xtra9 schrieb:Link geben!
Auf der Page vom Modder (http://timeslip.chorrol.com/) verweist der Downloadlink nur zur der v1.1 Version (18th April 2006)!
PLZ Link! Thx
19th of April 06
Right. My HDR shader really is finished this time, I hope. There were two rather stupid mistakes in 1.0. Considering how many people were playing around with the shader, I'm surprised no-one noticed the first mistake.* The second mistake** was hidden in the dll, and didn't make an awful lot of visual difference, so I'm not so surprised about it. Also, the new version of ATT seems to work perfectly together with this mod. Many thanks to the ATT team, (and daf,) for clearing that up. My HDR mod still includes the patch for anyone who's using older versions of ATT, but anyone using the latest version should no longer need it.
Dabei handelt es sich um (wichtige?) Bugfixes für Ati Tray Tool-User und auch alle, die den Effekt verfeinert sehen wollen bzw. noch weniger Performance-Einbußen haben wollen.
Warum das Datum nicht geändert wurde, kann ich nicht sagen, ich weiss nur, dass das Package um einige Kilobyte größer geworden ist.