[Sammelthread] Assetto Corsa Competizione - SRO GT World Challenge

Hab nach vielen Monaten Sim-Abstinenz auch grad mal die ersten Runden wieder gedreht, bin momentan bei dem Hotlap-Event mit dem Bentley auf Silverstone noch fast 3 Sekunden hinter der Spitze... Alles verlernt^^
Wird schon wiederkommen... :)

Performance von ACC ist aber immer noch ziemlich grottig muss ich sagen. ~60fps gehen zwar auf WQHD beim hotlappen, das allerdings bei ziemlich niedriger Grafik und grottigem Aussehen. Bei schönem Wetter - heieiei...

Wird wohl echt langsam mal Zeit für ein Hardware-Upgrade.
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.
Hab bisher auch fast nur Brands und Monza gefahren, habe mir fest vorgenommen heute Medaillen auf den anderen Tracks einzufahren damit ich den MP voll nutzen könnte wenn nicht meine SA Punkte dabei inne Tonne wandern würden 😁
v1.0.2 Changelog

- The .exe now starts in "-nohmd" mode if "-vr" is not specified.
This now allows direct shortcuts with "-vr" command and reduces the number of required launch modes in Steam.
- Fixed a crash when pausing the game from the helicam.

- Added savegame system in Career and Championship modes.
- Savegame feature is not available in Hotlap and Hotstint mode
- Improved general .json encoding system.
- Added structure to manage multiple savegames (Single Player).
NOTE: not yet enabled in the public build.
- Added auto-saving after complete sessions in Career and Championship.
- Fixed driver stint status in savegame.
- Fixed incorrectly forced 10-minute driver stint length in championship and career.
- Fixed inaccurate session results in some savegames.
- Fixed Fanatec LEDs building in reverse order (due to a change in the Fanatec SDK).
- Updated controller presets.
- Fixes to MP replays (e.g. flickering spawned cars when the replay was shorter than the session).
- Fixes to game stability.
- Tweaks to accident/yellow-flag highlights.
- Fixed a bug of 'ghost cars' appearing in some cases in multiplayer highlights.
- Added option to customize weather for championship rounds.
NOTE: selecting "Custom" weather allows the player to customize the weather for every championship round before each event.
- Fixed end-race cameras and car positions (e.g. back from replay after end-race highlights).
- Fixed HUD disappearing after trying to play an invalid replay.
- Revised AI skill levels in Career in various difficulty settings.
- More straightforward session-end:
Added status message at the end of sessions informing the player to wait for all opponents to cross the finish line before proceeding to the next session.
- Fixed ignition turning off when killing the engine during pit stops.
- Fixed championship points not getting assigned in Custom mode.

- Added mouse input in VR.
- Fixed an issue with navigating the MFD in VR.
- Fixed tyre sets section being incorrectly active when wet compound was selected in the tyre and strategy windows in the Setup screen.
- Fixed incorrect title in the Championship car selection menu.

- Audio communications optimization.

- Added another AA method.
Temporal is now more effective against jaggies, while KTAA is more effective against ghosting.
- Revised steering animations on various cars to delay hands switching over too early.
- Fixed rim speed different from tyre speed.
- Fixed slow motion rim/tyre speed in replays.

- Reduced the join lag when a new car model joins a session.
- Drivers cannot join ongoing race sessions anymore (server settings option "isRaceLocked").
- Fixed race track status not being properly reset after the race session.
- Changed the way backend systems store data, so data is still correctly saved even under high loads.
- Racecraft Rating calculations are temporarily suspended.
- Rating widget now will correctly detect reconnections. While disconnected, it will simply dissapear.
- Backend systems performance improvements.
- Advanced MP options: Fixed the slider weights for night and rain.
- Advanced MP options: Increased the significance of "clean": Users with higher SA won't see unrestricted servers anymore, unless "clean" is reduced below 50%.
- Advanced MP options: Increased the significance of "latency": Users with higher SA won't see unrestricted servers anymore, unless "clean" is reduced below 50%.
- Advanced MP options: Increased the significance of track weights, especially low values will massively rank down corresponding servers.
- Matching now (almost) ignores servers in race sessions, instead of ranking them down.
- Fixed CP servers not showing up for a number of user IP addresses.

