// ENBSeries effect file
// visit
http://enbdev.com for updates
// Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Boris Vorontsov
// Using decompiled shader of TES Skyrim
// Additions and Tweaking by HD6 (HeliosDoubleSix)
// MOD by HD6:
// MOD by ENB:
// these are typically denoted by 'HD6'
// given I have no shader writing experience,
// will undoubtedly be retarded to a seasoned professional, I welcome any advice!
// thanks Boris!
// Remove or add '//' infront of '#define' below to disable / enable the various options
// ENB - values could be 1, 2, 3 or 4. v4 gives unrealistic, kind of artwork style, v5 is added by HD6
// ENB - use original game processing first, then mine
// ENB - use original game processing only, with vanilla bloom (basically turns everything off)
// HD6 - Color Balance and Brightness, Contrast adjustment
// Put // or remove the // infront of "#define HD6_DARKER_NIGHTS" above, to darken the nights or not.. // will put nights back to normal
// This is by default and for examples sake set to make the nights even darker
// When you decrease brightness you will need to increase contrast or it will look washed out
// and if you increrase contrast that naturally increases saturation so you need to reduce saturation
// this is just the nature of color correction
// Note nights and days are being desaturated per channel(RGB) using: HD6_COLORSAT_DAYNIGHT elsewhere
// Note Bloom is not affected by this and gets its own color/contrast adjustment in HD6_BLOOM_CRISP and HD6_BLOOM_DEBLUEIFY if used
// If the 3 numbers in rgb below do not add up to 3 it will either be darker or lighter than before
float3 rgbd = float3( 1.04, 0.95, 1.03 ); // RGB balance day
float3 rgbn = float3( 1.04, 0.95, 1.03 ); // RGB balance night
// First column of the 3 here is for key control only during night
// ie you can press number '1' with pageup or pagedown to alter the brightness while playing
// As you press pagedown it moves further towards the values in this first column.
// As a helpful indicator you can see if you have moved away from default values by
// noticing a very small white dot in top left corner of screen.
// Adjust with keys till this dot vanishes, then it is back to default
// The Keycontrol ONLY affects the night right now. So dont try using it during the day it wont do anything.
// Darker Nights ( Night Keypress 1+Pageup/down, Night, Day )
// Only uses these values if "#define HD6_DARKER_NIGHTS" does not have '//' infront
float3 uctbrt1 = float3( 0.22, 0.80, 1.00 ); // Brightness Night, Day (Alters before contrast adjustment)
float3 uctbrt2 = float3( 0.22, 1.00, 1.00 ); // Brightness Night, Day (Alters after contrast adjustment)
float3 uctcon = float3( 1.00, 0.97, 0.85 ); // Contrast Night, Day
float3 uctsat = float3( 0.00, 1.00, 1.00 ); // Saturation Night, Day (Remember if using HD6_COLORSAT_DAYNIGHT that will also be desaturating the night)
// Normal Nights ( Night Keypress 1+Pageup/down, Night, Day )
// Only uses these values if "#define HD6_DARKER_NIGHTS" has '//' infront disabling it
float3 uctbrt1 = float3( 0.30, 1.00, 1.00 );
float3 uctbrt2 = float3( 0.30, 1.00, 1.00 );
float3 uctcon = float3( 1.00, 0.97, 0.85 );
float3 uctsat = float3( 0.00, 1.00, 1.00 );
// I have stopped relying on the palette map to darken nights, now I do all darkening here
// When reducing brightness it seems increasing saturation is needed to restore color, anda slight increase in contrast to maintain bright spots/flames etc
// Remember this is not darkening the bloom, which in itself has as impact on the overall brightness and hazyness of the scene
// Palette map right now is increasing contrast so I have compensated by reducing contrast here (lazy)
