[Sammelthread] Assetto Corsa Competizione - SRO GT World Challenge

ich habe eben versucht was brauchbares im Jaguar einzustellen aber das ist wohl ein aussichtsloses unterfangen irgendwie...
im kofferraum mit 2 meter langen armen sitzen und hohem FOV um die strecke zu sehen oder dashcam um nach vorne was zu sehen und dafür seitlich blind und niedrigem FOV...
beides nicht der brüller...
Wenn Du diese Anzeige nicht sehen willst, registriere Dich und/oder logge Dich ein.

Weiß jemand von euch zufälligerweise, ob Kunos in ACC die Steuerung per Maus implementieren wird? Ich bin´s gewöhnt in AC so zu steuern (Kein Platz für ein Anständiges Lenkrad mit Pedalerie und keine Lust auf Montage / Demontage) und vermisse es schmerzlich in ACC.

Möglicherweise ist es für dich eine blöde Frage, aber: was meinst du mit Maussteuerung?

Weiß jemand von euch zufälligerweise, ob Kunos in ACC die Steuerung per Maus implementieren wird? Ich bin´s gewöhnt in AC so zu steuern (Kein Platz für ein Anständiges Lenkrad mit Pedalerie und keine Lust auf Montage / Demontage) und vermisse es schmerzlich in ACC.


Keyboard ja, da kann man sich die Tasten belegen wie man möchte, aber Maus ? was möchtest du daruf belegen ?
Im schlimmsten Fall: aber nur wenn ich zu faul bin meine Rig 50cm zu verschieben nutze ich kurzzeitig das One Pad.
Da sie es nicht gebacken bekommen ne Maussteuerung in VR zu implementieren würde ich nicht darauf hoffen sondern evtl. doch mal zum Wheel greifen . MfG
Assetto Corsa (Teil 1!) hatte tatsächlich Maussteuerung. Hatte ich mal irgendwann ausprobiert als ich nur was testen wollte und keine Lust hatte das Wheel aufzubauen. Funzte sogar einigermassen.

Beim aktuellen Stand von ACC würd ich da aber noch nicht (oder vielleicht auch gar nicht mehr) mit rechnen. Ansonsten mal ne Anfrage im offiziellen Forum stellen, da wird man das sicher am Ehesten beantworten können...
Hotfix 0.5.2

v0.5.2 Changelog

- Jaguar collider fixed with soft collisions
- Minor updates to Zolder
- Fixed look back input using a controller binding
- Fixed wrong sound played in UI when Zolder is selected
- Fixed look left/right with chase camera when Lock to Horizon is enabled
- Fixed camera pitch change when Lock to Horizon is enabled
- Enabled look left/right with dash and bonnet cameras
Schon jemand Zolder gefahren ? Ich muss sagen der Track macht ja mal richtig Spaß,aktuell hatte ich da ne 1.31,1XX hinbekommen mit dem M6.Bin mal gespannt ob se den Release tatsächlich in Q1 hin bekommen,VR hat jedenfalls noch üble Bugs,im MP crasht bei mir die exe beim Start in die nächste Session ...Kann mir jemand sagen wie die Einstellung für den Blick nach hinten heißt ? Was ich da belegt hatte scheint nicht das richtige zu sein : (
Möglicherweise ist es für dich eine blöde Frage, aber: was meinst du mit Maussteuerung?

Durch die Bewegung der Maus kontrollierst du das Lenkrad. Siehe hier. Ist präziser als nur mit Tastatur, nimmt aber keinen Platz weg und verursacht keine Zusatzkosten für ein Lenkrad (wenn dann möcht´ ich schon was gscheites von Fanatec, aber da ist man mit Pedalen und Sitz auch ganz fix bei 800€. Bin ich [noch] nicht bereit zu).

