Field of view and Mouse acceleration
This method will not disable achievements.
Locate this directory C:\Users{YOUR NAME}\Documents\My Games\Starfield
In the same folder as StarfieldPrefs.ini you need to create a new file named StarfieldCustom.ini. Make sure the file extention name is correctly set as a ".ini" file.
If your file is automatically created as a text file you need to find the view tab on the top of your file explorer. Click this tab and make sure File name extension is checked here. Now you can remove .txt from your file name.
in the new file StarfieldCustom.ini put these lines, You can change the number to whatever fov you wish:
Pilot FOV (optional)
Mouse acceleration
To remove mouse acceleration enter these lines into StarfieldCustom.ini
Sync horizontal and vertical sensitivity (optional)
If you already added [Controls] to your file, then skip the "[Controls]" line and add the rest of the values under your existing [Controls] section.
You can calculate the fMouseHeadingYScale if your monitor's aspect ratio is not included in the examples using this formula:
fMouseHeadingXScale x (Aspect Ratio)
0.021 x (16/9) = 0.03733
fMouseHeadingYScale for Common Aspect Ratios/Resolutions
0.03733 for 1920x1080, 2560x1440, 3840x2160 etc.
0.0336 for 1920x1200 etc.
0.028 for 1024x768 etc.
Ultrawide 21:9
0.04978 for 2.370:1 2560x1080, 5120x2160 etc.
0.05017 for 2.38:1 3440x1440, 5160x2160 etc.
0.0504 for 2.4:1 1920x800, 3840x1600 etc.
Ultrawide 32:9
0.07467 for 3840x1080, 5120x1440 etc.
When you finished editing the file, right click the edited file and press "properties". Check the box for Read-only. This will prevent the game from resetting the values automatically later o