- Force Feedback Post-Processing is now available like in the original Assetto Corsa.
Copy your "ff_post_process.ini" and associated LUTs to "Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione/Config".

HOTFIX 1.0.2 is now Live on Steam!]
This update introduces some quite interesting improvements like MOUSE SUPPORT IN VR, fix for the majority of severe crashes and some more.
The mid-session Save functionality has been de-activated while we are working hard to bring it back in for the next hotfix.

We are working on a second hotfix, also planned for this week, that will aim to introduce a brand new Controls Options page, together with a Load Saved Game page that will allow to Save and Load multiple sessions.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gestern auch endlich mal paar Runden gedreht und den Karriere-Modus gestartet. Ist ganz nett gemacht mit dem Lambo Youngster Programm. Dann den AMG ausgewählt, der fährt sich schon lecker :)
mache jetzt hier und da mal die trackmedals bevor es komplett auf platte einstaubt.
ich tu mir da schwer ein gefühl fürs auto zu bekommen was das machbar mögliche angeht :/
immerhin haben die autos total unterschiedliche fahreigenschaften je nach strecke.
grafik sieht jetzt (auch dank neuem rechner) auch richtig gut aus und das trotz nur 1080p.
die woche soll ja noch ein patch kommen mit diversen sachen, es geht zumindest voran.
Habe ich getestet und es ist für mich total unbrauchbar. Die Strecken das Bild der Mitte und ziehen es auf die äußeren Screens. Das mittlere Bild ist dann komplett grobkörnig. Sieht aus als würde der mittlere screen mit weitaus niedriger Auflösung laufen als die aussen liegenden. Von der optik in der Mitte mal ganz zu schweigen....
Puplic Beta 1.03

We are releasing a preview version of our 1.0.3 Hotfix.

It introduces several important updates, including a brand new controller settings page, updates in Multiplayer and Ratings, gameplay, VR, replay management and audio encoding.

To find information about how to opt into the public beta branch, visit this thread:

Please keep this topic clean and indicate in your reports the version you are using!

1.0.3 Preview:

- Audio optimizations to lower the memory footprint.
- Fixes to overall game stability and added logging.

- Fixed a rare bug that failed to turn on the ignition in AI cars.
- Fixed driver swap missing in Race 2 of career race weekends.
- Fixed autosave not storing tyre set wear data.
- Fixed random weather not randomizing ambient temperature.
- Fixed potential issue not auto saving replays

- Fixed disabled driver foot animations in the Mercedes-AMG GT3.

- Revamped controller options menu, allowing keyboard, direct-input and X-input customization.
NOTE: old controller presets will continue to work.
- Fixed widget position when the car crosses the finish line.
- Camera movement and look-with-wheel sliders activate/deactivate in relevant camera modes.
- Fixed a bug on the weather page that allowed rain level without cloud level after entering the page.
- Fixed confusing behaviour of random track button on the weather UI.
- Fixed weather summary incorrectly reporting dynamic weather disabled with random weather on.
- Fixed podium sequence not responding to mapped pause key.
- Fixed championship AI aggression being incorrectly limited to 80-100%.
- Default championship settings updated.
- Resume button added inside the main Championship and Career pages.
- Revised layout organization of race-end messages.
- Fixed wind speed not being absolute value.

- Mouse in VR: added wheel and scroll bar support.
- Fix to the HUD stereo layer clipping with the car geometry.

