add r0.w, -r8.y, c82.z
pow r2.x, r1.x, r0.w
//mul r2.x, r2.x, c181.x
mul oC0.xyz, r0, r2.x
mov oC0.w, c1.y

//texld r1, v0, s2
//mul oC0.xyz, r1, c199.z
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
der is glaub aber released...von peng ^^
also released peng ne karre von dreamsky und eine von kira? achso :d
@lord: haste mir grad nen link, wo ich den s5 kostenlos laden kann, der älter als 2 tage ist? ;)

gerad nciht, aber auf meiner pladde is der seit ewig und 4 tage

---------- Post added at 20:14 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------


zu schade, dass diese shift 2 unleashed 3d modelle so ne "schlechte qualität" haben
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
da dachte ich gestern du hättest den richtigen oakley, nord :d

Einfach nur geil :d
schon echt sexy werter eismann :d

was die map angeht hat mich threep gerade per PM das gleiche gefragt... ich komm aber net auf den namen... schaut doch auf gta4mods die map ist glaube ich keine 3 wochen alt, ansonsten schaue ich heute abend nach.
Wenn du den Jet da im Hintergrund meinst, es gibt... tada.. :d von "metalwars" auf gta4-mods.com so ne Modifikation für den flughafen... ich hab aber auch hier gerade keine ahnung wie der name ist, aber glaube sogar das lord mir den link geschickt hat
brauch hilfe jungs :(
hat einer ne lösung ...


für den blauen schimmer links neben dem haus?? hat i.was mit dem dof zu tuen ...

hier die enbeffect

//"""""" """""" """""" """"""
//"::::" "::::" "::::" "::::"
//"::::" "::::"TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT hhhhhhh SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS iiii "::::" "::::"
// ":::" ":::" T:::::::::::::::::::::T h:::::h SS:::::::::::::::S i::::i ":::" ":::"
// "::" "::" T:::::::::::::::::::::T h:::::h S:::::SSSSSS::::::S iiii "::" "::"
// """ """ T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T h:::::h S:::::S SSSSSSS """ """
// TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTeeeeeeeeeeee h::::h hhhhh S:::::S eeeeeeeeeeee nnnn nnnnnnnn ssssssssss eeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiii
// T:::::T ee::::::::::::ee h::::hh:::::hhh S:::::S ee::::::::::::ee n:::nn::::::::nn ss::::::::::s ee::::::::::::ee i:::::i
// T:::::T e::::::eeeee:::::eeh::::::::::::::hh S::::SSSS e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn ss:::::::::::::s e::::::eeeee:::::eei::::i
// T:::::T e::::::e e:::::eh:::::::hhh::::::h SS::::::SSSSS e::::::e e:::::enn:::::::::::::::ns::::::ssss:::::se::::::e e:::::ei::::i
// T:::::T e:::::::eeeee::::::eh::::::h h::::::h SSS::::::::SS e:::::::eeeee::::::e n:::::nnnn:::::n s:::::s ssssss e:::::::eeeee::::::ei::::i
// T:::::T e:::::::::::::::::e h:::::h h:::::h SSSSSS::::S e:::::::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n s::::::s e:::::::::::::::::e i::::i
// T:::::T e::::::eeeeeeeeeee h:::::h h:::::h S:::::Se::::::eeeeeeeeeee n::::n n::::n s::::::s e::::::eeeeeeeeeee i::::i
// T:::::T e:::::::e h:::::h h:::::h S:::::Se:::::::e n::::n n::::nssssss s:::::s e:::::::e i::::i
// TT:::::::TT e::::::::e h:::::h h:::::h SSSSSSS S:::::Se::::::::e n::::n n::::ns:::::ssss::::::se::::::::e i::::::i
// T:::::::::T e::::::::eeeeeeee h:::::h h:::::h S::::::SSSSSS:::::S e::::::::eeeeeeee n::::n n::::ns::::::::::::::s e::::::::eeeeeeee i::::::i
// T:::::::::T ee:::::::::::::e h:::::h h:::::h S:::::::::::::::SS ee:::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n s:::::::::::ss ee:::::::::::::e i::::::i
// TTTTTTTTTTT eeeeeeeeeeeeee hhhhhhh hhhhhhh SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS eeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnn nnnnnn sssssssssss eeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiii
//M:::::::M M:::::::M ttt:::t K:::::::K K:::::K ttt:::t l:::::l
//M::::::::M M::::::::M t:::::t K:::::::K K:::::K t:::::t l:::::l
//M:::::::::M M:::::::::M t:::::t K:::::::K K::::::K t:::::t l:::::l
//M::::::::::M M::::::::::M aaaaaaaaaaaaa ssssssssss ttttttt:::::ttttttt eeeeeeeeeeee rrrrr rrrrrrrrr KK::::::K K:::::KKK ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn ttttttt:::::ttttttt rrrrr rrrrrrrrr ooooooooooo l::::l
//M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::M a::::::::::::a ss::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t ee::::::::::::ee r::::rrr:::::::::r K:::::K K:::::K oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t r::::rrr:::::::::r oo:::::::::::oo l::::l
//M:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::M aaaaaaaaa:::::ass:::::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t e::::::eeeee:::::eer:::::::::::::::::r K::::::K:::::K o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t r:::::::::::::::::r o:::::::::::::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M a::::as::::::ssss:::::stttttt:::::::tttttt e::::::e e:::::err::::::rrrrr::::::rK:::::::::::K o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::ntttttt:::::::tttttt rr::::::rrrrr::::::ro:::::ooooo:::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::M aaaaaaa:::::a s:::::s ssssss t:::::t e:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r r:::::rK:::::::::::K o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n t:::::t r:::::r r:::::ro::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::M aa::::::::::::a s::::::s t:::::t e:::::::::::::::::e r:::::r rrrrrrrK::::::K:::::K o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n t:::::t r:::::r rrrrrrro::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M:::::M M::::::M a::::aaaa::::::a s::::::s t:::::t e::::::eeeeeeeeeee r:::::r K:::::K K:::::K o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n t:::::t r:::::r o::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M MMMMM M::::::Ma::::a a:::::assssss s:::::s t:::::t tttttte:::::::e r:::::r KK::::::K K:::::KKKo::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n t:::::t ttttttr:::::r o::::o o::::o l::::l
//M::::::M M::::::Ma::::a a:::::as:::::ssss::::::s t::::::tttt:::::te::::::::e r:::::r K:::::::K K::::::Ko:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n t::::::tttt:::::tr:::::r o:::::ooooo:::::ol::::::l
//M::::::M M::::::Ma:::::aaaa::::::as::::::::::::::s tt::::::::::::::t e::::::::eeeeeeee r:::::r K:::::::K K:::::Ko:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n tt::::::::::::::tr:::::r o:::::::::::::::ol::::::l
//M::::::M M::::::M a::::::::::aa:::as:::::::::::ss tt:::::::::::tt ee:::::::::::::e r:::::r K:::::::K K:::::K oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n tt:::::::::::ttr:::::r oo:::::::::::oo l::::::l
//MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM aaaaaaaaaa aaaa sssssssssss ttttttttttt eeeeeeeeeeeeee rrrrrrr KKKKKKKKK KKKKKKK ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn ttttttttttt rrrrrrr ooooooooooo llllllll

