Dr. Love
Zitat aus einem australischen Spielemagazin:
Euphoria hat also wirklich nicht mehr viel mit "handelsüblicher" Rag Doll Physik zu tun.
Nochmal der Hinweis darauf das scheinbar jeder Charakter des Spiels sterben kann.
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Gameplayer schrieb:Jumping out of a moving car can create a truly awesome ragdoll/Euphoria effect that makes Saints Row’s insurance scam missions look like a piss-weak joke. We wasted a good ten minutes just laughing our arse off driving into busy areas at full pace and then bailing out the door.
Euphoria hat also wirklich nicht mehr viel mit "handelsüblicher" Rag Doll Physik zu tun.
In the mission to Live and Die in Alderney, Frankie could have died. We were under no obligation to protect him and had the A.I got lucky he may have expired. This would have affected future dialogue streams, but not the mission. So characters can die if chance doesn’t favor them and the game is prepared to deal with such an event.
Nochmal der Hinweis darauf das scheinbar jeder Charakter des Spiels sterben kann.
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