+++ Der Starcraft 2 - Sammelthread +++

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war doch immer so das die balancing patches, selbst bei Starcraft eingeführt wurden nur die neuen Einheiten halt nich...macht euch da mal nicht allzu grosse Sorgen...
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ich sehe das mit der Trilogie mit gemischten Gefühlen.

Bei Teil 1 war es mir teilweise zu langweilig, die ganze Zeit mit einer Rasse zu spielen. Ich fand es daher sehr gut, das ich ohne die Kampagne beendet zu haben, bereits eine andere Rasse spielen konnte. Wenn die einen mit den immer gleichen Einheiten an der Stange halten wollen, muss sich Blizzard schon verdammt anstrengen über 30 Missionen.

Zum Anderen finde ich es merkwürdig .... wenn mit 2.1 Terraner bereits die Gegner alle designt sind und die Einheiten fertig sind und man mit Ihnen im MP Teil bereits spielen kann, was zum Geier soll dann ernsthaft soviel Arbeit machen, das man 1 Jahr bis Teil 2.2 braucht ??? Die Geschichte ??? Ein paar Cutscenes ??? Irgendwie kommt mir das merkwürdig vor ....
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Klare Abzocke aus meiner Sicht!
Blizzard hat in der letzten Zeit bewiesen, dass der Profit über allem steht - was bei einem Unternehmen natürlich legitim ist - und somit wird nach dem Motto agiert "Was den Geldsack voll macht, kann nur richtig sein"

Diablo 3: Alte World of Warcraft Engine + Physikengine + neue Shader-Effekte + neue Perspektive - > Wenig Aufwand, wenig Risiko = geringere Kosten

World of Warcraft Addons: Stückchenweise mehr vom alten und ein paar Highlights die gerade so reichen - > Wenig Aufwand, wenig Risiko = geringere Kosten

StarCraft 2: Triologie statt Komplettpaket, verteilte Entwicklung auf drei Veröffentlichungszeiträume - > Weniger Aufwand, weniger Risiko = geringere Kosten

Die Strategie ist klar: Mit wenig Aufwand und Risiko und viel Hype sowie exzelentem Marketing erfolgreiche Produkte herstellen.

Außerdem kann so StarCraft früher erscheinen und wird weniger fehlerhaft, die wenigen Vorteile durch die Triologie
Age of Conan Spieler reden von abzocke... köstlich! Und dann auch noch "Legio-Gaming" die Crapgate: Loldon so verteidigt haben, Schrottspiele scheinens euch ja richtig angetan zu haben.

Mal bissl aktualisieren...

Chat with Devs: Since the Worldwide Invitational in Paris, the topic of the new Vespene Gas mechanic has come up a lot across many different fansites and message boards. Thus far, this is one of the biggest changes which will affect the macro management of bases in StarCraft II. To shed some more light on this new mechanic, I have gotten a chance to talk to Dustin Browder, our Lead Designer for StarCraft II, about the progress thus far of the new mechanic, as well as the objectives this new mechanic is designed to achieve.

To start, the new Vespene Gas mechanic is to further distinguish the play style in which players gather minerals versus gathering gas. In the original StarCraft, the gathering of gas was very linear in the rate in which gas is gathered. Often, players would put 3-4 workers on the gas, and the players would forget about it until the geyser was depleted. Minerals on the other hand, were much more exponential in the rate of growth and were also often played differently amongst different races. Zerg would likely expand rapidly with less drones in each expansion and Protoss/Terran could sustain a sizeable force with higher numbers of workers on a smaller number of expansions.

How the New Vespene Gas Mechanic Works
For StarCraft II, with the new Vespene Gas mechanic, players will have 2 gas geysers at their starting position. These geysers will start with X amount of gas (currently 600 and subject to balance) and at any time players can purchase additional gas in their geysers for X minerals (currently 100 and subject to balance). With each purchase of additional gas for your geyser, the geyser increases with X gas (currently 600 and subject to balance) and the geyser shuts down for 45 seconds. When a geyser is depleted, workers will still be able to gather gas at a low rate of 2 per round (subject to balance).

How the New Vespene Gas Mechanic Plays
With this new gas mechanic, players have a wider variety of strategies in developing and maintaining their refineries, as well as additional attention needed to make sure they are collecting gas at the most efficient rate. On the production side, players now also have to decide between sticking to Tier 1 units longer, or to play it balanced with one geyser, or even max out on gas to invest heavily on teching and higher tech units. Additional, the relationship between minerals and gas have an added layer of depth since investing in additional gas will actually cost the player minerals as well. How often a player invests in gas will also not necessarily be consistent through the game too and will depend upon what units that player is currently choosing to mass. Scouting too has an added layer of depth as well, as a players gas collecting play style may determine if the player is teching to a higher tier mineral heavy unit (like a Dark Templar) or a higher tech gas heavy unit (like a High Templar).

Overall, players will have to build the appropriate buildings as well as gather resources in a particular method in order to execute a certain strategy at a professional level. It is the hope of the development team that this new mechanic will not only make gas collecting more interesting, but also increase the amount of macro management skill needed to compete in StarCraft II at the top levels while at the same time making the game playable for mid level players without using some of these more advanced techniques.

---StarCraft II Q&A Batch 41---

How exactly does the Corruptors attack work? Is it a stacking debuff that takes effect after a certain number of stacks? And if so can the debuff time out? Would you be able to hit and run kill for example Battlecruisers with a few Corruptors over a couple of minutes?
The attack is technically a debuff, but does not do damage over time. Every time the Corruptor attacks a unit, it'll leave a debuff on it for a couple seconds. If the unit dies within those couple seconds, the unit will be corrupted.

