[Sammelthread] AMD K7 - Sockel A (462)

I just checked and my earliest Barton (3200+) is an 0315 cpu. It is actually a good aoverclocker up to 2550MHz, boot tests showed:
2400 1,625 -> Boot
2500 1,725 -> Boot
2550 1,850 -> Boot
2600 >2,050 -> No boot on any voltage.

This cpu ends with 0015 so it probably is one of the earliest ones.
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Interesting. So it seems to be a 2500+ with 2 L3 bridges cut to set the starting multiplier at 12.5x. But these are extremely clean cuts and almost invisible without those closeup pictures.
If you haven't posted the last 2 photos I would have missed it.
Question is if this is extremely good fake or it came like that from the factory (like "wait, we need to re-purpose some of the 2500+ to meet the demand for 2800+") and some worker did it after production?
The question about AQYHA also remains open...

I just checked and my earliest Barton (3200+) is an 0315 cpu. It is actually a good aoverclocker up to 2550MHz, boot tests showed:
2400 1,625 -> Boot
2500 1,725 -> Boot
2550 1,850 -> Boot
2600 >2,050 -> No boot on any voltage.

This cpu ends with 0015 so it probably is one of the earliest ones.
Mine is decent, too. 2620 1M, but haven't noted the voltage.
Yes the cuts are extremely well done. I would say with a machine. I saw it on the sellers photo's as well. And AQYHA of course. I just needed to be sure.

Nice result for an old cpu like that.
I concluded that 2500+ and 3200+ are only interesting if they come unlocked. That is why I looked at older versions.
I actually enjoy clocking the locked ones more, it's more challenging. Otherwise it's just like the XP-M counterpart.
I know cpuz record is impossible with a locked 2500+, although I can always use a VIA board for that purpose.
Other records are within reach, already did 1M and pifast.
Just checked my list. My AQYHA Cpus are all made in the first 10 weeks of 2004.
It is no surprise to me it started in 2004. But I do have an AQYHA from 0442 as wel...

I think I can eventually go higher for 2500+ and 3200+ with unlocked cpu's. I can allready run my fastest 3200+ chip at 2600MHz with water cooling, that would make 3GHz with my SS.
I actually have 2 locked 2500+ and 1 3200+ cpu that do 2700MHz on water.
So, here is a 100% fake CPU (as a reference). A Geode 1750 faked to a Sempron 2800+. See here.
New cutted bridges are clearly visible. A sloppy work?


That seems to be a bad copy indeed.

I just checked mine. It can boot 10x 200MHz and 11x 200MHz, so it comes unlocked. Stock multi is 12.5x at this point.
Max for 1.65v is 2200MHz, so that is probably why it was not sold as a 3200+.

Edit: Now to test the Alpha FX beast I just got in... FX-9590
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Yep, the font on your sticker doesn't match. So they've just removed the original markings from the sticker and added a "random" one, thus the AQYHA with that date code.

From fab51


PS: Wait, on that photo it looks like there's a new slightly larger label pressed over the original one - you can see the edges and the new one is not uniform.
Probably thermally "pressed" over.
Same thing on yours, you may try to peel off the new one and reveal the original.
It might be normal, not sure, however the font certainly reveals it.
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I can try. Stupid thing is that I see more cpu’s which look to be having more then one sticker. And which are original AMD.
Maybe trying to peel it off making it hot first would work?
I tried to peeling off with a sharp knife...


didn't work for me. It seems like they removed the old layer. After the thin black layer comes the thick white layer, then PCB. I stopped here.
Well, it seems to be normal then, sorry for that stupid idea I gave.
There seem to be a white layer under the black one and the markings are "engraved" byre moving the black part.
At least on a genuine Barton, so I wonder how they did that on the fakes. Seems to be the same?
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I don't think, that was a stupid idea. We needed a test to be sure what they did. I made this for science. It is okay for me.
I guess, they removed the original black layer (with acid?) and printed a new black layer.
I got a 2700+ 0316 rpkw. Does 2400Mhz 24/7 at 1.825V but needs 1.925V for 2500. I‘m curious what your 0317 sptw can do.
I got a 2700+ 0316 rpkw. Does 2400Mhz 24/7 at 1.825V but needs 1.925V for 2500. I‘m curious what your 0317 sptw can do.
It is hard to find a really good one. My existing 2 do:

2400MHz 1,675v boot
2500MHz 1,800v boot
2600MHz 1,930v boot

2400MHz 1,650v boot
2500MHz 1,800v boot
2600MHz >2,10v boot

The other one is still untested. I was busy testing my FX-9590.
I always buy more then one to compare them and be able to test them on cold.

@bschicht86 : You were the seller on Kleinanzeigen?
My oldest Barton is from 0316 too.


Ich muss mich korrigieren, hab noch wesendlich ältere gefunden. Einen ganzen Haufen um 0310 und einen von 0307:



Und den 2600+, den sich Sparksnl noch rausgesucht hatte, scheint eine Pre-Release-Produktion zu sein, wenn man dem Releasedatum von Wikipedia glauben kann:

Warum haben einige Athlon XP's diesen QR Code (?) auf dem schwarzen Label? Der gleiche Code befindet sich ja auch in mini auf dem Kern...
Meine Kamera vom Smartfön erkennt ihn nicht und wenn man den Online bei so seiten hochlädt kommt auch nix bei raus... :unsure:
I think it is a Datamatrix Code:

Maybe it‘s scannable with a macro lens… out of interest, are these codes the same on all cpus or different?
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