Derek Smart die Dritte.
Star Citizen - Derek Smart holt zum Gegenschlag aus, »Roberts soll zurücktreten« - GameStar

RtV ist auch mal wieder sehr interessant gewesen.
- AtV next week will have Constellation revamp which has been worked on for the past 6 months or so on and off.
- Herald is next up after the Merlin and Scythe.
– Biggest bottleneck in the ship pipeline is artists! They have around 35 open positions for artists.
- Endeavor Science setups: Observatory, Zoology/Biology Lab, Plant Labs. Lots more cool ideas. Can mix and match depending on what your science dream is.
- The Retaliator will use the same tech – 16 different chunks you can use to create your Dream Retaliator.
- Changes coming to boost, boost consumption will be going way up. Will need to be used tactically now. No ship has infinite boost anymore and if it does it’s a bug and Calix wants to hear about it. Most have 5-15 seconds of boost when full, 30-50 seconds to recover from empty, more about finding the right moment to boost.
- Before Erin left last week, they gathered the entire team in front of a 4K screen by Chris’ office and showed all the stuff that the other teams have been working on. There was constant applause. 4 videos, showing lots of stuff including the work in progress from Squadron 42.
– 1.1.5 is going to be madness (tons of balance changes).
- 64 bit conversion is in and done, you will see the large world maps at GamesCom.
- 2.5 hours in 350R to fly across current large world map. Just going to get bigger. Thousands of km now, will be millions of km in future.
– Reclaimer will not be in SQ42.
– No SQ42 trailer at GamesCom. There will be in the future but not at GamesCom.
– No FPS in GamesCom presentation.
- Endeavor is about 200 meters.
- Frankfurt will begin contributing to AtV as soon as they can.
– Sandi will go to Frankfurt, shoot a walkthrough and some interviews so everyone can get to know the people there.
- Doubling the player capacity, going from 8 to 16 in AC, thanks to tech advancements made by the German team.
- Physical based damage is very close, definitely coming this year (that’s what the question asked)
- The Merlin has the new damage tech, new ships like Connie and Freelancer are being built with the new damage tech in mind.
Star Marine Update
We’re going to end off this week with a list of ongoing blockers. These are the issues that are truly preventing Star Marine from going to the PTU… and as such, they’re the ones we’re most eager to tackle!
- Netcode issues. For the last couple of weeks I have read backer comments that we have been glossing over them. Its true, I was… but only because they’re very difficult to drill down to. What we are seeing in playtests are issues deploying gadgets, firing at targets that aren’t where you expect, and other issues that can look like high latency situations even with a solid connection to the server. Issues like this can and will exacerbate other smaller issues that on their own may not feel like a big problem. The netcode is improving (wait till you see 16-player Arena Commander matches in 1.1.5) but there’s still certainly work left to be done.
- Jukes and stops need to be tuned. Our aim is less juke at slow speeds, more jukes on high speed strafes, turns, and stops.
- There is too much weapon sway while in ADS (Aiming Down Sight) mode. We need to tune this such that the only movement comes from player input, some of our immersive animations from breathing, the results of being near cover, getting hit, or transitioning from a juke while moving are too strong.
- Animations for all weapon types are not done, we’re burning these down; it takes time to clean-up integrate, test, and iterate on the animation to make sure they hit our high standards.
- The new Visor HUD not quite ready yet (this requires code, art, tech art, animation, UI design, and audio support to get finalized).
- There is a bug with Radar not drawing properly in ADS
- Audio cues are not hooked up for all weapons, hit indicators, and UI elements. This will require a dedicated pass.
- Proper positional audio for footsteps, and weapon fire aren’t being reported correctly to the player.