// HD6 - Enable Vignette - darkens and blurs edges of the screen which increasesfocus on center, film/camera type effect/look
// didnt bother adding blur, could do without muddying and fuzzing things really
// and the effect is only meant to be super subtle not a pin hole camera -_-
// #define HD6_VIGNETTE
// Defaults below, I darken the corners and the bottom only, leaving the top light
// darkening all sides feels ike you are trapping/closing in the view too much, so it is not a normal vignette
// And it is subtle, till you turn it off I doubt you would ever even notice it
// Also is turned off at night
float rovigpwr = 360.0; // For Round vignette // 0.2
float2 sqvigpwr = float2( 1.5, 1.5 ); // For square vignette: (top, bottom)
float vsatstrength = 0; // How saturated vignette is
float vignettepow = 0; // For Round vignette, higher pushes it to the corners and increases contrast/sharpness
float vstrengthatnight = 360.0; // How strong vignette is as night, 0-1
// HD6 - Desaturate Nights, can alter saturation seperately from day and night, will affect caves and indoors also for now
// Nighttime Saturation, Red, Green, Blue
float3 dnsatn = float3( 1.0, 0.97, 0.95 );
// Daytime Saturation, Red, Green, Blue
float3 dnsatd = float3( 1.0, 0.97, 0.95 );
// HD6 - removes blue tint from bloom, most apparent in distant fog
// HeliosDoubleSix cobbled code to deblueify bloom without loosing brightness huzah! - First time writing shader code so be gentle
// desaturates bloom, to do this you cant just remove a color or tone it down you need to redistribute it evenly across all channels to make it grey
// well evenly would make sense but the eye has different sensetivities to color so its actually RGB (0.3, 0.59, 0.11) to achieve greyscale
// Careful as removing too muchblue can send snow and early morning pink
float3 nsat = float3( 0.90, 0.95, 0.98 );
// HD6 - Enable Bloom - disable bloom with this if you turn it off in enbseries, compensates for darkening
#define USEBLOOM
// Pick one or none:
// HD6 - BLOOM 1 - alternate crisp bloom, no hazey mud (hopefully)
// HD6 - BLOOM 2 - alternate bloom (using screen mode) I have abadoned this code
//#define HD6_BLOOM_SCREEN
// HD6 - old weird serendipitous code to defuzz bloom
//#define HD6_BLOOM_DEFUZZ
// HD6 - remove black from bloom, not working very well
// Keyboard controlled temporary variables (in some versions exists in the config file).
// Press and hold key 1,2,3...8 together with PageUp or PageDown to modify. By default all set to 1.0
float4 tempF1; // 0,1,2,3
float4 tempF2; // 5,6,7,8
float4 tempF3; // 9,0
// x=generic timer in range 0..1, period of 16777216 ms (4.6 hours), w=frame time elapsed (in seconds)
float4 Timer;
// x=Width, y=1/Width, z=ScreenScaleY, w=1/ScreenScaleY
float4 ScreenSize;
// changes in range 0..1, 0 means that night time, 1 - day time
float ENightDayFactor;
// enb version of bloom applied, ignored if original post processing used
float EBloomAmount;
float EAdaptationMinV1 = 0.05;
float EAdaptationMaxV1 = 0.125;
float EContrastV1 = 1.0;
float EColorSaturationV1 = 1.3;
float EToneMappingCurveV1 = 3.0;
float EAdaptationMinV2=0.05;
float EAdaptationMaxV2=0.125;
float EToneMappingCurveV2=8.0;
float EIntensityContrastV2=1.475;
float EColorSaturationV2=1.6;
float EToneMappingOversaturationV2=160.0;
float EAdaptationMinV2 = 0.12; // 0.28 // lower gets brighter
// Increase this to darken days, but darkening them will kill the sky a bit unless you enable the SKY overirde in enberies.ini
float EAdaptationMaxV2 = 0.255; // 0.30 // 0.65 // 0.35 // 0.29
// Set ridiculously high, was 8, was in attempt to keep hair colour intact
float EToneMappingCurveV2 = 8.0; // 130
// Adjusting this will throw out all the other values, icreased to high levels to combat how high I increased ToneMappingCurve to bring some contrast back in to daytime