What are the current stats and build times for the Queen defensive buildings?
To catch us up, Zerg defensive buildings aren't built by the queen anymore. Instead, they are built from the drone once again.

The Queen seems to be a very potent unit, although its tasks are more defensive ones, it can be used in crazy rush strategies, according to Karune's experiences. Well, if the Nydus Worm was able to transport even queens, she would get even more potent. You could easily think of crazy rushes using your opponents creep to just overwhelm him with your units AND your defensive structures. So here is the simple question: Can the Nydusworm transport queens among all the other units?
Defensive structures will not be able to enter the Nydus tunnel network, but the Queen will be able to. Furthermore, the Queen will no longer be able to build defensive structures. Drones will morph into defensive structures, similar to the original StarCraft.

When the Zerg Sunken Colony is uprooted and on the move is it more vulnerable to enemy attack?
Yes, the Spine and Spore Crawlers will have less hit points while they are uprooted. The actual number of hit points will be determined through balance testing.
In many cases, the micromanagement of units in StarCraft revolved around gameplay mechanics (Dragoon dance, Mutalisk stacking, Reaver/Shuttle micro, etc.), rather than special abilities with cooldown/charges (Stalker's Blink, Phoenix's Overload, etc.).

Is the amount of this kind of special abilities in SC2 a concern of Blizzard, and how would this affect the overall gameplay? -lepape
Players will still have dependence on both gameplay mechanics as well as special abilities. For instance, Stalkers will have the basic dancing mechanic as Dragoons had in the original StarCraft. Marauders are another unit highly dependent on micromanagement to get the most effectiveness out of the unit, making sure you use their attacks slowing effect at opportune times.

Though for StarCraft II, we are introducing much more positional micromanagement, which will amplify units damage significantly. A Colossus will fire in a line and lining up that radius with the enemy units will be crucial in battles. Flanking Jackals from multiple angles will surely add to its potency as well.

Overall, we definitely want to balance the game with both plenty of gameplay mechanics as well as special abilities that create opportunities for the players to initiate clever strategies as well as innovative maneuvers on the battlefield.

Terrans currently appear to be at a disadvantage in terms of troop mobility, (as compared to 'Warp-in' and 'Nydus Worm') are there any plans to bring back the, 'drop-pod' or other new transport mechanic?
Actually, we consider the Terran side to be quite mobile. Let us first look at the Reapers. This unit is the fastest ground unit in the game which traverses terrain without even having a spotter. In addition, the Medivac Dropships, allow added mobility to all Terran ground units. With the addition of the Dropship being able to heal, it has become even more of a staple in Terran strategies, giving even more increased incentive for players to build Dropships than the original StarCraft. On top of this, Vikings providing both ground and air support at a click of a button, gives that added support of mobility and options when moving a Terran army around.

The method in which Terran will be mobile is indeed different than Warp-in and Nydus Worm, though they are not considered less mobile than the other races.

What was the main reasoning to shifting the Hydralisk backwards one technology level? How does this affect the Zerg early-game, especially since the Zerg will have absolutely no anti-air units before the Hydralisks?
Actually, the Hydralisk has been brought back down to Tier 1.5, giving Zerg early anti-air capabilities without upgrading their Hatchery to a Lair. The test originally was to put Hydralisks at a later tech and have Corruptors be buildable earlier without a prerequisite building other than upgrading to the Lair. To make this happen, the Corruptors had to be nerfed appropriately to fit that tech, which made it very weak and much less fun. Additionally, without a prerequisite building, opposing players could not scout the Zerg player to see when they were going air, which did not fit the gameplay style we were shooting for.

What kinds of cheats will be included in Starcraft 2, and how will they be accessed/unlocked?
There will be cheats, but you wont know what they are from us :) sorry.

Concerning resources there is one big issue for mapmakers: There are only two of them. For many UMS-maps you need more different resource-types than gas and minerals, thus mapmakers were forced to use even civilians as a sort of resource. So will mapmakers be able to place their one, gather-able resources on the map such as lumber or gold? (starcraft2.4players.de)
Yes, we have recently added support for one additional custom resource type. Additional custom resources types may be implemented in the future, but there are no plans at the moment.

With the Battlecruiser's new ability dealing splash damage to lightly armored air units, you could fear that the Thor has once more fallen into a role void. Is this the case or are the Battlecruiser ability and the Thor's anti-air capabilities tactically different enough?
The overlap is really no more different than a Siege Tank and the Yamato Gun ability or the Reaver and the Psi Storm from Brood War. The new ability helps the Battlecruiser against a specific group of units, which are units the Battlecruiser is already good against, rather than making it effective against all units. The last thing we wanted is for the Battlecruiser to kill groups of units that are supposedly effective at countering it, such as the Warp Ray.

Does the Battlecruisers new AoE affect friendly units in the area?
No, the Missile Barrage does not affect friendly units.

Will it be possible to use the full 3D cinematics mechanic from the single player campaign in the map editor?
Yes, we are looking forward to seeing some awesome custom cut scenes from the community.

Most users know that even invisible units can be seen by experienced players since they cause this nice little blur effect while in Warcraft 3 invisible units are indeed invisible aside from leaving footprints on the ground. So what about transferring the 'real' invisibility into the World of Starcraft by allowing mapmakers to choose from those two different invisible modes for each unit?
Map makers will be able to remove the blur effect that is currently on StarCraft IIs invisible units.

