This thread is fantastic!
Reous thank you for the work here. I joined the forum to say thank you for the original post (in English - soz). I have a B350 Gaming Plus (in use), an X470 Gaming Plus (both MSI but probably only 16MB Bios flash - oops) and a AsRock B450M-HDV. I haven't read the whole thread, but this kind of thing interests me, maybe
one day I will read all 549 pages! I have just read the last 2 so far.
[QUOTE = bawder; 27193354] So my new asrock board B450 Pro4 is slipping! what annoys me is that asrock says they recommend the new bios only for new 3000s prozis. the other manufacturers do not do that [/ QUOTE]
As someone with just a R7 1700 for now, I find this interesting. I am considering sticking to final release bios until I upgrade to a 16 core processor (maybe 2 years down the road, unless my buying finger gets itchy).
Here are some questions if some of you are kind enough to answer. I am considering BIOS mod and will probably try this after November round of MSI updates.
-Who is this Deart modding BIOSes? Does anyone have a link to this?
-What are the disadvantages of Ryzen motherboards which only contain 16MB of space for the BIOS files?
-Which manufacturer is generally providing the
best VRMs for 4xx / 5xx series boards? Does this matter in the case I clock up a 16 core Ryzen in the future?
-Is the
AIO cooler recommended or needed for the 16 core? Perhaps we will not know until 5th November release... I have currently Noctua NH-D15. I would rather keep it it was rather expensive!
Are AMD still making improvements for 1700 and 2400G in the latest AGESA/PI updates? These are the two processors I currently own.
-Which of my boards (listed above) should I be using?
-Which make and tier of board(s) are providing the best BIOSes with no need for modification once updated? I have not used 2 of my boards so I can always resell them to make another choice here in London (hopefully).
-Any problems running dual and single rank configuration DDR4 Samsung B die together? I.E 4 slots of 8GB B die, 2 are currently single rank and 2 are dual rank. I forsee some compatability issues with this - and I could buy more Flare-X 3200 today as it happens on UK Ebay.
I may update soon with more questions (probably not).
Many thanks for your time, comments, answers and expertise readers. Perhaps you would appreciate some input here in English Language generally? If so I will try and use this forum more in future.