Fudzilla berichtet folgendes:
"Our reader sent us a translation of Nvidia Czech republic official statement about 8800GT availability and we could not resist not to post it.
"Because there are multiple rumors and speculations about the availability of the cards in the Czech republic, we would like to correct these – said Nvidia Czech republic here. Czech
Yes there is a problem with the GeForce 8800 GT in that the demand surpasses multiple times our current abilities. Up to this date we imported some hundreds of the cards into Czech republic, which were sold out in a matter of tens of minutes. Currently we are registering orders for few thousand pieces and the bigger part of them we will be able to satisfy by the end of this month.
We also recorded rather big differences between pricing suggested by us and the real pricing, which is a result of the big demand where some sellers took advantage of the situation and sell the cards for higher prices than they should have.
Anyway, we (Nvidia) expect that by the end of November, the situation will be back to normal and there will be a plenty of cards. " finishes Nvidia. Czech republic has about 9 times less population than Germany so Germany should expect thens of thousands of cards. No way hombre.
We are very thankful to our reader Mario for translating this part for us. "
Ende des Monats soll Nvidia in der Lage sein, der Nachfrage gerecht zu werden. So ganz gleich ich der Sache aber nicht, die haben sicherlich mehr als 250.000 Vorbestellungen von allen Herstellern zusammen, das dauert sicherlich noch bis Mitte Dezember, um einen relativ flüssigen Handel zu ermöglichen. Aber das ist nur meine Meinung, ich hoffe ich liege daneben