We have added a new planet bio, Mar Sara.

"The Sara system was initially catalogued by freelance prospectors and colonized by an expedition from Tarsonis several years later. Mar Sara formed the eighth of the thirteen core colonies of the Terran Confederacy. The Sara system was unusual for having two habitable planets, but Mar Sara was always a backwater colony compared to the more prosperous Chau Sara.

Mar Sara was one of the first planets to be infested by the zerg when they appeared in terran space. It was also the first planet on which the Confederates fought the advancing Swarm to any significant extent, although most of the actual fighting was done by local militia forces."

Read more about Mar Sara here. We have also added two new pieces of artwork and six new screenshots.


These screenshots depict more of what single player elements would have rather than multiplayer. In multiplayer, contrast is very important, to easily identify a players units, whereas in single player, realism and immersion will be a higher priority.

Here is how it works. All numbers are subject to change. We have changed the balance since the WWI build and will be fiddling with the balance this coming week for sure.

You start with two Vespene Geysers in your base and at every expansion (some maps will not do this of course, but all the WWI maps do). Optimal number of workers per gas collection building is 3 (so you need 6 total).
All gas collection buildings start with a certain amount of gas (like SC1). I believe it's 1000 in your WWI build.
When a gas collector runs out it becomes "depleted" (like SC1). A depleted gas collector still allows you to harvest some gas (like SC1). In the WWI build you collect 6 gas per trip from a working gas collector and 2 gas per trip when depleted. All gas collectors have a "Restore Gas" (name temp) button that you can use to return your gas collector to a non-depleted state. In the WWI build this gets you 400 gas back into your collector. Restoring Gas costs 100 minerals and takes the gas collector down for 45 seconds (all numbers temp).

Like all things this is work-in-progress, but here is what we have seen in the games we have played:
# You can choose how much gas you want. The more gas you want, the less minerals you will have. If you build your 2nd gas collector too soon, you may have the wrong resource mix. If you go gas too late, you may have the wrong resource mix. If you use "Restore Gas" too few times you may not have enough gas to do some of the crazy end-game stuff. If you use it to often early on you may have too much gas and not enough minerals.
# Some of the more mass-able units are very, very gas heavy. You can scout a player and gain some sense which way he is headed based on how quickly he goes for double gas.
# Sometimes you don't want to "Restore Gas" if you need just a little more gas in the short term because you are trying to tech or build something critical. Since it takes down your gas collector for 45 seconds you may need to hold if you are close to being able to afford something that requires gas. This of course damages your gas collection for the long haul which makes the choice difficult.

Why we are trying it:
# We think gas could be more interesting than it was in the original StarCraft.
# We think StarCraft 2 can benefit from additional economy choices.

I think that's all of it. Now that you have complete information, please discuss. =) Sorry for the forum spam. I don't have the tools handy to deal with it.


Thanks for the info. I'm a bit curious though, why did you change the gas collection rate from 8 to 6, and does the same apply to minerals?
Minerals are down to 5 per trip, but they harvest a little more quickly. We have been doing some timed comparisons of minerals in the original SC to SC2 and we have been really putting a lot of effort into getting the collection rate to be the same. The pathing is SO much better in SC2 that we were collecting minerals at a ferocious rate.
So now mineral collection is pretty close to SC1.

Sounds like an interesting game mechanic, and I welcome anything that offers more decisions in the heat of battle.
While we're on the subject matter, can you speak about the rumor that all gas buildings will have an ability that temporary enables two peons in the building to harvest gas at a time, and operates on a cooldown?
We aren't doing that currently though we did discuss it. We certainly wouldn't add it to what we have at WWI. It would be one or the other. Generally the "cooldown" type abilities we tried were a bit dull because you just mashed the button whenever the cooldown came up. Putting a minerals cost to the ability has so far been much more interesting.

I like this a lot more than some of the rumors going around. Two questions:
1) Will there be any way to regenerate minerals?
2) Can you Restore Gas an unlimited number of times?
1) No. At least not right now.=)
2) Yes.

Does each mineral field have 1500 minerals still, or has that been lowered as well?
Still 1500. We are only trying to lower the rate of minerals collection. We still want an expansion to have the same minerals value that it did in the original game.


StarCraft 2 System Specs
For Starcraft II, we wanted to maximize compatibility with less capable systems to ensure hassle‐free game play for as broad a player base as possible. Yet we also wanted to utilize the full potential of any available hardware to ensure the game's looks were competitive. This meant supporting a wide range of hardware, from ATI Radeon 9800/NVIDIA GeForce FX's to the ATI Radeon HD 4800s and NVIDIA GeForce G200s

Blizzard wants you!
We have been working hard for the last several months on ways to improve the gas mechanic in StarCraft 2. There are a couple of goals for this design change:

1) Gas doesnt always involve a lot of choice or strategy in SC2. You tend to just try to collect as much as you can as fast as you can and it involves only a few of your workers. Could a new way of collecting gas be another way to add more strategy to the game?
2) Base building and economy management isnt as strategically deep as we want it to be in StarCraft 2. StarCraft has always been a game where economy plays a large role in your strategy. Can we improve what we have?

The second issue is extremely important to us. Gas doesnt HAVE to be more interesting, but economy strategy and economy management must be an important part of the game. We have tried at least a dozen different gas systems in the last few months as we have explored what works and doesnt work inside StarCraft game play. We will continue to work on different ideas for a new gas mechanic until we find something that meets our needs or until we discover that all possible solutions are worse than what we currently have. What was shown at WWI was very much a work-in-progress, and while it continues to evolve it is valuable to be able to read forum posts from our fans about what they liked or didnt like in the last build they had a chance to play.

