Türlich verkürzt sich die Lebenszeit, egal wie sehr du die Spannung anhebst. Sag mir nicht, dass es keinen Effekt auf einen Otto-Motor hat, wenn du ständig mit 5k Umdrehungen fährst und bei 5,2k die Anzeige rot ist. Das ist ja auch net gesund fürs Auto. Weißte was ich meine?
Bei 1.45V wohl eher von 10 Jahre auf 2. Soviel dazu.
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Ich zietiere mal ...
2.6 Voltage and Current Specification
2.6.1 Absolute Maximum and Minimum Ratings
Table 2-2 specifies absolute maximum and minimum ratings only and lie outside the
functional limits of the processor. Within functional operation limits, functionality and
long-term reliability can be expected.
At conditions outside functional operation condition limits, but within absolute
maximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality nor long-term reliability can be
expected. If a device is returned to conditions within functional operation limits after
having been subjected to conditions outside these limits, but within the absolute
maximum and minimum ratings, the device may be functional, but with its lifetime
degraded depending on exposure to conditions exceeding the functional operation
condition limits.
At conditions exceeding absolute maximum and minimum ratings, neither functionality
nor long-term reliability can be expected. Moreover, if a device is subjected to these
conditions for any length of time then, when returned to conditions within the
functional operating condition limits, it will either not function, or its reliability will be
severely degraded.
Although the processor contains protective circuitry to resist damage from static
electric discharge, precautions should always be taken to avoid high static voltages or
electric fields.
Und als absolutes MAX ist 1.45V angegeben. Damit befindest du dich _außerhalb_ der "zulässigen" Spannung.