// ENBSeries effect file
// visit Graphic modification ENBSeries for Black Mesa, Fallout New Vegas, TES Skyrim, GTA 4, Deus Ex, GTA San Andreas, other games for updates
// Copyright 2010 (c) Boris Vorontsov
// Master Kontrol - END.OF.LINE.......... NFS-HR Project 2011
// ENB FX By IceLaGlace V1.35 2011 (c)
// Rockstar Games - 2008 (c)
//NOTE: enable or disable these
//to disable, write // symbols before #define
//#define POSTPROCESS_V2 //overwise v1 of color processing // LEAVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//#define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION //use contrast, brightness, saturation from game

// ICE 135 (-150, 1.5, 10.0, 1) PACKET (-150, 0, 0, 0); MK (-5.0, 2.0, 25.0, 1.0) MK (4.0, 1.4, 65.0, 1.0) MK (-1.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0)
// TILT (50.0 1 100.0 1)? MADE (0.05, 0.25, 40.0, 0.025) MK DDOF (0.5 2.0 16.0 -1.0) LAST (1.0, 2.0, 28.0, 1.0) Tilt-ish

float NearBlur = -25.0;
float FocalPlane = 1.95;
float FarBlur = 1.0;
float BlurCutoffConstant = 1.05;

float Dist1 = 0.25;
float Dist2 = 0.25;
float2 MaxCoC = float2 (5.0, 18.0);

int PixelSizeMultiplier = 1.25;
float BlurIntensity = 0.125;
float2 FocusPoint= float2 (0.475, 0.475);
//float4 FocusPoint= float4 (-0.45, 0.65, -0.15, 0.85);


#define STATIC_DOF

// LQ = 24 TAPS, HQ = 60 TAPS.... CHOOSE ONE ONLY!!

//#define DOF_LQ
#define DOF_HQ


int MBSteps = 11;
int MBAmount = 0.55;

// Bloom
float Contrast = 0.75;
float BloomR = 1.50;
float BloomG = 0.88;
float BloomB = 0.30;

float EColorSaturation=1.65;
float EBloomAmount=0.03;
float AdaptationDepth = 0.35;

// HDR Settings
float4 FogColor={0.75, 0.25, 1.25, 0.75};
float Defog=0.0;
float Exposure=0.041;
float Gamma=0.5;
float BlueShift=0;

// Ice filmic
float A = 0.113; // SCREEN LUMA
float B = 0.302; // OVERALL BLEACH DARKNESS / Lower=Darker
float C = 0.480; // FOREGROUND SCREEN BRIGHTNESS / Higher=Brighter
float D = 0.011; // OVERALL CONTRAST
float E = 0.002; // MIDDLE SCREEN CONTRAST
float F = 2.500;

// Bleach Bypass
float BP_factor = 0.25;

// Vignette

float VignetteAmount = 0.0;

// sampler2D AdapLumSampler;
// sampler2D BloomSampler;
// float4 ColorCorrect;
// float4 ColorShift;
// float4 FogColor
// float Exposure;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler2;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler3;
// sampler2D HDRSampler;
// sampler2D JitterSampler;
// float PLAYER_MASK;
// sampler2D StencilCopySampler;
// float4 TexelSize;
// float4 ToneMapParams;
// float4 deSatContrastGamma;
// float4 dofBlur;
// float4 dofDist;
// float4 dofProj;
// float gDirectionalMotionBlurLength;
// float4 globalScreenSize;
// row_major float4x4 motionBlurMatrix;
// Registers:
// Name Reg Size
// ------------------------------------------ ------- -------
// globalScreenSize c44 1
// Exposure c66 1
// motionBlurMatrix c72 4
// TexelSize c76 1
// dofProj c77 1
// dofDist c78 1
// dofBlur c79 1
// gDirectionalMotionBlurLength c80 1
// ToneMapParams c81 1
// deSatContrastGamma c82 1
// ColorCorrect c83 1
// ColorShift c84 1
// PLAYER_MASK c85 1
// GBufferTextureSampler2 s0 1
// GBufferTextureSampler3 s1 1
// HDRSampler s2 1
// BloomSampler s3 1
// AdapLumSampler s4 1
// JitterSampler s5 1
// StencilCopySampler s6 1

float4 vpos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
float3 pos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