(Zum posten im Forum wird ein Bnet gültiger bw key benötigt)

Q&A Batch 43
As mentioned in previous conversations, the development team is working extremely hard on the single player campaign, which we will be talking in more detail about at a later time. In the meantime, questions will be 'light' over the next couple of batches, to give the Dev Team ample time to work on their latest design challenges. There are also many preparations being made for both the Games Convention coming up in Leipzig, as well as BlizzCon, to make sure the StarCraft II community definitely gets their feed of info. Nonetheless, in this batch we were able to talk a bit more with Dustin and our balance designer to look into the current Zerg versus Zerg match up towards the end of our Q&A. Enjoy!
As always, feel free to give the Devs and I a w00t if your enjoying these Q&As!

What happens if a Nullifier targets a Colossus with the Anti-Gravity ability?
When Anti-Gravity is used upon a Colossus, the Colossus will still be immobilized and lifted up, which will still allow it to be hit by units that can attack air targets. Colossi will not be able to shoot while under the effect of Anti-Gravity.

How many critters will there be available and will they have attack animations?
There will be critters, but there have not been any detailed discussions yet about their attack animations. On that note, there is a possibility that BlizzCon panels may fill the community in a bit more on what type of critters there will be.

Can the Infestor infest any building, or only specific ones, such as Barracks or Gateways, if the Protoss can be infested?
This is actually a mechanic they are currently testing quite a bit. It is undecided if the Infestor will be able to infest Protoss or Zerg buildings, as there are gameplay and lore reasons which support many different options. Either way, at the end of the day, the development team will choose an option that will be balanced and fun in terms of gameplay for multiplayer.

What units are currently undergoing major art changes?
There are several artistic revisions every week, though the two newest units to get some artistic updates are the Nomad and the Stalker. The Terran Nomad is getting a complete artistic redesign from any versions the community has seen thus far. Furthermore, the Protoss Stalker is also being updated to look more similar to the concept art piece as seen here: http://starcraft2.com/art.xml?s=6

How do Zerg vs Zerg games play out in SC2? Is it still mostly a battle of mutalisks and zerglings or have the new units changed things around?
ZvZ (Zerg vesus Zerg)matchup usually opens up in 2 different ways, Zerglings or Roaches. Aggressive players can use Zerglings mobility to take control of the early game, whereas going Roaches is more of a defensive strategy. Zergling vs. Roach relationship is such that for cost, Zerglings wins out in the open, Roaches win at chokes, but in mid/late games when numbers are greater, Roaches can stand up to or even beat Zerglings for cost out in the open. Hydralisks dont have much use in ZvZ early game, as they are more of an anti air unit in StarCraft II.

The tier 2 battle continues with Banelings that can dominate Zerglings, but with micro, Zerglings can actually come out ahead in Zergling vs. Baneling battles. Similarly, Lurkers counter Roaches for cost, but Roaches have the mobility advantage. Mutaliks counter Zerglings/Roaches since these units cant hit air. Whats different in StarCraft II is that Hydralisks counter Mutalisks extremely well, meaning something like Roach/Hydralisk combo can stand up to the classic Zergling/Mutalisk combo. Also, another great way to fight vs. mass Mutalisks is to tech to infestation pit (same tech level as the Spire), and make Corruptors or Infestors. Infestors have the disease ability that is great for fighting vs. units that clump really well such as the Mutalisk, and Corruptors are Zergs anti air air unit.
Due to the fast pace of the ZvZ game, most games dont end up in tier 3, but ultralisks, with their cleave attack, or swarm guardians that use swarms to soak up a lot of ground vs. ground damage are great options if the game does happen to go into tier 3.

Overall, StarCraft II has a variety of options even in a mirror match such as Zerg vs. Zerg. Players can use different unit compositions to counter the classic Zergling/Mutalisk strategy that is a still powerful but not the only option.

Beta is months away (IGN)
We asked when the field of testers might expand to beyond Blizzard's walls. "That's months away," said Pearce. "We still have to expand our internal alpha to include the rest of the organization, iterate on that feedback, and then we have to evaluate what kind of beta we need, whether we need one at all. There's a pretty high level of certainty that we're going to need a beta and then we have to decide if we want to do a host beta or a closed beta or both. So, months."


PAX Gameplay Videos
Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3

Starcraft 2 singleplayer wird in 3 full-release Spiele aufgeteilt (sc2+ expansion+ expansion) (Von shacknews - Blizzcon 2008)
Blizzard today announced that StarCraft II will be released as a trilogy of separate games, each concentrating on one of the universe's three factions.
The first game in the trilogy will consist of the Terran campaign, and is set to be titled "Terrans: Wings of Liberty."
The second Zerg-focused title will be "Zerg: Heart of the Swarm," with the third game being "Protoss: Legacy of the Void."
"[The second and third games] will be like expansion packs, but we really want them to feel like standalone products," said Blizzard's Rob Pardo.

Each campaign will be very different, with Pardo announcing the Zerg campaign will contain RPG elements. The Protoss campaigin will likewise be differentiated by elements of diplomacy. In addition, the Terran campaign will feature a Protoss mini-campaign.

The campaigns are planned as concentrated, epic storylines, with enough content to justify a full release. As a result, the games will now feature more in-game cinematics and story content.
Blizzard added that the plans for the multiplayer component are unchanged by the splitting of the campaigns. However, some units will now be unique to the campaigns and will not be playable in multiplayer.