float EIntensityContrastV2 = 3.25; // 3.375 // 4.75 // 3.975
// try and put some color in Lydias cheeks -_- with 2.0 instead of 1.65
// high saturation also helps pop the pink/orange sunsets/mornings at 6.30pm and 7.30am, but also nights then get very blue
float EColorSaturationV2 =2.25; // 1.65;
// Not using this
float EToneMappingOversaturationV2 = 1850.0;
float EAdaptationMinV3 = 0.001; // Higher Gets Darker
float EAdaptationMaxV3 = 0.025;
float EToneMappingCurveV3 = 30.0; // Higher gets darker
float EToneMappingOversaturationV3 = 111160.0;
float EAdaptationMinV4 = 0.2;
float EAdaptationMaxV4 = 0.125;
float EBrightnessCurveV4 = 0.7;
float EBrightnessMultiplierV4 = 0.45;
float EBrightnessToneMappingCurveV4 = 0.3;
//external parameters, do not modify
texture2D texs0; // color
texture2D texs1; // bloom skyrim
texture2D texs2; // adaptation skyrim
texture2D texs3; // bloom enb
texture2D texs4; // adaptation enb
texture2D texs7; // palette enb
sampler2D _s0 = sampler_state {
Texture = <texs0>;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = NONE; // LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
sampler2D _s1 = sampler_state {
Texture = <texs1>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE; // LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
sampler2D _s2 = sampler_state {
Texture = <texs2>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE; // LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
sampler2D _s3 = sampler_state {
Texture = <texs3>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE; // LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
sampler2D _s4 = sampler_state {
Texture = <texs4>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE; // LINEAR;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
sampler2D _s7 = sampler_state {
Texture = <texs7>;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
float4 vpos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
struct VS_INPUT_POST {
float3 pos : POSITION;
float2 txcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
return OUT;
//skyrim shader specific externals, do not modify
float4 _c1 : register(c1); float4 _c2 : register(c2); float4 _c3 : register(c3);
float4 _c4 : register(c4); float4 _c5 : register(c5);
float4 PS_D6EC7DD1(VS_OUTPUT_POST IN, float2 vPos : VPOS) : COLOR {
float4 _oC0 = 0.0; // output
float4 _c6 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
float4 _c7 = float4(0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986, 1.0);
float4 r0; float4 r1; float4 r2; float4 r3; float4 r4; float4 r5; float4 r6;
float4 r7; float4 r8; float4 r9; float4 r10; float4 r11; float4 _v0=0.0;
_v0.xy = IN.txcoord0.xy;
r1=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy); // color
r11=r1; // my bypass
_oC0.xyz=r1.xyz; // for future use without game color corrections
// HD6 - You can play with the night/day value here, not that its advisable to :-D
// Visualize this with 'debug triangle' further down
float hnd = ENightDayFactor;
//hnd = hnd - (0.5-hnd);
//hnd = max(hnd,0);
//hnd = min(hnd,1);
// HD6 - Alter Brightness using keyboard during gameplay
float3 tuctbrt1 = uctbrt1;
float3 tuctbrt2 = uctbrt2;
float3 tuctcon = uctcon;
float3 tuctsat = uctsat;
float h1 = lerp(-1,1,tempF1.x); // Increases speed it changes by when pressing key
h1 = lerp( h1, 1, hnd ); // Removes affect during day
h1 = h1 - (h1 % 0.1); // Changes it so incriments are in steps, remove this if you want smooth changes when pressing keys
//float hbs = EBloomAmount;
float hbs = lerp( EBloomAmount/2, EBloomAmount, h1); // Reduce bloom as it gets darker, otherwise it just gets hazier, higher number reduces bloom more as it gets darker