- Solved "No CP server in your region" display for users that should actually see them.
- Server pings are now displayed accurately in the UI.
- The "too slow for Eau Rouge" fix introduced in 1.0.1 is now more accurate.
- Fixed a an issue where cars can load without setup (=no ABS/TC) applied / HUD invisible.
- Entrylists can now use "isAdmin" as intended.
- Entrylists can now use "overrideDriverInfo" as intended.
- Added ServerAdminHandbook v1 to the server folder.
Ich frage mich ernsthaft wann die gedenken endlich fertig zu sein mit dem Game. Bis jetzt sieht das genauso halbfertig aus wie AC zu Release.
Stört mich jetzt nicht so ,ich hab Spaß mit dem game und die Physik entschuldigt so einiges.Und so richtig fertig wird es wohl erst wenn der Nachfolger kommt,gepatcht bzw, supported wird da bis zum Schluss.Aber wenn du meinst das zu früh released wurde da gebe ich dir Recht,schade das da wohl Druck ausgeübt wurde damit Kohle fließt.Von mir aus könnte es ruhig länger als Beta laufen was es Aktuell ja auch ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
immerhin arbeitet Kunos an patches und bringt sie vorallem auch schnell raus.
nicht wie SMS in PC2 wo alle 2 Monate auf Sony und MS warten durften bis die mal grünes Licht geben.
und Kunos hatte sicher den puplisher im rücken der druck gemacht hat.
Dear #ACCompetizione racers,

the v1.0.3 update is live on Steam! It introduces several updates, including a brand new controller settings page, updates in Multiplayer and Ratings, gameplay, VR (mouse scroll function, HUD rendering tweaked), replay management and audio encoding. We suggest to set Temporal Anti Aliasing method for VR.

Restart your Steam client in order to detect the update and head over Assetto Corsa official forum[http://www.assettocorsa.net] for specific support requests!

v1.0.3 Changelog:

- Audio optimizations to lower the memory footprint.
- Fixes to overall game stability and added logging.

- Fixed a rare bug that failed to turn on the ignition in AI cars.
- Fixed driver swap missing in Race 2 of career race weekends.
- Fixed autosave not storing tyre set wear data.
- Fixed random weather not randomizing ambient temperature.
- Fixed potential issue not auto saving replays

- Fixed disabled driver foot animations in the Mercedes-AMG GT3.

- Revamped controller options menu, allowing keyboard, direct-input and X-input customization.
NOTE: old controller presets will continue to work.
- Fixed widget position when the car crosses the finish line.
- Camera movement and look-with-wheel sliders activate/deactivate in relevant camera modes.
- Fixed a bug on the weather page that allowed rain level without cloud level when after entering the page.
- Fixed confusing behaviour of random track button on the weather UI.
- Fixed weather summary incorrectly reporting dynamic weather disabled with random weather on.
- Fixed podium sequence not responding to mapped pause key.
- Fixed championship AI aggression being incorrectly limited to 80-100%.
- Default championship settings updated.
- Resume button added inside the main Championship and Career pages.
- Revised layout organization of race-end messages.
- Fixed wind speed not being absolute value.

- Mouse in VR: added wheel and scroll bar support.
- Fix to the HUD stereo layer clipping with the car geometry.

- Solved "No CP server in your region" display for users that should actually see them.
- Server pings are now displayed accurately in the UI.
- The "too slow for Eau Rouge" fix introduced in 1.0.1 is now more accurate.
- Fixed a an issue where cars can load without setup (=no ABS/TC) applied / HUD invisible.
- Entrylists can now use "isAdmin" as intended.
- Entrylists can now use "overrideDriverInfo" as intended.
- Added ServerAdminHandbook v1 to the server folder.
immerhin ist die 1.04 schon dem beta status entwachsen ;)
man kommt bald nicht mehr hinterher mit patchen :rofl:
EDIT: irgendwie mag ich den Lexus. der ist weniger giftig als die anderen und hat auch weniger macken (bis aufs gelegentliche eindrehen beim harten bremsen (+einlenken)).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Unglaublich das sie bis Patch 1.0.3 gebraucht haben, um endlich Tasten auf Tastatur selbst belegen zu können. Ich fahre nämlich wegen einer körrperlichen Behinderung mit Mauslenkung und die hat die Macke, dass sie um den Nullpunkt beim gerade aus fahren immer leicht in die Richtung weiter lenkt, in die man zuletzt eingeschlagen hat. Da fährt man ständig Schlangenlinien, was gerade in Monza tödlich ist. Ich hab das nie in den Griff bekommen. Hat vielleicht jemand ne Idee?

