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    Aqua Computer LEAKSHIELD: Keine auslaufende Wasserkühlung mehr

    I have exactly the same issue and I can't figure it out how to fix it, I don't find the StandBy menu in Aquasuite as in your picture, not sure what to do to stop this stupid alarm when i turn off my PC, i have no leakage.
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    Aqua Computer LEAKSHIELD: Keine auslaufende Wasserkühlung mehr

    1. If LEAKSHIELD detects a leak, from my understanding powering off the system is not the best thing to do, what are the steps to fix any leak detected by LEAKSHIELD? 2. Regarding the USB connection, Im using Aquacomputer HUB, there is any requirment how the hub should be powered (USB or SATA)...
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    @Markus [WATERCOOL] is it necessary to clean the new Watercool Rads with some special solution like Mayhem Part 2 or distilled water its just enough?
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    @Markus [WATERCOOL] are we supposed to clean the RADs before installation, give us some details about the cleaning process.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Basket The quantity you wish of that product is not available. Please give a smaller quantity. Im trying to add 1 and not working.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Radiators as well
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    I see Heatkiller RAD on the box.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    @Markus [WATERCOOL] I need 3 radiators, where can I order them? :D
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Hello Markus, Can I place my preorder for them, I need 3. :)
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Interesting there are no info about the new rads but they are already in the hands of youtubers.
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Where are those damn new radiatorsssssssss!??
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Hey guys, one question, I got my order from Aquacomputer and I have a question regarding the multiport top and the tube, seems like I can't insert the acrylic tube into the multiport, its seems too tight to go into the port, might be the o-ring but I feel like if i force it more I could brake...
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    Got ya! Considering that we already seen pictures with the rads in the final form, any prediction when I can espect them on the market, lets say the rads are the last piece of the puzzle for my build, give me something here to make me wait for them, work with me! :)
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    @Markus [WATERCOOL] When are you going to release the new radiators?
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    WATERCOOL --> Produktinfo

    When can we start ordering the new radiators?
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