//int4 _i0 : register(i0);

float4 _c0 : register(c0);
float4 _c1 : register(c1);
float4 _c2 : register(c2);
float4 _c3 : register(c3);
float4 _c4 : register(c4);
float4 _c5 : register(c5);
float4 _c6 : register(c6);
float4 _c44 : register(c44);
float4 _c66 : register(c66);
float4 _c72 : register(c72);
float4 _c73 : register(c73);
float4 _c74 : register(c74);
float4 _c75 : register(c75);
float4 _c76 : register(c76);
float4 _c77 : register(c77);
float4 _c78 : register(c78);
float4 _c79 : register(c79);
float4 _c80 : register(c80);
float4 _c81 : register(c81);
float4 _c82 : register(c82);
float4 _c83 : register(c83);
float4 _c84 : register(c84);
float4 _c85 : register(c85);
float maxi : register(c86);
float temp : register(c87);

texture2D texs0 : register(s0);
texture2D texs1 : register(s1);
texture2D texs2 : register(s2);
texture2D texs3 : register(s3);
texture2D texs4 : register(s4);
texture2D texs5 : register(s5); //Motion Blur
texture2D texs6 : register(s6);
texture2D texs7 : register(s7);
texture2D texs13 : register(s13); //Palette (0.82)
texture2D texs15 : register(s15);
//sampler2D s0=sampler_state { Texture=<texs0>; };
//sampler2D s1=sampler_state { Texture=<texs1>; };
sampler2D s2=sampler_state { Texture=<texs2>; };
//sampler2D s3=sampler_state { Texture=<texs3>; };
sampler2D s4=sampler_state { Texture=<texs4>; };
//sampler2D s5=sampler_state { Texture=<texs5>; };
sampler2D s6=sampler_state { Texture=<texs6>; };
sampler2D s7=sampler_state { Texture=<texs7>; };
//sampler2D s13=sampler_state { Texture=<texs13>; };
sampler2D s15=sampler_state { Texture=<texs15>; };

//Next samplers states fixing problems on ATI cards

sampler2D s0 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs0>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D s1 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs1>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D s3 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs3>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;//
MagFilter = LINEAR;//
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D s5 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs5>;
MinFilter = GaussianQuad;
MagFilter = GaussianQuad;
MipFilter = LINEAR;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = wrap;

sampler2D s13 = sampler_state
Texture = <texs13>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;//NONE;//LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;


float4 _oC0=0.0; //output

float4 _c0=float4(0, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986);
float4 _c1=float4(0.25, 1, 256, 0);
float4 _c2=float4(0, 2, 4, 8);
float4 _c3=float4(58.1640015, 47.1300011, 0, 0);
float4 _c4=float4(-0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5);
float4 _c5=float4(2, -1, 0.125, 0);
float4 _c6=float4(256, 2, 4, 8);


float4 _c7=float4(1.0, 0.1, 0.8, 1.0);
float4 _c8=float4(0.0, 0.1, 0.8, 0.333);
float4 _c9=float4(0.06, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1);
float4 _c10=float4(0.01, 1.4, 0.0, 0.32);
float4 _c11=float4(0.333333, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//float4 _c12=float4(0.27, 0.67, 0.06, 0.0);
float4 _c12=float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.0);
float4 _c13=float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00001);
float4 _c150=float4(0.55, 0.9, 0.85, 0.9);
float4 _c195=float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.07);//0.7

float4 r0;
float4 r1;
float4 r2;
float4 r3;
float4 r4;
float4 r5;
float4 r6;
float4 r7;
float4 r8;
float4 r9;
float4 r10;
float4 r11;

float4 _v0=0.0;

r1=tex2D(s2, _v0.xy); //HDRSampler
r2=tex2D(s3, _v0.xy); //BloomSampler

//DOF - IceLaGlace - MK Edit-ion 2012 :)

float2 center;
float depth;
float focus;

r0=tex2D(s1, _v0.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler3
r0.y=-_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
r0.z=r0.y * _c77.y; //DofProj.y
r0.z=r0.z * -_c77.x; //DofProj.x
r0.x=_c77.y * -r0.y + r0.x;
r0.y=r0.z * r0.x;

r3=_c4; //-0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5

depth=r0.z * r0.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
depth+=_c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
depth+=148; //Offset

