Radical_53 schrieb:
@nasroo: Kannst das irgendwie genauer beschreiben? Würd mich mal interessieren!
@nixda: Läuft bei mir wunderbar das 64-Bit
Die Ordner sind und bleiben englisch, MS wollte es so.
@general: Ganz genau. Wenn du sie einfach reinsteckst läuft sie auf PCIe 2x, da verlierst dann die 5%. Ansonsten wie gesagt SLI-Mod und auf SLI stellen (Jumper-Block).
@Radical .. hier hast du was zum Lesen
This sounds simple but have you guys tried clearing the dmi pool :\.
Some cards are stupid and don't re-configuer themselves correctly.
That is, you bootup with a card in say slot 1, then take it out and put it in slot 2.
It'll still be setup like it was for slot 1.
Maybe a better example, some cards are built were they take up certain resources when there in a certain slot, now when they're in another slot the're meant to take up diff resources then the other slot.
Now sometimes a card will behave like it's in another slot, say slot 1, while it's actually in slot 3 or something.
To get rid of that kind of prob, to make it reset, for pci cards (we don't use isa cards anymore lol, otherwise this would be easy, still is though :P), you need to clear the dmi pool.
It's an option that's in about every bios I've seen, I can't use modbin on the new nforce4 dfi bios though I'm afraid so I can't just look it up.
Anyways it should be under somthing like:
PnP/PCI Configuerations
In this section of the bios it should have an option called:
Reset Configuration Data
It should have 2 settings:
Now disabled is normal use, enabled will reset the dmi pool.
Some bios roms will automativly put this setting back to disabled after the dmi pool is rebuilt, ie reboot.
Other bios roms won't though, like my board, the nf2 lanparty ultra b.
For roms like these after a good reboot, go back into the bios and change it back to disabled.
I dn what you did to bring out a prob like this, but it really sounds like it's the prob.
I hope it helps .