float2 uctbrt1t = float2( lerp( tuctbrt1.x, tuctbrt1.y, h1), tuctbrt1.z );
float2 uctbrt2t = float2( lerp( tuctbrt2.x, tuctbrt2.y, h1), tuctbrt2.y );
float2 uctcont = float2( lerp( tuctcon.x, tuctcon.y, h1), tuctcon.z );
float2 uctsatt = float2( lerp( tuctsat.x, tuctsat.y, h1), tuctsat.z );
//apply original
r1=tex2D(_s2, _v0);
//r1.xyz = lerp( 0.28, 0.5, hnd ); // HD6 - disable vanilla adapation... because it drives me CRAAAZY!!!!! >_<
r1.xyz = lerp( min( 0.28, r1.xyz ), 0.5, hnd ); // Ligthen if dark, but do not darken if too light, we do this elsewhere for extreme bright situations
// No seriously it screws up when looking at bright lights at night and the sky during day
r0.yz=r1.xy * _c1.y;
r0.z=r0.w * r0.z;
r1=tex2D(_s0, _v0);
r1.xyz=r1 * _c1.y;
r0.w=dot(_c7.xyz, r1.xyz);
r1.w=r0.w * r0.z;
r0.z=r0.z * r0.w + _c7.w;
r0.x=r1.w * r0.x + _c7.w;
r0.x=r0.x * r1.w;
r0.x=r0.z * r0.x;
if (r0.w<0) r0.x=_c6.x;
r0.z=r0.z * r0.x;
r0.x=saturate(-r0.x + _c2.x);
//r2=tex2D(_s3, _v0); // enb bloom
r2=tex2D(_s1, _v0);//skyrim bloom
//r2.xyz=min(r2,0.5); // HD6 code to stop bloom causing glitches, inverting
//r2.xyz=0.2; // compensate for lack of bloom
r2.xyz=0.0; // Screw it bloom should not happen here at all so just set to 0
r2+=0.1; // HD6 - I add 0.1 to lighten it a bit, probably not great place to do it now
//r2=tex2D(_s1, _v0); // skyrim bloom
r2.xyz=r2 * _c1.y;
r2.xyz=r0.x * r2;
r1.xyz=r1 * r0.z + r2;
r0.x=dot(r1.xyz, _c7.xyz);
r2=lerp(r0.x, r1, _c3.x);
r1=r0.x * _c4 - r2;
r1=_c4.w * r1 + r2;
r1=_c3.w * r1 - r0.y; // khajiit night vision _c3.w
r0=_c3.z * r1 + r0.y;
r1=-r0 + _c5;
_oC0=_c5.w * r1 + r0;
float4 color=_oC0;
//HD6 brighten when not using original gamma, so they are at least similiar
// Bloom is diminshed for some reason, oh well, i dont use this
// HeliosDoubleSix code to Desaturate at night
// What channels to desaturate by how much, so you could just reduce blue at night and nothing else
// doesnt seem quite right will tinge things green if you just remove blue :-/ thought perhaps that makes perfect sense
*brain hurts*
// Remember this affects caves, so might be best to remove saturation from nighttime direct and ambient light
float3 nsatn=lerp(dnsatd,dnsatn,1-hnd); // So it has less to different/no effect during day
//nsatn*=(1-hnd); // affect by night time value:
float3 oldcoln = color.xyz; // store old values
color.xyz *= nsatn; // adjust saturation
// spread lost luminace over everything
//float3 greycn = float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114); // perception of color luminace
float3 greycn = float3(0.333,0.333,0.333); // screw perception
//greycn = float3(0.811,0.523,0.996);
color.xyz += (oldcoln.x-(oldcoln.x*nsatn.x)) * greycn.x;
color.xyz += (oldcoln.y-(oldcoln.y*nsatn.y)) * greycn.y;
color.xyz += (oldcoln.z-(oldcoln.z*nsatn.z)) * greycn.z;
//temporary fix for khajiit night vision, but it also degrade colors.
// r1=tex2D(_s2, _v0);
// r0.y=r1.xy * _c1.y;
r1.xyz=r1 * _c1.y;
r0.x=dot(r1.xyz, _c7.xyz);
r2=lerp(r0.x, r1, _c3.x);
r1=r0.x * _c4 - r2;
r1=_c4.w * r1 + r2;
r1=_c3.w * r1;// - r0.y;
r0=_c3.z * r1;// + r0.y;
r1=-r0 + _c5;
_oC0=_c5.w * r1 + r0;
//adaptation in time
float4 Adaptation=tex2D(_s4, 0.5);
float grayadaptation=max(max(Adaptation.x, Adaptation.y), Adaptation.z);
float4 xcolorbloom=tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy); //bloom
// Helios code to remove dark/black from bloom, stopping it making dark shapes on light background bleed and smudge black into them like a black glow yuck
// not really very good, looks like black glow is actually coming from original vanilla game or something, so its toned down for now to 0.05
// really should make bloom only contain and affect light areas of scene, but this is ok for now.