Bin nämlich in AC und PCars 2 durchaus konkurrenzfähig wenn ich mein Setup gefunden habe:)
Kann man eigentlich ne andere Kamera einstellen also von Außen? Nur rein Intressehalber.
Warum steht eigentlich bei jedem Server 6H endurance dabei?
Kann man eigentlich ne andere Kamera einstellen also von Außen? Nur rein Intressehalber.
Aber natürlich geht das. Wäre auch sehr fraglich, falls das nicht gehen sollte. Schau mal in den Settings und dann im Reiter "View".
Warum steht eigentlich bei jedem Server 6H endurance dabei?
Das sind vermutlich Server auf denen eine "Free Practice Session" läuft. Da kann man einfach üben oder Setups zusammenbasteln.
Ich meine Außenansicht also dass ich nur die Motorhaube sehe oder das Fahrzeug von hinten.

Über View kann ich ja generell die Innenperspektive einstellen.
Dear #ACCompetizione racers,
the v1.0.5 update is live on Steam! Restart your Steam client in order to detect the update!
v1.0.5 Changelog:

- Potential fix for failure to start the game with a particular combination of characters in the username.
- Added logs for autosave replay issue.

- Minor changes to the server ping system.
- Fixed CP servers memorizing disconnected users in certain situations.
- Added 2nd results json file (via dumpLeaderboards) that contains more information.
- Enabled Lumirank display in Multiplayer.
- (Slightly) reduced amount of necessary netcode packets, especially while other cars are changing setups.
- Fixed server trying to connect to the secondary lobby backend first.
- Race weekend resets now reset the track grip as intended again.
- Added configuration option "randomizeTrackWhenEmpty".
- Added "forceEntryList" option for non-public servers.
- Fixed "maxClientsOverride" not working as indented, including the calculation for spectator slots left on busy servers.
- Improved "/next" admin command, which now always forces the end of the session instead of skipping to the next one.
- Race weekend simulation now allows to chain sessions, so the weather and track condition will just carry over.
- CP Servers will now chain the Qualifying session into the Race session, so the starting conditions are well known.
- Teleports of own car will now re-focus it in the last drivable camera.
- The initial CP Rating (until a certain amount of races/positions have been completed) changed. Winning points will move the CP Rating more directly to the target, while losing only gives a comparably tiny progress.
- Improved backend stability, moved one in-memory cache layer to hard disk.
- Server now creates the required folders if necessary.
- The Pitstop MFD can now be used in FP and Q while driving in a team, allowing swaps in all session types.
- Updated Server Admin Handbook v2 to cover: "Custom cars", "overrideCarModelForCustomCar", "customCar"; "forceEntryList"; "randomizeTrackWhenEmpty"
- Fixed setup and timing serialization in driver swap situations. The car taking over should now be able to use the Pitstop MFD as intended.

- Fixed tyre wear incorrectly resetting in pit stops.

- Fixed issues with rebinding an existing control and saving presets.

- Audio scale improvements.

- Fixed Mercedes engine damage raising too much at engine limiter. Additional damage tweaks for Audi R8, Lamborghini Huracán and BMW M6.
- Fixed Honda NSX too high fuel consumption.
- Honda NSX AI tweaks.
- Fixed missing Porsche aggressive Nurburgring setup.
- Fixed astroturf grip level at some locations on Spa.

