jawohl da bin ich gefragt
hmm, Einstieg is schwer, aber ich rate dir da einfach zu den 2 besten Opeth Alben in der Hinsicht. Hier hast du sozusagen opeth in Reinkultur, da hast du sie in Top-Form, davor und danach hat alles so seine Mankos.
Zum einen:
6161. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #01] [Progressive Death Metal] The Leper Affinity [10:23]
6162. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #02] [Progressive Death Metal] Bleak [9:16]
6163. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #03] [Progressive Death Metal] Harvest [6:01]
6164. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #04] [Progressive Death Metal] The Drapery Falls [10:54]
6165. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #05] [Progressive Death Metal] Dirge for November [7:54]
6166. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #06] [Progressive Death Metal] The Funeral Portrait [8:44]
6167. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #07] [Progressive Death Metal] Patterns in the Ivy [1:52]
6168. Opeth - [Blackwater Park (2001) #08] [Progressive Death Metal] Blackwater Park [12:08]
und zum anderen
6200. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #01] [Progressive Death Metal] Ghost of Perdition [10:29]
6201. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #02] [Progressive Death Metal] The Baying of the Hounds [10:41]
6202. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #03] [Progressive Death Metal] Beneath the Mire [7:57]
6203. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #04] [Progressive Death Metal] Atonement [6:28]
6204. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #05] [Progressive Death Metal] Reverie/Harlequin Forest [11:39]
6205. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #06] [Progressive Death Metal] Hours of Wealth [5:20]
6206. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #07] [Progressive Death Metal] The Grand Conjuration [10:21]
6207. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #08] [Progressive Death Metal] Isolation Years [3:51]
6208. Opeth - [Ghost Reveries (2006) #09] [Progressive Death Metal] Soldier of Fortune [*] [3:28]
das sind wirklich die Scheiben bei denen du nichts falsch machen kannst, bei Fragen, frag einfach