[Dec 20 18:17:13 UTC] 2 crunchers ('a' and 'b') have been started.
[Dec 20 18:33:29 UTC] RC5-72 #b: Completed CA:CD6C21A0:00000000 (1.00 stats ...
0.00:16:15.90 - [1,678,851 keys/s]
[Dec 20 18:33:29 UTC] RC5-72 #b: Loaded CA:CD6C21A2:00000000:1*2^32
[Dec 20 18:33:29 UTC] RC5-72: Summary: 80 packets (80.00 stats units)
1.08:10:47.85 - [2,890,517 keys/s]
[Dec 20 18:33:29 UTC] RC5-72: 89 packets (89.00 stats units) remain in
Projected ideal time to completion: 1.07:37:11.00
[Dec 20 18:33:29 UTC] RC5-72: 122 packets (122.00 stats units) are in
[Dec 20 18:52:19 UTC] RC5-72 #a: Completed CA:CD6C21A1:00000000 (1.00 stats ...
0.00:35:05.04 - [1,291,981 keys/s]
[Dec 20 18:52:19 UTC] RC5-72 #a: Loaded CA:CD6C21A3:00000000:1*2^32
[Dec 20 18:52:19 UTC] RC5-72: Summary: 81 packets (81.00 stats units)
1.08:29:37.42 - [2,885,855 keys/s]
[Dec 20 18:52:19 UTC] RC5-72: 88 packets (88.00 stats units) remain in
Projected ideal time to completion: 1.07:15:52.00
[Dec 20 18:52:19 UTC] RC5-72: 123 packets (123.00 stats units) are in
wiso hab ich immer noch nur ~3.000.000