Pardo noted that the decision was necessary to maintain the quality of the product, the alternatives either being a long delay of the game, or a scaling back of the campaign.

Quelle shacknews

Von mir aus kann man den singleplayer gleich ganz rausschneiden und später verkaufen, hauptsache das Ding kommt bald mal.

• StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
• StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm
• StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void

Tonnen an Screenshots (Single und Multi):

mehr bald auf sc2.com

Neue Battle.net Forum!

Maxed out creep range from one Overlord is a little bigger than the range of a Pylon’s power radius, and will take about 15 seconds to reach max range and generally recede within 30 seconds(subject to balance) after the Overlord is destroyed or stops unloading creep.
Overlords are immobile when they are unloading creep - and I don’t think the opponent would appreciate you painting up his base with ‘taunts’ written in creep either.
• Overlords must remain immobile to generate creep.
• It takes 15 seconds to unload a Pylon radius worth of creep.
• Creep takes 30 seconds to recede after Overlord’s “removal”.

Marine Shields
Yup, the Marines still have upgradable shields, making a huge difference late game against more high damage units. As long as those Marines can survive that initial hit, the Medivac Dropships does an awesome job of bringing them back to full health in no time.

Xel’ Naga Watch Towers - Nomad gestrichen -> Vulkan
The Xel’Naga Watch Towers do not grant ‘detection’ of cloaked units, nor does it move around like an Observer.
Nomads, also now known as the Vulkan, is still a detector. Actually, it is probably the most powerful mobile detector in the game, considering it can also rapidly deploy a medley of Terran defenses used to both support an attack or raid the enemy.

Jackal = Helion
• Speed
• Friendly AoE damage
• Affordability

The Jackal, now known as the Hellion, only has the flamethrower weapon. In previous versions, there was a railgun hover vehicle, but that will no longer be in multiplayer.
Think Firebat on wheels!
The Hellion is currently one of the best units for “micro” since it is faster than all other units in its tier, and also does splash damage in the form of a line with the flamethrower.

Warp Ray = Viod Ray
Warp Rays, also known as Void Rays now, are especially good against high hit point units, as well as buildings.

The Battlecruiser Missile pods
There will be screenshots posted during BlizzCon with this new ability. Keep checking the starcraft2.com site :)

6:20 EST - There is a presentation about Single Player. Raynor and Tychus.


Will the editor allow us to have the water surface react to explosions and units passing by?
No, there won’t be any physics effects involving water.

Will we have the possibility of having units evolve under water in the editor ?
Water is only decorative, it won’t have any gameplay effects. Units won’t be able to go “under” water. Although, you may be able to simulate this to some extent through triggers and data modification.

Will the Ultralisk upgrades change his visual appearance ?
Depending on time, we would like to have various upgrades be able to be seen visually on the units themselves, similar to the Marine’s shields. However, it has not been determined which upgrades will be seen yet though, as the art is still WIP.

The plasma turret of the Battlecruisers seem to have disappeared (Q&A 40) will we find something similar on another unit ?
With the Siege Tank already doing splash ground area of effect damage, the plasma turret was not needed, as it would overlap as the same role. If you are referring to the visual of the plasma turret, not other unit currently has that ability, although it will be available in the map editor.

The Firebat has disappeared, what other close combat units do we have?
Terrans currently have no melee units for multiplayer. The Firebat will however be seen in the single player campaign.

Do the burrowed Zerg see the units on the surface as they are or will they only see the movements like the Terran radar does?
Burrowed Zerg units will have a very limited line of sight. If the enemy unit does walk over them though, the Zerg player will be able to see their units clearly and be able to identify them (unlike radar).

In the original StarCraft two Psi-Storms at the same location will not double the damage, will this stay the same in StarCraft II ?
Yes, this will stay the same in StarCraft II.

StarCraft II Blizzcon 2008 B-Roll Footage
http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=YTMvz-qJQe4 5:59

(neuer creep)

Interview mit Dustin Browder von scsource:
• There are units in Starcraft 2 that are not necessarily intended to be used in 1v1. While it's not impossible nor not needed, the Mothership for instance as Dustin put it, was more of a 2v2 type unit as it is more of an expensive support unit it's hard to have enough minerals to spare for such a unit in a 1v1.
• Competitive play is a huge aspect of Starcraft and always has been. Thus replays and the ability to observe are very important. Replays will indeed have some sort of rewind feature, whether it be where you can click at any point you want to rewind to, or whether there will be rewind points (ie - rewind to 25%, 50%, or 75% through the video). He has also confirmed that you can currently see what the player is clicking on (not full mouse movements) as well as a lot of stats about the number of specific units each player has (ie - Player 1 has 12 marines, Player 2 has 5 Zealots - it's an even match so far as far as units goes) to the APM of that player. The development team has a lot of ideas for replays that they would like to do such as embedded commentary. Whether all these ideas will make the cut we'll just have to wait and see.
• The approach with the Single player is not and will not be used to prepare a player for play on Battle.net. Dustin mentioned that a developer had put together a map where you would use certain units in certain scenarios to train your micro abilities. Similar to how in Starcraft there were maps where you would have 10 Marines and would be required to use those marines to kill a lurker, but the only way to do it was to use one marine as a target with Stim Pack and run him back and forth so the Lurker couldn't actually kill him. In the mean time, the other Marines would kill the Lurker without being touched. Whether maps like this will come packaged with Starcraft II us undetermined at this point.