// (-150, 1.5, 10.0, 1); PACKET (-150, 0, 0, 0); MK (-5.0, 2.0, 25.0, 1.0) MK (4.0, 1.4, 65.0, 1.0) MK (-1.0, 1.0, 200.0, 1.0)
//float4 vDofParams = float4(-15.0, 2.0, 45.0, 1.0);
float4 vDofParams = float4(NearBlur, FocalPlane, FarBlur, BlurCutoffConstant);
// Near Blur, Focal Plane, Far Blur, Blur Cutoff Constant

r4=tex2D(s1, FocusPoint); //GBufferTextureSampler3
r4.y=-_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
r4.z=r4.y * _c77.y; //DofProj.y
r4.z=r4.z * -_c77.x; //DofProj.x
r4.x=_c77.y * -r4.y + r4.x;
r4.y=r4.z * r4.x;

float cdepth;

cdepth=r4.z * r4.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
cdepth+=_c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
cdepth+=148; //Offset

r4.w = tex2D(s0, FocusPoint).w;
if(r4.w > 0)
vDofParams.z = cdepth*6.0; // Default was 6.0 (ICE)
vDofParams.y = cdepth;

depth = max(depth, 0); //Zoom Bug Fixed

float dist;

if(depth < vDofParams.y)
dist = (depth - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.y - vDofParams.x);
dist = (depth - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.z - vDofParams.y);
dist = clamp(dist, 0, vDofParams.w);

dist = dist * Dist1 + Dist2; // MK - Top switches

#ifdef DOF_LQ

int DoF_TAPS=24;

static float3 poisson[24]=
float3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.0, -1.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.7071, -0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.7071, 0.7071, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.9659, 0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.2588, -0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.9659, -0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.2588, 0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.5000, -0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.5000, 0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.5000, 0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.5000, -0.8660, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.2588, 0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(0.9659, -0.2588, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.2588, -0.9659, 1.0000 ),
float3(-0.9659, 0.2588, 1.0000 )

#ifdef DOF_HQ

int DoF_TAPS=60;

static float3 poisson[60] =
float3( 0.2165, 0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.2165, 0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.2165, -0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.2165, -0.1250, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.4330, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.4330, 0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.4330, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.4330, -0.2500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.6495, 0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 0.7500, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.6495, 0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.6495, -0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -0.7500, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.6495, -0.3750, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.8660, 0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( -0.0000, -1.0000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.8660, -0.5000, 1.0000 ),
float3( 0.2163, 0.3754, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.3750, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4333, -0.0004, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.2163, -0.3754, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.3750, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4333, 0.0004, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4328, 0.5004, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.6250, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.6498, 0.1246, 0.8847 ),
float3( -0.4328, -0.5004, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.6250, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.6498, -0.1246, 0.8847 ),
float3( 0.6493, 0.6254, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.2170, 0.8750, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.8663, 0.2496, 0.9065 ),
float3( -0.6493, -0.6254, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.2170, -0.8750, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.8663, -0.2496, 0.9065 ),
float3( 0.2160, 0.6259, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.4340, 0.5000, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.6500, -0.1259, 0.8851 ),
float3( -0.2160, -0.6259, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.4340, -0.5000, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.6500, 0.1259, 0.8851 ),
float3( 0.4325, 0.7509, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4340, 0.7500, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.8665, -0.0009, 0.8670 ),
float3( -0.4325, -0.7509, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.4340, -0.7500, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.8665, 0.0009, 0.8670 ),
float3( 0.2158, 0.8763, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.6510, 0.6250, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.8668, -0.2513, 0.9070 ),
float3( -0.2158, -0.8763, 0.9070 ),
float3( 0.6510, -0.6250, 0.9070 ),
float3( 0.8668, 0.2513, 0.9070 )

float2 pixelSizeHigh;
float2 pixelSizeLow;

pixelSizeHigh.x = 1.0 / _c44.x;
pixelSizeHigh.y = 1.0 / _c44.y;

pixelSizeHigh.xy *= PixelSizeMultiplier;

pixelSizeLow.xy = pixelSizeHigh.xy;

float2 vMaxCoC = MaxCoC; // float2 (5.0, 10.0); MK TESTING

float radiusScale = BlurIntensity;

float discRadius;
float discRadiusLow;
float centerDepth;
float4 tdepth;

float4 tapHigh;
float4 tapLow;

centerDepth = dist;

discRadius = abs(centerDepth * vMaxCoC.y - vMaxCoC.x);
discRadiusLow = discRadius * radiusScale;

r1 = 0.0;

for(int t = 0; t < DoF_TAPS; t++)
float2 coordLow = _v0.xy + (pixelSizeLow.xy * poisson[t].xy * discRadiusLow);
float2 coordHigh = _v0.xy + (pixelSizeHigh.xy * poisson[t].xy * discRadius);

tapLow = tex2D(s2, coordLow.xy) * poisson[t].z;
tapHigh = tex2D(s2, coordHigh.xy) * poisson[t].z;

tdepth = tex2D(s1, coordHigh.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler3
tdepth.y = -_c77.x + _c77.y; //-dofProj.x + dofProj.y
tdepth.y = 2.0 / tdepth.y;
tdepth.z = tdepth.y * _c77.y; //dofProj.y
tdepth.z = tdepth.z * -_c77.x; //dofProj.x
tdepth.x = _c77.y * -tdepth.y + tdepth.x;
tdepth.x = 2.0 / tdepth.x;

tdepth.w = tdepth.z * tdepth.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
tdepth.w += _c78.y * -r3.w; //DofDist.y
tdepth.w += 148; //Offset

tdepth.w = max(tdepth.w, 0); //Fixed Zoom Bug

if(tdepth.w < vDofParams.y)
tapHigh.w = (tdepth.w - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.y - vDofParams.x);
tapHigh.w = (tdepth.w - vDofParams.y)/(vDofParams.z - vDofParams.y);
tapHigh.w = clamp(tapHigh.w, 0, vDofParams.w);

tapHigh.w = tapHigh.w * 0.5 + 0.5;

tapLow.w = tapHigh.w;

float tapBlur = abs(tapHigh.w * 2.0 - 1.0);
float4 tap = lerp(tapHigh, tapLow, tapBlur);

if(tap.w >= centerDepth)tap.w = 1.0;
else tap.w = abs(tap.w * 2.0 - 1.0);

r1.xyz += tap.xyz * tap.w;
r1.w += tap.w;

r1.xyz /= r1.w;

float4 dofcolor = r11;
dofcolor.w = r1.w / DoF_TAPS;

