Hello everyone! I wanted to share my OC. I have 2x32GB of Crucial Ballistix BL32G36C16U4BL.M16FB on an MSI X570 MPG Gaming Edge (horrible MB!) with a 3950x.
I am running AGESA v1.2.0.2 and my BIOS is 1.E0
My BIOS setting are:
VDIMM 1.36V > HWInfo64 reading 1.376V with occasional spikes to 1.39V
VSoC 1.1V LLC3 > HWInfo64 reading 1.0875V flat and stable
I could run these settings at [BIOS=1.35V / HWInfo=1.36V] but there were many spikes to 1.376V, while if I set it to [BIOS=1.36V / HWInfo=1.376] the spikes almost disappear and VDIMM is flat and stable at 1.376V, so I figured I'd go with the latter. Does anyone know if setting VDIMM to 1.35V would be better even if there are spikes?
I couldn't get it to 3800/1900 at least not with this AGESA version, but I'm not sure if I'm going to try get any higher frequency, as the system is fast enough and stable for my work.
I stress tested it with TM5 extreme1@anta7777 for 3 cycles and it took approximately 5 hours 40 minutes, so I consider it stable.
I could push tRTP to 6, but the performance actually dropped and at one TM5 full run I got a WHEA error just 10 minutes before the last cycle ended, so I settled for 8.
tRFC is as low as it gets, at 540 it doesn't post and needs a clear CMOS.
Generally speaking, these are the lowest timings I could get without erros in TM5. The only thing I didn't fiddle with was tRDWR-tWRRD, mainly because I forgot and now I can't be bothered

Maybe at some point later I' try tighten this as far as it will go.
I tried [BIOS=1.4V] to see if I could drop tRCD and tRP, but I would get errors in TM5 after a few minutes. I didn't want to try higher voltages because I don't feel safe with my motherboard. At 3600/1800 I could get tRCD 17, tRP 16 but the overall performance is better at 3733/1867 with these timings.
tRAS, tRC could go lower without erros but the performance would drop, so these are the best timings.
I used y-cruncher, Linpack, AIDA and Puget Systems Davinci Resolve to benchmark the settings (the PC is a dedicated DaVinci Resolve editing machine, so Puget bench was crucial).
- y-cruncher avg = 29 sec
- Linpack 8GB bench avg = 520 GFlops
- AIDA Read, Write, Copy, Latency avg = 57516, 56694, 55129, 66.6
- Puget DaVinci Resolve Benchmark avg = 1544
Overall I am very happy with the memory, it is a great kit. Any feedback or ideas are welcome.
Thanks for all the help, I learned so much from this forum.