So wie du aussiehst musst du da aber mehr Kohle auf den Tisch legen wie für deine "angeblichen" über CPUs
Hier mal was zum Stepping:
"availability of Sandy Bridge-E parts will be scarce with just “tens of thousands” of CPUs being shipped by Intel.
The reason for this decision is that current consumer Sandy Bridge-E CPUs use the C2 stepping, which is going to be replaced quite soon by a new C3 revision of the CPUs.
At this moment, we don't know what improvements will Intel introduce in the new C3 SKUs, but it seems like the chip maker is also working on the D stepping, that is said to resolve all the issues present in the first commercial iteration of the processors.
A release date for the D version of Sandy Bridge-E isn't available, but there aren't expected to arrive until much later next year."
Bisher hat jedes neue Stepping eine etwas bessere übertakbarkeit mit sich gebracht was alleine schon daran liegt das Intel den Fertigungsprozess stetig verfeinert.