#endif //DEPTH OF FIELD.

r1.w=dot(r1.xyz, r1.xyz); //dp2

//if (-r1.w<0.0) //r3 = r1;
//else r3 = _c0.x;

r3 = lerp(_c0.x, r1, saturate(r1.w * 10000));

r4 = r3;
r5 = r3;
r6 = r3;
r7 = r3;


r0.x=r0.z * r0.x - _c78.w; //DofDist.w
r0.x=_c78.y * -r3.w + r0.x; //DofDist.y
r1.w=max(r0.x, _c0.x); //0.0
r0.x=1.0/_c78.z; //DofDist.z
r0.x=r1.w * r0.x;
r1.w=lerp(_c79.y, _c79.z, r0.x);//DofBlur
r0.x=min(_c79.z, r1.w); //DofBlur.z

r0.z=dot(r7.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.x=dot(r3.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.y=dot(r4.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.z=dot(r5.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r8.w=dot(r6.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
r1.w=dot(r8, _c1.xxxx);

r8=r8 - r1.w;
r2.w=dot(r8, r8);
r0.z=r0.z - r1.w;
r0.z=r0.z * r0.z - r2.w;
if (r0.z<0.0)
} else r0.x=_c1.y;

r8=tex2D(s0, _v0.xy); //GBufferTextureSampler2

r8.yz=_c1.yz; // 1.0, 256.0
r9=r8.w * -r8.z + _c2; //0, 2, 4, 8
if (r9.w<0.0) //r9<0.0
r9=_c1.w; //0.0
} else r9=_c1.y; //1.0
//r9 = Filtered Sky Mask

//r10=r8.w + tempc6;//c6.yzwx; //256, 2, 4, 8
r10=r8.w * -_c6.x + _c6.yzwx; //256, 2, 4, 8

if (r10.x<0.0)
} else r10.x=-_c1.y;

if (r10.y<0.0)
r10.y=-_c1.w; //0.0
} else r10.y=-_c1.y; //1.0

if (r10.z<0.0)
} else r10.z=-_c1.y;

if (r10.z<0.0)
} else r10.z=-_c1.y;

if (r10.w<0.0)
} else r10.w=-_c1.y;

r9=r9 + r10;
r9=r9 * _c4.x;

r0.z=dot(r9, _c1.yyyy);
r0.z=r0.z + _c4.w;
r8.xzw=r3.xyz * r9.x;

r7.xyz=r7 * _c4.w + r8.xzw;
r7.xyz=r4 * r9.y + r7;
r7.xyz=r5 * r9.z + r7;
r7.xyz=r6 * r9.w + r7;
r7.xyz=r0.z * r7;
r0.z=-r0.x + _c1.y;
r1.w=r0.x * _c1.x;

r3.xyz=r3 * r1.w;
r3.xyz=r7 * r0.z + r3;
r3.xyz=r4 * r1.w + r3;
r3.xyz=r5 * r1.w + r3;
r3.xyz=r6 * r1.w + r3;

//r4.xyz=_v0.yxy * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.x=_v0.y * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.y=_v0.x * _c5.x + _c5.y;
r4.z=_v0.y * _c5.x + _c5.y;

r0.z=r4.y * _c77.z; //DofProj.z
r0.z=r0.y * r0.z;
r1.w=-r4.x * _c77.w; //DofProj.w
r1.w=r0.y * r1.w;
r5.xyz=r1.w * _c73; //MotionBlurMatrix.2
r5.xyz=r0.z * _c72 + r5; //MotionBlurMatrix.1
r5.xyz=-r0.y * _c74 + r5; //MotionBlurMatrix.3
r5.xyz=r5 + _c75; //MotionBlurMatrix.4

r0.y=-r5.z * _c77.z; //DofProj.z
r6.x=r5.x * r0.y;
r0.y=r5.z * _c77.w; //DofProj.w
r6.y=r5.y * r0.y;
//r0.yz=-r4 + r6.xxyw;
r0.yz=-r4.yz + r6.xy;

//MOTION BLUR STYLES - MasterKontrol.