Auf www.starcraft2.com wirds wahrscheinlich bald Screenshot updates geben und in den nächsten Tagen/wochen mehr Infos über den aktuellen Build, die Beta und das Battle.net geben.


2 Gameplayvideos:
http://www.gamestar.de/index.cfm?pid=453&pk=11314 (TvZ)
http://www.gamestar.de/index.cfm?pid=453&pk=11315 (TvP)

• Baneling Nest => von T1 auf T2
• Roach Den => von T1 auf T2
• Infestor Pit ist jetzt Tier2 und statt Nyduswarren jetzt das benötigte Gebäude zum Tier3 Tech
• Das Overlord Speedupgrade feiert ein Comeback im Lair
• Gas: Die Mechanik wurde wie erwartet ein bisschen verändert. Man startet mit geringfügig mehr Gas (wenn ich es richtig sah, waren es in den Mains 2200 und an den Naturals 2500 pro Geysir, wovon es nach wie vor 2 gibt). Jetzt der bedeutendste Change: Das Auffüllen der Geysiere läuft jetzt automatisch. Sobald sie leer sind, kommt eine kleine Notiz am Bildschirmrand, dass ein Geysir leer ist und sich gerade "regeneriert". Als "ProGamer" der volles Economy Potential ausnutzen will, muss man jetzt seine 3 Arbeiter, die vor den Geysiren Brotzeit machen, auf die Minerals schicken und nach vollzogenem Geysir Refill wieder zurückziehen. Bei mehreren Geysiren durchaus eine anstrengende Macroarbeit. Das zusätzliche Kaufen von 400 Gas für 100 Minerals, gesehen auf der WWI, entfällt nun aber völlig

""Die Zerg-Königin ist keine einzigartige Einheit mehr. Ihre Rolle ist nun auch nicht mehr die Defensive allein, sondern sie hat eher Unterstützerfunktion. Typische Fähigkeiten für eine Einzeleinheit wie den „Deep Tunnel”, der den Wechsel von einer Basis in die andere ermöglichte, gibt es nun nicht mehr. Klar, denn jede Basis kann nun selber eine Königin bauen."

mehr auf www.broodwar.de

Zwei der Singleplayer cutscenes:

Die Zwei Gameplayvideos in HD:
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41336.html (TvP)
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/41335.html (TvZ)

Noch ein par bilder ausm SP:

"The Terran campaign 26-30 missions"

Rob confirmed that Blizzard had three options:
1. Make the game more linear
2. Make everything more EPIC except release separate products
3. Try and balance the two

Warcraft3 mit TFT hat 46 Missionen, Starcraft hat 30.

Terran SP Video1

Terran SP Video2

Kerrigan's Dream - animated mockup

Zeratul's Cinematic with Kerrigan Cameo

Einheitenportraits broodwar.de




Mehr auf broodwar.de

Ein Interview der Gamestar

Ihr habt angekündigt, dass ihr die Kampagne von Starcraft 2 in drei Episoden unterteilen wollt. Aber wir lange werden wir zwischen den einzelnen Kapiteln warten müssen?
Das können wir erst abschätzen, wenn die erste Episode fertig ist. Denn die Entwicklungszeit hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab. Zum Beispiel, wie viel Aufwand die aktuelle Episode erfordert. Um ehrlich zu sein, bislang ziemlich viel. Andererseits werden wir aus der ersten Kampagne viel für die zweite lernen. Wir werden Erfahrung sammeln und können auf vorgefertigte Tools zurückgreifen -- das wird die Entwicklungszeit verkürzen. Trotzdem lässt sich die exakte Zeitspanne nur schwer abschätzen. Aber wir wollen natürlich so schnell wie möglich arbeiten.

Werdet ihr die Episoden als Vollpreis-Spiele veröffentlichen? Oder rangieren sie eher in der Preisspanne von Addons?
Momentan betrachten wir die erste Episode als Vollpreis-Spiel, schließlich enthält sie auch den voll spielbaren Mehrspieler-Modus. Die beiden anderen Kapitel sehen wir derzeit als normale Erweiterungen, deren exakter Preis aber noch nicht feststeht. Denn dabei orientieren wir uns daran, wie umfangreich die Episoden schließlich ausfallen. Wenn sie einem Addon entsprechen, dann kosten sie auch nur so viel wie ein Addon. Wir machen den Preis also von der Qualität und vom Umfang des Spiels abhängig, alles andere wäre unsinnig. Im Augenblick gehe ich davon aus, dass jede Episode so viele Neuerungen bringen wird wie ein Addon -- und deshalb auch so viel kostet.

Ihr habt bereits angedeutet, dass jede Kampagne grundlegend anders spielen wird. Kannst du etwas mehr ins Detail gehen?
Klar, die Mechanik der terranischen Kampagne kennt ihr ja bereits. Jim Raynor braucht im Wesentlichen Geld. Er ist ein Söldnerführer, ein Freiheitskämpfer; sein Leben ist hart. Er muss manchmal auch schmutzige Aufträge erledigen, um an Geld zu kommen. Damit kauft er sich dann Technologien auf dem Schwarzmarkt, von Piraten und zwielichtigen Waffenhändlern. Schließlich hat er keine Forscher, die für ihn schöne, neue Waffen erfinden. Er muss sich alles erarbeiten. Zum Beispiel kauft er veraltetet Wraith-Raumjäger und Goliath-Mechs. [Einheiten aus dem ersten Starcraft, die in der Kampagne wieder auftauchen, aber nicht im Multiplayer-Modus. Anm. d. Red.] Raynor tut eben alles, um seinen verzweifelten Kampf zu gewinne.

