Hallo zusammen,
anbei die Stellungnahme von DFI, wobei wir Punkte zur Ansprache gebracht haben:
1. Some memory modules haven't been recognized, so no booting possible.
2. Booting with HAT 1000 MHz (5*200MHz) is not possible, 4*200MHz is possible.
3. After installing the NVidia drivers, the booting takes about 3-4 minutes, in more than 70% the computer reboots on and on.
4. Problems when choosing different SATA ports.
5. Software shows chipset as Nvidia 250Gb and not nF3 Ultra.
6. The voltages are not correct (The board is undervolting a lot).
Interessant ist, daß ein neues BIOS offenbar kurz bevorsteht. Hier nun die Antwort von DFI-Technikabteilung:
Gutentag Uwe:
Ok I have run a few test here with a NF3 Ultra-D with BIOS version 06-02-05. My config was:
1 x A64 3000 Venice.
1 x PC 4000 OCZ PC 4000 memory.
1 x Zalman 300 watts.
1 x ATI 9700Pro.
1 x 7200rpm Seagate HD
In this case I didn't run into any problems and I have the following comments to offer on the 6 points you mentioned.
1: It is known that this board does have a few memory compatibility issues. Especially with regards to overclockers memory (that above DDR 400)
2: I adjusted the HT from 4 to 5 as you mentioned and didn't have any problem booting the board, I also adjusted the memory from the 2T setting to 1T and didn't run into
any trouble. I beleive that the problems you encountered at this point were due to memory incomp as stated in issue 1.
3: Again I believe this a symptom of the memory incomp issue.
4: This problem I didn't notice
5: Please relate the name of the software you were using. Note however that the findings of 3rd party software are not considered relevant as they often give false reading
due to not being specifically tuned to the board in question.
6: Again I assume that this is thru the 3rd party software as the Venice CPU I used was 1.29v in the MB BIOS which puts it within the norm.
In summary I believe most of the problems to be stemming from memory incomp issues, so that said please advise customers encountering instability issues to stick to A-Brand DDR 400 max. Lastly I have received word that a new BIOS will become available shortly. I will pass it to you when I receive it and you may give it a try. (At this moment I'm not sure what fixes it
Wendell Smith
Technical Engineer
DFI Technical Support, Europe