r0.y=r0.y * _c80.x;
r0.z=r0.z * _c80.x;
r4.xy=r0.yz * _c5.z;
r5=tex2D(s6, _v0.xy);
r1.w=r5.x - _c85.x;
r4.zw=r3.xy * _c2.w;
r4.zw=_v0.xy * _c3.xy + r4.zw;
r5=tex2D(s5, r4.zw);
r4.zw=r4.xy * (r5.x - 4) + _v0.xy;

for (int iii=0; iii<MBSteps; iii++)
r6.x=r4.x * r3.w + r4.z;
r6.y=r4.y * r3.w + r4.w;
r7=tex2D(s6, r6.xy);
r5.w=r7.x - _c85.x;
if (r5.w<MBAmount)
r5.w=_c1.y; //1.0
} else r5.w=_c1.w; //0.0
r6=tex2D(s2, r6.xy);
r5.xyz=r6.xyz * r5.w + r5.xyz;
r2.w=r2.w + r5.w;
r3.w=r3.w + _c1.y; //1.0


r0.y=r0.y * _c44.x; //GlobalScreenSize
r0.z=r0.z * _c44.y; //GlobalScreenSize

r0.y=dot(r0.yz, r0.yz)+_c0.x; //dp2

r0.y=pow(r0.y, _c4.w); //0.5

r0.y=r0.y * _c4.w; //0.5
r0.x=r0.x + _c1.y; //1.0

r0.x=saturate(r0.y * r0.x);
r4.xyz=r5 * r2.w - r3;
r0.xyz=r0.x * r4 + r3;

if (-r1.w<0.0) r0.xyz=r3.xyz;
if (-r0.w<0.0) r0.xyz=r1.xyz;

//Color Processing


r1=tex2D(s4, _c0.x); //AdapLumSampler , 0.0
r0.w=r0.w * _c81.y; //ToneMapParams.y
r1.x=r1.x * _c81.x; //ToneMapParams.x
r1.xyz=r2 * _c66.x - r1.x; //Exposure.x
r2.xyz=max(r1, _c0.x); //0.0
r1.xyz=r2 * _c81.z; //ToneMapParams.z
r1.xyz=r1 * _c1.x; //0.25
r0.xyz=r0 * _c66.x + r1; //Exposure.x
r1.xyz=r0.w * r0;
r1.x=dot(r1.xyz, _c0.yzw); //0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721
r0.xyz=r0 * r0.w - r1.x;
r0.xyz=_c82.x * r0 + r1.x; //DeSatContrastGamma.x
r0.w=r1.x * _c84.w; //ColorShift.w
r1.yzw=r0.w * _c84.xxyz; //ColorShift

//Darken as DarkeningAmount, Keeps Colors
r0.xyz=r0.xyz - _c84.xyz * r0.w; //ColorShift
r0.xyz=r2.x * r0.xyz + r1.yzww;

//Coloring (Green, Brown, ...)
r0.xyz=2.0 * r0.xyz * _c83.xyz; //ColorCorrect

//Keeps Colors, Changes Luma
r0.w=_c82.z - _c1.y; //deSatContrastGamma.z - 1.0
r2.x=pow(r1.x, r0.w);

_oC0.xyz=r0.xyz * r2.x; //orig
_oC0.w=_c1.y; //1.0


//float4 color = r0 * r11;
r0=tex2D(s2, _v0.xyz); //HDR Color - MK
float4 color = r0;
float4 origcolor = tex2D(s2, _v0.xyz);

//Adaptation Luminance
r5=tex2D(s4, _c0.x);
r0.xyz=r11 * r5.w;
r3.xy=r3.xy * r5.w;
color.xyz=color.xyz * r5.w;

//Temp 2.0 Test
r7=tex2D(s3, _v0.xy);
color=r7 * 0 + r0; // * 0 + r11 does not work

float4 colorbloom = tex2D(s3, _v0.xy);//0.5
colorbloom *= r5.w;
colorbloom.r*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
colorbloom.g*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));
colorbloom.b*=lerp(1, 1.5, saturate(pow(depth/250.0, 0.5)));

//Increase Color

float cgray=dot(color.xyz, 0.333);//luma
float3 poweredcolor=pow(color.xyz, EColorSaturation);
float newgray=dot(poweredcolor.xyz, 0.333);

float bloomgray=dot(colorbloom.xyz, 0.333) * EBloomAmount;

colorbloom.r *= BloomR;
colorbloom.g *= BloomG;
colorbloom.b *= BloomB;

color.xyz=lerp(color.xyz, color.xyz*0.8+colorbloom.xyz*0.3, saturate(bloomgray));
color.xyz=max(color.xyz, 0.0001);
color *= Exposure;

float4 curr = ((color*(A*color+C*B)+D*E)/(color*(A*color+B)+D*F))-E/F;
float4 whiteScale = ((W*(A*W+C*B)+D*E)/(W*(A*W+B)+D*F))-E/F;
color = curr*whiteScale;
color = pow(color,1/2.2);
//color.xyz = saturate(color.xyz);
color.xyz=color.xyz*0.98 + sin(color.xyz*1.570796)*0.08;

//Bleach Bypass Code

float luma = dot(color.xyz, _c12.xyz);
float3 blend = luma.xxx;
float L = min(1, max(0, 10*(luma - 0.5)));
float3 result1 = 1.5 * color.xyz * blend;
float3 result2 = 1.0 - 1.5*(1.0 - blend)*(1.0 - color.xyz);
float3 newColor = lerp(result1.xyz, result2.xyz, L);
float3 mixRGB = BP_factor * newColor.xyz;
mixRGB += ((1.0f - BP_factor) * color.xyz);

color.xyz = mixRGB;

//Increase Constrast
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, 0.5 * (1 + sin((color.xyz - 0.5)*3.1415926)), Contrast);

//Apply Original Corrections (((

r0.w=1.0;//_c81.y/r5.x; //r5 is Adaptation Luminance Sampler

luma=0.27*color.r + 0.67*color.g + 0.06*color.b;
color.xyz=color.xyz * r0.w - luma;
color.xyz=_c82.x * color.xyz + luma; //DeSatContrastGamma.x
r0.w=luma * _c84.w; //ColorShift.w
r1.xyz=r0.w * _c84.xyz; //ColorShift