//This also has the side effect of lightening those darkest areas
float lowestvalue=min(min(xcolorbloom.x,xcolorbloom.y),xcolorbloom.z);
// work out lowest possible value to set RGB without going below 0 and without changing the RGB relative values ie shifting the color in the process
float3 lowestpossible=xcolorbloom.xyz-lowestvalue;
xcolorbloom.xyz=max(xcolorbloom.xyz,lowestpossible+(0.12*(1-hnd))); // adds 0.1 during night only
//xcolorbloom.xyz=0.2; //HDebug
//float maxb=max(xcolorbloom.x, max(xcolorbloom.y, xcolorbloom.z));
//float violetamount=maxb/(maxb+EVioletShiftAmountInv);
//xcolorbloom.xyz=lerp(xcolorbloom.xyz, xcolorbloom.xyz*EVioletShiftColor, violetamount*violetamount);
//New saturation to be // 0 being no color
//float3 nsat=float3(1,0.74,0.64); // perfect-ish - removes blue and green from fog and outdoors, makes dwarven ruins very white though
//float3 nsat=float3(1,0.80,0.74); // Touch greener
//float3 nsat=float3(1,0.70,0.65); // Grey, very grey ice gaves almost white, but... foggy days go pink
//nsat=float3(0.85,0.75,0.7); // More reasnioable, still pink sky and snow in places
//float3 nsat=float3(1,0.64,0.58);
//float3 nsat=float3(1,0.74,0.90);
//float3 nsat=float3(0.8,0.56,0.46);
//float3 nsat=float3(0.7,0.6,0.4); // desatures everything a bit
//float3 nsat=float3(0,0,0); // no color in bloom, makes everything very desaturated, fire looks white almost
// store old values
float3 oldcol=xcolorbloom.xyz;
// adjust saturation
xcolorbloom.xyz *= nsat;
// spread lost luminace over everything
//float3 greyc = float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114); // perception of color luminace
float3 greyc = float3(0.333,0.333,0.333); // screw perception
xcolorbloom.xyz += (oldcol.x-(oldcol.x*nsat.x)) * greyc.x;
xcolorbloom.xyz += (oldcol.y-(oldcol.y*nsat.y)) * greyc.y;
xcolorbloom.xyz += (oldcol.z-(oldcol.z*nsat.z)) * greyc.z;
// equiv to bloom off without destroyng scene luminance-ish
// Heliosdouble cobbled together bloom defuzzer - increases contrast of bloom / stop it hazing low brightness values
// what a fudge... but... it works... fancy that
// modulated by the overall brightness of the screen.
float mavg=((xcolorbloom.x+xcolorbloom.y+xcolorbloom.z)*0.333);
// Altering color balance is confusing, also Im not entirely sure it works properly :-D
float ctbrt1 = lerp(uctbrt1t.x,uctbrt1t.y,hnd); // Brightness Night, Day (Alters before contrast adjustment)
float ctbrt2 = lerp(uctbrt2t.x,uctbrt2t.y,hnd); // Brightness Night, Day (Alters after contrast adjustment)
float ctcon = lerp(uctcont.x,uctcont.y,hnd); // Contrast Night, Day
float ctsat = lerp(uctsatt.x,uctsatt.y,hnd); // Saturation Night, Day
float3 ctLumCoeff = float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);
float3 ctAvgLumin = float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
float3 ctbrtColor = color.rgb * ctbrt1;
float3 ctintensity = dot(ctbrtColor, ctLumCoeff);
float3 ctsatColor = lerp(ctintensity, ctbrtColor, ctsat);
float3 cconColor = lerp(ctAvgLumin, ctsatColor, ctcon);
color.xyz = cconColor * ctbrt2;
float3 cbalance = lerp(rgbn,rgbd,hnd);
color.xyz=cbalance.xyz * color.xyz;
float3 LumCoeff = float3( 0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721 );
float3 AvgLumin = float3( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );
//color*=1.0; // Brighten it up without loosing contrast
//color += lerp(0.1,0.1,hnd); // Night, Day, increase kinda lowers contrast, but makes things look more washed out also, this is to lift black areas really
//xcolorbloom=max(xcolorbloom,0); // will cause color shift/desaturation also
float3 brightbloom = ( xcolorbloom - lerp( 0.18, 0.0, hnd )); // darkens and thus limits what triggers a bloom, used in part to stop snow at night glowing blue
brightbloom = max( brightbloom , 0);
float3 superbright = xcolorbloom - 0.7; // crop it to only include superbright elemnts like sky and fire
superbright = max( superbright , 0 ) ; // crop so dont go any lower than black
//superbright = lerp( AvgLumin, superbright, 0.5); // Contrast
superbright *= 0.6;
//float lowestvaluec=min(min(brightbloom.x,brightbloom.y),brightbloom.z);
//float3 lowestpossiblec=brightbloom.xyz-lowestvaluec;
// HD6 - Bloom - Brightntess, Contrast, Saturation adjustment 1,1,1 for no change // Remember this is bloom only being altered
float brt = lerp( 1.0, 1.0, hnd ) ; // doesnt work properly, should be done after contrast no?