mehr http://www.gamestar.de/interviews/1949949/starcraft_2.html

Aus der GameStar, ein Interview mit Sigaty
Ich habe gestern einen Artikel über Eure Ankündigung der Starcraft 2 Trilogie geschrieben. Das Feedback unserer Leser war geteilt - einige freuen sich sehr darüber, dass Blizzard so viel Mühe in die Kampagne(n) steckt. Andere sprechen aber von Abzocke und Geldmacherei. Geht es euch denn nicht auch darum, mit der Marke Starcraft 2 möglichst viel Kohle zu machen?
"Das ist absolut nicht wahr, das kann ich Dir versichern! Es war bis jetzt ein sehr aufwändiges Projekt, und unser richtig cooler „Vehikel-Story-Modus“, so wie wir ihn intern nennen, soll sich wirklich auszahlen, er ist ein völlig neuer Weg für uns, eine Geschichte zu erzählen. Und als es dann darum ging, irgendeine Art von Releasedatum festzuzurren und das Spiel rauszubringen, wurde uns klar: Uns zurückzunehmen und das Spiel zu beschneiden, das wird für unseren Story-Modus einfach nicht funktionieren. Wenn Du acht Missionen für Terraner, acht für Zerg und acht für Protoss machst, geh die Entscheidungsfreiheit [beispielsweise Missionen in der Kampagne selbst auszuwählen, Anm. d. Red] komplett über Bord. Ebenso die Menge an Dialogen, die Tiefe der Charaktere, ihre Motivation, all das ginge ebenfalls verloren. Das Gleiche mit den Cutscenes, die ja speziell für diese Charaktere erschaffen werden, die müssten wir ebenfalls streichen.

Ist Starcraft 2 nun also offiziell ein Episodenspiel? Muss ich alle drei Spiele gespielt haben, um die komplette Story zu kapieren?
"Wir müssen uns da selbst noch auf ein paar Dinge einigen, aber im Moment ist’s so geplant, dass Du direkt mit einem der drei Spiele loslegen kannst, also ohne einen der anderen Teile davor gespielt zu haben. Aber natürlich ist es eine große, zusammenhängende Geschichte. Wir erzählen sie nur so, dass jedes Spiel ein Anfang, Mitte und Ende hat, jedes ist stand-alone. Zu Beginn des zweiten Spiels, der Kerrigan-Kampagne, geben wir dem Spieler beispielsweise genügend Informationen, damit er nicht völlig im Dunkeln ist, was in der Terraner-Kampagne zuvor passierte."

Wieviel Inhalt steckt dann wirklich in so einem Teil der Trilogie? Also gemessen an Missionen, Cutscenes, Spielzeit, und so weiter?
"Jede Kampagne umfasst etwa 26 bis 30 Missionen. Je nach Spielweise sieht man dann so viel oder wenig von der Story, wie man möchte. Wer mag, kann beispielsweise einer Nebenhandlung um einen bestimmten Charakter folgen und so mehr über ihn erfahren. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die meisten Spieler das alles sehen und erleben möchten, doch vielleicht gibt’s auch einige, die das nicht wollen. Das ist dann auch okay für uns, wir erlauben das, auch wenn wir natürlich wollen, dass der Spieler alles sehen will. Und deshalb stecken wir auch so viel Mühe in unsere Cutscenes, unsere Dialoge, unsere Charaktere. Zwischen den Missionen hat der Spieler beispielsweise die Möglichkeit, Nachrichtensendungen zu sehen, in denen er miterlebt, wie sich seine Entscheidungen in der Kampagne auswirken. Und dieses System wird sich ändern in Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm, die Zerg-Kampagne rund um Kerrigan. Darin wird man nämlich erleben, wie sie an Macht gewinnen wird."

Mehr hier http://www.pcgames.de/aid,663177/Ne..._ueber_Umfang_Preis_und_Releasetermin/&page=4

(PvZ) Part1 Part2
Lost Temple redone
(PvZ) Part1 Part2

Die ersten Betakeys gingen auf der Blizzcon raus, dieses Jahr startet sie aber nicht mehr.

Ich hab kein Problem damit das aktuell zu halten, ich schreib es sowieso, wenn sich keiner dafür interessiert lass ich es sein.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich denke auch, dass die geschichte mit der Trilogie eine riesen Sauerei ist, Stichwort "Franchise Milking". EA hats vorgemacht, Blizzard macht es nach. Halbfertige Produkte auf den Markt bringen und dann durch sogenannte Add-Ons zu einer Vollversion aufwerten.

Es wird wirklich Zeit sich nach anderen Spieleschmieden unzusehen, wo eine Vollversion noch eine solche ist und ein Addon seinen Namen noch verdient hat. Werden nur leider immer weniger.

hab vorhin gesehn dass der erscheinungstermin in richtung 2009 geht weiss da jemand was genaueres? am ende kommt d3 noch vor sc2 raus :fresse:
hab vorhin gesehn dass der erscheinungstermin in richtung 2009 geht weiss da jemand was genaueres? am ende kommt d3 noch vor sc2 raus :fresse:

Es gab mal ein Interview, wo einer von Blizzard gesagt hat, dass dadurch, das deutlich mehr Leute an der Fertigstellung von D3 arbeiten, es durchaus im Bereich des möglichen liegt, das es noch vor SC2 raus kommt.
Es gab mal ein Interview, wo einer von Blizzard gesagt hat, dass dadurch, das deutlich mehr Leute an der Fertigstellung von D3 arbeiten, es durchaus im Bereich des möglichen liegt, das es noch vor SC2 raus kommt.