Dann hoffe ich mal das es noch kommt. Ansonsten war ACC für mich ein Griff ins Klo - Gott sei dank nur die paar Euro für den Early Access gezahlt ^^
Naja ansonsten xbox oder ps4 controller falls sowieso schon ne Konsole daheim steht und den mit Kabel am PC oder halt einfach günstiges PC-kompatibles Pad besorgen. Besser als gar nix, Padsupport sollte ja wahrscheinlich drin sein, oder etwa auch nicht?
*och* ?
na dann...
also das changelog liesst sich ja schonmal recht gut was alles neu oder geändert wurde :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die jason.config(zumindest bei VR) soll ja gelöscht werden, hab ich nachdem einiges nicht funzte gemacht,trotzdem konnte ich die Einstellungen fürs G27 nicht machen,egal was ich drücke das es kommt #11 vom G27,lässt sich dann über Advanced nicht ändern,hab dann das Game deinstalliert,den ACC Ordner in Dokumente gelöscht und den PC neu gestartet,hab trotzdem noch das Problem,hat das hier noch jemand ?
- Added rear-view camera display in Lamborghini Huracán GT3.
- Consistent mirror resolution in all cars.
- Fixed ghost car not working in some instances.
- Fixed replay highlights increasing with longer sessions.
- Fix to mirror resolution default.
- Added presession timer to MP.
- Fix to false-positive DQ resulting from teleporting to pits.
- Fixed standings widget not updating total player count.
- Fixed driving camera resetting after entering and leaving the pause menu.
- Fixed both Nissans' setup ECU values, now start from 1.
- Fixed potential issue with road effects settings not saving properly.
- Race communication durations edited for important messages.
- Race results now show gaps to leader.
- AI skill and aggressiveness sliders remember last set values across game modes.
- Informative help snippets added when selecting each graphics setting.
Ich habe es schon lange nicht mehr angeworfen. Als sich bei mir mal was verklemmt hatte, hatte ich einfach den Assetto Ordner unter "Meine Dokumente" gelöscht. Dann waren zwar alle Settings weg, dafür konnte ich aber wieder alles neu einstellen.
HOTFIX 0.6.2 is now LIVE! Please restart your Steam client in order to download the latest #ACC update.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Oculus Rift users: We recommend launching the game by-passing Steam VR, adding "-vr" to Steam launch options for ACC as described in the below image to avoid possible performance issues and stuttering.


v0.6.2 Changelog
- Fixed wrong first lap time when start-finish line is crossed before the green light.
- Fixed AI erratic speeds during formation lap.
- Added lumirank update in replay.
- Enabled detailed animations in onboard cameras.
- Added session over message for qualifying/practice.
- Improved AI pace at Monza and Nurburgring.
- Added intermediate solution to run the formation sequence in Multiplayer. Overtakes may happen, but enables controlled formation sequence.
- Fixed protocol mismatch on the rating backend, resulting in wrong data.
- Fixed SA Rating working in Multiplayer.
- Fixed RC Rating preventing data being stored in Multiplayer.
- NOTE: Due to incompabilities with the data, the Rating Profiles will be reset again.
- Fixed end-sequence in Multiplayer: spotter annoucement, checkered flags and so on will now be correctly triggered.
- Fixed formation sequence not starting when the leader is in the pits.
- Fixed rare crash in the Multiplayer server, possibly also crashing connected clients.
- Fixed races not showing time gaps in Multiplayer races.
- Fixed tyres not being correctly selected based on dynamic weather conditions along with the setup.
- Added "Official Test Server" opened for experimental features and testing. See the official support forum.
- Fixed search and password text input issues in VR.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
- Fixed windshield water effects turning off with LOW and MED Effects settings.
- Fixed EF Jaguar G3 missing hydraulic compressor sound.
- Lamborghini Huracán GT3 aero correction.
- Fixed "locked controls" message invisible in VR.
- Fixed a bug in server leading to crashes and desynchronization of time, weather and sessions in Multiplayer.
- Improved collisions in Multiplayer.
- Fixed Multiplayer collision detection for the Safety Rating (SA).
- Removed automatic disqualification in Multiplayer; we collected enough data to go on while allowing drivers to enjoy MP without false positives.
- Added experimental fix to reduce the CPU occupancy in the accServer.
- Added CPU warnings to the accServer.
- Fixed name overlays not working for drivers that join Multiplayer.
- Fixed label visibility in Multiplayer.
- Fixed Driver Rating Profile displaying wrong data.
- Disabled Driver Rating Profile "Total progression" chart.
- Overall volume fine tuning.
- Nissan GT-R GT3 automatic clutch fine tuning.
- Ferrari 488 GT3 BOP correction.
- Bentley GT3 2016 BOP correction.
- Fixed automatic assist engine startup issue.
- Improved AI pace all over the board
- Added "lazy" Force Feedback initialization, hoping to solve people with no FF at start
- Added car retirement system to avoid long overtime
Ich konnte jetzt nicht mehr widerstehen und habe bei ACC auch zugeschlagen :d Hat von euch jemand ein T300 und würde seine Einstellungen mit mir teilen? :)
0.7.0 Changelog