float con = lerp( 1.1, 1.0, hnd ); // 1.0, 0.8 // 1.1, 1.1
float sat = lerp( 0.8, 0.7, hnd ); // 0.5, 0.7 // 0.7, 0.7
float3 brtColor = brightbloom * brt;
float3 cintensity = dot( brtColor, LumCoeff );
float3 satColor = lerp( cintensity, brtColor, sat );
float3 conColor = lerp( AvgLumin, satColor, con );
conColor -= 0.3;
brightbloom = conColor;
// These 2 should compensate so when even when no bloom exists it still matches brightness of scene without ENB
color.xyz += lerp( 0.12, 0.23, hnd ); color.xyz *= lerp( 1.1, 1.4, hnd );
// Now Add bloom and compensate for any brightness changes that introduces
color.xyz += (( superbright * hbs ) * lerp( 1.0, 1.0, hnd ));
brightbloom -= ( superbright * 2 ); // removes superbright from brightbloom so I dont bloom the brightest area twice
brightbloom = max( brightbloom , 0.0 );
color.xyz += (( brightbloom * hbs ) * lerp( 1.0, 1.0, hnd ));
// Blend in some of the orignal bloom to bring back SOME of the hazy glow of the day, none at night
// 1.0, 0.9 - 0.7, 0.6
color.xyz += (xcolorbloom.xyz * hbs) * lerp( 0.7, 0.6, hnd );
color.xyz *= lerp( 0.8, 0.7, hnd ); // compensate for brightening caused by above bloom
// End Blend
//color.xyz *= 1.0;
//color.xyz += (xcolorbloom * 0.3);
//color.xyz += 0.25;
//float4 debug = color;
//debug.xyz = ( superbright * EBloomAmount * 1 );
//color.xyz*=lerp(1.25,0.8,hnd); // 1.25, 1 // Darkens end result to rematch with how it looks without BLOOM CRISP enabled
// Helios code to restrict bloom to bright areas only, not smudging dark outs around
color+=((color/1)*EBloomAmount); // compensate if bloom disabled
xcolorbloom=max(xcolorbloom,0); // will cause color shift/desaturation also
// Soft Light: X = (((255-L)*U*L)+ (L*R_s))/255
//1 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend))
//1 - ((255-U)*(255-L))/255
float tmult = 10;
color/=tmult; xcolorbloom/=tmult; // Screen mode wont work with floating point numbers / big numbers, so I reduce it first
color.x = 1.0 - ((1.0 - color.x) * (1.0 - xcolorbloom.x));
color.y = 1.0 - ((1.0 - color.y) * (1.0 - xcolorbloom.y));
color.z = 1.0 - ((1.0 - color.z) * (1.0 - xcolorbloom.z));
// End helios code
float tt=1;
//float3 tt = float3(1*tempF1.x,1*tempF1.x,1*tempF1.x);
// No bloom
color+=((color/1)*EBloomAmount); // compensate if bloom disabled
// yes this is my own crazy creation after seing how boring the usual linear circle vignettes typically are
// no doubt I have done it in an overly convoluted way
//float fExposureLevel = 1.0; // compensate for any change from vignette so center is same brightness
float2 inTex = _v0;
float4 voriginal = r1;
float4 vcolor = voriginal;
inTex -= 0.5; // Centers vignette
inTex.y += 0.01; // Move it off center and up so it obscures sky less
float vignette = 1.0 - dot( inTex, inTex );
vcolor *= pow( vignette, vignettepow );
// Round Vignette
float4 rvigtex = vcolor;
rvigtex.xyz = pow( vcolor, 1 );
rvigtex.xyz = lerp(float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), rvigtex.xyz, 2.0); // Increase Contrast
rvigtex.xyz = lerp(float3(1,1,1),rvigtex.xyz,rovigpwr); // Set strength of round vignette
// Square Vignette (just top and bottom of screen)
float4 vigtex = vcolor;
vcolor.xyz = float3(1,1,1);
float3 topv = min((inTex.y+0.5)*2,0.5) * 2; // Top vignette
float3 botv = min(((0-inTex.y)+0.5)*2,0.5) * 2; // Bottom vignette
topv= lerp(float3(1,1,1), topv, sqvigpwr.x);
botv= lerp(float3(1,1,1), botv, sqvigpwr.y);
vigtex.xyz = (topv)*(botv);
//vigtex.xyz = lerp(float3(1,1,1),vigtex.xyz,sqvigpwr); // Set strength of square vignette
// Add round and square together
vigtex.xyz = lerp(vigtex.xyz,float3(1,1,1),(1-vstrengthatnight)*(1-hnd)); // Alter Strength at night
vigtex.xyz = min(vigtex.xyz,1);
vigtex.xyz = max(vigtex.xyz,0);
//vigtex.xyz -= 0.5;
//(base < 0.5 ? (2.0 * base * blend) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend)))
//vigtex.xyz = vigtex.xyz < 0.5 ? (2.0 * color.xyz * vigtex.xyz) : (1 - 2 * (1 - color.xyz) * (1 - vigtex.xyz));
// Crap I keep forgetting overlay mode doesnt work in floating point/32bit/hdr dur bee durr
// Increase saturation where edges were darkenned
float3 vtintensity = dot(color.xyz, float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721));
color.xyz = lerp(vtintensity, color.xyz, ((((1-(vigtex.xyz*2))+2)-1)*vsatstrength)+1 );
color.xyz *= (vigtex.xyz);
//color.xyz *= fExposureLevel;
// HD6 - Warning, Code below appears to reduce 'color.xyz' to 8bit / LDR