//Darken as DarkeningAmount, Keeps Colors
color.xyz=color.xyz - _c84.xyz * r0.w; //ColorShift
color.xyz=saturate(r0.w) * color.xyz + r1.xyz;

//Coloring (green, brown, ...)
color.xyz=2.0 * color.xyz * _c83.xyz; //ColorCorrect

r0.w=_c82.z - _c1.y; //deSatContrastGamma.z - 1.0
color.xyz=color.xyz * pow(luma, r0.w);

//Colour Palette Texture (0.082)

float3 brightness=0.001;//tex2D(s4, _c0.x);//adaptation luminance
float3 palette;
float4 uvsrc=1.0;
palette.r=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).r;
palette.g=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).g;
palette.b=tex2Dlod(s13, uvsrc).b;
#endif //E_CC_PALETTE

//Cross Processing Code - IceLaGlace 2011 (c)

float Weight;
r2.x = dot(color.xyz, 0.333);
r2.x = 1 - pow(1.71, -r2.x*5.0);
r2.x = r2.x * 0.094; // 8-19-2012 Changing Gamma / Brightness Levels
r0.xyz = saturate(r0.xyz - r2.x);
r0.xyz = lerp(r0.xyz, sin(r0.xyz*1.570796), 1.25);
Weight=0.6 - r2.x*0.5;
color.xyz=lerp(color.xyz, r0.xyz, Weight);
r10.x = dot(color.xyz, _c12.xyz);
color.xyz = lerp(color.xyz, r10.x, 0.1);
float fRatio = 0.5;
float moodR = 1.02;
float moodG = 1.02;
float moodB = 1.01;
float4 colInput = r0;
float4 colMood = 0.56;
colMood.r = moodR;
colMood.g = moodG;
colMood.b = moodB;
float fLum = ( colInput.r + colInput.g + colInput.b ) / 3;
colMood = lerp(0, colMood, saturate(fLum * 2.0));
colMood = lerp(colMood, 1, saturate(fLum - 0.5) * 2.0);
float4 colOutput = lerp(colInput, colMood, saturate(fLum * fRatio));
color.rgb=max(0, colOutput);

//Vignette Code
focus = length(center.xy)*1.41421;
focus = pow(focus, 4);
color.xyz -= focus * VignetteAmount;



return _oC0;

//Temporary Post Process
technique Shader_C215BE6E
pass p0
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_C215BE6E();

//Original Post Process
pass p0

// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.23.949.2378
// Parameters:
// sampler2D AdapLumSampler;
// sampler2D BloomSampler;
// float4 ColorCorrect;
// float4 ColorShift;
// float4 FogColor
// float Exposure;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler2;
// sampler2D GBufferTextureSampler3;
// sampler2D HDRSampler;
// sampler2D JitterSampler;
// float PLAYER_MASK;
// sampler2D StencilCopySampler;
// float4 TexelSize;
// float4 ToneMapParams;
// float4 deSatContrastGamma;
// float4 dofBlur;
// float4 dofDist;
// float4 dofProj;
// float gDirectionalMotionBlurLength;
// float4 globalScreenSize;
// row_major float4x4 motionBlurMatrix;
// Registers:
// Name Reg Size
// ------------------------------------------ ------- -------
// globalScreenSize c44 1
// Exposure c66 1
// motionBlurMatrix c72 4
// TexelSize c76 1
// dofProj c77 1
// dofDist c78 1
// dofBlur c79 1
// gDirectionalMotionBlurLength c80 1
// ToneMapParams c81 1
// deSatContrastGamma c82 1
// ColorCorrect c83 1
// ColorShift c84 1
// PLAYER_MASK c85 1
// GBufferTextureSampler2 s0 1
// GBufferTextureSampler3 s1 1
// HDRSampler s2 1
// BloomSampler s3 1
// AdapLumSampler s4 1
// JitterSampler s5 1
// StencilCopySampler s6 1