- Opened SRO E-Sports Series - Round 1 special event.
NOTE: This special event is controlled remotely and may be invisible for a short time after the release.
- Reintroducing Endurance game modes.
- Added Custom Race Weekend mode that allows you to completely customize a race weekend, including number of races, mandatory pit stops and time multiplier.
NOTE: Some features, such as the Superpole session will become available in the full release of the game.
- Introducing penalties for various on-track transgressions: pitlane speeding, cutting, failure to serve mandatory pitstop within the pit window.
Penalties include warnings, drive-through, stop&go and disqualification. Cutting is penalized depending on time gained. Cuts with large gains result in DQ straight away. Speeding in the pitlane may remove your fastest lap in non-race sessions, and serious speeding results in DQ straight away. Added penalty for reversing.
- Introducing pit stops with refuel, tyre change, damage repair and serving penalties.
- Introducing dynamic weather, custom weather and track status presets: the Weather page in the menu now allows you to select existing presets and enable dynamic weather for each single one of them. The preset defines the starting conditions, and also have a significant effect on what you can expect. Weather variability can range from 1 to 100%.
The Custom weather preset allows you to set each aspect of the conditions, including cloud cover, the intensity of rain and levels of track wetness and standing water.
NOTE: Selecting the Clear weather preset and high variability doesn't mean that you can expect drastic changes over a short period. Cloudy weather on the other hand, has a much bigger probability of producing precipitation, but variability can also render conditions to improve significantly.
NOTE: The weather is designed to be dynamic over realistic periods of time. However, as it uses game-time, the player can accelerate weather transitions by using the time multiplier.
- Various improvements in cut detection and corresponding penalties.
- Fixed engine start assist sometimes failing to restart the car.
- Added input to change secondary (Racelogic device) pages. Cycles between current laptime, delta, stint time and speed). Default key is ALT+D.
- Added input to toggle wiper on and off. Uses last selected wiper speed. Default key is ALT+W.
- Replay pause: now updated on random access.
- Replay pause: now possible to use the free camera controls with the same speed as 1x speed.
- Improved management of automatic highlights priority and avoiding flood.
- Option file for replay in [Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione]/Config/replay.json
- Added possibility to reduce saved replay time in options/general.
- Fixed wheel speed with different replay playing times.
- Fixed replay focused camera for disconnected cars during random access.
- Next car/previous shortcut is now based on relative car positions.
- Improved logic for white/yellow/blue flag and optimizations for marshalls.
- Fixed fireworks/tracklight/endmode for replay.
- Permanent spotter message groups.
- Added short wait time at the start of the formation to allow enough time for manual starting procedure.

