funkflix Legende Mitglied seit 26.07.2002 Beiträge 11.770 Ort Forchtenberg Donnerstag um 18:57 #2.341 Zeig es uns!
Ben Psyko Urgestein Mitglied seit 12.01.2005 Beiträge 3.780 Ort Münsterland [NRW] System Desktop System Computer? Details zu meinem Desktop Prozessor 5600X Mainboard GA 570i Aorus Pro Wiffi Kühler Noctua C12 Speicher 16GB Grafikprozessor 2080Ti Display HP 27xq SSD NVME 1Tb Netzteil SFX 750W Heute um 00:57 #2.342 Sparksnl schrieb: @stunned_guy Is this the earliest sample there is or did you see earlier weeks as well? Interesting batch as well. Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... Its not a 3700+, but a 3400+ 0432, so way earlier.
Sparksnl schrieb: @stunned_guy Is this the earliest sample there is or did you see earlier weeks as well? Interesting batch as well. Zum Vergrößern anklicken.... Its not a 3700+, but a 3400+ 0432, so way earlier.