def c0, 0, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986
def c1, 0.25, 1, 256, 0
def c2, 0, 2, 4, 8
def c3, 58.1640015, 47.1300011, 0, 0
def c4, -0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5
def c5, 2, -1, 0.125, 0
def c6, 256, 2, 4, 8
def c180, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.5
def c181, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.01
def c183, 800.0, 600.0, 0.0, 100.5
defi i0, 7, 0, 0, 0
dcl_texcoord v0.xy
dcl_2d s0
dcl_2d s1
dcl_2d s2
dcl_2d s3
dcl_2d s4
dcl_2d s5
dcl_2d s6
texld r0, v0, s1
add r0.y, -c77.x, c77.y
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r0.z, r0.y, c77.y
mul r0.z, r0.z, -c77.x
mad r0.x, c77.y, -r0.y, r0.x
rcp r0.x, r0.x
mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.x
texld r1, v0, s2
texld r2, v0, s3
abs r0.w, c79.w
mov r3, c4
mad r4.xy, c76, r3, v0
texld r4, r4, s2
mad r5.xy, c76, r3.zxzw, v0
texld r5, r5, s2
mad r3.xz, c76.xyyw, r3.wyzw, v0.xyyw
texld r6, r3.xzzw, s2
mad r3.xy, c76, r3.ywzw, v0
texld r7, r3, s2
dp3 r1.w, r4, r4
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r3.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r4
dp3 r1.w, r5, r5
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r4.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r5
dp3 r1.w, r6, r6
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r5.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r6
dp3 r1.w, r7, r7
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r6.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r7
dp3 r1.w, r1, r1
rcp r1.w, r1.w
cmp r7.xyz, -r1.w, c0.x, r1
mad r0.x, r0.z, r0.x, -c78.w
mad r0.x, c78.y, -r3.w, r0.x
max r1.w, r0.x, c0.x
rcp r0.x, c78.z
mul r0.x, r1.w, r0.x
lrp r1.w, r0.x, c79.z, c79.y
min r0.x, c79.z, r1.w
dp3 r0.z, r7, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.x, r3, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.y, r4, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.z, r5, c0.yzww
dp3 r8.w, r6, c0.yzww
dp4 r1.w, r8, c1.x
add r8, r8, -r1.w
dp4 r2.w, r8, r8
add r0.z, r0.z, -r1.w
mad r0.z, r0.z, r0.z, -r2.w
mul r0.x, r0.x, r0.x
cmp r0.x, r0.z, c1.y, r0.x
texld r8, v0, s0
mov r8.yz, c1
mad r9, r8.w, -r8.z, c2
cmp r9, r9, c1.y, c1.w
mad r10, r8.w, -c6.x, c6.yzwx
cmp r10, r10, -c1.y, -c1.w
add r9, r9, r10
mul r9, r9, c4.x
dp4 r0.z, r9, c1.y
add r0.z, r0.z, c4.w
rcp r0.z, r0.z
mul r8.xzw, r3.xyyz, r9.x
mad r7.xyz, r7, c4.w, r8.xzww
mad r7.xyz, r4, r9.y, r7
mad r7.xyz, r5, r9.z, r7
mad r7.xyz, r6, r9.w, r7
mul r7.xyz, r0.z, r7
add r0.z, -r0.x, c1.y
mul r1.w, r0.x, c1.x
mul r3.xyz, r3, r1.w
mad r3.xyz, r7, r0.z, r3
mad r3.xyz, r4, r1.w, r3
mad r3.xyz, r5, r1.w, r3
mad r3.xyz, r6, r1.w, r3
mad r4.xyz, v0.yxyw, c5.x, c5.y
mul r0.z, r4.y, c77.z
mul r0.z, r0.y, r0.z
mul r1.w, -r4.x, c77.w
mul r1.w, r0.y, r1.w
mul r5.xyz, r1.w, c73
mad r5.xyz, r0.z, c72, r5
mad r5.xyz, -r0.y, c74, r5
add r5.xyz, r5, c75
mul r0.y, -r5.z, c77.z
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r6.x, r5.x, r0.y
mul r0.y, r5.z, c77.w
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r6.y, r5.y, r0.y
add r0.yz, -r4, r6.xxyw
mul r0.yz, r0, c80.x
mul r4.xy, r0.yzzw, c5.z
texld r5, v0, s6
add r1.w, r5.x, -c85.x
mul r4.zw, r3.xyxy, c2.w
mad r4.zw, v0.xyxy, c3.xyxy, r4
texld r5, r4.zwzw, s5
add r2.w, r5.x, c4.x
mad r4.zw, r4.xyxy, r2.w, v0.xyxy
mov r5.xyz, r3
mov r2.w, c1.y
mov r3.w, c1.y

rep i0
mad r6.xy, r4, r3.w, r4.zwzw
texld r7, r6, s6
add r5.w, r7.x, -c85.x
cmp r5.w, r5.w, c1.w, c1.y
texld r6, r6, s2
mad r5.xyz, r6, r5.w, r5
add r2.w, r2.w, r5.w
add r3.w, r3.w, c1.y

rcp r2.w, r2.w
mul r0.yz, r0, c183.xxyw//c44.xxyw
dp2add r0.y, r0.yzzw, r0.yzzw, c0.x
rsq r0.y, r0.y
rcp r0.y, r0.y
mul r0.y, r0.y, c4.w
add r0.x, r0.x, c1.y
rcp r0.x, r0.x
mul_sat r0.x, r0.y, r0.x
mad r4.xyz, r5, r2.w, -r3
mad r0.xyz, r0.x, r4, r3
cmp r0.xyz, r1.w, r3, r0
cmp r0.xyz, -r0.w, r0, r1

texld r1, c0.x, s4
rcp r0.w, r1.x
mul r0.w, r0.w, c81.y
rcp r1.x, r0.w
mul r1.x, r1.x, c81.x
mad r1.xyz, r2, c66.x, -r1.x
max r2.xyz, r1, c0.x
mul r1.xyz, r2, c81.z
mul r1.xyz, r1, c1.x
mad r0.xyz, r0, c66.x, r1
mul r1.xyz, r0.w, r0
dp3 r1.x, r1, c0.yzww
mad r0.xyz, r0, r0.w, -r1.x
mad r0.xyz, c82.x, r0, r1.x
mul r0.w, r1.x, c84.w
mul r1.yzw, r0.w, c84.xxyz
mov_sat r2.x, r0.w
mad r0.xyz, c84, -r0.w, r0
mad r0.xyz, r2.x, r0, r1.yzww
mul r0.xyz, r0, c83
add r0.xyz, r0, r0
mov_sat r1.x, r1.x
add r0.w, -r8.y, c82.z
pow r2.x, r1.x, r0.w
//mul r2.x, r2.x, c181.x
mul oC0.xyz, r0, r2.x
mov oC0.w, c1.y

//texld r1, v0, s2
//mul oC0.xyz, r1, c199.z
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