- Fixed Safety Rating (SA) decaying in both race and solo conditions.
- Improved Racecraft Rating (RC) development directly after unlocking.
- Improved Consistency Rating (CN), should now be more sensitive to inconsistencies.
- Improved Consistency Rating (CC) to be less volatile.
- Improved ingame rating widget to highlight rating value gains.
- Rating widget will now allow to unlock the highest rating Competition (CP) and remain in collapsed state then.
- Added data charts and insights for SA and RC rating Driver Profile Rating Page.
- Fixed driver category assignment in Total Rating page, added Beginner and Rookie categories.
- Due to the significant changes in RC and SA, both ratings will be reset. Progress in TR, CN and CC will remain.

- Fixed a bug in VR that caused the racing HUD to flicker and hit performance by constantly re-rendering the overlay.
- Introducing visual and mechanical damage:
Mechanical damage affects bodywork, suspension, aero and tyres.
Visual damage affects bodywork, windows, can deform body parts and also affects the functionality of headlights.
- Added dynamic windshield dirt effects that are cleaned off during pit stops.
- Added blurred brake disc visuals.
- Fix for Dash and DashPro cameras having wrong offset/rotation when using custom settings.
- Fix for wrong camera pitch after F1 cycle with lock to horizon enabled.

- First release of the new multi-page and multi-functional widget, replacing the old Standings widget.
It contains a real-time track position page, standings, pit stop strategy and car electronics. Navigation is possible with all navigation inputs, including keyboard arrows, D-Pad and mouse.
It enables the player to control all car-related inputs (TC, ABS, wiper, lights, rain light etc.) on the fly, without having to map each key to the steering wheel/button box.
NOTE: the MFD uses navigation inputs, which means input overlap may need some bindings to be remapped.
NOTE: the MFD navigation in VR is not yet functional, thank you for your patience.
- Introducing weather forecast and grip status widget: a simple widget on the HUD that alerts the player of changing weather forecast in 10 and 30-minute projections. It is also visible on the race and setup screens.
NOTE: It shows weather forecast in real-world time, which means in accelerated sessions the forecast will be translated to a time that is easier to understand for the player.
- Fixed timing issues on car dash displays.
- Additional server information on Multiplayer lobby page, including session status and dynamic weather indicator.
- HUD pages can now by cycled backwards using Shift+F2.
- Added realtime track position widget.
NOTE: it is now the default page inside the MFD in multi-car sessions.
- Weather and Track status summary now visible on the weather tile in the Single Player page.
- Added helper information for various single player pages and the new weather page.
- Added tyre pressure readout on tyre app to help users who do not use cockpit cameras monitor tyre pressure.

- Optimizations in multithreaded CPU calculations.
- Brake duct simulation. Influences brake disc heat and braking efficiency, but also rim and air temperature inside the tyre and thus pressure and general tyre temperature.
- Brake duct settings in setup aero screen for all cars. Setting 0 is a completely closed duct and can provoke brake fade very very fast, exceeding 1000°C. Never to be used in a real race, but added for simracer's gratification. Setting 6 is completely open and can keep the brakes very cold.
The peak temperature is of course important but keep in mind that a low setting not only heats up more, but doesn't cool down the brake in the straights, so the heat accumulates and keeps dissipating heat to the tyres.
Ideally you want your front brake HUD to show green or slight yellow at the end of your braking zone and your rear, green. Don't judge after just 2,3 braking zones. Do a couple of laps and let the brakes do some heat/cool cycles to arrive at a balanced condition.
- Suspension damage for all cars (WIP).
- Basic aero damage for all cars (WIP).
- Optimizations to tyre flex at very low speeds, to diminish or even eliminate an FFB vibration around 50kmh.
- Added tyre pressure and potential puncture influenced by riding kerbs aggressively.
If you ride stepped kerbs with low tyre pressure (cold tyre) the tyre flex might provoke pressure loss. How much pressure loss is not easy to predict, but the lower the pressure the more pressure loss will happen. Hitting the kerbs and sliding laterally over them with low pressures can result to a tyre deflation losing all pressure instantly in less than a lap. Avoid kerbs with very cold tyres at all costs. When the tyre has adequate pressure, the risk of loss of pressure is almost null so you can attack kerbs again. Be careful when racing on slick tyres when it starts raining. The tyres will lose temperature very fast and so you must avoid kerbs until you enter for your pitstop. Any pressure over 26psi is relatively safe. The whole system is complex, brand new and we are still working on it. Thank you for your patience.
- Improved collision model, which significantly benefits car-to-ground collisions. Also brings significant improvements to car behaviour when attacking any kind of kerbs.
- Start ECU assist now has more discreet intervention because of the launch control implementation. To start, just floor it in 1st gear with clutch on and revs will be limited to 5000rpm. The less start assist should aid when trying to spin around on grass after a track exit.
- Tweaked TC logic for all cars. Permits more slippage in straight line and more angle. Can result in more oversteery cars in lower TC settings so take care when track is slippery.
- Fixed bug that could cause an event to start with tyres in ambient temperature if user clicked directly on drive.
- Wet tyre adjustments.
- Slick tyres optimum pressure range now 1-2 psi higher.

