[Sammelthread] AMD RDNA 3 Overclocking

Das neue Asrock OC Bios funktioniert auf Red Devil .:bigok:
Mit Pogrammer CH341A das normale Aqua Bios flashen/AsProgrammer 04062021 . Grafiktreiber entfernen . Asrock Pogramm / im Adminmodus starten . Nach Update noch mal den Grafiktreiber entfernen . Danach neuen Grafiktreiber installieren . Die OC-Biosfiles von GpuZ direkt mit CH341A flashen funktioniert wahrscheinlich nicht . Ausnahmen bestättigen die Regel .:coffee2:
Jo genau so wars bei mir auch..
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Ah neue HWINFO-Version fixed it..
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So what could cause the gpu to randomly drop signal to the monitor? That's the biggest issue I'm fighting. Then when I press reset, the dbug let's stick on white. I can only get the system to display and post after it does this, by a complete power down.
So what could cause the gpu to randomly drop signal to the monitor? That's the biggest issue I'm fighting. Then when I press reset, the dbug let's stick on white. I can only get the system to display and post after it does this, by a complete power down.
Is that happening after you have failed Time Spy OC attempt or all the time now randomly?

After last failed OC did you install fresh windows?
Could be also a driver issue. As I said sometimes when I had failed TS OC test then driver was damaged and I had to get fresh windows to fix it.

You said your temperatures are okay.
Also did you make sure that the Liquid Metal did not leak onto any other component?
Is that happening after you have failed Time Spy OC attempt or all the time now randomly?

After last failed OC did you install fresh windows?
Could be also a driver issue. As I said sometimes when I had failed TS OC test then driver was damaged and I had to get fresh windows to fix it.

You said your temperatures are okay.
Also did you make sure that the Liquid Metal did not leak onto any other component?
It's happening randomly all the time now. And yes I verified no lm got anywhere else. That was the first reason I pulled the gpu apart after doing the new pads.
After it does this hang up crap, it also corrupts the gpu drivers as well.
Sure everything else works stable? Maybe try bone stock? Also I would try reflashing bios, maybe it got corrupted?
Oh man doesn't sound good. I hope it's not damaged. :-[
Maybe some of there members have some ideas how to systematically debug it.
Sure everything else works stable? Maybe try bone stock? Also I would try reflashing bios, maybe it got corrupted?
It's doing it bone stock no oc at all. I haven't flashed the bios yet. But I was curious if that's possibly what the problem is? Maybe somehow the bios got corrupt?
It's doing it bone stock no oc at all. I haven't flashed the bios yet. But I was curious if that's possibly what the problem is? Maybe somehow the bios got corrupt?
You have Duel bios on Devil or?
Then try with the second one.
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Aqua has only one bios. :cautious:
It's doing it bone stock no oc at all. I haven't flashed the bios yet. But I was curious if that's possibly what the problem is? Maybe somehow the bios got corrupt?
Probability that bios is corrupted is way higher then hardware damage I think..
It also does this on both bios settings.
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Also, I keep getting this, when I'm trying to read the bios chip with the ch341a. I don't have the version with the 1.8v adapter since it wasn't in the link someone posted on here.
Could that be why it's not reading the chip?
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The only thing I can think of is to try it on a clean Win installation to exclude software or in another computer to exclude hardware.
The same ones I use for daily use, and stability. It does it on the oc settings one, and the "gaming" oc I use. The gaming oc settings have been stable without any issues at all.
Also because you are using chiller are you sure that no moisture is involved?

I spilled cooling liquid (Aquacomputer Double Protect Ultra) on mine some time ago and after that it started doing weird stuff like black screen and bluescreens.

I had to wash it with Isopropanol especially under VRAMs and GPU and let it dry for couple of day to fix that.
There was liquid under VRAM and GPU chip and washing it with Isopropanol and drying it for 3 days at that time on heater. We are still in winter at that time and heater was on and that fixed my problem.
Also because you are using chiller are you sure that no moisture is involved?

I spilled cooling liquid (Aquacomputer Double Protect Ultra) on mine some time ago and after that it started doing weird stuff like black screen and bluescreens.

I had to wash it with Isopropanol especially under VRAMs and GPU and let it dry for couple of day to fix that.
There was liquid under VRAM and GPU chip and washing it with Isopropanol and drying it for 3 days at that time on heater. We are still in winter at that time and heater was on and that fixed my problem.
Definitely no water issues. I'm not running the system that cold at the moment.
Okay. It was just an idea comparing your symptoms to what mine was showing at that time.
I appreciate it.

