ja Bluehole ist gut, sie bringen halt nun Anhänger für die Waffen und GANZ WICHTIG: Game startet wieder Fullscreen Borderless (is ja nicht so als wär das schonmal fixed gewesen)
Changes in Display Mode Settings
When using full screen mode, the window mode will be changed to full screen (windowed) while in the lobby to prevent specific crashing caused by typing. In-game will remain full screen.
Full screen: In-game: Full screen / Lobby: Full screen(windowed).
Full screen (Windowed): In-game: full screen (windowed) / Lobby: Full screen (windowed).
Windowed: In-game: Windowed / Lobby: Windowed.
Erangel 2nd Loot Rebalance
As we have spoken previously in our Dev Letter: Erangel Loot Rebalance, we are constantly analyzing player feedback, play patterns and other data. With this update, we’re implementing a second round of changes to improve the player looting experience on Erangel.
The total amount of items spawned in Erangel has been increased by approximately 28%.
Increased the overall amount of items spawned, especially the spawn rates of those higher priority items.
Spawn rate of AR has been increased by approx 64%.
Spawn rate of DMR has been increased by approx 114%.
Spawn rate of SR has been increased by approx 177%.
Spawn rates of equipment and armor have been slightly increased, especially level 2.
Spawn rates of healing items have been slightly increased.
SR Damage Multiplier Changes
Decreased the damage modifier of SR shots to the torso from 150% to 130%.
Decreased the base damage of the AWM from 120 to 105.
The AWM will no-longer kill full health players wearing a level 2 vest in one shot with these changes.
Sound Improvements
We’ve now added more sounds for item interactions.
Previously items were looted, dropped, equipped and unequipped, some items had the same sound effects regardless of the characteristics of each item. Sounds will now vary more between items.
Added vehicle suspension sounds.
Sounds of moving vehicles’ suspension working can now be heard.
Different sounds will be played in different situations. Vehicles moving on rough terrain or when landing from a jump will make unique sounds.
Suspension sound volume is different between TPP and FPP.