- Exterior engine volumes are now higher.
- Interior engine volumes are now higher.
- Fixed wind sound in tunnel/underpass sometimes not played properly.
- Fixed pit alarm sirens sometimes not played properly.
- Tuned exterior volume for engine reverb and reflection.
- Tuned volume attenuation curve for opponents when the player is in cockpit/chase cameras.
- New radio messages and alerts, including penalties, damage, tyre pressure warning.
- Fixed possible crash changing device for xaudio2.
- Fixed inconsistencies in ambient zone audio.
- Updated fmod to version 1.10.10.

- Fixed issue where the HUD would vanish after a session transition.
- Enabled server rating requirements, see updates in https://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php?threads/0-6-multiplayer-server-configuration-for-server-admins.54830/
- Added dirt and visual damage to Multiplayer.
- Improved server lobby stability.
- Enabled dynamic weather in multiplayer server configuration, see updates in https://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php?threads/0-6-multiplayer-server-configuration-for-server-admins.54830/
- Improved race-weekend track condition simulation in Multiplayer when dynamic weather is used.
- Safety (SA) and Racecraft (RC) ratings will change with a drastically reduced rate on password protected servers.
- Added server admin commands: /kick and /ban.
Das liest sich ja mal megainteressant.
Nachher mal ein paar Runden drehen um zu sehen, wie die Scheibe dreckig wird 😂

Ich schau nachher mal nach.
Möchtest du irgendwelche bestimmten Settings?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich bekomme weder eine vernünftige übersicht noch ein gefühl für geschwindigkeit... :/
EDIT: frage: habt ihr gefühlt auch ein riesiges inputlag beim lenken?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich schau nachher mal nach.
Möchtest du irgendwelche bestimmten Settings?

Settings vom Treiberfenster sowie die Ingame FFB Settings (sind ja glaube ich nur vier) wären super :) Aktuell habe ich einfach noch das Gefühl zu wenig Rückmeldung zu bekommen. Gerade Untersteuern spüre ich eigentlich überhaupt nicht. Das hat mir bei AC sehr gut gefallen weil dort die Lenkung leichter wurde wenn die Vorderachse an Grip verloren hat. Im Clipping bin ich aber nicht :)

ich bekomme weder eine vernünftige übersicht noch ein gefühl für geschwindigkeit... :/
EDIT: frage: habt ihr gefühlt auch ein riesiges inputlag beim lenken?

Was meinst du mit vernünftiger Übersicht? Das Geschwindigkeitsgefühl fehlt mir auch noch. Gestern mal mit dem FOV rumgespielt aber mit weniger als 43 kann ich mich nicht anfreunden sonst sehe ich das Display im Cockpit nicht mehr. Laut FOV Calculator müsste ich auf 23 runter aber das geht garnicht :d
Gestern mal erstes Rennen online gefahren, leider zu viele Dreher hingelegt. Aber generell machts schon Spaß, online ist meine 1080ti aber voll am Limit.
Hatte zwischen 60 und 80 fps UWQHD.
Strafen für rempeln gibt's ja nicht oder?
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