Beim Abit hat hoher Takt wohl auch was mit dem RAM zu tun.
"honestly, i've been playing with my current setup for about two weeks, after vtt mod... and i'm about to retire on this hunt for 250 FSB 11-2-2 cas2 Dual STABLE
vdd 1.6-2.2v, vdimm 3.0v-3.5v, vtt 1.50-1.75v... being there and done all that... even 80mm tornado blowing on SB or NB, all Integrated with SB devices OFF...
at this point i think it's my mobile (for which i feel 244 is hell of a stretch already!) not catching up with FSB request or sth
but i see folks on my native ( Polish ) forum having 250+ FSB with 2x512MB of some Hynix43 stix at lousy 11-4-4 cas2.5. but still, that's over 250FSB on NF2...
or like u say - there's something else that needs to be modded on this board to take BH-5 / CH-5 higher at tight timmings...
i wish we knew DFI's secret to high FSB"
Has anybody managed to find out the VTT mod on the NF7 v2 mobo so far...? I need it to pass 240! :( Please if anybody have any idea I wiil apreciate it to share it with us... I mesuare the VTT and in 2.7 (2.6 in BIOS) gives 1.35 and in 3.8 gives 1.54 (2.9 in BIOS). This is ok (its 1/2Vdimm)...
An diesen Boards wurde auch schon viel rumgelötet und experimentiert...
Wer da ein 280-MHz hat, hatte entweder viel Glück oder weiß was, was andere nicht wussten... warum meines bei 1.95V NB abschaltet verstehe ich auch nicht