// HD6 - Eye Adaptation for extreme extreme over bright areas only, such as stupid stupid snow
// 0.3, 0.9 - affects day time sunny day = bad
float toobright = max(0,tex2D(_s2, _v0).xyz - 0.4); // 0.5
color.xyz *= 1-(1 * toobright); // 1.3
// <Lazy> HD6 - dopey arse code to alter enbpalette because im too lazy to open photoshop
// when using your own palette remove this.. ill fix this.. next
float palmix = 0.4; // 0.4
color.xyz*=lerp( 1.0, 0.90, palmix); // 0.9
// </Lazy>
grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);
float cgray=dot(color.xyz, float3(0.27, 0.67, 0.06));
cgray=pow(cgray, EContrastV1);
float3 poweredcolor=pow(color.xyz, EColorSaturationV1);
float newgray=dot(poweredcolor.xyz, float3(0.27, 0.67, 0.06));
float3 luma=color.xyz;
float lumamax=300.0;
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV1);
grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);
float3 xncol=normalize(color.xyz);
float3 scl=color.xyz/xncol.xyz;
scl=pow(scl, EIntensityContrastV2);
xncol.xyz=pow(xncol.xyz, EColorSaturationV2);
float lumamax=EToneMappingOversaturationV2;
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV2);
//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HD6 version based on postprocess 2
grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);
//color.xyz=color.xyz/(grayadaptation*EAdaptationMaxV2+EAdaptationMinV2); //*tempF1.x
// HD6 - Screw eye adaptation it drives me mad, bright sky causes everything else to darken yuck
// Human eye adaptation happens instantly or so slowly you dont notice it in reality
// it would make sense if the game was calibrated for true brightness values of indoors and outdoors being 10000x brighter
// but it isnt, and thus all the pseudo tone mapping and linear colorspace adaption shenanigans just drives me mad and for little gain
// So now simple adjust brightness based on time of day
// with all the other effects turned off this should roughly equal the brightness when ENB is disabled
color.xyz*=lerp( 3.1, 1.5, hnd );
//color.xyz+=0.000001; // HD6 - Why? how curious
float3 xncol=normalize(color.xyz);
float3 scl=color.xyz/xncol.xyz;
scl=pow(scl, EIntensityContrastV2);
xncol.xyz=pow(xncol.xyz, EColorSaturationV2);
//float lumamax=EToneMappingOversaturationV2;
//color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV2);
color.xyz=color.xyz/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV2);
//color.xyz=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy);
grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);
color.xyz=color.xyz/(grayadaptation*EAdaptationMaxV3+EAdaptationMinV3); //*tempF1.x
//float3 luma=color.xyz;
//float lumamax=20.0;
float lumamax=EToneMappingOversaturationV3;
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/lumamax))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV3);
//color.xyz=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy) + xcolorbloom.xyz*float3(0.7, 0.6, 1.0)*0.5;
//color.xyz=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy) + xcolorbloom.xyz*float3(0.7, 0.6, 1.0)*0.5;
grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);
float Y = dot(color.xyz, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); //0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B;
float U = dot(color.xyz, float3(-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436)); //-0.14713 * R - 0.28886 * G + 0.436 * B;
float V = dot(color.xyz, float3(0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001)); //0.615 * R - 0.51499 * G - 0.10001 * B;
Y=pow(Y, EBrightnessCurveV4);
//float desaturatefact=saturate(Y*Y*Y*1.7);
//U=lerp(U, 0.0, desaturatefact);
//V=lerp(V, 0.0, desaturatefact);
color.xyz=V * float3(1.13983, -0.58060, 0.0) + U * float3(0.0, -0.39465, 2.03211) + Y;
color.xyz=max(color.xyz, 0.0);
//pallete texture (0.082+ version feature)
float3 brightness=Adaptation.xyz; //tex2D(_s4, 0.5); //adaptation luminance
//brightness=saturate(brightness); //old version from ldr games
brightness=(brightness/(brightness+1.0));//new version
brightness=max(brightness.x, max(brightness.y, brightness.z));//new version
float3 palette;
float4 uvsrc=0.0;
palette.r=tex2Dlod(_s7, uvsrc).r;
palette.g=tex2Dlod(_s7, uvsrc).g;
palette.b=tex2Dlod(_s7, uvsrc).b;
color.rgb=lerp( color.rgb, palette.rgb, palmix );
#endif //E_CC_PALETTE
// HeliosDoubleSix cobbled code to Cap values above 0, not great as limits how black it can do say if it was pure red?!
