Was habt ihr in der Zwischenablage?! 3

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Vodka intimate, an affair with isolation in a Blackheath cell
Extinguishing the fires in a private hell
Provoking the heartache to renew the licence
Of a bleeding heart poet in a fragile capsule
Propping up the crust of the glitter conscience
Wrapped in the christening shawl of a hangover
Baptised in the tears from the real

Drowning in the liquid seize on the Piccadilly line, rat race
Scuttling through the damp electric labyrinth
Caress Ophelia's hand with breathstroke ambition
An albatross in the marrytime tradition
Sheathed within the Walkman wear the halo of distortion
Aural contraceptive aborting pregnant conversation
She turned the harpoon and it pierced my heart
She hung herself around my neck

From the Time-Life-Guardians in their conscience bubbles
Safe and dry in my sea of troubles
Nine to five with suitable ties
Cast adrift as their side-show, peepshow, stereo hero
Becalm bestill, bewitch, drowning in the real

The thief of Baghdad hides in Islington now
Praying deportation for his sacred cow
A legacy of romance from a twilight world
The dowry of a relative mystery girl
A Vietnamese flower, a Dockland union
A mistress of release from a magazine's thighs
Magdalenes contracts more than favours
The feeding hands of western promise hold her by the throat

A son of a swastika of '45 parading a peroxide standard
Graffiti conjure disciples testaments of hatred
Aerosol wands whisper where the searchlights trim the barbed wire hedges
This is Brixton chess

A knight for Embankment folds his newspaper castle
A creature of habit, begs the boatman's coin
He'll fade with old soldiers in the grease stained roll call
And linger with the heartburn of Good Friday's last supper

Son watches father scan obituary columns in search of absent school friends
While his generation digests high fibre ignorance
Cowering behind curtains and the taped up painted windows
Decriminalised genocide, provided door to door Belsens
Pandora's box of holocausts gracefully cruising satellite infested heavens
Waiting, the season of the button, the penultimate migration
Radioactive perfumes, for the fashionably, for the terminally insane, insane
Do you realise? Do you realise?
Do you realise, this world is totally fugazi

Where are the prophets, where are the visionaries, where are the poets
To breach the dawn of the sentimental mercenary

aber echt, so ein vollpfosten
+*+*+ Sächsischer Computerwurm +*+*+

...(_).....Güden Dooch
...(_).....isch bin een Hägga aus Leipzsch
..(_)....un diss iss een selbstprögrammirder
....(_)...bösartscher Gömpjuderwurm..
...(_)..Da isch noch net sö viel weeß vom Gömpjuder
...(_)...iss des een manueller Wurm.
.....(_)....Also löschen se bidde
...(_)...alle Dadeien von de Festpladde
.(_)....und schickese n Wurm
...(_)...an alle, die se gänn.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Middorbeid.
irgendwie weiß ich grad nicht was ich als leipziger zu dem hackwurm da oben sagen soll :hmm:


<Ambarandir> Dein Gesicht sieht aus wie die Tour de France... 14 Tage reintreten
Zowie IntelliMouse Optical 1.1
Function ShowIP() As String
Dim query As ManagementObjectSearcher = _
New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM " & _
"Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True")
Dim queryCollection As ManagementObjectCollection = query.Get()
Dim mo As ManagementObject
Dim IPAdress(1) As String

For Each mo In queryCollection
IPAdress = CType(mo.GetPropertyValue("IPAddress"), String())

ShowIP = IPAdress(0)
End Function
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