- Improved AI movement when they are on the outside.
Hatte jetzt mal den Karriere Modus angefangen. Erster Test 2,7 sek zu lahm. Im Regen war ich dann diese Zeit schneller als die KI. Danach muss man ja den Skilllevel wählen aber mit den Angaben kann man auch nichts vernünftiges anfangen... Abgebrochen, nochmal neu gestartet und auf pro gestellt. Überall 3-4 Sekunden hinten dran ( ok ich bin halt langsam ist halt so). Was mehr kekst ist die Angabe der Dauer , kurz, mittel,lang für die Rennen. Kurz genommen = je 10 min pro Session. Ist bei Training und Quali im Grunde egal aber dann 2 Rennen mit je 10 min und Pflichtboxenstopp ist Schwachsinn.... Die Angabe könnten sie mal mit reinschreiben bei der Auswahl um nicht sinnlos Zeit zu verplempern im Vorfeld...
v1.0.6 Changelog:

- Fixed a potential crash when resuming career and championship.
- Added first implementation of blue flags during qualifications.
- Tweaked MP highlights to avoid unnecessary out-of-track highlights.

- Sprint Race driver assignment now matches real-life rules. (Drivers are designated to Q1, Q2, R1, and R2 based on license).

- Added chat window on Multiplayer menu screens.
- Fixed a bug where the player could remain stuck in the podium animation sequence when using VR.
- Fixed wrong default tyre set when opening MFD pitstop page without going to setup before the session.
- Fixed MFD not updating in non-interactive phases.
- Removed engine repair option from MFD.
- Relocated "lock to horizon" setting from video settings to view/camera settings page.
- Now possible to save driver profile with a blank nickname.
- All setup strategies start from 0 litres of fuel instead of 2.
- MFD now correctly shows 0 fuel to add from pit strategy.
- Player now receives alert of pitlane speeding in real time, not at the end of the pitlane.
- Disabled an obsolete PP effect that resulted in heavy GPU load in the user interface with ultra-high resolutions.
- Pit window message now includes a timer with time left until it closes.

- Reworked audio bank loading logic.
- Reworked pitlane audio listener priority.
- Improved exterior and blow-off valve sounds for Ferrari 488 GT3
- Volume level minor tweaks

- Server admins can assign a free formation lap (without limiter) via /manual start during the wait time.
- Private servers can set up a full formation lap via "shortFormationLap": 0 in the settings.json.
- "Setup" cannot be selected as Spectator.
- Fixed Pit MFD page not always visible in driver swap scenarios.
- Improved timing accuracy in driver swap scenarios.
- Session overtime will now be skipped in more clever ways.
- Fixed HUD disappearing under certain circumstances.

- Fixed Mercedes-AMG GT3 excessive fuel consumption.
- Fixed setup UI showing excessive blistering and graining values.
- Fixed aggressive setup selection for Porsche GT3 at Nurburgring.
- Fixed Mercedes GT3 brands hatch aggressive setup TC, ABS and ECU values.
- Bentley 2018 ECU is not zero-based (starts from 1).
- Porsche 991 GT3 R ECU maps between wet and aggressive setup corrected (now inverted).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
schonmal einer eine KI gehabt die einfach nicht fahren kann?
habe die karriere neu gestertet und im ersten freien training auf zolder viel mir am ende einer auf der nicht eine gezeitete runde hat.
waren noch 2min oder so also mal bei ihm "mitgefahren".
immer von der strecke gefahren, zurück,wilde lenkmanöver links/rechts, wieder von der strecke (gedreht etc).
ja so in etwa hat das ausgesehen.
aber 20min lang ist schon sportlich.
zumal Dries Vaanthor nicht dafür bekannt ist nicht fahren zu können :lol:
Ach so, appropo Karriere. Wieso hat man selber so einen komischen Namen zugewiesen bekommen, statt seinen eigenen Profilnamen?

Ich dachte, hey wo stehe ich eigentlich. Hatte meinen Name nirgendwo gesehen.

Okay, ich gebe zu, ich habe mich mit ACC noch nicht groß befasst.
zumal es auch irgendwie keinen sinn macht sich einen teamnamen und fahrer/kollegennamen am anfang zu vergeben wenn man dann doch unter was anderem rumgurkt...
aber vielleicht kommt das noch...
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