// what is the lowest value out of r,g,b
float lowestvalue=min(min(color.x,color.y),color.z);
// work out lowest possible value to set RGB without going below 0 and without changing the RGB relative values ie shifting the color in the process
float3 lowestpossible=color.xyz-lowestvalue;
//color.xyz-=(pow(color.xyz, 6)/2);
//temporary testing
color.xyz=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy);
//color.xyz=pow(color.xyz, 0.5);
//color.xyz=color.xyz/(color.xyz +1.0*tempF1.z);
color.xyz=(color.xyz * (1.0 + color.xyz/40))/(color.xyz + EToneMappingCurveV3);
Adaptation=tex2D(_s4, 0.5);
grayadaptation=max(max(Adaptation.x, Adaptation.y), Adaptation.z);
grayadaptation=max(grayadaptation, 0.0);
grayadaptation=min(grayadaptation, 50.0);
// color.xyz=Adaptation*2;//*tempF1.x
//color.xyz=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy)*1.3;
//color.xyz=tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy)*pow(tempF1.x,4);
//color.xyz=max(xcolorbloom.xyz, tex2D(_s0, _v0.xy).xyz)*pow(tempF1.x,4)*0.7;
// HD6 - debug triangle - draws a triangle top left showing the value of night/day for testing
//_oC0.xyz = _v0.x+_v0.y < 0.1 ? (hnd) : (_oC0.xyz);
float h11 = h1 == 1 ? 0 : 0.2;
_oC0.xyz += _v0.x+_v0.y < 0.003 ? (h11) : (0);
return _oC0;
//switch between vanilla and mine post processing
technique Shader_D6EC7DD1
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_Quad();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS_D6EC7DD1();
// HD6 - below doesnt make any diff??? so I disabled it *shrugs*
//original shader of post processing
technique Shader_D6EC7DD1
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS_Quad();
// Parameters:
// sampler2D Avg;
// sampler2D Blend;
// float4 Cinematic;
// float4 ColorRange;
// float4 Fade;
// sampler2D Image;
// float4 Param;
// float4 Tint;
// Registers:
// Name Reg Size
// ------------ ----- ----
// ColorRange c1 1
// Param c2 1
// Cinematic c3 1
// Tint c4 1
// Fade c5 1
// Image s0 1
// Blend s1 1
// Avg s2 1
//s0 bloom result
//s1 color
//s2 is average color
def c6, 0, 0, 0, 0
//was c0 originally
def c7, 0.212500006, 0.715399981, 0.0720999986, 1
dcl_texcoord v0.xy
dcl_2d s0
dcl_2d s1
dcl_2d s2
rcp r0.x, c2.y
texld r1, v0, s2
mul r0.yz, r1.xxyw, c1.y
rcp r0.w, r0.y
mul r0.z, r0.w, r0.z
texld r1, v0, s1
mul r1.xyz, r1, c1.y
dp3 r0.w, c7, r1
mul r1.w, r0.w, r0.z
mad r0.z, r0.z, r0.w, c7.w
rcp r0.z, r0.z
mad r0.x, r1.w, r0.x, c7.w
mul r0.x, r0.x, r1.w
mul r0.x, r0.z, r0.x
cmp r0.x, -r0.w, c6.x, r0.x
rcp r0.z, r0.w
mul r0.z, r0.z, r0.x
add_sat r0.x, -r0.x, c2.x
texld r2, v0, s0
mul r2.xyz, r2, c1.y
mul r2.xyz, r0.x, r2
mad r1.xyz, r1, r0.z, r2
dp3 r0.x, r1, c7
mov r1.w, c7.w
lrp r2, c3.x, r1, r0.x
mad r1, r0.x, c4, -r2
mad r1, c4.w, r1, r2
mad r1, c3.w, r1, -r0.y
mad r0, c3.z, r1, r0.y
add r1, -r0, c5
mad oC0, c5.w, r1, r0