Dass das nicht stimmt, könnte man sich aber wohl denken. :fresse:
weis man hier schon neues? warte auf starcraft2 und auf battlefield 3 bis dato nichts passiert :(
Denke mal nicht, sonst würde es hier schon stehen.
naja ich glaube blizzards zeit wird sich auch bald dem ende neigen, wenn sie nichtmal etwas neues innovatives machen!
in den letzten 10jahren 3 spiele universen...kenne ansonsten auch nur Blackthrone auf dem SNES...
Blizzards Zeit neigt sich dem Ende?!
Klar über 10.000.000 WoW Spieler , 2 Spiele im Anschlag , die sich wie Sau verkaufen werden und noch ein geheimes neues Projekt...

Klar , die sind sicher bald weg vom Fenster ;)
Blizzard macht sich eher selbst konkurenz, ich denke sehr viele wo WoW zocken, sind sicher auch irgendwie blizzard Fan oder Diablo / Warcraft.
Ich meine das sind nur 2 Universen, aber die prägen das Pc Gaming, wie nur wenige.

Ich bin ja mal gespannt, wieviele WoW noch zocken werden, wenn D3 und sc2 ca nen halbes Jahr auf dem markt sind.
naja ich glaube blizzards zeit wird sich auch bald dem ende neigen, wenn sie nichtmal etwas neues innovatives machen!
in den letzten 10jahren 3 spiele universen...kenne ansonsten auch nur Blackthrone auf dem SNES...

Da hat aber jemand sehr wenig Ahnung. Allein durch WoW hat Blizzard für die nächsten Jahre " ausgesorgt " und SC2 und Diablo3 sind so ziemlich die am sehnsüchtigsten erwartetsten Games und werden sich sicherlich enorm verkaufen.
Ausserdem arbeiten sie an einem Projekt, was nichts mit Starcraft, Warcraft oder Diablo zu tun hat. Allerdings schweigt Blizzard um was es sich handelt.
naja ich glaube blizzards zeit wird sich auch bald dem ende neigen, wenn sie nichtmal etwas neues innovatives machen!
in den letzten 10jahren 3 spiele universen...kenne ansonsten auch nur Blackthrone auf dem SNES...

habe z.B. Rock`nRoll Racing gespielt, oder Lost Vikings ... ohne zu wissen, dass es sich dabei um Blizzard Games gehandelt hat.

Auf jeden Fall sind alle Games, die ich bisher von Blizzard kenne, genial gewesen. Und das kann sonst keine Schmiede von sich behaupten.
Naja denke die Leute , die SC 2 oder Diablo 3 spielen , werden trodzdem WoW noch zocken und nicht wegen diesen zwei Titeln aufhören.
Hier sollte auch mal jemand den Thread übernehmen und im ersten Post mal die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten zusammenfassen, total unübersichtlich hier.
Glaub auch nicht das jeder der den Thread noch nicht kennt sich jetzt alle 9 Seiten durchlesen will.

Na so viel sind 9 Seiten nun wirklich nicht!
denke auch dass sich mal jemand dieses threads annehmen sollte, es fehlt ja sogar die Info über das Battle Report Video.
habe z.B. Rock`nRoll Racing gespielt, oder Lost Vikings ... ohne zu wissen, dass es sich dabei um Blizzard Games gehandelt hat.

Auf jeden Fall sind alle Games, die ich bisher von Blizzard kenne, genial gewesen. Und das kann sonst keine Schmiede von sich behaupten.

Eben.Jedes Blizzard-Spiel war so Balanced,wie es ging,durchdacht,fertig als es auf den Markt kam.Und hat Spaß gemacht.
Ist doch völlig OK.Und so mieß hört sich das mit der Trilogie nicht an - wenn die nur SP relevant ist...und die Teile nicht jew. 50 Euro kosten,kann ich damit gut leben.
Alles Material bisher sah verdammt gut aus.Hoffentlich kommts wirklich 09.
entweder kommt d3 oder sc2 nächstes jahr ... beide denke ich nicht :d
Würde mich aber auch eher auf sc2 freuen.
Starcraft wird zuerst kommen, da es schon viel länger entwickelt wird.
Es wurde ja auch viel früher bestätigt bzw. angekündigt.
derzeit ist der märz als veröffentlichung angegeben, obwohl es jetzt im dezember schon erscheinen sollte
Durch das Epsioden System kommt es ziemlich sicher im Frühling bzw. Frühsommer 09.

Auch gut so ;)
ja es ist mir viel wichtiger, dass das gameplay spannend ist und net soviele bugs in der 1.0 vorhanden sind, dass man gleich normal losstarten kann
Glaube kaum, das blizz den Fehler macht, was EA macht ... halbfertige spiele auf den markt werfen, und schauen was passiert.
Welche Rasse wird den in der ersten Episode noch gleich gespielt ?
In der Kampagne kurzes Protoss Tutorial und dann Terraner.
Im Multiplayer alle.
Im Zusammenhang mit der Veröffentlichung von Geschäftszahlen hat das Management von Activision-Blizzard Details zur Geschäftsstrategie für 2009 bekanntgegeben. Für Fans besonders interessant: Bereits in den "kommenden Monaten" soll eine Betaversion von Blizzards Starcraft 2 online gehen.

Quelle: www.golem.de Link zum Artikel

sehr schön !!! :love:
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