On average when using ASProgrammer, how long does it take to erase the bios?
Mine is taking quite a long time. I finally got the ch341a to read the bios. Seems like this card just wants to fight me all the way.
It also does this on both bios settings.
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Also, I keep getting this, when I'm trying to read the bios chip with the ch341a. I don't have the version with the 1.8v adapter since it wasn't in the link someone posted on here.
Could that be why it's not reading the chip?
That's exactly the problem, missing 1.8v adapter. The 7900xtx biose must be read and written with the 1.8v adapter. If you have already tried reading out the graphics chip without the 1.8 V adapter, the chip may have been damaged. The USB connection has my knowledge 3.3 volts. But I don't want to commit myself to that.
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I appreciate it.

On average when using ASProgrammer, how long does it take to erase the bios?
Mine is taking quite a long time. I finally got the ch341a to read the bios. Seems like this card just wants to fight me all the way.
Deleting and writing the bios takes less than 15 seconds .
I flash with my laptop .
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I gues
That's exactly the problem, missing 1.8v adapter. The 7900xtx biose must be read and written with the 1.8v adapter. If you have already tried reading out the graphics chip without the 1.8 V adapter, the chip may have been damaged. The USB connection has my knowledge 3.3 volts. But I don't want to commit myself to that.
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Deleting and writing the bios takes less than 15 seconds .
I flash with my laptop .
I guess I'll wait until tomorrow when my 1.8v adapter gets here. Did you flash the base aqua bios, then use their software to update to the new super aqua bios?
I gues
I guess I'll wait until tomorrow when my 1.8v adapter gets here. Did you flash the base aqua bios, then use their software to update to the new super aqua bios?
Also I'd try with everything else bone stock. Just to be sure. Hope the 1.8v fixes it though..

CH341A Driver installed?
Try Neoprogrammer.
So I had the wrong ASProgrammer, but I think I still bricked my silent bios, as it won't let me delete the bios I wrote onto it. And I can't get it to delete the messed up one. I tried re naming the asrock bios to from .rom to .bin, since the ASProgrammer wouldn't recognize. Rom files.
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CH341A Driver installed?
Try Neoprogrammer.
Can you just re name the .rom bios file to .bin so the programmer sees the file?
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So I had the wrong ASProgrammer, but I think I still bricked my silent bios, as it won't let me delete the bios I wrote onto it. And I can't get it to delete the messed up one. I tried re naming the asrock bios to from .rom to .bin, since the ASProgrammer wouldn't recognize. Rom files.
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Can you just re name the .rom bios file to .bin so the programmer sees the file?
You don't have to rename the files! Open "all files" in the bottom right pane of the AsProgrammer/Neoprgrammer. If the programmer doesn't find the chip, you have to reattach the clamp to the chip. Red wire harness with the contact where the dot is on the chip.
So I had the wrong ASProgrammer, but I think I still bricked my silent bios, as it won't let me delete the bios I wrote onto it. And I can't get it to delete the messed up one. I tried re naming the asrock bios to from .rom to .bin, since the ASProgrammer wouldn't recognize. Rom files.
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Can you just re name the .rom bios file to .bin so the programmer sees the file?
Try flipping the BIOS switch. And yes you can rename it, but you dont need to.
I was able to get it to read, erase, and program the bios. It still didn't fix anything.
Now the pc just sticks on the dbug led white for gpu. I even put the air cooler back on. When I turn the system on, the gpu fans ramp up to full blast.
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Try flipping the BIOS switch. And yes you can rename it, but you dont need to.
I tried both bios, I get the white dbug led on the mobo on both. And can't get the system past that.
You took the bios from TPU?
I was able to get it to read, erase, and program the bios. It still didn't fix anything.
Now the pc just sticks on the dbug led white for gpu. I even put the air cooler back on. When I turn the system on, the gpu fans ramp up to full blast.
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I tried both bios, I get the white dbug led on the mobo on both. And can't get the system past that.
First flash back the Red Devil bios and see if the bios chip is OK.
Build the times ne replacement graphics card in the Pc. Disable TPM in Bios . Or build the graphics card in another PC.
There were some mainboards that had problems recognizing flashed graphics cards.
Another variant is to start with a second card in the system and check in the hardware manager whether Windows recognizes the card.
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